LACTUCA VIROSA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy LACTUCA VIROSA…



Poisonous Lettuce. See “Journal fur Arzneimittellehre.”


Vegetable acids and Coffee.

N.B. The symptoms marked (s) have been obtained from the Lactucarium Prepared out of the Lactuca-sativa (the common garden Lettuce).


Drawing in the limbs and back. Painful buzzing sensation in the limbs. Cramp-pains. Bruised feeling in all limbs. Unsteady gait (s). Dangerous convulsions in a female (s). Great weariness. Hysteric, nervous, spasmodic affections. Affections with predominance of heat.


Lactuca-virosa seems to affect principally the respiratory organs.


Inflammation and eruption. Edematous swelling of the whole body, with asthmatic complaints, dullness of the head, difficulty of lying on the back, chills, deficiency of breath, short cough, and small low pulse.


Yawning and stretching. Great drowsiness in the day-time. Sopor, also with loathing. Lethargic, at night. Restless, unrefreshing night sleep. Is unable to lie on his back, owing to difficulty of breathing, with tension in the pit of the stomach. Symptoms at night in bed: great tightness of the chest. Difficulty of breathing, with griping, oppressive pain in the head and region of heart. Headache, spasmodic cough, and febrile heat.


Frequent coldness over the back and head, also with heat in the face. Fever with violent headache, pain of the scalp when touched, lacerating in the joints, great heaviness in the head dry and troublesome heat of the head and upper part of the body, with icy-coldness of the feet, burning and running of the eyes, paroxysms of dry suffocative and spasmodic cough, racking the chest and head, and spasmodic painful contraction of the abdominal muscles and the hypochondriac region. Slow and tight pulse.


sad mood and out of humor. Anguish and internal uneasiness.


Unable to perform any intellectual labor. Dullness of the head as from fullness. Cloudiness and giddiness of the head. Vertigo.


Pain in the region of the vertex. Dull pain in the whole head. Aching pain in the forehead, also with sensation as if the brain were loose. Pressing in the foreheads. Painful compression in the occiput. Trembling and pulsating in the head during rest.


Griping pain above the eye-brows. Burning of the eyes. Redness of the conjunctiva, with increased secretion of mucus. Dim-sightedness, with burning in the eyes. Slight as through mist p73 or gauze, disappearing on looking steadily at a thing.


Drawing in the ears. Humming in the ears. Burning in the ears, in the evening in bed.


Frequent sneezing, with aggravation of the pains in the chest, or with painfulness of the chest.


Deranged. pale face. Heat of the face, with trembling of the lips and sensation as if they were swollen. Swelling of the lymphatic glands.


Tensive feeling in the back part of the mouth and palate, with constant spitting. Increased flow of saliva, sometimes acrid. Dry mouth, without thirst. White-coated tongue.


Slight burning in the throat. Difficulty of swallowing, with sensation of rawness and burning about the uvula.


Bitter taste in the throat as of bile. Loss of appetite.


Empty eructations. Acrid, or sour eructations. Loathing. Vomiting and nausea.


Pain in the stomach, with retraction of the pit of the stomach. Tightness in the pit of the stomach, with anguish in the praecordial region. Qualmish feeling in the stomach. Feeling of coldness in the stomach.


Bruised feeling in the region of the liver. Swelling of the liver.


Qualmish feeling in the abdomen. Pinching in the abdomen, with urging to stool.

33 Cutting in the whole abdomen, with painful rumbling and subsequent slimy evacuation from the bowels. Diseases of the portal system. Ascites, with excessive swelling of the abdomen, feet an face, Ascites, with induration of the liver, and asthma.


Constipation. Stool preceded by pressing and pinching. Stool preceded by urging and pressing hard, with Contusive pain in the anus. Hard, knotty stool. with burning at the anus, after a constipation of two days. Diarrhoea. General languor, weariness p73 with drowsiness, yawning, and ptyalism during stool. Haemorrhoidal tumors around the anus, with tenesmus of the rectum, and discharge of thin stool after every hard evacuation.


Urging to urinate, with frequent drawing in the glans. Brown, hot urine, burning in the urethra. Dragging pressing in the region of the bladder. Gonorrhoea.


Roughness in the throat. constant feeling of fullness in the trachea. Cough from tickling in the throat, with feeling of burning dryness in the throat. Dry cough. Spasmodic, hollow, and dry cough, or racking cough. Increased pain in the chest when coughing or hacking. Whooping cough. Dry and suffocative cough.


Shortness of breath. Constant desire for air. Asthma, dyspnoea, with oppression of the chest. Oppression of the heart in the afternoon. Great oppression of the chest at night. Feeling of fullness in the chest, with anxiety. Heaviness on the chest, with tightness of breathing. Spasmodic asthma, also with organic defects of the heart. Suffocative paroxysms in dropsy of the chest. Hydrothorax, with general swelling, anxiety. Aching pain in the middle of the chest. Pleuritic stitches. Rush of blood in the chest with pressing. Qualmish feeling in the chest, from afternoon till evening. Feeling of coldness in the chest.


Cramp-pain, moving through the back in various directions. Bruised feeling in the lumbar region. Drawing and tension.


Pains in the shoulders. Drawing in the arms. Drawing and feeling of weakness in the upper arm. Painful twitching in the hands. Trembling of the hands.


Great weariness. Trembling and languor of the limbs. Bruised feeling in the thighs. Sensations in the legs as if the circulation had stopped. Cold feet.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.