GUMMI GUTTI symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy GUMMI GUTTI…


GUTT. Gamboge. The following symptoms are taken from a unprinted monograph of the surgeon, Dr. Cajetan Nenning.


Itching and formication in various parts. Burning. Stinging. Pricking. Burning stinging. Lacerating, particularly in the bones and tendons. Lancinating in the side of the neck. Drawing. Tension in the groins. Compressive pains in the head. Constrictive or contractive pains (stomach, umbilicus, foot). Gnawing (stomach, subcostal region, umbilical region, os- coccygis). Pain as from soreness (gums, neck, stomach, chest).

Pain as if bruised (head, small of the back). Beating or throbbing (ear, teeth, stomach). Congestions of the head, chest, uterus. Haemorrhage from the nose, mouth, throat. Spasmodic conditions of the lower limbs.


The symptoms of the right side predominate. The majority of the symptoms come on while sitting, and go off during motion in the open air. The symptoms are particularly apt to occur in the evening or night.


Intolerable itching.


Drowsiness the whole day. Sleep disturbed with anxious dreams.


Chilliness. Internal and external coldness in the evening. Violent chills proceeding from the back, with coldness of the whole body. Increased warmth, with anxiety and sweat. Violent thirst in the evening. The fever is remittent or intermittent, quotidian or tertian.


Cheerful, talkative, Ill-humored, vexed, anxious.


Vertigo. Heaviness in the whole head, with inertia, drowsiness, and pain in the small of the back. Pain in the whole head and beating in the forehead, towards the nose, in the forenoon. Oppressive headache, with heaviness in the forehead (in the afternoon, relieved in the open air), or with heat in the head and whole body. Compressive pain in the head, from both sides, in the forenoon. Headache in the vertex, as if bruised, in the forenoon, relieved in the open air.


Itching of the inner canthi (and in the forehead), with discharge of acrid, corrosive tears. Nightly agglutination, burning in the morning, photophobia through the day, and frequent stinging pain in the eyes. Violent itching of the eyes, in the evening. Violent burning of the eyes, and photophobia, in the evening or afternoon, relieved by walking in the open air.


Violent lacerating deep in the ears. Excessive lancination in both ears. Throbbing pain in the left ear, as from an abscess. Frequent buzzing in the ear.


Lacerating in the nasal bones. Ulceration of the right nostril, with burning pain. Sneezing. Violent chronic sneezing.


Lacerating in the right malar bone, and in the right lower jaw.


Sensation of chilliness and elongation of all the anterior teeth, in the morning. Laceration in the right molars, also in the gums, with sensation as if the gums were sore and swollen.


Dry mouth. Burning of the tip and anterior half of the tongue. Sensation of soreness in the palate, relieved by cold.


Roughness and burning in the throat. Sore pain in the throat, which is felt when touching the outer side of neck. Burning soreness low down in the fauces, between the acts of deglutition. Choking sensation in the throat, ascending from the chest, arresting the breathing. Feeling of swelling in the throat.


Bitter taste in the mouth. Violent hunger. Aversion to food. Nausea, inclination to vomit, ptyalism, roughness of the throat. Pinching in the abdomen, after eating.


Nausea. Gulping up of sour water, and movements in the stomach. Inclination to vomit, followed by painful twitching in the umbilical region, and diarrhoeic stools. Horrid vomiting and purging, with fainting. Empty feeling in the abdomen and stomach. Weakness of the stomach, as after long lasting, with accumulation of water in the mouth. Gnawing in the stomach. Contractive and sore feeling in the stomach, with sensitiveness to the touch. Ulcerative pain of the stomach, going off after eating. Constant pain in the innermost parts of the stomach, as if sore, with sensitiveness of the integuments to the touch. Dartings in the stomach. Pressure in the stomach and chest, arresting the breathing, in paroxysms, going off after an eructation.


Inflation and tension of the abdomen, with pinching in the umbilical region. Extremely painful burning in the region of the liver. Frequent violent pinching in the entire abdomen, without urging, or else succeeded by diarrhoea.


Constipation. Frequent urging, with pinching around the umbilicus. Hard stool, succeeded by turning at the anus. Hard, insufficient stool, with violent urging, pressing, and protrusion of the rectum. Repeated diarrhoeic stools, with discharge of green mucus, preceded by pinching in the bowels. Diarrhoea, with burning pain and tenesmus of the rectum, protrusion of the anus, and constant pinching around the umbilicus, sometimes attended with discharge of mucus. Diarrhoea, preceded by cutting in the bowels, and succeeded by burning at the anus. Profuse watery diarrhoea, with colic and tenesmus.


Scanty or difficult emission of urine.


The menses appear too soon, and are too profuse. Leucorrhoea.


Scraping in the region of the larynx, inducing a dry cough. Frequent dry and hacking cough in the day time. Nightly cough, with soreness of the chest.


Oppression and heaviness in the chest, with stitches in the back. Weight on the chest, at night, occasioning sleeplessness. Pain in the chest, as if every part of it were sore. Pressure in the middle of the chest.


Lacerating in the nape of the neck, and in the right shoulder. Pain as if bruised in the small of the back, as if sprained.


Violent burning stitch. Lacerating in the shoulders and in different parts of the body.


Lacerating, cramp-like, or ulcerative pains in the legs and feet. Heaviness and languor of the feet.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.