KALI NITRICUM symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy KALI NITRICUM …


KAL.NITR. Nitrum, Saltpetre, Nitrate of Potash. See “Hahnemann’s Chronic Diseases,” V.


Am., Calcarea, Cocc., Kali, Natr, mur., Nitr. ac., Nitr spir.


Nitr. spir. Camph. increases the pains.


Painless jerking in the whole body. Formication in the hands and feet, afterwards in the tongue. Convulsions. sudden swelling of the body, neck, and thing. Fainting fits, with vertigo, in the morning when standing, relieved when sitting down, afterwards obscuration of sight, with great weakness and drowsiness, pain in the small of the back, and constriction in the abdomen, for a quarter of an hour; when the fits cease, the pain goes down the lower limbs into the ankles, where it remains seated the whole day. Paralysis of the spinal marrow, with tetanus. Paralysis of the extremities. Paralysis of the organs of sense. Chronic cachexia. Fatal inflammation and gangrene. Great weariness, as after great exertion, with heaviness in the head. Weakness off the whole body. She felt at once so faint, worn out and drowsy that she had to lie down, without being able to open her eyes.


The majority of the symptoms occur in the afternoon and evening. The symptoms which occur during the day generally disappear in the evening after lying down. She feels relieved when lying down. The pain grow worse when in bed. She feels less weak when walking then when sitting. the symptoms, especially the headache, are immediately relieved by smelling of spiritus Nitri dulcis. The symptoms grow worse by smelling of Camphor.


Itching, here and there. Burning vesicles, full of a this yellowish fluid. Small pustules in the face and other parts of the skin.


Yawning. Drowsiness in the daytime, also when walking. Restless nights. Comatose sleep generally, with ravings. Sleep full of fancies. Nightmare. Oppression of the chest from coughing. in the night. Anxious, wild dreams.


Violent chilliness, with trembling of the whole body. chilliness in the evening, with a cold thrill over the back, going off when lying down. Shuddering, in the evening, followed by flushes of heat and sweat. Slight over the whole body. Excessive sweat. Exhausting sweats. The pulse is full, hard, and quick, with an inflammatory condition, especially of the abdominal organs. The pulse is quick and small, the hands being warm.


Ennui, weeping mood, melancholy appearance Uneasy, out of humor, sensitive, timid.


Drowsy, dullness of the head Stupefaction and heaviness of the head, in the morning. Vertigo. Staggering gait, without vertigo.


continual heaviness and pain over the whole head. dullness and throbbing in the forehead. The vertex feel bruised and sensitive. Headache on Waking, with fullness in the abdomen, diarrhoea, and chilliness. Violent aching pain deep in the head, behind the eye. Pressure on the top of the head and in the occiput, as from a stone. Contractive pain in the forehead and eyes. Drawing and laceration in the head, extending to the neck and shoulders. Feeling of looseness and stitches in the brain. Rush of blood to the head. Great sensitiveness of the scalp, it is painful to the touch. Great falling off of the hair. Small scurfy places on the hairy scalp, with itching.


painful pressure in the eyes, as if or dust had got in. Burning smarting. Violent burning of the eyes, with redness of the canthi. Continual lacerating in the inner canthi. Transitory blindness.


Tensive pain in the ears. Tingling in the ears. continual deafness.


Sore pain of the nostril. Bleeding of the nose. Griping and burning around the wings of the nose. violent coryza, with obstruction of the nose, loss of smell, and husky voice.


Tensive pain in the cheeks, with redness, increased throbbing in the head, apparently in the middle of the brain. Lacerating in the facial bones. Frequent violent itching of the face.


Toothache, drawing and sticking. Lacerating toothache, with lacerating in the head from morning till noon. Boring toothache, with pressure in the head, and alternate heat and coldness. ulcerative pain. darting pain in the teeth.


Small burning pimples on the tip of the tongue. Aphony. Coldness from the mouth to the stomach, with nausea and inclination to vomit. Swelling of the salivary and submaxillary glands, with hardness and pain and increased secretion of saliva.


Sore throat, day and night. Aching pain in the throat, as when inflammation commences. Stinging in the throat and farces during deglutition. Titillation in the throat. Roughness and scraping sensation in the throat.


Want of appetite, with increased hunger. Canine hunger. Thirst, without much appetite.


Frequent eructation and nausea. Heartburn. nausea, with inclination to vomit. Trembling if the whole body, headache, as if bruised, choking sensation in the throat, burning eyes, faintness, lacerating and sticking in the vertex and occiput, cutting in the intestines, and finally, discharge of soft faeces, followed by mucus. Bloody vomiting.


Violent pain in the stomach and whole body. Pressure in the stomach and colic. Spasm of the stomach. slight pressure and burning in the region of the stomach. Sharp sticking pain the stomach and whole body. coldness and pain in the stomach. Burning in the stomach. Inflammation of the stomach. Aching pain in the pit if the stomach. Pressure and gnawing in the pit of the stomach, painful to the touch.


Violent colic. dull painful feeling in the region of the kidneys. dull burning pressure. Violent aching pains in the lumbar region. Feeling of fullness in the abdomen, without pain. Violent contractive pain in the left groin when walking, arresting the breathing. Drawing pain in the lesser intestines, towards evening. Pinching in the abdomen. Occasional cutting in the umbilical region. Painful choking sensation around the umbilicus, with nausea. Pressing toward the umbilical ring. Violent rumbling in the abdomen.


Unsuccessful desire for stool. Frequent pressing on the rectum, with stool in the evening. Tenesmus of the rectum, with the usual stool. Sluggish stool. Hard stool, like sheeps dung. Hard stool, with burning and protrusion of the rectum. soft, or diarrhoeic stool, with rumbling. Diarrhoeic stools, without colic. Diarrhoea, with violent colic. Bloody stool. Enlargement and stinging pain of the varices.


Diminished secretion of urine. Increased urine, with mucous sediment. Painful stitches in the region of the prostatic gland, when urinating. Burning in the urethra, during micturition.


Increased sexual desire. Suppression of the menses. Weakness and pain in the lower limbs during the menses thin white Leucorrhoea, with pain in the small of the back as if bruised.


Painful tightness in the larynx, during respiration. Cough, day and night, with soreness in the chest. Cough in the open air and when going up-stairs. dry cough, with roughness of the throat and weight on the chest. dry, short, and hacking cough the whole day, with audible palpitation of the heart. Violent burning in the chest, up the throat. Bloody expectoration, when coughing but little. Haemoptysis at full moon. Expectoration of coagulated blood, after hawking up mucus.


Oppressed breathing when going up-stairs, stocking in the chest and cough, with expectoration of light blood. Spasmodic attraction of the chest, with dread of suffocation and anguish. Asthma, in the region of the throat-pit. Aching pain in the chest, of short duration. Tensive pain across the chest. Stitches in the chest during a deep inspiration. violent stitch in the region of the heat. Burning a stinging in the chest. Congestion of blood to the chest. Momentary palpitation of the chart, at intervals. Violent palpitation of the heart, when lying on the back, in the night, or when lying on the right side. Palpitation of the heart when rising or moving about quickly, with heat of the face and oppression of the chest.


Pain in the small of the back. Crampy pressure in the small of the back the whole day. Pressure and burning in the back, relieved by motion. Violent cutting between the shoulders, shortening the breathing. Stiffness in the nape of the neck. painful throbbing in on of the cervical vertebrae.


Lacerating in both shoulders. pain in the shoulder as if bruised, in the morning. Drawing pain in the arms. Drawing lacerating in the arm. Paralysis of the arm. Drawing crampy pain in the upper arm. lacerating in the wrist-joint. Sense as of breaking and lacerating in the hand. the hand feels heavy as lead Weakness of the hands and fingers. Pain in the fingers, as if sprained Occasional stiffness of the fingers.


Lacerating in the hip-joint. Frequent stinging and burning in the hip. Dull aching pain in the bones of the lower limb. Intense contusive pain in the thigh. Weakness and painfulness of the lower limbs in the evening. Excessive weakness of the lower limbs, with yawning. Weakness of the lower limbs, with drawing pain from time to time. Weakness of great weariness, and paralytic weakness in the legs. Frequent griping, ulcerative pain in the sole. Burning in the heel and balls of either foot, in the night in bed. Great weakness of the feet, especially when standing or walking.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.