
Rectum and Anus.

Several hemorrhoidal tumors about the anus, with a sensation of twinging in the rectum; after the discharge of a hard stool there always follows a somewhat thinner stool; lasting eight days.

(* From 5 drops taken three days in succession by a man suffering from complete amaurosis for three years, but otherwise healthy.*) Transient drawing in the anus (1st day). Pressing in the anus, after a soft stool. Some prickling in the anus, towards evening (1st day). Desire for stool, which however does not take place (1st day). Stool preceded by urging and griping (after 2 hours and a half).


Diarrhoea. Evacuations of the bowels are rather promoted than retarded. Diarrhoea. Sometimes diarrhoea (from Parisian Lactucarium). (The customary obstruction alvi was lessened). The evacuations of the bowels become smaller (mushy) and take place more frequently than usual; two to three times in 24 hours. It causes easy stools. Easy stool, though no diarrhoea. Two soft stools (1st day). Two pasty evacuations, contrary to habit, during the first 24 hours. It obliges him to go to stool, with a feeling of great weakness; only a little is passed with difficulty (after 2 hours and a half). Stool with a feeling of general weakness and weariness, so that he was unable to sleep; yawning and accumulation of water in the mouth (after half an hour and one hour). Frequent urging to stool, followed by stool with hard pressing, and succeeded by bruised pain in the anus (6th day). Stool hard (after 24 hours). Stool at the usual time, but hard; for several days. Stool hard and dry, only resulting after long pressing (3 to 6 days). Constipation. Sometimes causes constipation (Parisian Lactucarium). Constipation for 2 days followed by a very hard and lumpy stool, with burning in anus (4th day). Stool scanty and dry. Insufficient stool (2nd day). Delayed, hard stool (2nd and 3rd days). Stool more seldom, and harder than usual. Stool, which usually occurs regularly in the morning, occurs 12 hours later, and is harder than usual (2nd day). Stool omitted (1st day). Stool entirely wanting (4th day), and only follows after 48 hours; is hard and passed with pressure.

Urinary Organs

Bladder. The increased amount of urine that has collected presses and drags upon the bladder, during the morning hours (1st to 4th day). Twinging pressing sensation in the region of the bladder (2nd day). Urethra. A constant sensation while sitting still as though a drop were flowing through the urethra (the whole second forenoon). Slight burning in the urethra, especially in the orifice (first and second days). Urging to urinate, with periodic drawing in the glans penis, which shoots through the whole body (after 8 hours). It increases the discharge of urine. Is obliged to urinate more than usual. Very frequent discharge of urine clear as water (1st and 2nd days). Urine. Urine increased and more frequently voided. Urine increased during the first 24 hours. Urine increased in quantity and more frequently voided; she is even obliged to rise at night on account of it, contrary to habit. Increased secretion of urine (1st day). Secretion of urine increased without being obliged to pass urine more frequently than usual (5th and 6th days). Copious secretion of urine. More frequent and profuse discharge of clear urine (after 6 to 20 hours). It increases the diuresis. Increased diuresis, lasting several days (after several hours). Diminished secretion of urine. Urine yellowish, clear, smelling of violets. Urine brown, hot, and causing burning in the urethra (2nd day).

Sexual Organs.

Male. Persistent swelling of the lymphatic vessels of the penis after erections in the morning (2nd day). Painful erections during the morning sleep (1st day). Dull drawing at the root of the penis (2nd and 3rd days). Sharp drawing in the right spermatic cord and down the inner side of the leg (2nd day). Desire for coition seems increased. (It removes lasciviousness and voluptuous dreams). (* From the seeds of Lactuca, in wine. *) Emission (3rd night). Emissions twice during sound sleep, without his knowledge (1st night). Female. It promotes menstruation. Menstruation six days too early. Menstruation occurs 4 days too early, with some cramp like pain in the abdomen.

Respiratory Organs

Larynx and Trachea. Feeling of dryness and scraping in the larynx and upper part of the chest. Feeling of scraping disappears, while the feeling of fulness in the trachea continues. On bending the body backward, the fulness in the trachea is somewhat relieved. Rawness in the larynx (after 1 hour). Rawness in the trachea obliging deep breathing (after 1 hour). Voice. Greatly increased register of the voice (after 12 hours). Hoarseness. Hoarse and raw in the throat in the morning (2nd day). Cough and Expectoration. Some cough, with a dry, burning sensation in the throat (5th day). Periodic cough in short paroxysms, shaking the abdomen (1st and 2nd days). Frequent cough (2nd day). Tickling in the throat provoking frequent cough (2nd day). Tickling in the throat provoking frequent cough, with a feeling of constriction over the whole chest (1st and 2nd days). Incessant spasmodic cough, which threatens to burst the chest; it is always caused by a peculiar tickling in the fauces, which in turn seems to be produced by a sensation of suffocation in the throat (3rd to 8th days), (and lasting still longer at times). It provokes a hacking cough at times (soon). (The cough, which before the proving had been easy and loose, changed to a dry, barking, painful cough), (2nd day). Some dry cough now and then (first 2 days). Dry cough in short paroxysms, with shaking of the chest and occiput (after one hour). Hollow, dry, spasmodic cough in the forenoon (3rd day). (The dry cough which he usually had before the proving, especially on change of temperature, almost entirely disappeared). The cough becomes more violent, the paroxysms longer, and with expectoration of mucus (after two hours). Free expectoration. Much mucus is expectorated by the short cough (1st day). Respiration. Increased frequency of respiration. Respiration 27.2 (before taking), 27.8 (after taking), 27.3 (next morning), (average of all cases). Inclination to take a deep breath. Frequent inclination to take a deep breath. Frequent desire to take a deep breath while sitting with the body bent forward (after one hour). Constant hunger for air (after half an hour), Little sleep, on account of difficult breathing; griping and pressive pain in the chest (second and third nights). Shortness of breath lasting twelve hours. Short and difficult respiration. Tightness of breathing, heaviness upon the chest, lasting 2 days. Oppressed respiration (from 10 to 15 grains of Parisian Lactucarium). Oppressed respiration, with frequent desire to take a deep breath (1st and 2nd days). Dyspnoea and suffocation, somewhat as after inhaling acrid vapor, with dry, hollow hacking, in the evening after lying down (2nd to 4th day). While walking and standing it seems as though the breath could not be expired, in consequence of an almost spasmodic constriction in the umbilical and epigastric regions; is frequently obliged to take a deep breath (after nine hours to two days).


Feeling of heaviness of the chest, in the evening, with a feeling of filling of the air-passages (after 12 hours). Pain in the left chest, aggravated by the short hacking cough; the same sensation in the right half of the chest was also caused by coughing (after 3 hours). Sensation after waking, in the lower anterior portion of the thorax, especially the left side, like that felt in the muscles after physical exertion (2nd day). The whole chest is full, painful, as if beaten, with slight trembling in it (after 1 hour). The feeling of fulness in the chest increases towards evening (1st day). Feeling of anxious fullness in the chest (after 4 hours). Feeling of tightness in the chest, which is felt about the heart, in the afternoon (1st day). Feeling as though the thorax were too tight and constricted (4th day). Wakes from sleep several times at night on account of great tightness in the chest, so that he suddenly rises up anxious, and in the morning is very tired (1st night). A sensation of orgasm in the chest suddenly causes a transient tightness, with subsequent spasmodic pain in the chest externally (1st day). Readily attacked by orgasm and tightness of the chest after moderate exertion. She feared to take a deep breath on account of tightness in the lower portion of the chest; there was then felt a slight shock (after 2 hours and a half). Frequent alternations of tightness in the chest, heaviness on the chest and need of deep breathing; yawning and stretching relieved for the moment. He is sometimes awakened from sleep at night on account of great tightness of the chest, so that he suddenly starts up anxiously (1st night). Constrictive sensation, with a feeling of heaviness low down in the chest, oppression and increased warmth, periodically increasing and decreasing, lasting through the day (after 1 hour). The thorax seems constricted; on deep breathing he is unable to expand it completely (after 10 hours, lasting till 8th day). Feeling as if the region of the short ribs, especially the right side, were spasmodically constricted (after 8 hours, lasting till 4th day). The chest feels compressed, tight, especially when sitting bent over. On deep inspiration, the breath does not completely fill the chest, but without the slightest painfulness in the chest (1st hour). Pinching and pressure in the upper half of the chest, with a sensation of rightness and inclination to yawn and stretch the upper part of the body (after a quarter of an hour). The dull, painful sensation in the chest is increased by deep breathing. Dull, drawing pain in the chest in the morning in bed, increased after rising (after 24 hours). Dragging and orgasm in the chest, compelling rapid respiration (1st day). Periodic twinging in the lower portion of the chest, with a feeling as though the thorax were too tight (5th day). Pressure in the upper part of the chest, and weakness even to sinking down, after walking in the open air (5th day). Violent pressure in the middle of the chest (1st and 2nd days). Cramping, pressive pains in various parts of the chest (first, and also sometimes on the second day). Feeling as of a strange weight in the chest while walking in the open air. Heaviness, like a hundredweight upon the chest; she was obliged to loosen the clothes; everything seemed too tight, and impeded respiration (1st day). Oppression of the chest, with dull pain beneath the sternum (after 11 hours). Feeling of oppression of the chest; she is often obliged to take a deep breath and to rise from her sitting, bent position, and stretch up the upper part of the body in order to relieve it (1st day). Slight oppression of the chest from both sides and beneath the sternum, followed by a feeling of warmth in the rest of the thoracic walls (after half an hour). Great oppression of the chest, with periodic twinging pains in various parts (3rd day). Anxious oppression of the chest, with inclination to take a deep breath and yawn (1st and 2nd days). Transient stitches at times in the left lobe of the lungs, with difficult breathing (4 days). Some transient stitches in the region of the cartilages of the upper false ribs (after 1 hour). Violent, sore pain in the chest on sneezing once, which afterwards changes to a pressure (soon). The whole chest is painful while sneezing. A waving sensation rises several times from the abdomen into the chest (after 1 hour). He cannot endure anything tight about the thorax (after half an hour). Sitting upright relieves the chest. Front. Feeling of fullness in the chest, beneath the sternum and more towards the left side, extending to the clavicle, obliging him to take a deep breath (after one hour and a quarter). Pressure and tension beneath the upper part of the sternum on moving. Slight pressure beneath the sternum, especially if the hand were pressed against it (2nd day). Transient pleuritic stitches to the right of the middle of the sternum (after half an hour). Sides. Dull pain in the left side of the chest, near the middle of the sternum, necessitating deep breathing; soon after, the same sensation in the corresponding place in the right side of the chest, more towards the upper part, which was soon relieved, while it continued longer in the left side (after one hour). Pressure in both sides of the chest, aggravated by inspiration, in the morning (2nd day). Pinching, dull, sticking pain, which becomes seated in the upper part of the left side of the chest, with tightness of the whole chest, which periodically becomes more extensive. Dull stitches in the right side of the chest, which leave a spasmodic jerking sensation (after 2 hours). Dull stitches in the lower portion of the right side of the chest, extending towards the back. Dull stitches from the left side of the chest to the scapula (1st day). Several sharp stitches beneath the short ribs of the left side (soon). Transient burning throbbing pain in a small spot in the right side of the chest (after 10 hours). Mammae. It increases the milk. It promotes and increases the secretion of milk which is inclined to dry up.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.