

Frequent sneezing, which aggravates the chest-troubles (5th day). Catarrh, leaving soreness in the nose, with dryness. A peculiar pressing asunder pain in the tip of the nose, in the afternoon (3rd day). A peculiar indescribable odor before the nose, with a similar taste in the mouth (1st day).


Sickly expression (after several repetitions of 6 to 8 grains of Parisian Lactucarium). Face pale, distorted. Tense crawling sensation in the face (after a quarter of an hour). Swelling of the lymphatic glands in the lips (2nd day). Fine twitching in the lips (after eight hours). Stitches extending sideways in the chin (at the exit of the submaxillary nerve), (after half an hour).


Teeth and Gums. Pain suddenly appearing in the left lower back teeth, as though a diseased tooth were twisted about. Aching of the gum in a cavity while chewing (3rd to 8th days). Tongue. Tongue coated white; (1st and 2nd days). Tongue thickly coated with mucus (from 10 to 15 grains of Parisian Lactucarium). Constriction beneath the tongue (as after ink), (soon). The tip of the tongue pains as if burnt (soon after, and 2nd day). General Mouth. Dryness of the mouth; without thirst (after 4 hours). Tension in the posterior portion of the mouth, and especially of the palate, which constantly obliges spitting of saliva. Saliva. Accumulation of saliva (after a quarter of an hour). Greater secretion of saliva than usual in the mouth. Saliva increased, acid (after 1 hour). Taste. Flat taste (from 10 to 15 grains of Parisian Lactucarium). Bitter taste (after a quarter of an hour). Bread and butter leave a bitter taste in the mouth (after three-quarters of an hour).


Tenacious mucus accumulates in the throat, in the morning (1st days). Slight burning in the throat (soon after taking); towards evening (1st day). An unpleasant feeling in the throat, as if the part had been exposed to too great heat of the stove (after 6 days). Rawness in the throat, after lecturing (after 12 hours). Some rawness and scraping in the throat (after one hour); and in the afternoon (first day). Mucus accumulates in the fauces (after 1 hour). Swallowing is difficult, with a feeling of burning and rawness on the uvula. Swallowing is difficult, not as from an obstruction in the pharynx, or from a constriction, but because the pharyngeal muscles refuse to act (after a quarter of an hour). Sticking drawing pain, extending from the right submaxillary gland to the tongue and ear (after 3 hours).


Appetite. It caused appetite. Increased appetite (5th day); at noon. Appetite and loss of thirst (3rd day). Diminished appetite at noon (2nd day). Loss of appetite (from 10 to 15 grains of Parisian Lactucarium). No appetite. No appetite at noon, eating is repugnant to her (1st day). Appetite for bread and meat fails (3rd day). Thirst. Increased thirst (1st day). Much thirst the whole day, beginning in the morning after rising (5th day). Eructation. Eructations. Frequent eructations (1st day); during the day. Frequent eructations (tasting somewhat of the bitterness of the extract), lasting only a short time. Frequent eructations, at first without relief, afterwards with relief of the tightness of the chest (soon after, and frequently during the day). Slight eructations. Frequent eructations of air (after 1 hour); (1st day). Frequent disagreeable eructations, which cause a transient feeling of coldness along the oesophagus, and leave a long lasting bitter taste (1st day, and soon after taking). Acrid eructations several times during the afternoon. Acid, acrid eructations (after half an hour). Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea; (2 scruples of Lactucarium), soon; (after a quarter of an hour). Nausea and eructations (soon). Nausea and vomiting (from large doses of Lactucarium). Nausea and vomiting, continuing all night (man, after 4 hours). Nausea, with oppression in the pit of the stomach, in the morning (after 8 hours). Some nausea (after 1 hour). Frequent nausea (from 10 to 15 grains of Parisian Lactucarium). Qualmish sensation in the stomach. Qualmish sensation in the abdomen (2nd morning). Feeling of qualmishness in the chest, from afternoon till evening (1st day). Inclination to vomit. Vomiting of ingesta (woman, after 12 hours). Stomach. The pit of the stomach is retracted, and there is a slight pain in the stomach, which is aggravated by pressure (after half an hour). Feeling of warmth in the stomach, soon after taking, accompanied by nausea rising into the throat, and a flat taste at the root of the tongue, which within a quarter of an hour changes to icy coldness of the stomach and throat. Feeling of coldness of the stomach (from Lactucarium). Crawling cold sensation in the pit of the stomach and epigastric region, with frequent eructations (after half and one hour). A not unpleasant feeling similar to coldness in the epigastric region (after half to one hour). Constant sensation like that felt after sitting long bent in an unusual position, in the epigastric region and sternum (after 12 hours to 8 days). Tightness in the pit of the stomach, followed by true precordial anxiety. Pressure in the stomach. Pressure in the stomach (from 10 to 15 grains of Parisian Lactucarium). Pressure in the stomach, without having eaten anything (2nd morning). Pressure and fulness in the pit of the stomach (1st day). Violent pressure in the stomach, with fulness as if it would burst (after one hour and a half); then crawling beneath the right mammae, and a sensation as though a bladder formed, like a distension and pressing outward, of the size of the palm of the hand; followed for some hours by a desire for stool, which does not take place; after an injection of water, two quite solid masses of faeces are evacuated. (* From one grain of alcoholic extract of Lactuca, in water, given to a woman of sixty, who had not recovered from an inflammatory attack in the chest, followed by cough, with pain in the scrobiculus. *) Violent pressure in the region of the cardiac orifice of the stomach (after 1 hour and a half). Pressive pain in the pit of the stomach, with difficult respiration (after fourteen hours). Stitches at the entrance of the stomach (after 1 hour). The stomach was relieved by the emission of offensive flatus (after 1 hour). Standing bent over relieves the stomach (after half an hour).


Hypochondria. The hepatic region is swollen, external pressure causes tensive pain (2nd day). Liver swollen hard, so that it cannot remain under the short ribs, with slight pressive pain (3rd and 4th days). Pinching in the left hypochondrium, for several hours in succession, especially during rest. A dull pressure in the right hypochondrium, in the evening (1st day). A sudden stitch through the right hypochondrium, after eating. Several dull stitches and a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium (1st day). Sharp stitches in the right hypochondrium, extending to the back, which leave behind a dull sensation (after half an hour). Some dull jerks in the hypochondria, especially in the right (1st day). Dull jerks and stitches in the right hypochondrium, seldom in the left (1st day). Burrowing pain in the hepatic region (after 11 hours). Periodic drawing in the hepatic region (after 5 days). Pressive pain in the hepatic region (after two hours). Bruised feeling in the hepatic region, in the morning (4th day). A violent stitch shoots through the region of the spleen several times (5th day). Umbilical. Periodic griping above the umbilicus; worse when the legs are crossed (1st, 2nd, and 3rd days). Sensitiveness of the umbilical region (soon). General Abdomen. Distension of the abdomen (soon). Diminished peristaltic action of the bowels. Some rumbling in the abdomen (soon). Rumbling in the abdomen, chiefly in the umbilical region (after 1 hour). Rumbling in the abdomen during dinner (1st day). Rumbling in the abdomen after dinner, and some dull stitches in the precordial region (1st day). Rumbling in the abdomen soon after eating, also with slight griping (1st day); with eructations affording little relief, and gurgling in the stomach, borborygmi in the abdomen and emission of flatus, affording more relief; pressure in the pit of the stomach changes to anxiety, concentrates itself more under the sternum, and constantly alternates with burning and a feeling of coldness (after half an hour). Flatulence. Flatulence moving about in the abdomen (1st day). Several emissions of flatulence in the evening, which had previously caused griping in the abdomen (3rd day). Emission of much offensive flatulence, which first rumbles about the abdomen (3rd day). Disagreeable feeling of warmth in the abdomen (4th day). Feeling of fullness in the abdomen (after 2 hours). Feeling of fulness in the abdomen, especially in the right side, which impedes respiration; relieved by discharge of flatulence upward and downward (1st day). Feeling of fullness in the abdomen, with periodic rumbling and some emission of flatulence (after half an hour). The abdomen is tense, especially in the hepatic region, the whole evening (1st day). A painful pinching sensation in the abdomen, during and after breakfast (after half an hour). Griping in the abdomen, with urging to stool, but only flatulence passes, in the forenoon (2nd and 3rd days). The griping and cutting in the upper abdomen are worse during and after dinner, and oblige him to bend together (2nd day). Transient griping in the upper abdomen, in the morning in bed (after 8 hours). Dragging downward, heavy sensation in the abdomen, after breakfast (after three-quarters of an hour). Feeling as if a weight were lying upon the abdomen, especially upon the umbilical and epigastric regions; worse while standing (after 9 hours and 2nd day). Violent cutting, with painful rumbling in the whole abdomen, followed by diarrhoea-like, slimy evacuations (after 6 hours). Fine cutting and griping in various places in the abdomen (2nd and 3rd days). Violent colic (man and woman, after 4 hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.