Lactic acid


Sleepless, with vertigo (1st day). Restless all night, could neither lie still nor sleep. Does not sleep well; restless; backache all night (6th day). Did not sleep well; restless; seemed to have had dreams but did not remember them; tired on waking (5th day). Very restless at night (1st day). Very tired on waking, with aching of the limbs, as if she had not slept any (2nd day).


Chilliness. Cold and chilly at noon; transient (3rd and 6th days). Shivering in the muscles, with burning and stinging in the left half of the body (3rd day). Rigor all over, with jerking of the muscles; cold feet; right hand cold, left hand hot; in the evening (2nd day). Feet cold, in the evening (2nd day). Heat. The temperature showed no marked change until four or five days, when it remained steadily at 99 degree, instead of varying as it had done for some time previous (after 3rd day). Temperature 99.2 degree. The temperature, which on the previous evening had been 98.2 degree, had risen to 99.4 degree (6th day). Temperature in morning, 100 degree; in the evening, 101 degree (3rd day). Flashes of heat over the whole body; feverish (3rd day). Fever, with severe headache, from 1 to 4 P. M. (6th day); Slight fever, at 6 P. M. (4th day). Heat of the head excessive (4th hour). Left side excessively hot, trembling in all the muscles, with nausea and vertigo, general sickness all over; he thinks he is proving tobacco, in the evening (2nd day). Sweat. The skin was freely perspiring. Copious acid perspiration. Sweating of hands and feet. Unusual perspiration of the feet, not offensive, so that by 6 P. M. he needed to dry his stockings; this was repeated for several days, beginning at noon.


Aggravation (Morning), Nausea; weakness. (Forenoon), Depression, etc. in cardiac region. (Noon), Coldness. (Afternoon), Fullness in top of head; dilatation of pupils. (Evening), Dilatation of pupils,; rigor, etc.; feet cold. (Motion), Headache at base of brain; pain darting to occiput; especially getting up in morning, nausea; rheumatic pains in bones. (Reading), Pain in eye. (Sitting still), Feeling in stomach. (Tobacco-smoking), Burning eructation; burning, etc. in stomach.


(Bathing), Headache. (Eating), The symptoms; nausea.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.