Lactic acid

Lactic Acid homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


Lactic acid, C3H6O3. Preparation for use, Dilutions.


Exalted conditions of the brain and special senses; memory improved (3rd day). Mind clear; everything seems very distinct (morning of 2nd and 4th days). Almost impossible to write correctly; drops out words and misspells (2nd day). Memory seems affected; cannot remember anything an hour after it has happened; unusual (5th day).


Vertigo. Vertigo at 8 P. M. (2nd day). Vertigo when turning the head suddenly; fullness of the head (2nd day). Vertigo, with heat in the head (3rd day). Vertigo and nausea on rising (3rd day). Vertigo, and sleepless at night (first day). General Head. Rush of blood quickly to the head on rising from a seat at 11 A.M.; everything turned black before the eyes, and she nearly fell down (16th day). Congestion of the head (13th and 14th days). Congestion of the head, painless, with strong pulsation of the vessels of the neck (5 P. M. 3rd day). Sensation as if all the blood was trickling down from the front to the back of head (10th day). Lightness of head (12th day). Head dull all day, very nervous about it (7th day). Head dull and heavy, with occasional pain in the forehead and eyes (2nd day). Great pain in the head, worse on the left side, at 7 P. M. (2nd day). Heavy, dull pain in the head at 8 P. M. (2nd day). Fulness in the head, it feels too heavy, at 8 P. M. (3rd hour). Fulness, as if the top of the head would rise off (4th hour). Fulness of the head all day; on stooping, it seemed as if the blood would spurt from the nose; relieved at 10 P. M. (12th day). Headache at the base of the brain, extending up and over to the vertex; relieved by pressing the head behind the orbits; with flushed face and rheumatic pains in the bones; aggravated by motion (4th day). Head began to ache at 11 A.M. increased till 3 P. M. when it seemed as if it would burst (5th day). Slight headache during the evening; a dull pain on both sides of the forehead, with a sensation of fullness (2nd day). Forehead. Slight pain in the forehead, and head is sore to the touch (4th day). Slight pain in the forehead just over the eyes; the pain increased during the day, and at 8 P. M. it was felt all over the head and eyes; the rush of blood to the head and face caused a distressing fullness (9th day). Sensation of fullness in the forehead, as if the brain were too large, during the day (2nd day). Congestion, as if the blood would burst out of the forehead and eyes; and 11 A.M. while sitting in church, felt as if the blood would spurt from the nose, and as if it were impossible to sit another minute (7th day). Dull pain in the forehead, with desire to close the eyes (2nd day). Dull, heavy pain across the forehead, extends into the left eye, as if behind the pupil (3rd day). Pain in the forehead above the eyes; increased and became very severe at noon; head dull from 12 to 3 P. M. less severe after 1 P. M.; pain in the head grew worse, and seemed to go all through the head and eyes (4th day). Pain in the forehead just over the eyes, dull and heavy, from 12 to 4; it is sharp and severe, and extends into the left eye; ceased at 4 P. M. (first and second days). Sharp pain across forehead, painful to touch, with nausea (8th day). Sharp pain in the forehead just above the eyes; appeared in the evening, after the second dose, and lasted all night. Headache in the forehead on waking, worse at 8 A.M.; continues at intervals all day (sixth day). Headache across the forehead, worse on the left side (6th day). Headache in forehead over the eyes at 10 A.M. (10th day). Slight headache across the forehead and eyes at various times during the day (first day). Dull Headache across forehead and eyes on waking, worse in the left eye (3rd, 4th and 5th days). Temples. Pain extending from the ear to the temples and the top of the head (4th hour). Throbbing in the temples, evening (2nd day). Vertex. Full feeling across the top of the head at 10 A.M. increasing till 11 A.M. as if all the blood in the body were in the head and face; at 12.25 P. M. it was very severe, and extended into the eyes, worse on the left side; ceased at 10 P. M. (2nd day). Top of the head feels as if it would burst at 10 A.M. (5th day). Sharp pain across the top of the head; it is sore to touch; the soreness did not continue long, but the head ached from 1 till 5 P. M. (5th day). Parietals. Pain in the left side of the head, and a lifting, as if the top were rising off (3rd day). Pain extending from the temple to the occiput, on the left side, on rising in the morning, with a feeling of weakness; soreness of the scalp; it smarts and burns (3rd day). Occiput. Woke at 2 A.M. with pain at the base of the occiput and over the eyes; very restless till rising at 6 A.M.; mind clear, everything seemed very distinct (8th hour). Slight pain in the back of the head, extending from the occiput to the top of the head, with roughness and constriction in the throat (6th hour). Dull, weighty pain in the occiput (first hour); on lying down for bed, the pain left the occiput and seated itself in the forehead, so severe as to keep him awake nearly two hours; on waking in the morning, the same pain in the forehead, with a tendency to close the eyes; at 2 P. M. the pain changed back to the occiput, the eyes still heavy; this continued in the occiput till lying down for bed, when it again changed to the forehead; next morning, well; on repeating the drug at 5 P. M. the pain returned in the occiput in two hours, and on lying down again, changed to the forehead; ne xt morning, well; this was subsequently twice repeated. severe headache in the left mastoid bone, extending obliquely across, by way of the occiput, to over the right ear (4th day). Occasional slight darting pains, which start from the center of the brain and move backward in straight lines to the center of the occipital protuberance, aggravated by motion (first day, first and second provings).


Objective. Marked protrusion of the eyes, with dilated pupils (4th day). Subjective. Dull, heavy feeling in eyes, with tendency to close them, with the headache. Pain in the left eye and brow, extending across the forehead, continuing from 2 P. M. the rest of the day (4th day). Pain in the eyes, worse on closing them, but nearly as severe on opening them (4th day). Sensation of fullness in the eyes, and a confused, bursting-out feeling on looking steadily at any object, especially a bright light; relieved by closing the lids; pupils dilated (first day). Eyes feel as if they would burst open or burst out of the head, worse on turning the head; lasted, very severe, all night (5th day). Congestion, as if the blood were forcing its way out of the eyes (second day). Sharp pain in left eye, more while reading, with photophobia (5th day). Lids. Peculiar twitching across the right upper lid, about 10 A.M. transient; in the left eye at 11 A.M. (2nd day). Jerking of the left upper lid (3rd day). Ball. Pressure on the cornea is very painful (4th day). Pupil. Pupils somewhat enlarged, with slight pain in the balls (4th day). Pupils dilated (4th day); (first day). Pupils much dilated, attract attention, 6 P. M. (5th day). Pupils dilated more afternoons and mornings. Vision. Smoky appearance of the room (2nd day). Dark clouds pass before the eyes, cannot see the letters on the blackboard (2nd day). Feels for another step when at the bottom of the stairs (2nd day).


Cold spot over the right ear, it feels like a stone, evening (2nd day). Pain extends into the ear from the parotid glands. Hearing. Singing and snapping in left ear (2nd day). Roaring in left ear on rising and in afternoon (3rd day).


Objective. A sore, like a cold-sore, inside the nostrils (4th day). Discharge (from nose) white and frothy, a little thicker than water (13th day). Catarrhs nasi, with copious thick, yellow mucous discharge. Nose bled a little at 8 P. M. (14th day). Bloody discharge from nose several times (17th day). Subjective. Nose stopped during morning (12th day). Nose very dry and burning (2nd day). Feeling as if blood would spurt from the nose (12th day).


Face flushed with the headache (4th day). Rush of blood to face and head (ninth day). Pain extends from the left eye to the eye-tooth, like neuralgia (14th day).


Tongue. Tongue coated thick white (1st to 6th day). Tongue coated thick yellow (14th day); (3rd day). Tongue bright red on the edges, with a sore, raw sensation on the right side (5th day). Tongue feels large, is coated white (3rd day). Tongue sore on the left side, raw, and red. Mouth. Mouth dry (3rd day). Mouth dry and tastes like copper (3rd day). Roof of mouth dry; cannot keep the tongue from constantly moving over the roof of the mouth; sensibility increased; felt burnt (1st hour). Mouth and fauces feel dry; constant inclination to swallow; not relieved by drinking (1st hour). Great dryness in the mouth and throat (1st hour). Mouth hot; the tongue seems to fill it up (4th day). Saliva. Commenced soon to secrete large quantities of saliva, which in the morning was found to contain grayish lumps, afterwards the expectoration was yellowish, and tasted salty; this appeared to be secreted just inside the glottis (6th day). Mouth constantly full of water, worse after each eructation. Saliva salt, like brine, continued several days. Taste. Bad taste in the mouth (5th day),; (6th day). Taste fetid (3rd day). Peculiar taste on the tongue posteriorly, extending into the throat, with immediate accumulation of saliva. Taste acrid, with nausea, like copper (1st hour). Taste metallic (1st day). Sour, metallic taste, lasts 15 minutes after a dose, repeatedly. Taste like copper (3rd day). Taste like Lobelia or tobacco (1st hour).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.