Lactic acid


Sense of a plug in the throat, with scraping and dryness, a feeling like that from tobacco (2nd hour). Fullness in the throat, which keeps him swallowing frothy mucus; the lump or fullness feels like a small puff-ball; not relieved by swallowing (morning of 5th day); this returns in the evening after another dose, and is repeated after subsequent doses. Constriction and soreness of the throat, with difficulty of swallowing solids, at 5 P. M. (3rd day). Throat constricted and dry (“similar to Lachesis”), (2nd day). Throat constricted and rough, with pain in occiput, etc. (6th hour). Constricted feeling low down in the throat, with slight nausea, causing a severe paroxysm of coughing (1st hour). Neck feels too short by two inches (2nd and 3rd days). Uvula. Elongation of uvula (5th day). Fauces, Pharynx, and Esophagus. Mucous membrane of fauces dry, red and congested (3rd hour). Dryness of posterior fauces, with hawking of mucus from posterior nares (2nd day). Intense burning in the oesophagus after an eructation, with a qualmish feeling, and an increase of saliva. Fulness of the fauces, with intense burning in the throat, fauces, and oesophagus. Constriction in the fauces, with dull pressure; acrid taste, with nausea; mouth tastes like copper (1st hour). Rawness of pharynx from posterior nares, left side, down to oesophagus, with sensation of quantity of mucus lodged in the nares and larynx, causing hawking; hawking does not seem to relieve it entirely, a portion only of clear viscid mucus coming away (3rd and 4th days). Swallowing. Swallowing solid food very difficult; it is almost impossible to force solid food into the oesophagus, semi fluids more easily, and fluids easily swallowed (evening, second day). External Throat. Pain in the submaxillary and parotid glands, a stiff feeling in the parotids, and a pain extending from them into the ear, at 8 P. M. (3rd hour). Strong pulsation of the vessels of the neck, with painless congestion of the head, at 5 P. M. (3rd day).


Appetite. Appetite not very good, an apparent indifference to food; very little satisfies; what is eaten seems to sour on the stomach, with eructations and a great deal of flatus (4th day). No appetite for supper (2nd day). No desire for breakfast; the stomach seems to come almost up into the mouth; worse on sitting still (4th day). Thirst. Thirst but slightly relieved by drinking, in the evening (2nd day). Eructation. Constant desire to eructate, which he dreads on account of the burning; worse from smoking. Eructations of hot, acrid fluid, which burns from the stomach to the throat. Eructations of burning hot gas from the stomach, causing a profuse secretion of tenacious mucus, which must be constantly hawked up; aggravated by smoking tobacco. Belching, with taste of ingesta (3rd and 4th day). Nausea. Nausea (3rd day). Nausea all the morning, and till 3 P. M. (1st day). Nausea on awaking, with a sensation of weight low down in the stomach, with pains in the head darting from the center of the brain in straight lines to the occiput; pains predominate in the back of the head (2nd day). Nausea continues till 10 A.M. (4th day). Woke suddenly at 5.30 A.M. with very much nausea, which increased till he vomits a thin, colorless, watery stuff; somewhat relieved after getting out of bed (4th day). Nausea, especially at 6 A.M. before rising; a faint, gone feeling low down in the stomach (1st day). Nausea on rising in the morning, with vertigo (3rd day). Nausea on rising in the morning; after eating, sick feeling, not amounting to nausea, with taste of food (3rd and 4th day). Nausea shortly after rising, lasts till 10 A.M.; it returned from 3 to 5 P. M. and again in the evening half an hour after eating (5th day). Nausea, shortly after rising; relieved by breakfast; returned and lasted till 10 A.M. (6th day). Nausea came on half an hour after breakfast, not severe enough to cause vomiting, but very persistent; relief for an hour in the afternoon, but returned at 2 P. M. and continued till he fell asleep, at midnight (3rd day). Nausea at 10.30 A.M. (3rd day). Nausea continues till 11 A.M. when it gradually wears away (4th day). Nausea during afternoon and evening (1st day). Nausea all the afternoon, but could not vomit (4th day). Nausea, with retching and water brash, after eating (2nd day). Nausea; unable to eat the usual breakfast, food seems loathsome; sickness, almost to vomiting; relieved after eating (3rd day). Nausea relieved by eating breakfast (3rd day). Nausea, stinging pain in the stomach, whirling around at the pit of the stomach, with feeling of pressure (3rd day). Nausea and faint feeling, with a paroxysm of coughing as before (half an hour after another dose). Constant nausea all through the proving. Constant nausea after 9 A.M. not affected by eating; appetite good (2nd day). Slight nausea, some flatus, and pain in the umbilical region (4th hour). Slight nausea and a constricted feeling low down in the throat, causing severe paroxysm of coughing (1st hour). Nausea continues, and is aggravated by motion, especially on getting up in the morning, at 8 A.M. (2nd day). Stomach. Faintness in the stomach, lasted about an hour, then gradually passed off, leaving nausea, at 2 P. M. one half-hour after a dose (2nd day). Heat in the stomach; gradually disappeared in a few minutes. Burning and weight in the stomach, aggravated by smoking. Fullness and heat at the pit of the stomach, with nausea and pain around the umbilicus (2nd day).


Umbilical and Sides. Pain around the umbilicus (2nd day). Stinging pain in left side of abdomen, running into the spermatic cord, in the morning (3rd day). General Abdomen. Bearing-down pain in the upper part of the abdomen (2nd day). Jerking and sharp cutting pain in the muscles of the abdomen; waked from sleep, with a scream, at midnight (2nd day). Stinging pain in the muscles of the abdomen, at 4 P. M. (2nd day). Hypogastrium. Pain across lower part of bowels on the right side (4th day). Colic in the lower part of the abdomen, which nothing seemed to relieve; stool normal (2nd day).

Rectum and Anus.

Protrusion of piles after a stool, very painful; had to sit down two or three times; could not walk (19th day). Severe aching pain in the anus, waking out of sleep; relieved by stool, at 2.30 A.M. (4th day). Tenesmus (3rd day).


Diarrhoea, preceded by sharp pain across the lower abdomen (2nd day). Diarrhoeic stool, hurrying to the closet, without pain in the rectum. Loose bowels, with transient pain in the abdomen after the stool (5th day). Soft stool, with hard lumps, in the evening (2nd day). Soft, mushy stool at 9 A.M. again at 2 P. M. and 6 P. M.; had hardly time to get to the closet (2nd day).

Urinary Organs.

Bladder. Bladder feels sore, as though it had been overtaxed or strained; must keep bent forward to take off the pressure, in which position he feels much more comfortable (3rd day). Micturition. Desire to urinate oftener than usual, but did not pass much at a time; urine high-colored. Frequent desire to urinate (10th day). Urine passed frequently and in large quantities (repeated through two provings). Urinates frequently, day and night; the attempt to retain it causes pain. Called out of bed at 3 A.M. to urinate; urine profuse and pale; urinated again at 8 A.M.; copious, light lemon-color (6th day). Rises four times in one night to urinate; urine light straw-color (3rd day). Seemed to be fast turning to urine, and running away through his penis; had to stop proving; a renewal of the proving brings it on again, with the sore stretched feeling in the bladder. Before proving, troubled with a desire to urinate every half hour; since taking the drug, has urinated only four or five times in 24 hours. Urine. Urine white and thick, in the morning (2nd day). Urine high-colored, but clear (10th day). Urine light-reddish, but clear (2nd day); (3rd day). Urine somewhat increased; passed with difficulty (4th day). Urine scanty and high- colored (2nd and 3rd day). Urine normal in color and quantity, but has a greasy pellicle on the surface (1st day). Urine cloudy and dark (1st day).

Sexual Organs

Menses more profuse than usual; 2 days too early. Menses scanty, 17 days too late; in the morning had pain across the small of the back, and in the lower part of the abdomen; menses appeared at 11 P. M. with a very distressed feeling across the lower part of the abdomen; back pained all day and night; flow scanty and pale.

Respiratory Organs

Larynx. Dryness and burning of larynx (after 12 hours, 2nd day). Dryness and rawness, extending to larynx, the rim of the glottis being particularly affected (5th day). Rawness and swelling increased, with spasm of the glottis, awaking me from sleep and causing severe pain and suffocation (4th night). Voice. For an hour and a half after rising, my voice was entirely without control, whispering and squeaking when expecting to speak loud; croaking and deep voice; this continued more or less through the day (6th day); and with the other symptoms gradually disappeared the day after. Some hoarseness; sensitive to the cold air; (here followed a cold, for which other remedies were taken), (2nd day). Cough and Expectoration. Severe paroxysm of coughing, with slight nausea, caused by a constricted feeling low down in the throat (1st hour). Spasmodic, ringing cough, caused by irritation of the throat from hot eructations, aggravated by smoking tobacco. Dry cough all day (12th to 14th day). Secretion of and a hemming up of small lumps of tough mucus of grayish color (5th day). Respiration. Saw-like, rasping sound of respiration (5th day), (took Belladonna1m).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.