
Superior Extremities.

Weakness of the arms in fever. The arms are so weak that she is unable to raise them; they fall down again. The arm sinks down exhausted, after trifling exertion. Feeling as though the arms had fallen asleep, with sticking in them. Pains in the arms as if internally in the bones (after acids). Tension through the whole arm, extending to the middle fingers, as if the tendons were too short. Tensive sensation as if the tendons in the left arm were too short on stretching it out straight, extending through the whole arm to the middle finger, in which it is most perceptible. Paroxysmal pains in the right arm like a pressing in the bones. Sticking in the right arms, with a feeling as if asleep. Tearing through the right arm, less in the left (fifth day). Sudden tearing downward through the arms (fourth day). Shoulder. A turning about in the muscular margins of the axillae, more towards the right side, as in erysipelas (third day). A kind of paralysis of the left shoulder, in the morning on rising, as from lying in an uncomfortable position; it, however, continues, and is afterwards repeated, but especially in the morning when dressing and on bending the arm backward. Rheumatic pains in the right shoulder and wrist. Aching and heaviness extended through the shoulders and arms, but in less degree than in the legs (second day). Drawing pains in the shoulder-joint, in the evening. Tension in the shoulder and cervical muscles, with headache. Sticking near and beneath the right shoulder worse after the midday nap. Stitches from the abdomen to the shoulder. Stitches externally, beneath the right axilla. Violent tearing in the left shoulder, and extending through the arm to the tips of the fingers (in the morning, immediately after the second dose, and again on the third day). Arm. Pain in the right upper arm, at first as if in the flesh, afterwards also in the tendons and bone, followed by pain in the right calf. Tearing in the bone of the upper arm, and outward through the flesh (after acids). Elbow. Pain in the elbow, extending to the hand. Rheumatic pain in the elbow, and afterwards in the left hand. Pain in the elbow, as if bruised, with pain in the small of the back. Pain in the elbow, as if the so-called funny bone were pressed hard (as if the nerve were bruised). A sensation in the left elbow, when touched, as painful as if a piece of glass were sticking in it, though nothing was to be seen, lasting two days. Forearm. Swelling of the muscles of the forearm, painful when grasping anything (one hour after third dose disappearing during the night). Tearing in the forearm (seventh day). Wrist. Rheumatic pain in both wrists, and in the right shoulder, in the evening. Aching in the joints of the wrist, extending to the elbow (sixth day). Pain as from a sprain in the right wrist, in the evening, on exerting it (fifth day). Tearing along the ulnar side of the left carpus and metacarpus, extending to the tips of both outer fingers; it is not so violent on the right side; still worse on the second day. Acute tearing in the bones of the wrist, at intervals, on the side of the little finger of the right hand (second day). Hand. (No power in the left hand). In a patient with disease of the heart. Inability to close the hands. The hands feel dead on rubbing them (on the backs of the hands?), (sixth day); while washing them rapidly, after eating; it disappears during the third week, but again shows itself a few times in the fifth week. Pain in all the joints of the left hand, as after violent exertion, on waking. Rheumatic pain along the left hand, on the side of the little finger; often extending to the elbow. Cramp between the metacarpal bones of the fourth and fifth fingers (third day). Sticking pains in both hands, soon disappearing. The hands, which were bent by contraction of the tendons, began to pain if she attempted to sew; constant stitches, deep internally, as if in the bones and cartilages of the wrist and metacarpus; also a feeling as if something were crawling in them, renewed by paroxysms (third and following days). Tearing in the left hand extending into the upper arm. Tearing in the joints of the right hand (fourth day). Extremely painful tearing, like a forcible extension of the muscles of the right hand; it refuses its service on attempting to hold anything. Jerking in the left hand, in afternoon, while sitting. Fingers. The fingers are white, without stiffness, all day. Visible pulsation in a large portion of the ball of left thumb, very disagreeable; afterwards with slight jerking in the whole thumb, frequently recurring and lasting a long time, and continuing to recur for a long time. (A panaritium on a finger in which there had formerly been frequent jerking, preceded by jerking and pains, so that she could not bear the arm under the covering, frequently shooting upward and often downward into the arm, which was weak). Numbness of the tips of all the fingers, first of the right, then of the left hand; also in the fifth week, without sensation, especially violent in the morning. Pain in the ball of the right thumb. Feeling as though the metacarpal joint of the left little finger were sprained. Stitches in the tips of the fingers. Sudden stitches in the tips of the fingers. Gnawing and crawling in the bones and flesh of the right third and fourth fingers; also under the nails, as though something were crawling about under them, commencing at the finger-tips, and extending to the second and third phalanges; it seems as though something were boring and burrowing from the backs of the fingers through and through and upward, but without pain.

Inferior Extremities.

Helpless, stumbling gait, with stiffness of the joints; cannot bend the joints, except very slowly; afterwards the movements are frequently rapid and active, often uncertain and clumsy. A feeling of weariness in the legs, Drawing extending up the legs, Drawing extending down the legs from the small of the back. Short, transient, pressive pains in the left lower extremity, first above the knee, afterwards below it, extending to the foot; afterwards in the right arm and right ear; in the evening while sitting. Hip. Pains in the hip and thigh, lasting into the night, with pressive heaviness in the forehead, so that he is unable to open the eyes. A former tearing in the left hip returns. Thigh. (Edema, with pains in the thigh, in one suffering from dropsy of the chest). Paralyzed feeling in both recti muscles of the thigh, which also feel swollen, disappearing over night. Rheumatic pains in the posterior portion of the thigh. The posterior portion of the thigh especially towards the knee, becomes painful, as if swollen; the knee is swollen, with intolerable pain, especially in the hollow, chiefly on touch; there is tension, and stretching out the leg is very difficult. Pressive sticking in the left thigh, less while walking, worse during rest and in bed, with oedema. (* In a dropsical person who had the pains once the previous year. *) Some tearing in the left thigh from above downward. Frequent tearing in the thighs, extending to the knees, as if in the bones. Pain in the muscles of the right thigh, as after a blow or bruise; after drinking wine, and also renewed thereby. The posterior portion of the thigh is painful. Jerking at times in the left thigh; after a quarter of an hour, again several jerks in the thigh, with painful drawing in the left leg from again several jerks in the thigh, with painful drawing in the left leg from above downward. Knee. The knee is thick, painful on standing; he can scarcely walk, and only after walking awhile is it endurable. Creaking in the left knee. Feeling of weakness in the knees after eating; with pressure in the stomach. Tension in the knee; stretching it out was very difficult. Cramp in the knees on waking. Pain, as from a sprain, in the right knee. Drawing pain, as from swelling, in both knees, a sticking (after a quarter of an hour). Gouty, drawing pain in the left knee while sitting. Pressive pain in the right knee, extending inward. Pain, as from a sprain, in the knee during the fever heat. Pain, as from a sprain, in the knee, with pain in the small of the back. Stitches in the knees when walking. Stitches in the right knee. Stitches in the left knee, with stitches in the chest. Knees feel bruised in the evening. Crawling pain in the right knee down the forepart of the tibia to the back of the foot and to the toes. Leg. Swelling of the left leg and foot. She was obliged to move the feet up and down, otherwise the legs would jerk up and cause uneasiness in the whole body, together with tearing extending up the leg (fifth day). Legs felt heavy (second day). Pain in the left leg. Pains in the left leg below the knee, still more in the ankle; at the same time in the left arm. Legs ached all through, but the pain was most severe about the knees; after retiring (first night); began to ache again soon after 8 A.M. aching all through, but the pain, as on the day before, was most about the knee (second day). Drawing in the lower legs from above downward. Drawing in the lower legs; with catarrh. Drawing in the left leg, as if in the bone, extending to the ankle. Drawing in the fibula and foot. Drawing pain from both knees to the tarsal joints, Intolerable drawing in the legs, lasting a long time. Pressure in the left leg and foot after headache. Sticking in the legs with changes of the wind and weather. Tearing extending up the leg, with uneasiness in the knees. Jerking in the left leg in the afternoon while sitting. Feeling in the right calf as if asleep, afterwards in the whole leg (seventh day). Pain in the right calf, preceded by pain in the right upper arm. Old pains in the calves reappear. Cramp in the calves at night and towards morning, waking from sleep. Violent cramp in the calves at night, towards morning, so that it woke him. Ankle. Pains in the ankle. Pain in the tarsal bones. Pain in the left external malleolus, which increased as the contiguous muscles were put upon the stretch in stepping; this pain lasted for some time (second day). Drawing in the left ankle from the leg. Stitches in the right malleolus. Foot. Swelling of the feet following redness of them, with fever; similar to elephantiasis. The right foot becomes again swollen, worse after walking. (His boots were never too tight during the whole proving). She was obliged to move the feet, otherwise the legs jerked upward intolerably, followed by fine drawing extending up the leg like a crawling. (Violent pains on the back of the foot, in the forepart towards the inner side, hindering sleep; they are worse if he steps upon it; he becomes feverish and tremulous on account of the pain). (* In a case of elephantiasis. *) Tension in the tendons beginning at the heel (before a snowstorm). Cramp in the forepart of the foot. Cramp like feeling in the foot, which draws up the toes (fourth day). Pain in the forepart of the left foot, as if it were pressed between boards, Frequent violent tearing in the feet, especially in the evening, with heat in them. (Sensitiveness of the balls of the feet on stepping upon them. Bubbling in the right foot near the great toe. Toes. A transverse crack on the outer side of the little toe in the fold of the joint, with much itching (near to where a sand-flea had been taken out). (* In a different prover from S. 1400. *) (The corns grow rapidly, but are not painful). Numbness and crawling in the right toes. Pain in a corn on the right little toe. Occasional pain in all the toes, sometimes of the right foot, sometimes of the left. Pain in a few of the toes, as after walking all day, with heat of them, preceded by cold feet. Feeling as though something were digging beneath the right toe-nails and pushing them up. Aching in a corn on the right foot. Drawing extending from the toes upward. Stitches as with needles in the toes, extending upward (fifth day). Stitches in the left great toe. Painful surging back and forth in the toes. Crawling and heat in the toes of one side.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.