

Objective. (Inflammation of the throat, for ten days). (* After olfaction of the 30th *) Sight swelling of the throat, soon disappearing (later). Much mucus in the back part of the throat, than in the nose mostly with a sweetish taste (second to fourteenth days). Tenacious mucus in the throat, that he could scarcely raise. Hawking of mucus more from the fauces, less from larynx. Hawking of mucus only in the evening after tea, instead of in the morning, and so much that it seems as though an abscess had broken. Hawking of mucus, with rawness in the throat, after a nap in the daytime. Hawking of mucus, and extremely disagreeable taste, almost like saltpeter. Hawking mucus, with hemoptysis, cough, and ulceration of the throat, Hawking of mucus, followed by disappearance of a painful lump in the pit of the throat. Subjective. Dryness in the throat, without actual dryness on the tongue, with pain in the throat. Dryness in the throat, with thirst and nausea, Dryness in the throat without thirst, at night on waking; a sticking as with a thousand needles that threatens to suffocate her. Dryness in the throat that impedes swallowing. (Pain in the throat on turning it). Pain from the gum into the throat. A pain on the right side of the throat. Pain in the right side of the throat, always extending to the ear. Pain in left side of the throat, extending to tongues, jaw, and into ear; so violent in morning after breakfast, that he was beside himself; there with the tongue was sore on the left side, with sticking here and there; the gum was inflame, all the teeth painful; left side of the face and lower jaw swollen and sensitive to touch. Pricking and sticking small spots in the thighs and legs; disagreeable taste; loss of appetite, and bad sleep. Pain in a small spot in the throat at one side of the larynx, somewhat posteriorly (after a few hours). Pains in the throat, in connection with those in the ears. The throat and larynx are painful, even on bending the head backward. Burning in the throat. Burning in the left side of throat and in the pit of the throat. The throat feels swollen when swallowing. The throat seems somewhat swollen, as if two lumps as large as the fists came together; only on empty swallowing, not on eating, which latter on account of this sensation seemed to do good. A feeling as if tendons were drawing the throat up to the palate, with pressure as after swallowing astringent pears (third day). Pressure in the throat, as though a plug were in it (after acids). Pressure in the throat as from something astringent. Slight pressure in the throat at times. Hard pressure on both sides of the throat. Pressing feeling low down in the throat, which causes salivation if he thinks of it. Sensation in the throat as if a morsel had remained sticking on swallowing. Feeling as if a crumb of bread remained sticking in the throat, obliging her to swallow, somewhat relieved by hawking. Soreness of the throat, and also somewhat in the pit of the throat. Soreness internally on both sides of the throat, in the morning. Slight sore throat on right side, in the evening (fifth and sixth days). Such a sore and ulcerated throat that she could only with great difficulty swallow (tonsillitis). Three children complained in the evening of sore throat; they were feverish and spit very much; during the night they were restless, tossing about with groaning; the eyes were surrounded by brown rings. Sensitiveness of the throat as if sore, as often after taking cold, with pain in the left side, worse in the evening. The whole right side of the throat is in a very painful condition, and the slightest pressure with the finger increases the pain. Rawness in the throat and mouth. Rawness in the throat, without hawking of mucus, drinking. A feeling of great rawness in the throat after exerting it. Everything seems raw in the throat. (* Alumina relieved. *) Everything seems raw in the throat. from the upper to the lower portions, on deep breathing. Throat raw as if sore; in the trachea by the sternum there seems to be an inflamed painful lump; this feeling disappeared after violent hawking of mucus. Throat rough with hawking of mucus, after a nap in the daytime. Crawling in the throat in the morning causing nausea, afterwards prickling and sticking, and vomiting (in a pregnant woman). Bubbling in the throat above the right clavicle, also in the right foot, near the great toe. Crawling in the throat at night causing a short, incessant hacking cough; during the day, the sore throat was still worse. Troubles in the throat and chest, worst after rising, lasting till noon. Troubles in the throat on alternate days. Eating relieved the pain in the throat, causing an agreeable tickling. Pharynx. Pinching pain deep in the throat in a small spot, on the right side of the pharynx, not aggravated by swallowing, worse on pressure (after one hour); returning from time to time (first day), but worse in the evening, when it also affects the larynx. The throat feels closed as though something were sticking in the pharynx; can scarcely swallow the saliva; after supper; lasting all night and next day; food and drink cause no difficulty, but the saliva can scarcely be swallowed. Swallowing. Obliged to swallow, in affections of the larynx. Difficult swallowing at times. Difficult swallowing, with swollen larynx. Difficult swallowing of food and drink, as from a hindrance in the region of the cardiac orifice; small quantities only can get into the stomach after long intervals. Difficulty of swallowing saliva, not of food. Swallowing difficult; it seems as though something were in the throat that obliged swallowing (after 9th dose). Liquids cause more difficulty in swallowing than solid food. Swallowing prevented by dryness of the throat. Constant pain on empty swallowing, not on swallowing food, for a month. The throat feels swollen always on swallowing, for half an hour; afterwards again pain on swallowing. Pressure in the throat on swallowing, as if a painful lump were in it. Sticking always on swallowing; scraping on swallowing bread. The throat feels ulcerated on swallowing. External Throat Swelling of the right cervical muscles, painful when taken hold of (after fourth dose). Audible beating of the carotids, and a feeling of throbbing in the chest and abdomen. Pressure in the right side of the throat as from external pressure. Pressure in the left cervical muscles, especially in the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscles, extending upward and around the head, like a headache, (on feeling of the throat, an aneurysm of the right carotid feels sore, and this sensation seems to extend from the throat to the pit of the stomach. Can endure nothing tight on the throat; nausea is at times caused thereby (eight day, and lasting two weeks). Pain in the throat on taking hold of it, extending even to the nape of the neck, with sticking always on swallowing, and scraping on swallowing bread, as if everything were raw, together with dryness of the throat, without actual dryness of the tongue. The throat is very sensitive to external pressure ( immediately and later, even for a month). The throat and neck are so sensitive to the slightest external pressure that everything about the throat is distressing; no position is comfortable. Pain when touching the throat, extending even to the nape of the neck. If in the evening on lying down anything touches the throat or larynx, it seems as though he would suffocate and the pain is much worse. Throat sensitive, even to the touch of the linen, during the evening fever. Throbbing in front, in the cervical glands, afterwards extending up into the malar bones, which feel stiff.


Appetite. Increased appetite (first and second days). Great appetite, but after eating he was obliged to lie down (sixth day). At one time good appetite, at another none at all. Hunger; cannot wait for food. Feeling of great hunger in the stomach, as though one had to wait a long time for food. Feeling as when obliged to wait for food without real hunger. Food is relished without real hunger; it was hastily swallowed. Longing for something, he knows not what; he took at last a swallow of water. Unusual longing for oysters, and they agree well; for several evenings. Diminished appetite. Little appetite (first day), lasting a week. She loses all appetite, especially for bread and rolls, the usual milk causes nausea; yet everything has a natural taste. All appetite in the morning has disappeared (seventh and following days). No appetite for breakfast,. Without any appetite at the usual time in the evening, though a disagreeable sensation in the abdomen (first day). The usual hunger in the morning fails, otherwise very well (fourth day). Though he has a very good relish for food, yet he takes very little without any symptoms, yet it seems as though he did not need more. A certain aversion to food, with hunger. Longing for neither food, wine nor tobacco, for a week; he was accustomed to wine and tobacco daily. Remarkably little desire for smoking (immediately) (first day) No relish for smoking. All inclination to smoke has disappeared, in a great smoker, though without any aversion to it; for a week. Thirst. Thirst before fever. Thirst before the chill,. Thirst during the cold stage. Thirst during the heat. Constant thirst with dry tongue and skin (bite). (Some thirst constantly, but drinking water causes nausea). Insatiable thirst, with dry mouth and weakness. Thirst for beer, with complete loss of appetite, in the evening (first day). Longing for wine, without feeling exhaustion. Increased desire for wine (but the wine produced less effect than usual, in one accustomed to it). (first week). Eructation. Eructations amounting to vomiting (several). Eructations after eating. Eructations and risings of food after eating. Eructations after dinner. Such eructations after dinner that he almost suffocated, they occurred as often as fifty times, followed by great relief. Eructations during the fever, in an infant. Eructations, affording relief. Empty eructations, fasting (after five hours). eructations of air. Frequent eructations of sour water, an hour after dinner. Burning eructations of dry air. Morbus ructuosus; violent eructations, with cramp in the stomach, every evening. The stomach almost always digests well, but meat fried in butter causes acid and bitter risings. Heartburn. A feeling as though heartburn would occur (after a few minutes). Heartburn, in the evening after smoking. Heartburn with headache. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea, in the morning. Nausea, in the forenoon, lasting an hour, without appetite. Nausea, by paroxysms, for five or ten minutes, in the forenoon and afternoon. Nausea caused by an exceedingly disagreeable taste in the mouth. Nausea, and an unpleasant feeling as if poisoned, the whole afternoon. Nausea at night on waking, with vomiting and diarrhoea. Nausea wakes him from sleep. The nausea becomes worse while thinking of it. Nausea after dinner. Nausea an hour after dinner, and in the afternoon. Nausea on swallowing, Nausea after taking milk. Nausea after drinking water. Smoking always causes nausea, for sixteen days (in one accustomed to it). Nausea with nasal catarrh and cough, accompanying complaints that occur in the spring. Nausea with eructations. Nausea with pain in the pit of the stomach. Nausea with faintness. He woke at 2 A.M. with general nausea and oppression of the chest, pressure in the stomach, and, after an hour, violent vomiting, followed by some colic; afterwards, again violent spasmodic vomiting; at last, vomiting of bile, with transient vertigo, accompanied by profuse sweat; about 6 O’clock, diarrhoea and four stools, till 9 O’clock; together with burning in the urethra on urinating; followed on the fifth day by general weakness and pressive headache. Nausea at times almost amounting to vomiting, with a kind of aversion to food, and with headache (better in open air). for several days. Sudden nausea, hiccough, gulping and eructations, at last so severe as even to amount to vomiting of air; this increased to an excessive degree, and lasted for half an hour, then relieved after drinking tea, in the afternoon (fourth day). The nausea is very peculiar, as if it were in a single place in the stomach, extremely disagreeable, immediately caused by looking at sugar of milk, even at a globule, and even by the thought of it. Qualmishness caused by anything tight about the throat. Qualmishness and aching in the abdomen and epigastric region, as if he would be faint, a few minutes after the fourth dose; he was obliged to loosen his clothes. Qualmishness, with a feeling as if he were very sick; he was wakened thereby from a sound sleep; lasting several minutes (fourth day). Retching and vomiting with cramps in the stomach, every evening. Inclination to vomit, with risings in the oesophagus, but only mucus is expectorated from the mouth; with dyspnoea. Constant inclination to vomit, with anxiety and oppression of the chest (bite). Vomiting. Vomiting at night by paroxysms, violently spasmodic, with diarrhoea. Vomiting and retching, whereby only mucus is evacuated, with cramp in the stomach. Vomiting and purging while unconscious (bite). Vomiting of food. Forcible vomiting of all the food, with pain in the head and abdomen. Spasmodic bilious vomiting. Vomiting of blood. Stomach. Feeling of emptiness in the stomach, in the afternoon, and hunger, though he had eaten well at dinner. A peculiar feeling of emptiness in the stomach, at night, although he had eaten a good supper. A feeling of impediment in the cardiac orifice of the stomach on swallowing. A feeling in the stomach as if obliged to wait a long time for food. Alternations of coldness and heat in the stomach, with want of breath. Much pain in the pit of the stomach, constant nausea, with qualmishness and diarrhoea. Burning in the stomach and hepatic region; stomach distended, with itching in the epigastric region; the abdomen distended hard, as from eating much; while walking, was obliged to stand still; a feeling as though a stone were in the upper abdomen and in the pit of the stomach, which pressed downward as if it would break away, so that he was obliged to step carefully; the feet became swollen while sitting, and were cold, though burning; therewith, offensive odor from the mouth, which he did not notice himself. Burrowing as from a worm in the stomach. A sensation as though something were drawn up into a ball in the stomach and intestines, almost every day. She was attacked with the most frightful cramps and pains in the stomach, every evening at 6 O’clock, with violent eructations, retching, and vomiting though only some mucus was raised; also at other times nausea, with coated tongue, and pain in the stomach. Pressure in the epigastric region, extending towards the heart. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, in the morning (fourth day). Pressure in the pit of the stomach, at night and in the morning, so that he was obliged to rise up and at last stand up; relieved by eructations and emission of flatus; three nights in succession. Pressure as of a great load in the stomach after eating, relieved by eructations and emission of flatus; three nights in succession,. Pressure as of a great load in the stomach after eating, relieved by eructations and emission of flatus, but the pressure continues. (* Relieved by Mercurius. *) Pressure in the pit of the stomach while lying down, but especially on moving. Pressure in the stomach, with nightly attacks of vomiting. Pressure in the pit of the stomach (after one hour), associated with a drawing pressive sensation downward into the abdomen towards the umbilicus, painful to touch, lasting about four hours, with a feeling of warmth in the chest. (Pressure in stomach coming from chest (oesophagus); a feeling as though a morsel of food remained sticking there; this sensation extended in the afternoon to stomach, causing a pressure, so that he lay down and felt really better; in evening in bed, he was unable to sleep; at one time it extended up to the right side across the chest to the shoulders, and afterwards extended towards the navel, with a burning sensation; in the morning, a sensation in the abdomen as if he would be attacked with a violent diarrhoea, but it disappeared; in the evening a violent cough with a horribly tasting expectoration; next morning again, the sensation about the umbilicus). (* Following the cure of an ugly boil on the finger. *) Pressure in the stomach, more or less severe, extending from the pit of the stomach into the chest, as if one would be taken with colic, or as from incarceration of flatus. Painful pressure in the stomach; immediately afterwards, a clawing in the anus, extending inward, Violent pressure in the stomach after eating, with a feeling of weakness in the knees, Stitching extending from the stomach to the chest. (Sensitiveness in the pit of the stomach, and feeling as if something were turning about in it, with heart troubles). Pain in the pit of the stomach when pressing upon it, for over a week, with diminished appetite, Pain slight, but very disagreeable, when pressing upon the pit of the stomach. Feeling as though something were gnawing in the stomach, though without pain followed by gnawing in both sides, extending across under the ribs deep in the abdomen (third day). Throbbing in the pit of the stomach, Jumping throbbing in the pit of the stomach, and extending up under the ribs, followed by a sensation as though something pressed from the pit of the stomach towards the heart (third day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.