

He lies upon the chest at night. Great commotion and anxiety in the chest, with constant efforts to vomit (bite). It seems as though the wind rose up into the chest, and became fixed there; relieved by eructations. While riding in a wagon, pain in the chest, and tickling in the larynx provoking hacking cough. Pain extending inward in the lower portion of the ribs. Pain in the short ribs, first in the right, then in the left, then in the left elbow, then extending to the hand. Pains beneath the short ribs on breathing. Violent pains in the chest so that he could not touch the chest, at night. Burning in the chest at night, with pains in the sternum. The chest feels swollen, with violent pains in it; dares not touch it at night. Tightness of the chest (tenth day), following pressing pains in the chest the day previous. Such great tightness of the chest, in the evening after lying down, that she almost suffocated. Pressure upon the chest, as if it were full of wind. Pressure in the chest, with sighing, during fever. Heavy dull pressure in the chest, whole chest. Pressing pain extending from the chest to the stomach. Pressing pains in the chest, lasting the whole afternoon, together with pressing pains towards the stomach; in the evening frequent pulse, and at night pains in the chest (sixth day), still more on the next morning; again, afterwards, violent pressing pains. Oppression of the chest, suddenly disappearing. Oppression of the chest in the evening. Oppression of the chest during sleep. Oppression of the chest on becoming heated. Oppression of the chest, with nightly attacks of vomiting. Oppression of the chest, alternating with clawing in the anus. Oppression of the chest, with cold feet. Stitches in the chest. Stitches through the chest from the abdomen to the shoulder. Stitches through the chest, when coughing. Stitches in the left chest, not much worse on inspiration and coughing; afterwards some drawing pains in the right metacarpus, soon disappearing. Soreness of the chest. The whole chest seems sore, as in violent catarrh; extending to between the shoulders, especially after eating. Throbbing in the chest. Throbbing in the chest and abdomen. Bubbling sensation in the chest. Some jerks in the chest. Tickling in the chest provoking cough. Front Stiffness and pain on pressure at the insertion of the sterno-cleido- mastoid muscle. Pains in the sternum. Stitches in the lower portion of the forepart of the chest, extending inward (first day). Sides. Pains in the left side, beneath the breast, etc. Decided pain in the left side. Burrowing like a worm in the forepart of the right side of the chest, extending towards the left side, and seeming to be in the stomach; afterwards a stitch as if extending from the stomach internally upward between the flesh and bones in the middle of the chest to the vicinity of the breasts. Drawing in the chest, in the right side, coming from the anus; during fever. (Stitches in the side followed the administration Lachesis for a dry cough). Stitches in the left side of the chest. Stitches in the left side of the chest, worse when coughing and breathing together with sticking pains in the left knee, drawing in the fibula and down into the foot; stitches in the right ankle. Needle like stitches in the left side and left hand. Mammae. Feeling as though labor-pains extended up into the breasts, almost every day,. (* Causticum relieved *) Pains in the left side beneath the breast. Pressure beneath the breast, and drawing extending upward (fourth day). Stitches in the vicinity of the breasts, coming from the stomach. Stitches in the left nipple.

Heart and Pulse.

Precordium. Feeling of constriction about the heart. Cramp like pain in the precordial region, causing palpitation, with anxiety. Pressure about the heart during fever. She feels the beating of the heart, with weakness, even to sinking down. Heart’s Action Palpitation. Palpitation causing anxiety (soon after a dose). Pulse. Pulse increased, full and hard, after moderate exertion, with profuse sweat, in the evening. Pulse small and rapid, with hot skin (bite). Pulse full and hard, with headache, catarrh, and drawings, in the lower legs,.

Neck and Back.

Neck. Stiffness of the nape of the neck, with catarrh. Sticking in the nape of the neck and back. Stitches in the nape of the neck and in the whole back, for three days; sticking in the right arm, with a feeling as if it were asleep, with violent itching in both arms, hips, and lower limbs, disappearing gradually in ten days after second dose. Tearing in the cervical vertebrae. Nape of the neck sensitive to external pressure. Back. After stooping, he could with difficulty become erect. Pain in the back, as if sprained, during the fever heat. Sticking in the back from below upwards (first day). Sticking in the upper part of the back. Dorsal. Constant pressive pain between the scapulae and on the chest. Sticking between the scapulae. Very distressing, persistent, pressive, sticking pain near the point of the right scapula, towards the spine, deep in the back, as if something were sticking in it; worse by paroxysms, obliging one to bend backwards, and also to take a deep breath; not affected by breathing; usually recurring after long sitting (second and following days, for a week). Tearing in the scapulae, more in the right; also in the shoulders (seventh day). Tearing between the shoulders, and in the cervical vertebrae (fourth day). Painfulness of the left scapula, as from a dull pressure. Lumbar. Pains in the loins, after the midday nap. Pain in the small of the back, as if lame and weak. Pain in the small of the back spreads upwards like a fan; it is like a pain from excessive exertion. Pain in the small of the back, with yawning and stretching of the arms and legs, as in fever (after acids). Pains in the small of the back, with increased numbness of the fingers, crawling in the calves and toes, painfulness of the left knee and elbow, a feeling as after exertion in the muscles of the right leg, near the outer side of the tibia, and a frequent sprained feeling in the knee, which occurred during the first week, recurred again later. Habitual pain in the small of the back precedes troubles in the anus, at first and always more violent on the right side, afterwards on both sides; a pain as from a sprain, which prevented almost every motion, with a helpless, clumsy gait. A former paralytic and sprainlike pain in the small of the back became far more acute. Burning, apparently between the skin and flesh, seeming as though it came from the small of the back (after acids). Sticking burning in the small of the back, extending upward. Drawing pains in the small of the back. Drawing across the region of the kidneys, with a feeling of warmth during the fever. Intolerable drawing in the small of the back and down into the legs, especially noticed in the ischia, frequently in the evening; drawing extending from the small of the back up the back;drawing extending from the back to the hips, with urging to urinate. Pain as from a sprain in the small of the back, extending inward to the abdomen. Pain as from as sprain in the small of the back, with occasional violent jerks, which take away the breath. Helpless, stumbling gait, which disappears one or two hours after rising; caused by pain as from a sprain in the small of the back, that prevents almost every motion. Stitches from the small of the back to the liver (or kidneys). Dull stitches (jerks) in the small of the back on every motion, so painful that they distorted the features. Throbbing in the small of the back and anus, with drawing in all the limbs. Sacral. Constant simple pain in sacrum and coccyx. Pain in the ischia. A drawing in the back is especially felt in the ischia.

Extremities in General.

Objective. The bitten limbs become inflamed and swollen (bite). Stretching of all the limbs. Stretching of the limbs and a feeling about the heart as if it were constricted (after acids). Stretching of the arms and legs, with fever. Limbs stiffly outstretched, head bent back eyes distorted, for half a minute. Paralyzed lameness in almost all the bones, and some pressive, but not constant, pain (sixteenth day). Subjective. Heaviness of the limbs. Pains in the limbs, after a profuse catarrh. Pains in the left arm and lower extremity, side, and hand (second day); in the right side, in the neck, elbow, lower, extremity, and shoulder (third day). Pain in the left shoulder and in the forepart of the left foot, afterwards in the knee, wrist, and shoulder of the same side; then in the right limb, arm, and teeth. Weary pain in all the limbs, commencing in the knees and elbows. Drawings in all the limbs, with throbbing in the small of the back. Drawings in the left leg from the hip to the knee, then in the right arm from the shoulder to the elbow. Painful drawing in the knee and elbow, extending downward. Pains as if pressed from without, sometimes very violent, though always transient, in the arms, hands, legs, feet, lasting a whole week; together with itching in the eyes, and on the sixth day violent catarrh. Seated pain as from a sprain in the left knee and elbow, with pain in the small of the back, which does not disappear. Tearing pains in both arms and legs, with cramp. Frequent tearing pains in both arms and legs. Painfulness of all the limbs, feeling as if beaten on motion. Gnawing pain in all the limbs. Jerking in the hands and lower extremities. Twitching in the arms and legs, and at the same time creeping from the left shoulder to the head.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.