

Hypochondria. Pains in the hepatic region. Violent pain in the region of the spleen, while riding in a wagon, obliging him to stretch out straight, which afforded a little relief; lasting two days, but only while so riding. Acute pain in the abdomen, as if on the short ribs; worse on inspiration, Sticking in the sides beneath the ribs (second day). Stitches in the left hypochondrium. Transient stitches in the hypochondria, from the right to the left side. Painfulness in the left side, near the pit of the stomach, in the spring of the year Gnawing on both sides, beneath the ribs, deep in the abdomen. Clothes around the hypochondria are very annoying. Umbilical and sides. Pain in the abdomen, in the umbilical region, as from diarrhoea, all day. Pain transversely across the umbilical region in the morning, immediately after rising, (Burning sensation about the umbilicus, follows pressure in the stomach and shoulder). A peculiar feeling in the left side of the abdomen, like a violent tension. Tensive pressure beneath the pit of the stomach extending towards the umbilicus, in the afternoon, lasting an hour and a half, Drawing pressure to the umbilicus from the pit of the stomach. Agonizing cutting pain in right side of abdomen, throwing her into fainting attacks (after three days). Sticking from within outward, in the left side of the abdomen, in the evening, Stitches in the left side extending into the chest, so that breathing was very difficult, Tearing in the right side of the abdomen (Seventh day). General Abdomen. Distension, tearing in the abdomen for four hours. Distension and tearing in the abdomen, with chilliness. Painful distension of the abdomen (after three days). Abdomen distended, hard. Abdomen distended, as if the internal parts were greatly dilated. Abdomen frequently much distended, with a disagreeable sensation as if the inner parts or ligaments from the stomach were very much stretched; on this account she was obliged to wear the clothes, especially about the stomach, very loosen otherwise it was very distressing, and even in bed she was obliged to loosen and pull up the night-dress to avoid pressure; she dared not lay the arm across the abdomen on account of the pressure. Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen. Rumbling; in the abdomen, colic and emission of flatus, in the evening. Much rumbling in the abdomen, colic and emission of flatus, after eating, in the evening. Flatulence the first fourteen days, not afterwards. Much flatulence. Very much flatulence. Much flatus with loudness, therewith the anus seemed closed, so that she was obliged to press it out. In the morning large quantities of loud flatus; through the day frequently small quantities (fourth and following days). Short violent emissions of offensive flatus. (* After venison. *) (Feeling in the abdomen as if about to be attacked with violent diarrhoea). (Feeling as for diarrhoea in the morning). Feeling of emptiness in the abdomen. An eviscerated feeling in the abdomen. A fasting sensation, as if hollow, in the abdomen (first day). An unpleasant sensation in the abdomen at mealtime, without appetite. Pain in the abdomen coming from the small of the back, Pain in the abdomen in the afternoon. Pains in the abdomen after the vomiting at night. Intolerable pains in the abdomen with burning and distension. Abdomen hot. Burning and cutting in the abdomen, with pressure to urinate. Fullness in the abdomen, especially during the first fourteen days. Fulness in the abdomen, in the morning on waking. Fulness in the abdomen after eating. Abdomen feels swollen at night. Tension and flatulence in the abdomen (first day). A certain tension and flatulence in the abdomen prevents her from walking far. A feeling as of incarcerated flatus (after two doses); (after three days). Contraction in the abdomen. Violent cramps in the abdomen during menstruation; it seems as though a knife were thrust through the abdomen. Violent cramp like pains in the abdomen do not permit her to stretch out; with diarrhoea. Griping pains in abdomen, first left, then right, for a few seconds, also in loins; worse on walking; the pain then came on in lower abdomen and loins, being sometimes of a shooting character, with occasional slight desire for stool; relieved by emission of flatus, and once with borborygmi; lasting forty-five minutes, till a stool was passed (after about eight hours, second day). Excessive griping, as though about to have diarrhoea (after two doses). Cutting colic previously to menstruation. Cutting colic with a burning stool. Cutting and burning colic, with pressure on the bladder. It seemed as though a knife were thrust through the abdomen, during menstruation. Stitches low down in the forepart of the abdomen, following a disease of the eye and congestion of the head that had been cured. (* Relieved by Mercurius. *) Tearing from both sides of the abdomen towards the middle, deeply seated (third day). Tearing in the abdomen and distension; with the chill. Colic with vomiting of all the food. Attacks of colic after confinement, with return of other previous symptoms. Intolerable colic (after two doses). Pain in the intestines caused by the shock of the cough. Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions. Flatulence in a hernia, Feeling as if a hernia would protrude. Drawing from the anus to the umbilicus. Painful hemorrhoidal drawing from the anus to the umbilicus. Pressive pain in left lower abdomen for a few seconds; it then ceased for a few seconds, then returned as before (after eight hours and a quarter, second day). Sticking in both groins during the cough. A stitch near the right ilium extending internally through the abdomen and chest into the left shoulder; the same also on the other side, from the left below to the right above (sixth day). Gnawing pain in the lower portion of the left inguinal region, near the bone; disappears and returns through the whole day (second day).

Rectum and Anus.

Objective. Protrusion of the rectum after a stool. Protrusion of the rectum, which is thick and proportionately swollen, without great pains; after it is with difficulty reduced, the anus is spasmodically contracted. Determination of blood to the anus with hemorrhoids; diarrhoea-like stool and increased itching in the anus. Great straining, in the diarrhoea. Burning discharge, from the anus four times a day, preceded by cutting colic and urging to stool. Discharge of blood from the anus. He constantly feels the flatus at the anus, though he presses out only small short emissions from time to time. Subjective Hemorrhoidal troubles (after eighth dose). Pains in the anus with a hard stool. Transient pains in the rectum preceding the evening diarrhoea, for a week. Burning in the anus during a stool, also after the stool. Burning in the anus, with watery stool. The anus feels closed. Painful constriction of the anus. Painful constriction of the anus, following prolapsus of the rectum. Cramp like pains in the anus, preceding a natural stool. Spasmodic pains in the anus and rectum internally, followed by a natural stool. Spasmodic pains in the anus internally, a short time before and after the stool (sixth day). Drawing in the anus extending up into the chest, and even into the head, with fever. Painful transient drawings, now in one, now other side of the anus. Pressure in the anus, both painful and painless. Pressure in the anus as for stool, followed by a somewhat soft stool (after vinegar).-General painfulness of the anus; on coughing a pain as if it would be torn. Throbbing in the anus and small of the back. Beating in the anus, as with little hammers. Jerkings in the anus in quick succession. Long- continuing biting and burning after the usual stool (thirteenth day). Clawing in the anus, alternating with oppression of the chest. Great itching in the anus, in the morning. The pains in the anus, and also the pressure, extend from without inward. Urging to stool with the fever. Apparent necessity for stool, without result; during the first period.


Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea every evening for a week, preceded by transient pain in the rectum, followed by throbbing as with a little hammer in the anus. Diarrhoea after the vomiting at night. Diarrhoea, with violent spasmodic Cramp like colic, so that she cannot straighten herself. Natural evacuation, followed again by diarrhoea. Sudden diarrhoea, with great urging, about midnight, thin, pasty, excessively offensive, ammoniacal (first day). Pasty diarrhoea in the morning (second day). Acids, even fruit, after Lachesis, easily cause diarrhoea. Diarrhoea like stools five or six times daily. Diarrhoea like stool, with hemorrhoidal troubles. Stools more frequent than usual (in one inclined to constipation). Frequent stools during the heat (in a nursing infant). Three watery stools, with burning in the anus, in the evening (second day). Two stools in the morning; after the stools, weakness, with continued desire for another stool, without result (first day). Copious evacuation of the bowels (eleventh and twelfth days). Moderately copious, strong smelling, otherwise natural stool, followed by soreness of the anus for a short time (after eight hours and forty minutes, second day). Soft stools the whole time. Soft stools of a bright yellow color (sixth day). A soft but consistent stool (third day). Stool soft, pasty, never slimy. Pasty stool every forenoon. Pasty, satisfactory stool, followed by congestion to the head and vertigo (third day). Stool pasty, every day somewhat later, so that, occurring in the morning, it after awhile occurred in the evening, and then again in the morning, and so on (fifth and following days for a week), (second proving). Thin stool in the morning (after a few days). No stool, only a somewhat thin watery evacuation (second day). Some mucus, so acrid that it is painfully discharged from the rectum, with voluntary pressure. Nodular stools first on the twenty fifth day (previously soft); this is a five day’s alternation from a soft stool, followed again by a soft stool. (* Perhaps from buttermilk. *) Scanty, smooth, clay-like stool (next morning). Stool bright yellow. Intolerable odor to the stool, which as usual was somewhat hard; the odor was scarcely endurable, like asafetida, but much worse (like putrefying snakes). Blood is discharged while pressing after a very copious evacuation (eleventh and twelfth days). Constipation. Constipations (after eighth dose). The first dose caused constipation, the second an evacuation. (* Occurring in very many cases when given in various diseases. *) Stool delayed every day. Stool delayed from morning till evening; after pressing there was only a scanty, unsatisfactory evacuation (first day). The stool constantly lies close to the anus, but only flatus passes (third day). The stool lies in the rectum, as far down as the anus, without being passed, and without urging (third day). Scanty, pasty stool in the morning, then omitting one day. No stool (first day); delayed, occurring only after smoking, scanty and pasty (second day). No stool for several days, with a very good appetite, on account of which the abdomen became hard and distended. No stool for three days,; immediately. Urging to stool at times without result, after three days’ omission of the stool, followed at last by scanty soft stool with great pressure, with pains as if the sphincter would be forcibly pressed asunder. Neither stool nor urine for seven days (secondary effect of the bite).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.