

Objective. Margins of the nostrils red, sore, erysipelatous; with catarrh. After catarrh the nose remains red and sore in the angles at the tip for long time. (The mucus follicles in the outer skin of the nose become inflamed). The left nostril is internally somewhat swollen and painful; worse on repeating the dose; at last a scab on the painful spot. Sneezing and very violent catarrh (3rd day after 3rd dose), lasting several days; at one time the nose was quite stopped at another only one side, and then again open and fluent. Sneezing and fluent catarrh, late in the evening (2nd day), (2nd experiment). Sneezing and fluent coryza with head troubles. Sneezing without relief, with stopped catarrh and cough. Sneezing together with the mucus in the throat. Violent sneezing for about 2 minutes (after 3rd dose); frequently (immediately after 4th dose). Thin water from the nose in the morning. Cold water from the left nostril and eye with swelling. Increased secretion of mucus in the nose and fauces diminished in the larynx. Discharge of mucus from the nose when coughing. Nasal mucus (15th day, preceded by mucus in the throat. Yellow mucus from the nose and throat, following stopped catarrh the day previous, preceded for a week by hoarseness and mucus in the throat. Nasal catarrh comes on in the afternoon and is fully developed by evening, with much sneezing. Many symptoms end with nasal catarrh. Nasal catarrh with red sore margins of the nostrils and lachrymation, without coryza. Catarrh; on the preceding day fever and a condition like an influenza. Catarrh and sticking headache,. Catarrh with sticking headache; stiffness of the neck. Catarrh with soreness of the nose. Catarrh and cough with easily loosened expectoration with moderate heat of the head and hands, dim eyes, violent palpitation of the heart, together with rash, over the whole body having the appearance of small spots without being elevated, as large as the point of a pin; sleep at night restless with moderate perspiration. ( Catarrh with cough and other symptoms; as frequently as in the spring). Frequent attacks of catarrh, which however did not fully develop. Catarrh which would not develop for long time, at last came on fluent with sneezing. (* In the morning, from the 30th, taken the night before. *) Sudden fluent catarrh in the evening, with much crawling in the tip of the nose, lachrymation and pressure in the inner canthi; of short duration (1st day). Very transient fluent catarrh (in one who had not had one for years), at first for only a few minutes in the morning then in the evening lasting a long time, whereby all the headache, lachrymation and stoppage of the ears disappeared, and he felt very free from trouble. A catarrh that had come on the same day was soon excessively violent (after the 30th); much sneezing with dropping of water from the nose, margins of the nostrils and tip of the nose inflamed and rosy-red; next morning the catarrh disappeared, as if it had never existed; after 30th it did not return, but 5 weeks later it came on, with fever, pain in the head, ears and teeth, which latter he had never had before. Inability to have real catarrh (yet has a constant or very frequent incomplete catarrh ). The catarrh disappeared in the morning on waking. Stopped catarrh, commencing in the evening. Stopped catarrh and dryness of the nose. Stopped catarrh and cough. Stopped catarrh in both nostrils begins to be fluent. Catarrh usually great stoppage of the nose. Catarrh dry in the evening which next morning on waking had disappeared, with burning in the upper lip; in the night towards morning there was again some catarrh which on waking disappeared. Bleeding of the nose (in a man of 45, for first in his life). Bleeding of the nose; thick dark-red blood. Blood and matter from the nose, with the plug in the trachea. A drop of the blood from the nose. Some drops of blood from the nose. ( A few drops of blood from the nose soon after taking very unusual, in a leprous person). A few drops of blood from the left nostril after boring in with the finger. Blowing of the blood and matter from the nose, in the afternoon. Blowing of the blood from the nose, and bloody streaks in the mucus. Blowing of the blood from the nose, in the morning, after the headache externally near the left eye (7th day); with the headache externally near the right eye; after great congestion in the afternoon and evening especially when walking (8th day); together with congestion (9th day). Blowing of blood from the nose, with trouble in trachea. Some drops of blood from the nose, on blowing it in the evening. Trickling nosebleed on blowing in very many cases, and in various diseases. Subjective. Dryness in the nose. In the morning the nose is very much stopped (disappearing after blowing out membranous pieces, but afterwards returning violently); in the evening the stoppage was less. Tensive burrowing beneath the right nostril, follow by biting across under the nose (1st day). Drawing sensation in the nose and frontal sinuses and beneath the whole skull. Drawing in the nasal bones. (At night, violent drawing pains in the nasal bones about the point of union of the cartilages; sticking on pressure; with stoppage of the nose and discharge of dry mucus and watery pus). Needle-like stitches in the nose (1st day). In leprous patients. Tearing from the upper part of the right side of the forehead to the nose. (7th day). Soreness in the inner angle at the tip of the nose, after catarrh. A sore spot beneath the nose that bleeds very much. A spot just above the left wing of the nose painful to touch without anything being visible. (The nose is painful; there is a discharge of watery clots from it, sometimes a scab). Crawling in the tip of the nose, with nasal catarrh. Itching in the nose, in the evening. Itching in the nose, on sitting down to eat. Itching in the nose when eating (3rd and following days).


Objective. Expression of pain in the face, with coma (bite). He has an extremely suffering look, face sunken as if he had been up nights, till the 4th week. Paleness of the face during the attack of exhaustion. Paleness of the face, with faintness, before eating. Very bad color of the face, and general discomfort. Earthy, gray color of the face, with abdominal troubles. Yellow color of the face during the fever. Swelling of the face, with much heat and redness. (Leprous swelling of the face aggravated). Erysipelatous swelling of the face; the right eye is almost closed up (after six or seven days). Face swollen generally puffy (bite). (The face swollen, especially in spots and at the root of the nose; aggravation in a leprous person). Blood rushes to the face and head with the cough. Subjective. Burning pains in the face. Drawing in the bones of the face, during the febrile heat. Pressure in the side of the face, upper jaw, and head. Pain in the face tearing above the orbit, with vomiting of food. (* In a girl at the age of puberty, who was pale, with loss of appetite. *) Cheeks. Swelling of the cheeks and redness of the whole face; repeated after the 2nd dose. (Bluish-red swelling on the cheek, with sticking and throbbing, with toothache; it breaks and discharges matter). A feeling of stiffness in the malar bone coming from the cervical glands. Drawing in the bones of the cheek and lower jaw. Pressive pain on the right malar bone more towards the eye, also on the right knee towards the inner side (12th day). A feeling as though something were screwing and burrowing in the right zygoma, also in the flesh (4th day). Tearing in zygoma extending into the ear (7th day). Lips. Swelling of the lips and gum, (upper lip thick). Dry lips. Hot lips. Burning of the upper lip, with nasal catarrh. Burrowing beneath the left ear near the jaw and in the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle, as in erysipelas, followed by the same sensation on the other side, in the evening (4th day).


Teeth. The destruction of a bad tooth goes on more rapidly than usual, but without pain (3rd week). He can easily crush a hollow tooth. Remarkable brittleness of a carious tooth; while eating large pieces break off. Breaking and crumbling of a hollow tooth. A piece breaks off from a hollow tooth,. Every diseased tooth is felt, but not painful, with congestion to the head. The teeth feel too long when biting them together. A partly broken, hollow, last back tooth seems too long, so that she cannot bite the jaws together; a boring in it extending into the jaw, especially after eating; the gum about it is swollen and painful as far as down into the throat; at last a discharge of pus from the tooth, when the plain ceased. Pain in the right upper teeth and in the left limbs; next day in the left lower teeth and in the limbs more of the right side. Toothache extending through the jaw to the ear. Toothache, with cold ear. Toothache with catarrh. Toothache with swollen cheek. Drawing in the teeth and in the bones of the face, during the febrile heat. Drawing in some of the teeth. Drawing in the second upper right back tooth, which was sound. Itching, drawing in some teeth of the left side, Raging, jerking, tearing, dull sticking in the roots of the lower teeth, often extending through the upper jaw to the ear, periodic, always after waking from sleep, soon after eating, also from warm and cold drinks. Transient stitches in the front teeth. Crawling in a tooth of the right upper jaw. Gums. Gum bluish-red, swollen and very painful. Gum and lips swollen. Gums swollen and spongy. – The gum is swollen about a hollow back tooth, followed by discharge of pus. – Gum of the lower incisors swollen (internally and externally as if it would become loosened from the teeth; in the back teeth a feeling as though something were between them; there is even a piece of gum grown out and causing trouble); the whole gum bleeds when rubbing it. Swelling of the gum of the upper front teeth, with throbbing pain in it in the evening; next day it was worse, with burning and throbbing. Violent painful swelling of the gum of the anterior lower incisors (third day); disappearing (fifth day). Bleeding of the gum. Feeling as if the gum were swollen. The gum of the two left lower back teeth is painful,. The gum is painful from warmth in the mouth. The gum is painful, with toothache. Tongue. Numbness of tip of tongue and inside of lips. The left half of the tongue swollen, feeling as though it were the effect of Mercury; soon after rheumatic pains. Burning on the left side of the tongue (seventh day). Burning on the tongue from ordinary water, as a precursor of the hoarseness and rawness in the throat. (The tongue seems thicker in th forepart; with a disgusting taste in the mouth). Fine contraction on the left side of the root of the tongue (fifth day). Sticking and tearing pressure on the tongue and palate, transient; with ulcerated fauces. Feeling as of pepper-dust on the tongue, with accumulation of saliva in the mouth, immediately,. Prickling on the tongue, immediately. Very transient prickling feeling on the tongue, immediately. General Mouth. Aphthous and denuded spots in the skin and flesh of the mouth, preceded by burning pain and rawness (third day); relieved (sixth day). Dryness in the mouth and thirst (bite). Dryness in the mouth and contraction. Feeling in the mouth as after Mercury. Transient pain on the curtain of the palate, while yawning. Burning and throbbing pain in the mouth (second day after second dose). Burning and dryness on the palate, with thirst (after taking acids). Violent burning in the mouth and swelling of the lips and gum (third day). Violent burning pains in the mouth and face. A very peculiar scraping burning feeling posteriorly on the palate, immediately on breathing the dust while triturating. Pressure in the palate, as if it came from the stomach (fifth day). Tearing and sticking on the palate and tongue. Mouth very sore, parched, and dry, the mucous membrane was cracked in various places and bleeding, and the tongue somewhat swollen and covered with blisters on each side. Rawness in the moth and throat. Saliva. (Children spit much saliva, with sore throat). Salivation while thinking about the sensation in throat. Salivation, with biting on tongue, with burning in throat; with stretching. The mouth is watery, sometimes more, sometimes less, as if it came from the stomach (first and second days). Accumulation of water in the mouth. Water runs from the mouth during a violent cough. Taste. (Taste sweet like sugar, instead of acid as formerly). Sweetish taste,. Sweetish taste in the back part of the throat, and the same of mucus (second to fourteenth days). Unpleasant taste in the mouth, like meal or paste. Disgusting bad taste in the mouth (third day). Nauseous taste, with headache and nausea, with hawking of mucus. Nauseous taste in the mouth, as from stale fat, without having eaten any fat. Most dreadful taste in the mouth, as from stale fat, without having eaten any fat. Most dreadful taste in the mouth, quite intolerable, which makes her think of acrid poison, though she had never taken poison; somewhat coppery, makes the teeth dull, causes nausea, more in forepart of the tongue, which there seems thicker, worse during eructations (in a hysterical woman). The powder of the 30th has a disgusting salty taste, like Glauber’s salts (after fourth dose). Salty taste of the mucus hawked up. Speech. Speech involuntarily stronger and more distinct than usual.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.