

Peculiar uneasiness in the chest, which caused me to withdraw; this becoming somewhat less, I returned to the operation, but before I had emptied all of the article out of the paper, the sensation in the lungs grew so distressing that I was alarmed; great difficulty of breathing, with a sense of suffocation; a dry hacking cough. Contractive sensation beneath the short ribs. Constriction of the chest, with shortness of breath and wheezing respiration; she was obliged to open the window and gasp for air, with paleness of the face, scarcely perceptible pulse, and apparent danger of suffocation, from evening till 9 A.M. (Griping (jerking tearing?) pains in the right chest, beneath the shoulder, of short duration). Pressure in the chest (a quarter of an hour after two grains). Oppression of the chest. Oppression of the chest in the forenoon, with shortness of breath, as if he were in a great dust, and could not breathe on account of it. Oppression of the chest after eating.

Back and neck

(Pinching pain between the scapulae on motion).


Creaking and cracking in the joints. Sleepiness and heaviness in all the limbs (after two Hours). Pains in the joints, as is usual when the limb goes to sleep (after three hours). Drawing pain in the bones of the upper arm and thigh in the evening after lying down (after five hours). Pressive and spasmodic pain in the hollow of the right knee and in the left arm, aggravated by touch (after four grains). Pain, as if bruised in all the bones (after three hours). When she wishes to sleep, she feels shocks through all the limbs.

Upper Limbs

Sudden spasmodic contractions of the arms. Pinching pains in the right arm (after three hours).

Lower Limbs

Twitching of the lower limbs. Weariness of the lower extremities (after four grains). Pinching pain in the left hip, extending from the crest of the ilium to the great trochanter (after four grains). Weariness of the thighs and lower limbs (after eight and nine hour). Pains shooting, as it were, from the right kidney down the thigh of the same side to the knee-joint, like cramp (after seven or eight days). Pain in the knee, as if the tendons and ligaments were wearied by a long walk. Pain in the left knee, as if sprained, especially when walking; seldom and unnoticed while sitting (after one hour). Some stitches in the right tibia (after four grains). Twitching and crawling in the muscles of the calf, as if a limb were asleep. The feet feel weary. Pinching pain in the right foot (after four hours).


Sleepiness. Yawning and stretching after eating. Frequent yawning (after a quarter of an hour). Sleepiness. Sleepiness, weariness (after two hours). Sleep, immediately. Sleep with half-opened eyes (after six hours). Sleeplessness. Uneasy sleep. Sleep full of restlessness and sobbing. Sleep interrupted by frequent waking and frightful dreams (after ten hours). He starts up in sleep. Sobbing fearfulness during sleep. Dreams. Vivid unremembered dreams, with frequent waking, as from wakefulness, at night.


Chilliness. He became cold over the body. He has no warmth at all in his body. Chilliness. Chilliness; he is unable to endure the slightest cold. Chilliness, followed by heat, and afterwards perspiration, coming on after the pain in the eye had lasted for some time. Frequent chilliness. Constant chilliness beneath the skin, and more when sitting in a warm place. (310). Chilly, feverish, and thirsty (after seven or eight days). Chilly the whole night in bed; was unable to sleep on account of chilliness. Externally coldness with internal heat. Shivering, with yawning (after half an hour). Shivering, with eructations. Febrile paroxysm, first shivering, then chilliness, with coldness, without thirst, about 4 P. M. (after five hours). Shivering coldness in the limbs, immediately, as if one were startled by some thing. Hands cold and moist. One hand is cold. The hands and feet are icy cold, and wet with cold sweat, with redness of one cheek and paleness of the other; he feels extremely sick and weak in mind and body, with dilated pupils (after ten hours) (320). Heat. Heat of the whole body in the evening. Sudden general heat about 4 P. M., with perspiration on the arms and back (after sixteen hours). A violent increasing, almost burning heat (sensation of heat) in the head and over the whole body, though with cold hands and feet; as the heat increases to its greatest severity, some perspiration breaks out of the trunk and head, with biting itching, especially on the neck (after one hour). External with out internal heat (after several hours). Feeling of warmth, extending from the abdomen up into the chest, and at times accompanied by sticking (after eight grains). (Heat and redness of the face, without thirst). Feeling of heat in the cheeks, even perceptible externally, though without redness (after three hours). Sensation of heat in the afternoon and evening, almost burning, in the head, on the forehead and cheeks, without thirst (after six hours). Would not be covered or bear much warmth. Sweat. Sweat. Sweat on the night after beginning to take the drug. Profuse sour sweat, with turbid urine). (Perspiration, lasting several hours. Perspiration about midnight (after twelve hours). Sour- smelling perspiration.


Objective. Very numerous small papulae and vesicles, seated on a deep-red base of irregular extent (after about thirty-six hours, or sooner); they become flattened in a short period, and assume the pustular character; many of them run together, are confluent, the part feels hot to the hand of another, and a tingling sensation, never amounting to pain, is experienced by the patient; the eruption endures pretty vividly for a few (three) days, during which the pustules become covered with a scab like scale and fall off, leaving no mark; they never ulcer ate. Burning heat over the whole surface of the body, which was found to proceed from a kind of erysipelatous eruption, covering every portion, similar to what is seen after exposing the naked skin to the burning sun; the patches were circular, and varied from the size of a sixpence to that of the palm of the hand, considerably elevated, with thick rounded edges, and of a fiery color (after one hour). (Lips covered with eruption externally). Lips covered with aphthae and scabs. (Nettle rash on the fore head, extending into the hair and down on the cheeks). (Tetter like eruption on the wrist and about the arms, which itches most in the evening and after lying down; after scratching, red pimples appear on the skin, through the itching does not cease). Subjective. Feeling of formication on the calf (after four grains).


Amelioration, (Closing eyes). Pain in temples etc. Amelioration, (Pressure), Pain in temples, etc. (Rest). Griping in abdomen. (Sitting). Pain in knee.


Aggravation, (Morning). After rising from bed, tear ing headache; on waking, anxiety in blood. Aggravation, (Afternoon), Between 6 and 7 o’clock, convulsive cough; towards evening, suffocative cough; about 7 o’clock, suffocative cough; about 4 o’clock, general heat. Aggravation, (Evening). Dyspnoea; heat of body. Aggravation, (Night). From 10 P. M. till 10 A.M., dyspnoea; from evening till 9 A.M., constriction of chest, etc., in bed, chilly. Aggravation, (Walking in cold air), Cough. Aggravation, (Coughing). Pain in abdomen. Aggravation, (After eating). Oppression of chest. Aggravation, (After lying down). In morning and evening, cough, etc. Aggravation, (Motion). Griping in abdomen; pain between scapulae. Aggravation, (Pressure), Colic in umbilical region. Aggravation, (Stooping). Headache in forehead; stitches above eye; vomiting, etc. Aggravation, (Touch). Pain in forehead; pain in umbilical region; pain in hollow of knee, etc. Aggravation, (Walking), vertigo; especially on turning around, reeling vertigo; pain in knee. Aggravation, (Sitting in warm place). Chilliness.

Heart and Pulse

Indescribable aching about the heart (pit of the stomach?). Palpitation. Palpitation, almost without anxiety. Quick pulse. Pulse rapid.

Sexual organs

Male. Voluptuous itching on the glans penis, while standing, which obliges scratching (after three hours and a half). Twisting drawing pain in the testicles (after eight or ten hours). Sticking in the testicles, when resting one thigh over the other (after two hours). Female. Pressing and dragging towards the uterus and anus. A show of the menses fourteen days before their time. The bloody discharge at the close of menstruation was suppressed.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.