Clarke gives the toxic effects of homeopathy drug Ipecacuanha and its therapeutic uses in non-toxic doses in his book The ABC Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, published in 1901….



      Irritative and catarrhal inflammation with nausea, retching and spasmodic constriction of the bronchi. Child becomes stiff and blue in the face, with viscid, catarrhal secretion in the bronchial tubes. Catarrhal gastritis and enteritis with nausea and retching. Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Bilious, mucous, bloody stools.


      Coryza, sneezing, congestion and swelling of the conjunctiva frontal headache.1. Irritative and catarrhal inflammation of the larynx, trachea and bronchia. Violent sense of suffocation and constriction of the trachea. Cough. The mucus secreted is often profuse and is difficult to raise.2. Nausea with retching and vomiting.3. Salivation.4. Irritative and catarrhal inflammation of the stomach and intestines. Bilious, green or yellow evacuations, with mucus and sometimes, blood.5. Sweating.6.


      Pulvis ipecacuanhae, 1/8-I gr.

Extractum ipecacuanhae fluidum, 1-30 m.

Vinum ipecacuanhae, 1-60 m.

The larger doses of the fluid extract and the wine cause emesis, while the power in doses of from five to ten grains, with warm water, every ten minutes will have the same effect. The first or second decimal dilutions of the fluid extract or drop doses of the wine are efficient for almost all the therapeutic uses of this drug.


      Hay fever.1. (Inhale diluted wine of ipecacuanha from atomizer).

Winter cough. Suffocative cough, large secretion of mucus which is raised with difficulty.2. (Use diluted wine in atomizer as for hay fever). Congestion of the vocal cords, recent, with hoarseness.2. (Atomized wine).

Bronchitis. Dyspnoea. Mucous secretion abundant but difficult to expel.2.

Rattling cough and constriction of the chest. The child becomes stiff and blue in the face.2.

Whooping-cough, especially in the catarrhal stage.2.

Capillary bronchitis with dyspnoea and rattling in the chest.2.

Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy.3. (Hourly or even half- hourly administration of the minute dose).


Vomiting of children suffering from acute catarrh of the stomach.3-5. (Minute doses).

Nausea with empty eructations and salivation.3-4.

Irritative condition of the stomach and bowels. Digestion is slow, painful, with flatulence and distention.5.

Mucous diarrhoea with mucus griping, the stools are green or greenish yellow.5.

Infantile diarrhoea or dysentery, stools mucous, green and often bloody.5.

Summer diarrhoea and dysentery of teething children with the characteristic stool.5.

Bilious remittents with foul tongue, nausea, bitter taste, distended epigastrium, bilious vomiting and diarrhoea.5.

Hectic sweats.6.

George Hardy Clark
Clark, George H. (George Hardy) 1860-1941 was the author of: Homeopathic Treatment of Asthenopia; Lee and Clark's Cough and expectoration : a repertorial index of their symptoms; The A B C Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics; A system for the care and training of children; The Black Plague and Its Control.