IPECACUANHA signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine IPECACUANHA …


This is a cerebro-spinal remedy, and selects for its special centre of action the peripheral extremities of the pneumogastric nerve, producing spasmodic asthma in the respiratory organs, and in the stomach violent nausea and vomiting. Its action upon the respiratory organs and stomach seems to be about half neurotic and half phlogistic in character. In the diseases to which it is homoeopathic, there is both the spasmodic and the inflammatory element.

Upon the mucous membrane, it excites an increased secretion of mucus.

Upon the skin it acts as a powerful diaphoretic.


Violent and long continued nausea, with vomiting of large quantities of tenacious, white, glairy mucus.

Constant and continual nausea, is the great key for Ipecac.

Stooping causes him to vomit.-.

Nausea, with distension of the abdomen and dryness in the throat; after vomiting inclination to sleep.-.

Vomiting, thirst, sweat, and bad breath.-.

Nausea and vomiting of blood.

Feeling of qualmishness, emptiness, and flabbiness about the stomach, with profuse flow of watery saliva.

Flat taste, with white, thick coated tongue.

Stools as if fermented, green as grass, with nausea and colic.-.

Green, watery, or fermented stools; worse in the evening, with nausea.

Stools poured from him with a gush, as if forced by the wind; very offensive, exactly like yeast.–JAHR.

Stools of blood and mucus, with continual nausea, and great tenesmus; or stools of black fermented, frothy molasses.

Diseases of the bowels, from eating unripe sour fruit.

Female Generative Organs.–Continual discharge of bright red blood from the womb; they commence breathing heavily during the hemorrhage.-.

Metrorrhagia, where it is accompanied with nausea.

Much distress about the navel, but it runs off to the uterus, the seat of the disease.

Respiratory Organs.–The chest seems full of phlegm, but does not yield to coughing.

Phlegm rattling on chest; sometimes vomited up by little children.-.

Incessant and most violent cough with every breath in delicate children, with great paleness of the face.

Loses breath with the cough; turns pale in the face, and stiffens.-.

Especially suited to the incessant, dry cough, which sometimes attacks children of delicate constitution, suffering with measles.–F.

Suffocation threatens from constriction in the throat and chest; worse from the least motion.-.

Ipecac. is frequently indicated in the sneezing of hay- fever, the violent expulsive cough of pertussis, the spasmodic forms of croup, and cases of half bronchitis and half asthma.-.

With every movement, a cutting pain almost constantly running from left to right.

General Symptoms.–Headache, as if the brain was bruised through all the bones of the head, and down into the root of the tongue.

Intermittents, where the gastric symptoms predominate.

Backache; short chill; long fever; mostly heat, with thirst, headache, nausea, cough, and sweat last.

Ipecacuanha in intermittents is one of out greatest curative agents, where the gastric symptoms predominate.

One hand cold, the other hot.-.

The great sphere the Ipecac. is in gastric and lung diseases, and it makes no matter what the disease is, if it is accompanied with prolonged nausea and vomiting, this remedy should be the first to be studied.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881