Cephaelis Ipecacuanha, A. Richard. Natural order: Rubiaceae. Common names (German), Brech-wurzel;Ipecac. Preparation: Trituration and tincture of the root.
General symptoms
Objective. A swaying to and fro of the body to either side, as in drunkenness, with stupefaction of the head, while walking in the open air in the evening (after ten hours). Stiffness of the body. The body of the child is stretched out stiff. The whole body is outstretched, stiff, whereupon a spasmodic contraction of the arm follows (after a quarter of an hour). Opisthotonos. Symptoms of emprosthotonos and opisthotonos (after ten hours). He is awkward, clumsy, and knocks against everything. Very weak, indolent, depressed, and chilly (after half an hour). Extreme weakness (after one hour). Exhaustion. Extreme restlessness; it continued three days. Subjective. Excessive sensitiveness to cold and warmth. Anxiety in the blood in the morning on waking, as if he had been in great heat, or had perspired profusely, or were awakened by anxious dreams, though he was neither hot nor sweaty, together with heaviness in the head, as if the brain were compressed. On waking, a peculiar sensation of lightness, with good appetite (after one hour and a quarter) (Sticking pains here and there in the body, caused by motion, ending in burning).
Emotional. The child cries and screams violently and incessantly; sticks its fist into its mouth; its face is pale and the body rather cool (after one hour). His mind is full of wishes and longings, but he does not know for what. Lively mood; he is inclined to talk, and even to joke. Whining mood; must be carried about. He does not speak a word. Takes no delight in anything; nothing pleases him. His courage sinks, and he is extremely inclined to be peevish and ill-humored. He is thoughtful fearful, and thinks trifles are very important (after six hours). Ill-humored; he thinks that he is very unhappy. Ill-humored the whole day; had no desire to talk, and was inclined to weep. Ill-humored and vexed that his business does not proceed fast enough. Ill-humored, quiet, retired in himself, scorning everything. Morose mood that scorns everything, and desires also that other shall not appreciate or value anything. He is averse to everything. Extremely inclined to be obstinate and fretful. Extremely impatient. He becomes exasperated at the slightest noise. He frequently becomes angry at the merest trifles; and again just as easily and speedily can be quieted (after five hours). Intellectual. Disinclination to work. Aversion to literary work; ideas fail him (after twenty-nine hours). His flow of ideas is very slow.
Confusion and Vertigo. Confusion of the head. Vertigo (after a quarter of an hour). Vertigo, while walking. Vertigo, as if the head were reeling hither and thither, with momentary, disappearance of thought, only when walking, and especially on turning around (after two hours). General Head. Heaviness and diminished power of thought (quarter of an hour after 2 grains). Heaviness of the head, with sleepiness. Painful heaviness of the head (after two hours). Feeling of heaviness and pressure in the head (after a quarter of an hour). Violent headache. Tensive headache, A dull drawing back and forth in the head (immediately). Pressure in the head and fore head, as if the brain were compressed by two tables (after quarter of an hour). Pressive headache. Headache; sticking and heaviness. Acute and severely sticking headache, in short paroxysms, which after an hour changes to a pressure (after eight hours,). Tearing headache in the morning after rising from bed, lasting till noon, less in the afternoon (after thirty-one hours). Headache as from a bruise of the brain and skull, which pierces through all the cranial bones into the roots of the teeth, with nausea. Forehead. Headache extending from the fore head to the vertex (after 1 grain). Burning pain in the forehead, aggravated by touch (after 8 grains). Boring pain in the forehead (after half an hour). Acutely sticking pain in the forehead, caused and aggravated by touching the part. Tearing pain in the forehead, caused and aggravated by touching the part. Violent tearing headache in the forehead, aggravated on stooping (after two hours). Temples. (Constrictive headache in the left temple and above the orbit), (after one hour). Pressing- out and almost boring pain, at one time in the temples, at another over the orbits in a small spot, which disappears on external pressure, and is relieved by closing the eyes (after one hour). Vertex. Violent sticking pain in the crown of the head. Parietals. Pain externally on the parietal bone, as from a thrust with a dull point (after half an hour). Occiput. Painfulness of the occiput and nape of the neck, caused by moving the head (after two hours and a half). (50). Tensive pressive headache in the occiput and nape of the neck, when extends into the shoulders (after three hours).
Objective. Inflammation of the eyes. Eyes a little inflamed. Subjective. Pain in the eyes like that in the head, the eyeballs seemed forced out of their orbits and objects seemed befogged. Awakened at 3 A.M., by raging pain, more severe in the right, less in the left eye, with excessive lachrymation, which soaked the pillow, and loss of vision (first night). Intense tearing pains, especially in the right eye, extending but a little way towards the temple; on opening the right lids, which were swollen, a copious gush of tears; the conjunctiva of the bulb was injected and infiltrated; the tunica vaginalis swollen, the cornea dim as if infiltrated; on close examination there were noticed a number of small depressions; the iris seemed congested and had a dull look, the pupils contracted, reacting but little or not at all in the light; vision completely lost; after eight weeks these symptoms appeared in the left eye after again pound ing Ipecac, but this time associated with nausea and inclination to vomit; a third time, after several months, after pounding. Ipecac, he was awakened in the night by tensive pains in the eyes, lachrymation, loss of vision, etc.; a fourth time after pounding Ipecac, he experienced a slight biting and pressing pain in the eye, light blinded him and increased the pain, the conjunctiva became red and chemosed, and again there was copious lachrymation; this time the right eye was most affected, vision was lost; with the left eye the patient saw fiery rings with rainbow colors. Severe stitches above the eye on stooping, with a sensation as if it were swollen (after twenty hours). Lids Lids, especially the right, swollen. Hardened mucus in the external canthi (after seven and a half and twelve hours). Dryness of the lids, with sleepiness (after eight hours). Lachrymal Apparatus. Eyes suffused. Effusion of tears. Pupil. Dilatation of the pupils (after two hours and a half). Pupils easy to dilate (after eight hours).
Pressive pain extending from the concha into the drum, then to the occipital protuberance (after twenty-eight hours). Dulness of hearing in the right ear, with pressure in it.
Objective. Sneezing. Much sneezing, with thin nasal mucus (after half an hour). Violent repeated sneezing. Paroxysms of sneezing, almost sufficient to throw me from my saddle, lasting about two hours and gradually subsiding, with cough and expectoration (after ten or fifteen minutes). Catarrh, with draw ing pains in all the limbs. Nosebleed. Subjective. Feeling of dryness in the nose and frontal sinuses (after three hours). Feeling of dry catarrh in the nose, as if the nostrils were too dry (after three hours). Attacks of asthma seemed to commence generally with a feeling of irritation of the nasal membrane, which rapidly extended to the bronchi and all their ramifications. Most harassing titillation of the nostrils.
Objective. Countenance anxious and livid. Face pale and puffed. Pale, sunken face (after half an hour). Pale face, with blue rings around the eyes, and great weakness, as after a pro longed severe illness. His appearance became quite yellow (after seven or eight days). Lips. Biting sensation on the lips. Sensation in the corners of the mouth as if they were sore, when touched, and on moving the lips.
Teeth. Pain in the teeth as if they would be torn out, paroxysmal (after eight hours). Externally violent pain in a hollow tooth when biting anything, as if it would be torn out, even to crying out and screaming, followed by constant tearing in it (after one hour). Tongue. Burning in the tongue and upper lip (after a quarter of an hour). A biting sensation on the margin of the tongue. Biting on the margins of the lips, tip, and sides of the tongue, with accumulation of watery saliva in the mouth, and some pain in the abdomen (after half an hour). A sensation on the back part of the tongue and on the palate, like that caused by chewing liver wort or Artemisia dracunculus, which profusely increases the saliva. General Mouth. Dryness and rawness in the mouth, especially in the pharynx (after half an hour). In an instant that peculiar, burning, indescribable sensation was felt in the mouth, which rapidly extended itself to the fauces and down the throat and bronchia, and for two hours I suffered greatly, and had consider able dyspnoea, all of which gradually disappeared. All parts of the mouth much too sensitive and almost painfully so. Saliva. Increased flow of saliva. Increased accumulation of saliva (after a quarter of an hour). Profuse accumulation of saliva in the mouth (after two hours and a half). Profuse accumulation of saliva, for some hours. Profuse accumulation of saliva, with much nausea and a sensation as if it would amount to vomiting. Saliva runs from the mouth on lying down. Is constantly obliged to swallow saliva (after one hour). Very much thin saliva (after half an hour). (Salivation). Taste. (100). Flat taste in the mouth. Taste in the throat as from rancid oil, while swallowing (after quarter of an hour). Beer tastes flat (after two hours). The customary tobacco has a nausea taste when smoking and causes vomiting.