
Running in all “nerves'” especially in the fingers, and a sensation of jumping as from ant-bites, in the finger-ends; on looking at them, she found the nail blue halfway up from the root, at noon (third day). Feels as if she had risen from a severe sick-bed in the forenoon (eleventh day). Dull pains of a shifting character all day (thirteenth day). Erratic pains of a rheumatic character (seventh day). Fugitive or fixed pains here and there. Drawing and aching pains, which seem to come from the bones. In my own provings, I have frequently experienced a succession of acute, sudden, darting pains evidently running along the single nerve branches in almost every part of the body and limbs, sometimes so sudden and acute as to make me start; at one time, a quick succession of these acute sudden pains coursed down the outside and front of the tibia for over half an hour, leaving a line of considerable tenderness marking its track. The effects were dissipated within a few hours.


Objective. Yellowness of the skin in the forenoon (eleventh day). Pale yellow color of the face and of the whole body in the afternoon (eighth day). Eruptions. Gelsemium produces a peculiar and very marked eruption in most of the provers; it appears most of the face, less frequently and less conspicuously on the back between the shoulders, etc.; it is papulous, very much the color of the eruption of measles, which it considerably resembles, but the papulae are larger, more distant and distinct; although very conspicuous, they are attended with little or no sensation, the subject being unaware of their existence until he happens to see himself; persons have frequently been asked what was the matter, if they had the measles, etc., when they were not aware of the eruption; this generally appears on the second or, third day of the proving, and would seem to be more constantly produced by the 2D or 3D dilution that by the tincture; the eruption continues one or two weeks, or longer. Erythema of the face and neck. Papulous eruption on the face, very nearly resembling measles. A sore pimple on the left side of the neck at 8 P.M.; the pimple is sore, and has an areola embracing the diameter of a pea, quite red and inflamed (such an eruption not experienced at any other time), (sixth day). Two more pimples, one at the right corner of the os hyoides, the other at the left anterior temporal ridge, above the brow (eighth day). Another pimple, sore to touch, on the left side of the larynx; the first one less sore, like a small cutaneous induration; these are like minute furunculi; thus far no suppuration (ninth day). The first pimple sorest, the other less so (tenth day). Eruption of vesico-pustules, painless, but having no other analogy to measles, appeared on the side of thighs. Subjective. Sudden stinging in the skin over the whole body, as if an eruption would break out, with greenish-yellow color of the skin, then burning, then itching, with profuse sweat, at 4 P.M. (eleventh day). (* At fourteen years old she had a similar sensation, when she had a dangerous “Rosselaussching,” as they call it in Upper Austria, with sore throat, the body being densely covered with red granules, except the anterior part of the chest. Rossalia squamosa? f. Schmalz’s Diagnost. Tabellen, 2014; or Scarlatina miliaris? *) Itching about the elbows and forearms at 11.30 P.M. (first day). Intense but transient itching of small points in the face and at the edge of the hair, on the forehead, right side, and elsewhere on the scalp, at 11.30 P.M. (first day).


Sleepiness. Disposition to yawn: a sort of stupor; cannot keep the eyes open; is obliged to lie down and sleep. Drowsiness, with dimness of vision; a kind of drunken stupor. At first it seemed to cause drowsiness, afterwards aggravated the habitual sleeplessness. Slightly drowsy (half an hour after first dose); increasing (forty minutes after dose); increasing (forty minutes after third dose). Sleepiness, like a lethargy, came on after 2P.M., lasting all the afternoon and evening (seventh day). Sleepiness and long and sound sleep are very general symptoms. Inclined to sleep, with deep respiration and numbness of the whole body. Early sleep after supper (seventh day). Sound sleep until 7A.M.; difficult, weary waking (second day). Sleeplessness. Sleeplessness the whole night (sixth night). Wakeful till 1 in the morning, with desire to study; sound sleep the last half of the night and weary waking (third night). Very little inclination to go to sleep, and when it does come on, he dreams much about business, etc. Very restless night (first night). Very restless during the night, especially towards morning (forty-third night). Had a very restless night, with unpleasant dreams after midnight (first night) Could not get asleep for a long time;on falling asleep, a sort of nightmare awoke me again, so that no sleep came; at last it was like falling asleep, when a second time a kind of nightmare came on, never experienced before;it was as if the whole left side from the neck along the chest, trunk, and thigh, as far as the knee, were a kind of soft muscles, spasmodically jerking up and down, somewhat with the elasticity of a mass of jelly; this motion extended deep into the interior of the chest, and the center of this motion seemed to be in the region of the heart; it was, indeed, one great motion which concerned the whole left side as a mass, with the exception of the head and foot; this whole half of the body seemed to me to be going up and down, while the right side of the back, on which I lay, was quiet; I wondered in my mind at this turmoil going on in my body, but was unable to stir;when I woke up from this condition, I was well aware of what had happened, and found myself quietly lying on the same spot where I had fallen asleep, and the pulse, with everything else, was quiet; I certainly had not moved, and all, then, was my imagination; I only felt a drawing pain in the lower third of my left thigh, which was repeated the next day. Dreams. Dreamy sleep and early waking (ninth day). Dreams of working and of many people (first, second, and third nights) Many dreams of hard work (seventh day). During the night, much annoyed with unpleasant dreams (first night, after 6 drops).


Chilliness. Cold on the surface. Surface cold and congested.

Chilliness, especially along the spine. Transient chilliness (accompanying profuse urination). Little chilliness, then some heat, then cold sweat, but less than before, all without thirst, between 2 and 4 P.M. (sixth day). Febrile chilliness, with cold extremities and heat of the head and face, with headache, an early symptom in most cases. Chilly sensations over the entire body. Very chilly at 9 P.M. (sixth day). Feels very chilly all day, especially in the morning (second day). Chill (part of S. 490). Chill after breakfast (fifth day). Chill, then cold sweat more than yesterday, but not as much as before, in the afternoon, lasting till 5P.M. (seventh day). Chill, then weakness like fainting, then profuse cold sweat, after 2 P.M. (tenth day). A tremor and a chill, which all of a sudden and urgently forced out a general cold sweat, so that the drops were seen standing on the arms quite densely (after four hours and a half). Slight chills during the day (fourth day). Every symptoms of argue; would have thought he had the ague. Feels anguish, with pain in and between the bones of the calf of the left leg;not able to go downstairs without holding to something. Chilliness and chills running up the back from the loins to the nape of the neck. Whilst reading exciting news, a transient chilliness on the upper half of the body, especially in the books and nape of the neck, at 3P.M. (fifth day). Extremities cold; (after five hours). Coldness of the extremities, especially the feet, often severe. Extremities rather cold (after three hours). Feet and hands cold. Feet feel as if in cold water; this symptom occurs at an early stage, and is generally accompanied with heat of the head and face, and headache. Heat. After one to several hours, chilliness subsides, general heat supervenes, mostly about the head and face, with full pulse, from 80 to 100 Directly after the chill comes a flying heat and pricking in the skin, rapidly followed by perspiration, which at times is profuse, and lasting even from twelve to twenty-four hours. Warmth over the whole body, as if sweat would break out, then chilly down the back, in the afternoon (fifth day). Feverish, in the forenoon (eleventh day).

Some heat and dryness of the hand, at 10 A.M. (third day). Hands, especially the plans, hot and dry, in the afternoon. Feverish heat in the face (eights day). While usually in sickness she has cold feet, they are now constantly warm, in the afternoon (eighth day). Sweat. Skin moist (after three hours). In most cases perspiration follows the febrile reaction, and continues from a few minutes to several hours. Walking or other movement easily induced perspiration (first day). Free perspiration over the body (part of S. 257). Perspiration sometimes profuse, and continuing from a few hours to twenty-four, with languor and prostration. Much sweat, with external coldness of the whole body, in the afternoon (eighth day). A little cold sweat, chill, with hot running in the legs and burning of the soles of the feet like fire, without thirst, at 3 P.M. (fifth day). During the stinging in the left breast, and after the chilly tremor, a profuse cold sweat broke out, more profuse than yesterday (second day). A profuse cold sweat broke out suddenly (after the pain in the forehead), so that she was wet all over, still worse than the day before, and lasting until 6 P.M. (third day). Skin dry (after five hours). Palms dry and heated, at 11.30 P.M. (seventh day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.