

Hawking up of bloody matter. The burning at times seemed intolerable, and swallowing was painful. Sore feeling during deglutition, about the root of the tongue and larynx, with accumulation of mucus in the upper part of the trachea, causing frequent clearing of the throat. Dryness and burning in the throat. Fauces and Esophagus. Painful dryness of the fauces. While sitting at studies, a rising of tasteless semi-solid matters in the oesophagus, with flatus and a sense of something lodged therein, slightly painful, at 12.30 (one hour after 9 drops, fifth night). Violent burning in the gullet from the mouth quite down to the stomach. Spasmodic sensations and cramp like pains in the gullet. Tried to swallow but could not.

Owing to paralysis of the muscles of the throat the patient could not swallow when the physician was called. External Throat.

Pains in the neck, which confine themselves to the upper part of the sternocleidomastoid directly back of the parotid glands (first day).


Appetite. Great hunger (one case) After a moderate meal, experienced a sudden satiety (ninth day). Want of appetite, in the afternoon (seventh day). Eructation and Hiccough. Eructations. Eructations of wind and bland fluid, at 11.30 P.M.

(first day). Sour eructations. Hiccough. Heartburn. At noon, slight heartburn and pain at the cardia, whilst riding (first day). Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea. Nausea and vomiting. Slight nausea. Considerable nausea (after three-quarters of an hour). More or less nausea, with headache. Stomach. Feeling of emptiness and weakness of the stomach and bowels. A sensation as of something wasting in the epigastric region (third day). Rumbling and dull pains in the epigastrium, relieved by expulsion of flatus. Pain in the stomach, extending from the pyloric end of it to the axilla and under the scapula, and down the right arm to the external side of the forearm, it terminates about a hand’s breath from the elbow; this passed off after taking biscuit and coffee. Pain in the stomach, nausea, and dimness of vision (after two hours); these symptoms were soon succeeded by ineffectual efforts to vomit, great restlessness, and free perspiration over the body. Gastralgia and colic, coincident with the intoxicated feeling, in the afternoon (fourth day). Cardialgia, when driving, at 11 A.M. (fifth day). Continued cardialgia, and eructations, when sitting in the evening (sixth day). Burning in the stomach and abdomen (part of S.211). Seized with violent cramp like pains in the epigastrium, causing an involuntary cry lasting but a moment, but then subsiding, leaving a constricted sensation for one hour (three hours and half after first dose); followed by a sensation of heat and burning in the stomach (third day). Gastric oppression; had to loosen the waistband, after which colicky sensation to the left of the navel, as if a stool would shortly follow, at breakfast (second morning).


Hypochondria. Slight pains in the left hypochondriac region (third day). Frequent sharp drawing pain through the left hypochondriac region. Pulsative pains in left hypochondrium, continuing for one hour, at 3.30 P.M. (fourth day). Umbilical. Rumbling in the region of the umbilicus. Dull aching in the umbilical region, which lasted till I got up (seventh morning). Sharp stitches around the umbilicus. Colicky pains below the navel, extending down to the testes, caused by flatus, and relieved by its expulsion, in the evening (fourth day). Two little painful spots on the right side of the umbilicus, extending down into the bowels; the pain is increased by pressure. General Abdomen. Rumbling and rattling in the abdomen, with emission of flatus above and below (first day). Evacuation of flatus both ways, frequently (first day). Palpitation of the abdominal muscles about three minutes (tenth day). Weak nauseated feeling in the bowels. Heaviness, and feeling of weight in the bowels. Pain in the bowels towards morning (third day). Slight pain in the transverse colon, with yellow color of the skin of the face (one case). Burning in the abdomen, the pain going around in the intestines, towards 12 o’clock (second day). Slight griping pains through the abdomen, mostly in the umbilical region, after supper. Dull pain in the abdomen. Dull pain the bowels, which became very severe towards morning (first night) Sharp pains in the bowels, with stools of a light creamy color and pappy consistence. Sleep disturbed by lancinating pain in the abdomen, relieved by copious discharge of flatus. Colic, in the evening (ninth day). Slight colicky feeling as if the bowels would be moved, at 11.30 P.M. (first day). Tenderness of the abdominal parietes. Gnawing pain in the region of the transverse colon, all the afternoon. Movement of flatus in the lower bowels, at 11.30 P.M. (first day). Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. After experiencing chills, headache, feverish and prolonged sweating, seventeen hours after taking the drug, awakened by severe moving pains in the lower abdomen, soon followed by a very large but natural stool, without relief of the pains, and soon after a deeply bilious discharge, with instant relief of the pain; nine hours afterwards another bilious evacuation without pain (one case). One of the right inguinal glands became swollen and tender to touch. Pain in the left iliac region (first day). Slight pain in the left iliac region (two case).

Rectum and Anus

The piles returned with raw, smarting pain. Exciting news caused, apparently, urging to stool; stool papescent, of dark yellow color (sixth day).


Diarrhoea. Bowels loose, but great difficulty in discharging anything; there seems to be great strength in the sphincter muscles (first day). After breakfast a good stool; after supper a second stool, consistent (third day). Bilious stools (twelfth day). At 9.30 A.M., a soft bilious stool, preceded by threatenings of diarrhoea; the latter renewed at noon by exciting news, and afterwards when walking (seventh and eighth days). Deep yellow, soft stool, after breakfast (tenth day. A stool, at first consistent, then papescent, bilious, homogeneous, a few minutes past 10 A.M. preceded all the morning by flatulence (fourth day). Tea-colored, semi-solid stool (eleventh day). Stool of deep yellow color (papescent), after breakfast (fifth day). After breakfast, a tea-colored stool, more consistent (ninth day). Constipation. At 11 A.M., having put off the usual defecation, had a slow stool, leaving a sensation of more remaining to be passed, and abdominal repletion (second day). Insufficient stool, 10 A.M. (first day). Attempted to pass a stool, but much wind only passed, in the evening (ninth day). Relief of constipation (several cases).

Urinary Organs

Urethra. Painless redness about the orifice of the urethra (eight day). Agreeable sensation during micturition throughout the courses of the urethra. A feeling as if something remained behind when urinating; the streams stops and commences again. Micturition. Frequent micturition; wants to urinate every half hour. Frequent emission of clear limpid urine, with seeming relief to the dulness and heaviness of the head. Urine increased in quantity, clear and watery. Urine much increased in quantity (first day). In nearly every instance the profuse emission of watery urine was accompanied by transient chilliness, tremulousness, and an evident alleviation of the sensations of heaviness of the hand, dulness of mind, and dimness of sight (several, who made partial provings for me, noticed the same symptoms, with the alleviations). Urine. Urine at times and limpid; at times milky and turbid.

Sexual Organs

Male. In connection with the general prostration, accompanied by diuresis, there was always much flaccidity, with coldness of the genital organs. Irritation of small spots on the mucous surface of the prepuce, with surrounding congestion (third night). In the afternoon and evening some irritability of the right testis, afterwards dragging pain in the same, extending into both groins and the hypogastrium, followed by discharge of flatus and relief of the pain (first day). Emission of semen without erection (twelfth night). Female. Severe, sharp labor-like pains in the uterine region, extending to the back and hips (part of S.74). A discharge of blood per vagina; came on about 4 P.M., after the symptoms had subsided, lasting one hour (second day); after 6 P.M. (third day).

Respiratory Organs

Larynx and Trachea. Paralysis of the glottis, with difficulty of swallowing. When eating, the food drops into the trachea, causing strangling. Burning in the larynx and down into the chest under the sternum. Voice. Voice seems weak. Voice thick, as if the tongue were too large. Paroxysms of hoarseness, with dryness of the throat. Cough and Expectoration. Cough, from tickling, and dry roughness of the fauces. Cough, hacking, with a feeling as if a drop of liquid had entered the windpipe, with frequent clearing of the throat. Inability to expectorate. Breathing slow, sighing, and at times sobbing. Breathing slow and superficial, with now and then a deep inhalation. Slow breathing, with rapid pulse (primary). Breathing unnaturally slow. Peculiar slowness of respiration, seven to the minute (fifty-five minutes after third dose). Respirations somewhat diminished in number; afterwards breathing spasmodic. Respirations almost imperceptible. Irregular breathing and slow respiration (part of S.510). Sighing respirations Respirations of a sighing, catching character. Respiration grasping, three or four per minutes (after three Hours). Breathing stertorous, and very imperfect. Fetid breath. Offensive breath, slow breathing, and slow pulse (primary), followed by rapid breathing and quick, weak pulse (secondary). Heavy breathing (in the morning) (eighth day); (in the afternoon), (seventh day). Heavy and labored respirations. Sudden sensation of suffocation, as in hysteria. He complained of choking (after half an hour), and soon rose struggling for breath, pushing his fingers into his throat, as if trying to tear it open.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.