
Gymnocladus homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

Common names: Chicot, Coffee tree of Kentucky.


Gymnocladus Canadensis, Linn. Natural order: Leguminosae.

Preparation: Tincture of the fresh pulp in the pods around the seeds.


Emotional. Indifferent to what happens (after second dose, second day). Intellectual. Cannot think or study; forgets what he knew (after first dose, third day). Cannot think quickly, compelled to gaze at an object some time to comprehend it (after first dose, second day). Cannot study (after second dose, second day). Could not take an abstract of the lectures in the afternoon (fourth day).


Vertigo. Vertigo at times (ten hours after first dose, second day). Dizziness (after first dose, second day). Dizziness, with dimness of sight. General Head. Head swelled, as in erysipelas, for several days; compelled to wash with Arnica to obtain relief (fifth day). Head feels heavy and eyes dull (two hours after second dose, second day). Desire to lean the head on something (three hours after third dose, first day). Pain in the head, mostly over the eyes (eleventh day). Pain in the head and stitches in the bowels, in the umbilical region at times (twenty fifth day). Fullness of the head, (in morning, fourth day). Feeling as if the head would burst. Head feels tight, as if bound up. Headache, at 12 m. (twenty-sixth day). Dull headache for two hours (after first dose); slight headache (after second dose, first day). Slight headache (fourth day); intense headache; never had headache in his life before (from fifth to tenth day). Bruised feeling of head, mostly left side, in the morning (third day). Forehead. Dulness in forehead and left eye (one hour after second dose, third day). Dull pains in the forehead, mostly over the left eye. Headache, fullness, and pressure in and over the eyes, in the forehead, and extending to the top of the head, with occasional shooting pains (after four hours and a half). Headache over the eyes, first on the left, and after awhile also on the right side; headache over the right temple. Feeling in the sinciput as if the eyes were pushed forward (from fifth to tenth day). Sharp, violent pain in;the forehead, over both eyes, very near the eye, lasting three minutes or longer; extending triangularly into the upper part of the head, mostly on the right side. Temples. Pain in the left temple (after first dose, second day), (morning, fourth day). Pain in left temple and head (fifth morning). Pain in temple to the ear and top of the head, sometimes shoots through to the right side (after three hours fourth day). Soreness in left temple (one hour after second dose, third day). Vertex. Dull pain on the top and right side of the head. Parietals. Pain in the left side of the head (two hours after first dose, third day). Pain in the left side of the head and right breast, and in the arms (two hours after third dose, first day).


Desire to rub the eyes, must rub them (after three hours, fourth day). Sensation of agglutination of left eye, a desire to rub or scratch it externally, in the morning (third day). Heat and burning in the eyes, at 12 M. (twenty-sixth day). Burning in the left eye, as if it would be forced out (after three hours, fourth day). Stinging pains in the right eye. Eyes sore (fifth morning). Brow and Orbit. Dull heavy pain between the eyes. Violent throbbing over the left eye. Lachrymal Apparatus. Water from the eyes (after three hours, fourth day). Ball. Pain in left eyeball and temple (two hours and a half after second dose, second day). Pressure in the eyeball and chest, in breast and sternum (fifth morning).


Frequent, violent sneezing, which originated very high up in the nose. A peculiar sneezing, as if very soft, and each exhalation slow (second or third day).


Pain and soreness in the left malar bone, as if from a contusion, in the morning (third day).


Teeth. Reappeared, a great sensibility of the teeth; more on the left side, and most in the upper teeth; the slightest draught of cool air sets the teeth aching; cold drinking hurts most severely (first day); much worse (second day); disappearing (third day). Pain in a plugged tooth (fifth day). Tongue. Tongue coated bluish white (fifth morning). General Mouth. Scraping burning in the roof of the mouth, extending to the uvula (after four hours and a half). Burning-drawing sensation in roof of mouth, extending to the uvula, soon passing away, (after half an hour). Soreness in palatine arch (one hour after second dose, third day). Saliva. Water in the mouth (two hours after third dose, first day). Water in the mouth, almost to vomiting (after three hours, fourth day). Accumulation of mucus in the mouth, and sticking in the throat (two hours after third dose, first day). Taste. Taste of medicine in mouth and throat for two hours (after five minutes, third day). Bad taste in mouth (fifth day). Bitter taste, very soon.


Objective. Mucus in throat, frequent hawking (second day). Hawking shooting in throat (fifth day). Subjective. Burning in throat and stomach for three hours (fourth day). Sticking in throat (ten hours after first dose, second day). Throat smarts and burns (after second dose, third day). Tickling in the throat, producing a cough, which continued to increase all day, and in the evening was one of the worst hard dry coughs I ever had (second day). Drawing pain in the uvula and tonsils, particularly the right side; right tonsil very much inflamed, and of a purple color (after four hours and a half). Burning in oesophagus, immediately (third day). Squeezing pain on the left sternocleidomastoid, high up, of short duration.


Appetite. Slight appetite for breakfast; bread tastes dry (fifth morning). Loss of appetite (fourth to ninth day); has not eaten as much in the last five days as at an ordinary breakfast, his principal meal (tenth day). No appetite in the morning (fourth day). Eructation. Eructations (fourth day); increasing to ninth day. Eructations, slight burning in the scrobiculus cordis, at 11 P.M., continuing till midnight (second day). Gulping of wind. Gulping of wind and uneasiness of bowels (two hours after third dose, first day). Spitting up of sour water (from fifth to tenth day). Heartburn. Heartburn, all day (fourth day). Nausea. Nausea (second and third days). Nausea, after eating, lasting three hours. Nausea, with unpleasant feeling in the stomach (fifth day). Stomach. Pain in the stomach (one hour after second dose, third day). Heat in the stomach and sour watery eructations, the last continuing till 11 A.M. (thirteenth day). Hot feeling in the stomach and bowels (two hours after second dose, second day). Slight burning in pit of stomach, all day (third day). Burning in the stomach very intense (from fifth to tenth day); he never had the most trifling uneasiness there before. Constant burning in the stomach, circumscribed, about the six of a dollar (eleventh day). Sensation of fullness in the stomach, with slight nausea (after four hours and a half).


Hypochondria. Pain in left side, as though the spleen was swollen (fifth day). Umbilical. Commotion in umbilical region (fifth day). Pain in umbilical region (after second dose, first day). General Abdomen. Flatulency and rumbling in the bowels (sixth day). Frequent flatus in the abdomen, pressing on the bladder. Feels as if he had taken a purgative, in the morning (fourth day). Feels as if diarrhoea would come on (two hours after first dose, third day). Feeling in the abdomen as if diarrhoea would follow; hard stool, the last part somewhat softer (after three hours); and afterwards an aching fullness in the rectum, about five or six inches above the anus, all around; the whole sensation occupying a space of the size of the fist. Pain in the bowels (after three hours, fourth day). Pain and uneasiness in the bowels and stomach (twenty- third day). Pain in the bowels and flatulency (twenty-second day). Dull pain in the bowels (twenty-sixth day). Pressing pain on the left side of the abdomen, disappearing after eructation. Stitches and pain in the bowels (second day). Soreness of abdomen (two hours after first dose, third day). Tenderness of abdomen (one hour after second dose, third day). Hypogastrium. Pain in the lower parts of the abdomen (after four hours and a half). Pinching in the lower part of the abdomen, towards the left side. Pain in the right inguinal glands.

Rectum and Anus

Disposition to go to stool, with inability to do so, lasting for three or four hours.


Bowels relaxed, in the morning (fourth day). Bowels constipated (fourth day).

Urinary Organs

Pressure in the bladder, as if large quantities of urine had been retained too long. Desire to urinate frequently; urine in small stream (ten hours after first dose, second day). Urine brown, yellow, turbid, in the morning (fourth day).

Sexual Organs

Itching of glans penis (ten hours after first dose, second day). A long-continuing, increasing sexual desire, and erections at night.

Respiratory Organs

Smarting in the larynx (after second dose, first day). Now and then a slight cough, not violent nor unpleasant.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.