
Dull aching in the occipital region, occasionally extending into the os frontis (third night). During the day dull aching in the occiput, increased by movement, especially on stooping; much worse towards evening (second day, after 6 drops).


Objective. Dull eyes in the forenoon (eleventh day). Eyes transiently bloodshot (third day). Strabismus, and constant inclination to squint (one case). Eyes fixed, and inability to raise the eyelids (after five hours). Eyes much inflamed and weak, with great flow of tears at intervals. Subjective. Dryness of the eyes. Heaviness of the eyes, as after night- watching. Pains deep in the left eye, extending from above downwards (first day); more violent (third day). Burning of the eyes, as if they were too dry, in the forenoon (eleventh day). Burning in the eyes, with weakness of sight and heaviness in the forehead (fifth day). The eyes felt quite sore; it is as if some foreign body were irritating the conjunctiva, in the evening (third day). The eyes quite sore at night; not much pain, but merely soreness, with sensitiveness to light and lachrymation (third night). Brow and Orbit. Drawing over the eyes (four minutes after three drops). Pains in the orbits, sometimes excessive. Dull full feeling (attended with some aching) in the whole of the orbits. Bruised pain above and back of the orbits. Lids. Dropping of the eyelids. Eyelids partially closed and motionless. Eyelids half closed, with apparent inability to move them. Eyes close in spite of him, on looking steadily at anything. Difficulty in opening the eyes, or in keeping them open. Heaviness and congestion of the lids. Great heaviness of the lids. Burning sensation around the inner canthus of the right eye. Eyelids are as it were puffed and swollen, and have also the appearance of being so. A stitch traversing the right eyelids vertically (fifteen minutes after first dose, first day. Lachrymal Apparatus. Eyes suffused (after second dose, fifth day). Ball. No spasmodic movements except the eyeballs, which kept up a continual twitching motion while the effects of the medicine lasted. Sharp stitches through the left eyeball, from within outward. Pupil. Dilated pupils. Pupils dilated, but corresponding to the different degrees of light, afterwards widely dilated. Pupils dilated, not responding to the light, and could be touched without producing any contraction of the lids (after three hours). Pupils expanded and insensible to light (after five hours). Dilatation of the pupils, amaurosis, blindness, dimness of sight. Pupils moderately dilated. Vision. Slight affection of sight, during thee forenoon (eighth day). Till 4P.M. the disturbance of sight was great (seventh day). Dimness of the vision (part of Ss. 74 and 257). Dimness of sight and vertigo. Dimness of sight alleviated on profuse emission of watery urine. Distant objects seemed indistinct as I rode or walked, and one evening I could read but with difficulty (these symptoms are characteristics, as the sight is perfectly good, and I never had anything the matter with my eyes). Misty or glimmering appearance before the eyes. Smoky appearance before the eyes, with pain above them (third day). She complained of being partially blind, while eating a hearty dinner (after half an hour); this symptom rapidly increased, and in a short time she could scarcely see at all. Nearly blind; control over the upper eyelid was almost entirely lost. Blind. Total blindness very soon after the dose, with violent dizziness (third day). Became perfectly blind, eyes set, etc. She could not see any one in the room, although persons stood close by the bed; the eyes were wide open, pupils dilated. He said, “I cannot see you,” but his eyes were wide open, with dilated pupils (after ten minutes). Confusion of sight (one hour after first dose, third day). Sight more or less confused all day (fifth day). At 4 P.M. took a dessert spoonful of red wine; directly after, for the first time to-day, a return of the confusion of sight, lasting an hour only, but so extreme that some one must suspect inebriation (fourth day). After the stool in the morning, a market renewal of the confusion of sight, with heavy looking eyes; found this symptom much less when holding a finger vertically beyond the nose, also when either eye is closed (third day). The confusion of sight much increased in the evening (sixth day). Confusion of sight diminished, in the evening (third day). Confused vision, especially of distant objects (following vertiginous sensations after breakfast); when turning the eyes the sight is tardy in following the movement, things for several seconds seem to be blurred, the eye remains unfixed in its new direction, yet no sensation of gauze or film; [* This symptom attended a tardy convalescence from a fever (not treated by Gelsemium, except the first day) last year, continuing a week; relieved by Nux vomica in part, and finally cured by Aconite*) it is accompanied with a disposition to partially close the eyes, as if to steady the eyeballs by the pressure of the orbicularis palpebrarum muscles; the visual confusion might be compared to that produced by alcohol, and gradually wore off by night (second day). Objects appeared double; by degrees she grew completely blind. Things seem double on raising the head from a stooping position, or on looking sideways, but not when looking directly at them (one case). Diplopia, which I could control by an effort of will. Diplopia when inclining the head towards either side, but vision single when holding thee head erect (in one case).


Rush of blood into the ears. The pains which ascend from the back to the occiput often affects the ears. Heavy feeling in the ears (a quarter of an hour third dose). Digging in the right ear (part of S.19). Near noon, while sitting, a stitch in the external auditory meatus (eighth day). Hearing. Sudden and temporary loss of hearing. Humming in the ears (after eighteen minutes).


Objectives. Sneezing and dull headache, at 9.30 P.M. (sixth day). Sneezing followed by tingling and a sense of fullness of the nose, at 11.30P.M. (first day). Watery discharge from the nose (in a few cases). Mucus accumulates in the nose and upper part of the trachea; the mucus slips into the trachea while talking, which keeps up a hacking cough. Bloody mucus in the nose (eleventh day). While sewing, lively action, as of a worm or a fish, in the region of the nose, at 6 P.M. (twelfth day). Pain extending from the bridge of the nose to the eye (third day). Tingling in the nares (eleventh day).


Objective. Looked strange, staggered, and fell (after half an hour). Heavy besotted appearance of the face. Countenance miserable, sunk, grayish-yellow, with dull dusky eyes ( second day). Face flushed and hot to touch (after second dose, fifth day). Yellow color of the face. Complexion yellow, also the eyes. Countenance of livid paleness. Face somewhat congested. The muscles of the face seem to contract, especially the orbicularis oris, somewhat impeding breathing. Subjective. Numbness of the face. Cheeks. Whenever she was roused from her sleepiness she felt burning in the zygomatic region and eyes (afternoon), (seventh day). Burning at the left zygoma and in both eyes, more in the left one (fifth day), with red swelling of the zygoma, a little before 2P.M. (sixth day). Burning in the left zygoma, with swelling; and in both eyes, more in the left; later, also in the right zygoma, at 1P.M. (seventh day). Burning in the left zygoma, then in the right, drawing down to a gland at the anterior right side of the neck, where it swells, and pains as if an ulcer were forming, in the afternoon (eighth day). (* At this very spot she had twenty-two years ago a glandular abscess, which opened internally. *) Lips. Pale lips, in the forenoon (eleventh day). Lips dry and heated, at 11.30P.M. (seventh day). China Lower jaw drooping, leaving the mouth wide open. His lower jaw began wagging sideways; he had no control over it. Sensation of stiffness in the muscles of the jaw.


Teeth. Pain in thee last back tooth on the right side up towards the temple (first day). Stinging and burning in the left lower hollow back tooth (otherwise her teeth are good, of the ivory variety) through the lower jaw, as far as the left ear and left zygoma, at 6P.M.; relieved by Chamom. 2/30 in watery solution (twelfth day). Tongue. Thickly coated tongue. Tongue coated yellow (first day). Light whitish coating on the tongue 9 seventh day). Yellowish white fur on tongue (third day. Yellowish-white coating of the tongue, with fetid breath. Tongue red, inflamed in the middle. Numbness of the tongue. I so lost the use of my tongue that I was unable to utter an intelligible expression, and my tongue felt like some foreign body clogging my mouth. His tongue, to use his own expression, was so thick he could hardly speak. His tongue felt very thick; he could not articulate. Burning upon the tongue immediately, which after a few minutes went over the whole mouth and throat, feeling hot like an oven, and thence through the oesophagus into the stomach and abdomen, when the same burning pain passed aroused in all the intestines; simultaneously with the descent of the burning pain into the oesophagus, burning in the chest came on, followed soon by a stitch in the anterior left lower side of the chest, going through the chest into the left shoulder blade, and accompanied by weakness and a fluttering and beating of the heart, irregular as to quantity and quality; these symptoms lasted about three hours (first day). Peculiar sense of constriction at base of tongue (twenty minutes after third dose). Mouth. Clammy, feverish feeling and taste. Astringent sensation in the mouth. Dryness of the mouth. Slight dryness in the mouth and throat, with disposition to swallow frequently; the dryness is like that produced by eating salt bacon, nut no bacon has been eaten to-day. saliva. Several times during the day he found the saliva colored yellowish, as if by blood (seventh day). During the fits, sanguineous brown mucus ran our of her mouth. Taste. Mawkish taste in the mouth. All the latter part of the day, bad, foul, spoiled taste and breath, with a frequent need to rinse the mouth or spit (seventh day). Bitter taste. Slimy, disagreeable, bitter taste in the mouth, Speech somewhat affected. After the return of consciousness intelligible speech was at first only possible when the jaws were supported. The tongue was stiff and the voice thick and guttural. Ineffectual efforts to articulate. Inability to speak or move.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.