
Eupion homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….


On distilling wood-tar a volatile oil is obtained, which separates into a lighter and heavier oil; the heavier oil is Kreasote, the lighter Eupion. Formula, C5H12. Preparation:.


Emotional. Cheerful, joyous disposition, unusual to her, for two days in succession; confusion of the head, with dull drawing pains in the forehead and the anterior parts of the temple. She is very irritable, and angers easily. She is very angry; she could cry for rage, and does not know why. Intellectual. Great shortness of memory; ideas forsake her easily.


Confusion and Vertigo. Confusion of the head, ameliorated by compression. Vertigo, everything becomes black before the eyes. Everything turns around with her when she sits up in bed. General Head. Dulness of the head, as if it was too full. Heaviness of the head (after four days). In the morning, heaviness and confusion of the head (after twenty-four hours). Headache; sensation as if the head was too full, or as if the brain was tumefied (after three hours). Headache, drawing, with painful pulsations in the forehead, so that she had to lie down; headache as after becoming drunk from beer (after a quarter of an hour). Pressive and squeezing headache (after one hour and a quarter). Several very painful stitches inside of the head (after half an hour). Pain, as if the head was ulcerated inside, with pulsation and beating in it. Headache, with vertigo and whirling; pulsations and jerkings in the head; it totters back and forty when walking, and rest brings relief. During menstruation, jerking headache. Forehead. On the left superior part of the forehead a pain as if a cyst would form (after two hours). A contracting pain, pressing out in the forehead (after forty-five minutes). Burrowing pains in the forehead, with pressing down of the upper eyelids, and moisture in the eyes as from tears; the pains extend to the maxilla, and to the left corner of the month; the anterior portion of the left temple is sore to the touch (after eleven hours). A quiet, burrowing pain in the forehead, with sensation of warmth in the eyes (beginning after fifteen hours, and continuing for twenty-four hours). Drawing frontal pains (after one hours). A sticking pressure on several spots of the forehead (after four hours). Pressing pains, as if everything would be squeezed out of the forehead (after forty-five minutes). Dull pressive pain in the right side of the forehead from within outward (after two hours). Temples. Drawing pains in both temples; a sensation of continual pulling from one side to the others, felt more during rest, with a sensation as if the head was continually shaking from one side to the other. Some stitches in the left temple (after four days). Vertex. Great heat at the vertex, with the sensation as if her hairs were pulled, with disagreeable headache, on the right temple or on the left one, or on both simultaneously; lachrymation and drawing on the muscles of the neck. Some stitches in the middle of the vertex, which invade the whole head, causing great lassitude, so that she has to lie down; great somnolence, and the eyes close involuntarily; after resting some time, she started up on account of painful stitches in the right hip-joint, which cause drawing pains in the thighs; the stitches radiate upwards along the right side, traverse the right shoulder down to the middle of the arm, where they again become several then to the left arm, after which the arms fall down perfectly powerless; the stitches radiate also from the articulation of the hip across the external abdominal walls to the genital organs, where they also produce a very painful sensation, as if everything were squeezed together, at the same time heat in the cheeks, without thirst, for five hours (after four days). Parietals. Sticking pains beneath the left parietal bone. Sticking pains on the left side of the head. Painful stitches on the right side of the head, near the sutura sagittalis. Occiput. A clawing pain in the left side of the occiput. Sticking drawing pains in occiput, drawing along the left cervical muscles down to the back of the chest; she also feels these sticking pains in the middle of the chest with every breath, for three hours in the afternoon; when they disappeared she had pains in the front upper teeth, as if they would fall out, and in which pressing the teeth together caused a sensation of looseness, lasting sixteen hours; she feels after that a sticking in the middle of the left shoulder-blade, aggravated by every inspiration, and also sticking in both temples, recurring at intervals (after four hours). Three stitches in quick succession on the right side of the occiput, in the morning, in bed (after fifteen hours). External Head. Some painful spots on the head, as if small furuncles would form (after one hour and a half).


Eyes weak, as if she had cried, and when lying down her head aches. Sensation in the eyes as if something hung down from above over them, so that she has continually to wipe them. Pressure in the eyes, as if the globes would be pushed out. Burning, pressive pains in the eye, with copious lachrymation. Several successive stitches on the external margin of the left eye (after half an hour). Brow. Painful pressure above the arch of the right eyebrow, extending hence to a part of the brain and descending into the teeth of the superior maxilla of the same side (after three hours and a half). Lids. Oedematous swelling of the right upper eyelid in the morning when waking (after sixty-eight hours); the oedema increases during a walk in the fresh air; the lower eyelid also swells up, and then the left one (Graphites 6 brought quick amelioration and a cure after thirty-six hours). Twitching of the right eyelid; the eyelid; the eye becomes smaller; the upper lid is drawn down and can only be raised with great exertion; at the same time tensive stiffness in it, with profuse lachrymation; daylight increases the lachrymation, whereas candlelight dose not affect it; all objects appear pale; commences in the afternoon and lasts thirty-six hours. Twitching of the external canthus of the left eye. Frequent twitching of the right upper eyelid. Itching under the upper and lower eyelid of the right eye, so that she can hardly stop rubbing; in the morning (after three days). Lachrymal Apparatus. Lachrymation, more in the fresh air than in the room. The eyes water and are dim, with frequent yawning (after four days). Vision. Like a veil before the eyes. Everything appears pale, as if she had a thin veil before her eyes (after five days).


Pressing in the ears, as if the wind was blown with force and for a long time into them, whereby the external parts are equally affected (after three hours). Painful pressing in the right ear. Shooting and tearing in the left ear, extending to the external temporal region (after second day).


Objective. The left nostril is cracked, and the crack bleeds. Sneezing; each time he blows his nose the sneezing reappears. Mornings, sneezing, with fluent coryza, for several days. Frequent sneezing, eight to ten times in succession, with transient titillation in the upper part of the nose, in the evening. Bleeding from the left nostril; the blood looks bright red, thin, and fluid (after four hours). Bleeding from the left nostril reappears with greater force at 6 P.M. (* He suffered several days every morning, after having coughed several times during the night, from bleeding of the right nostril; the blood was bright red and thin. Belladonna, which corresponded to the cough from a slight laryngeal inflammation, did nothing. Eupion 6, a dose in the evening when retiring, and another dose in the morning, removed the whole quickly, and Belladonna then acted well on the cough.-DR. HELD. *) Bleeding from the right nostril when blowing the nose. After the menstrual flow had intermitted for six hours, epistaxis from the right nostril on stooping, preceded by vertigo and dimness before the eyes; in the afternoon. Subjective. A sensation of soreness in the upper inner nose on drawing air through the nostrils in the evening (after twelve hours).


Cheek. On lower portion of inner side of right cheek a painless hard nodule of the size of a pea. Lip. The upper is fissured and painful, as if raw. The lip and throat are always dry, yet she has no thirst. The lips are painful as if sore; they are dry. China Painful drawing on the left under jaw, continuing several minutes (after four hours).


Teeth. The teeth stick together when the jaws are closed. In the morning, sensation as if the teeth were imbedded deeply in some soft matter, without pain; as soon as she takes something in her mouth this sensation disappears, for several days. The teeth on both sides are painful, as if they were loose, the gum swollen and scorbutic; hot soup aggravates the pains. Toothache; a kind of numbness in the upper and lower left carious molars; it appears immediately when lying down, and disappears when she rises and moves about in her room (after ten days). Toothache, a kind of grumbling in the front teeth; a sensation as if the gums were swollen, and the teeth, which are firm, would drop out (after thirty-six hours). In the morning, an hour after rising, tearing in all the teeth, and pinching, as with nails, on the external parts of the cheeks; the teeth on the left side are more painful than on the right side; the tearing extends to the temple, with swelling of the cheek and upper lip, great chilliness and intercurrent heat (after twenty-four hours). The drawing pains in the head attack also the teeth of the upper right maxilla (after three days). Sticking pains in the left posterior molars; they feel spongy and loose (after some days). Tearing in the left upper teeth, extending to that side of the nose and to the forehead; the left cheek and nose are red and swollen, with general chilliness, without subsequent heat; during washing (after twenty-four hours). Ulcerative toothache, as if there were an ulcer beneath them, preventing her from eating. Gums. The gum between two hollow teeth is tumefied, painful, as if inflamed. A painful jerking-drawing in the gum of the left superior maxilla (after two hours). A sore pain in the gum of the upper right maxilla, only when touched. The gum is painful, as if excoriated by the contact of food or drink. Tongue. The whole tongue looks red, and covered with raised nodules, like herring- roe. Tongue red at the tip, covered with small red papillae; the tip dry; the back covered with a thin, dirty-white coating. Dry tongue and throat, but without thirst, especially felt during inspiration, for several hours. Tongue and palate pain, as if sore. The anterior part of the tongue rough like a grater. General Mouth. Dryness of the mouth at night, without thirst. Insensible feeling in the mouth, as if scalded by fat. Pappy and sticky in the mouth early in the morning, although he had not eaten any supper (after sixty-eight hours). The hard palate pains, as if sore, or as if the parts were raw, with dryness of the mouth and lips (after three days). Taste. Sour taste in the mouth after eating, lasting several days. Putrid taste in the mouth; the tongue coated with a white mucus, and thirst.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.