
Stitches in the chest like needle stitches. Stitches (somewhat dull) shoot from the abdomen into the middle of the chest, as from flatulence (after 2 and 4 hours). Stitches streaming from the abdomen into the chest, before midnight, with constant thirst, without heat. Stitches from the abdomen into the chest after every starting as in a fright, when waking or sleeping.

Stitches directly through the chest, on every respiration.

Stitches from the middle of the chest towards the right side, after every expiration (after 1 hour and a half). Single severe stitches in the chest at times (after 2 and 4 hours). Tearing pain in the region of the clavicle and throat (after 2 hours).

The chest is sore internally, as if bruised (after 24 hours).

(Freedom from the usual chest-troubles, with dryness of the mouth, which usually appeared during the forenoon, especially during great heat), (1st day). (* Curative effect. ED.

*). The pains in the chest and oppression, which usually appeared with great heat towards 10 or 11 A.M., remained absent this morning, and only appeared very slightly towards 3 or 4 P.M. Front. Burning pain from beneath the sternum to the mouth. Pressive pain beneath the sternum, which impedes breathing (after 10 hours). A pressive pain beneath the sternum, which does not impede the breathing, and which is neither increased by breathing nor by touch (after 12 hours).

Stitches to the left of the middle of the sternum (6th day).

Transient stitches near the right side of the ensiform process of the sternum. Punctiform stitches beneath the ensiform cartilage, somewhat to the left side. (* Formerly experienced, but never so marked or so continuous. *). Sides. Some pain under the left clavicle, after sitting a long time. Violent pain on the right side of the thorax, after stooping a long time, soon followed by pain in the left side, and from thence somewhat farther backward (7th day). Drawing pain or sensation as if the right side of the chest were repeatedly drawn inward (after 12 and 16 hours). Pressure in the upper part of the right nipple (20 minutes after 40 drops). Stitches in the side of the chest beneath the ribs and shoulder-blades, when breathing (after 4 hours). Stitches in the right half of the chest (3rd day after 5 drops). Stitches in the right half of the chest (15 minutes after 10 drops). Stitches on the right side near the sternum (3rd day). Stitches in the right half of the chest about the right nipple. Stitches in the right side of the chest in the region of the nipple (2nd day after 5 drops). Stitches in the inner portion of the right side of the thorax (21st day).

Stitches in the right nipple (3rd day). Evenings, transient stitches in region of fifth rib, in front on right side, increased by deep respiration. Slight stitches in the right half of the chest (10th day after 60 drops). Severe stitches in the right side of the chest, about 11 A.M. (2nd day). Severe stitches in the right breast about the nipple (2 hours after 5 drops). Severe stitches in the right side of the chest (2nd day after 5 drops). Evening, flying stitches in right side of chest near fifth rib, anteriorly, lasting a short time, and increased by deep inspiration ( 8 to 14 grains, soon after). Dull stitches in the right half of the chest, during the forenoon; they disappear toward noon. Punctiform stitches in the right side of the chest near the sternum (4th day). Stitches in the lower portion of the left side of the thorax (19th day).

Stitches on the left anterior lower portion of the chest (3rd day). Stitches in small streaks along the ribs in the left side, above the nipple and around it, then on the left side above the heart, also in the anterior half of the 7th and 8th ribs (3rd day after 60 drops. Stitches in the cartilage of the right 6th and 7th ribs. Stitches in the cartilage of the left 6th rib. Stitches below the left nipple (16th day). Severe stitches in a place as large as half a dollar, above the left nipple, lasting half an hour (after 9 hours). Jerking in the left pectoralis major muscle (3rd day).

Heart and Pulse.– Precordium.

Rush of blood to the heart (immediately). Qualmishness about the heart. A feeling in the heart as if it hurt, which seems to be pressed down. Something presses the heart down (cardialgia). Stitches in the upper part of the heart. Stitches in the upper part of the right ventricle of the heart (15 minutes after 40 drops). Sudden stitches at the heart, arresting breathing, during motion. Slight stitches in region of heart. Slight stitches in cardiac region (12 grains). Frequent, deep seated, internal stitches above the heart, during the day, but especially severe and frequent in the morning. Heart’s Action. Palpitation. Palpitation of the heart (10th day). Slight palpitation of heart (8 to 14 grains, soon after). Pulse. Rapid pulse. Increased rapidity of pulse (16 to 20 grains, 22 and 24 grains). Pulse, previous to taking the drug, 72, small, and easily compressed; after taking, 80, irregular, and small; 80, 76, 80 (somewhat fuller), 84, 88, 88, during the hour after 60 drops. Pulse, previous to taking the drug, 83, full, and strong, not quite regular; during the hour after 40 drops, 88, 80, 80, 77, 82, 78, 75, 76, 72, 70, 72. 70 (after 40 drops). Pulse, previously full and hard, 80, became smaller and soft; during the hour ranged 82, 82, 80, 78, 72, 96 (immediately after taking). Pulse, previously 80, full and soft; after taking ten drops of the tincture, 80 (somewhat harder), 82, 88, 82, 86, 83, 80,84, 92, 82 (and very irregular), 82, 78; taken every 5 minutes during the hour. Pulse, before taking the drug, 64, soft, full (in bed); after taking the drug (taken 6 times during the hour), pulse 70, 68, 68, 68, 64, 68; after one hour, pulse 98, small, and soft; after three hours, 88, full and soft; after 6 hours, 82, full and soft; after 8 hours, 80; at 8 P.M., after 14 hours, 76, full, and soft. Before taking the drug in the morning, while fasting, the pulse, while lying in bed, was 71, soft, and somewhat irregular; 5 minutes after taking the drug, the pulse was 74; after 10 minutes, 72; after 15 minutes, 71; after 20 minutes, 69; after 25 minutes, 68. Pulse, before taking, 69, soft, and full; after 20 minutes, 71; after 25 minutes, 70; after 30 minutes, 69; after 35 minutes, 67; after 40 minutes, 68; after 45 minutes, 70; after 50 minutes, 68; after 55 minutes, 69; after 60 minutes, 70 (from the 6th). Pulse 60, full, and soft, before taking the drug the second morning; after taking 2 drops of the tincture, pulse rose in 10 minutes to 64, and was smaller; after this it did not change for 50 minutes. Pulse, before taking, 64; after taking 4 drops of the tincture, the pulse did not rise as in former provings, but after half an hour feel to 60. Pulse, before taking, 69; after 5 minutes, 72, then 75, after which, every 5 minutes, it ranged as follows: 67, 65, 64, 66, 68, 68, 65, 65, 66, 65, 68 (second experiment). Before taking it, while lying in bed, pulse 60, respiration 13; pulse taken every 5 minutes as follows: 60, 61, 64, 61, 61, 61, 64; three hours after rising, pulse 88, respiration 15 (soon after taking), (from the 3D). Pulse, before taking, 60; afterwards ranged, within an hour, 68, 72, 64, 60, 64; became smaller and softer (after second dose of Chamomilla 2d). Pulse showed no change for one hour after taking, 60; during the next 30 or 40 minutes rose soon to 64; at 8 A.M., two hours after taking, 100, smaller, and harder; at 10 A.M., 96; at 2 and 8 P.M., 78 (after taking the 2d). Pulse, after 5 minutes, small, scarcely perceptible; after 10 minutes, somewhat fuller; in 25 minutes, irregular, and rapid (88); in forty minutes, again small, and scarcely perceptible; in 45 minutes, again irregular, and rapid (after 5 drops). Pulse at one time very strong, at another small and weak, and also irregular as to frequency, after 1 hour; after 2 hours, 88, full, and soft; after 4 hours, 90, small, and easily compressed; after 6 hours, 82 (after 60 drops). Pulse, in the morning in bed, at 6 A.M., 64, full; at 7 A.M., 90, tense; at 8 A.M., 80; at 10 A.M., 92, scarcely perceptible; at 7 A.M., 90, tense; at 8 A.M., 80; at 10 A.M., 92, scarcely perceptible; at 11 A.M., 96; at 3 P.M., 92; at 5 P.M., 78, soft, and small; at 7 P.M., 88 (2nd day after 5 drops). Pulse, at 6 A.M. in bed, 60; at 7 A.M., 82; at 9 A.M., 88; at 10 A.M., 92; at 11 a. M., 92; at 1 P.M., 76; at 2 P.M., 76; at 7 P.M., 70; at 10 P.M., on lying down in bed, 68; the pulse was very soft until 10 A.M., afterwards somewhat full; and in the evening rather hard (4th day), when all the drug symptoms had disappeared. Pulse 57, soft, and weak, 2nd morning in bed; after taking Chamomilla 3D, 1 grain, pulse ranged 60, 61, 64, 60.

Pulse hard, and full, on waking, 64; at 9 A.M., 80; at ten, 92′ at 11, 86; at 12, noon, 88 (2nd day). Pulse 68, small, and easily compressible, in the morning (11th day after 60 drops). Pulse, in the morning, 65, soft; at 9 A.M., 100, small, and soft; at 11 A.M., 80, small, and weak; at 7 P.M., 72, small, and soft (3rd day). At 5 A.M., pulse 60, full, soft; at 7 A.M., 88, small, tense; at 9 A.M., 98, small, and very soft; at 1 P.M., 80, rather stronger; at 3 P.M., 88, small, and hard; at 5 P.M., 84 (2nd day after 5 drops). Pulse, at 6 A.M., 60, full, and strong; at 7 a.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.