
White slimy diarrhoea, with colic (after one and three hours).

Watery diarrhoea, with (and without) colic. Painless, green, watery diarrhoea, consisting of faeces and mucus together. Afternoon, a diarrhoeic stool, with some pains in abdomen and passage of wind (2nd day). Stool hot (like diarrhoea) smelling like rotten eggs. Easy stool (3rd hour after 5 drops).

Easy stool, at noon ( (3rd day after 60 drops). Stool, since taking, had been regular every day and easy, but after the effect of the drug passed off it occurred only every 2nd day, and was again hard as before the proving. Hard dry stool in the afternoon (2nd day after 60 drops). (Undigested stool). Discharge of light yellow faeces, with sharp griping colic (after 12 and 24 hours). Faeces coated with mucus and with mucus between the faeces. Diminished stool. Constipation. Constipation (3rd and 4th days). Constipation from inactivity of the rectum, so that the faeces could only be evacuated by pressure of the abdominal muscles (after one and four hours).

Urinary Organs.

Sensation of weakness in the region of the kidneys (2nd day). Dragging towards the ureters like labor-pains, with very frequent urging to urinate. Sticking pain in the neck of the bladder, when not urinating. Burning in the neck of the bladder, when urinating. Biting pain in the urethra, when urinating. Micturition. Increased secretion of urine. Increased secretion of urine and saliva, throughout the day. Secretion of clear, not very acid urine, somewhat increased (1st day). More than usually copious secretion of urine (2nd day after 5 drops). The force of the bladder is weakened; the urine passes in a weak stream (after 24 hours). Involuntary passage of urine (after 3 and 4 hours).

(Urination is prevented on account of pain in the abdomen).

Sexual Organs.– Male.

Erections, in the morning in bed.

Violent erections (soon after taking). Violent erections, soon after taking, but they disappear in 35 minutes, with a general flush of heat over the whole body, followed by slight sweat, with which all the former symptoms were relieved, and only a slight nausea remained. Violent erections (20 minutes after 20 drops; 45 minutes after 5 drops; 4th day after 5 drops). Frequent violent erections, during the whole afternoon (4th hour after 20 drops). Dark blood from genitals. Itching sticking pain on the margin of the prepuce (after 3 hours).

Soreness on the margin of the prepuce. Severe stitches in the “bulbo-cavernous’ muscles (20 minutes after 20 drops). Sexual desire (later action). Nightly emissions. Emission during the night (since taking Chamomilla the prover noticed that emissions had been much diminished, although frequent continued erections had taken place), (3rd day after 60 drops). Female. Drawing from the sacral region forward, griping and pinching in the uterus, followed by discharge of large clots of blood. Metrorrhagia. Metrorrhagia, even in old people. Profuse discharge of clotted blood, with severe pains like labor-pains in the uterus, with tearing pains in the veins of the lower leg. Acid, biting, watery discharge from the vagina, after dinner. Yellow, biting leucorrhoea. Smarting burning in the vagina.

Suppression of the menses, with swelling of the pit of the stomach, and a pain as if the heart would be pressed down, with swollen abdomen, labor-like pains, and anasarca.

Respiratory Organs.

Larynx, Trachea, and Bronchi. Some accumulation of mucus in the air-passages, with rattling respiration; on hawking, a few drops of blood are raised (3rd day). Sensation of slight pressure on the air-passages, with some irritation to cough (45 minutes after 5 drops).

Sensation of rawness in the upper part of the air- passages. Tickling in the air-passages, frequent irritation to a hacking cough (afternoon of 2nd day). Sensation of oppression and slight constriction in the region of the larynx (after 5 minutes). Feeling as though some fluid would rise up out of the larynx (45 minutes after 5 drops).

Irritation to cough in the larynx, with accumulation of mucus which rises from the air-passages into the larynx; this mucus has a sweetish taste, and is involuntarily swallowed before he can expectorate it (2nd day after 5 drops). Almost uninterrupted irritation to cough beneath the upper part of the sternum, without, however, any cough. Burning in the larynx.

Sensation of rawness and scraping in the larynx (4 hours after 20 drops). Scraping in the larynx, with sensation as if the tonsils were swollen, and as if the uvula was too long (these sensations are, however, very transient); together with somewhat increased secretion of saliva (3rd day after 5 drops). Tickling in the larynx, with a hacking cough and expectoration of a few drops of clear blood (3rd morning after 5 drops). Voice. Voice always rough. Voice raw and hoarse. Hoarseness on account of tough mucus in the larynx, which is only detached by very violent hawking (after 3 hours). Hoarseness and cough on account of rattling mucus in the upper part of the trachea; the place from which the mucus was detached feels sore (after 2 hours). Catarrhal hoarseness of the trachea, with dryness of the eyelids, from one to eight hours. Cough and Expectoration. Cough, caused by irritation low down in the air-passages, during the night. Paroxysms of coughing about midnight, with which something seems to rise into the throat, as if she would suffocate. (The child becomes angry, and then coughs). Dry cough, four or five times a day. Dry cough, on account of itching irritation and continual tickling in that portion of the trachea behind the pit of the throat (after four hours). Severe dry cough, during sleep (after 11 hours). Frequent expectoration of clear blood, preceded by tickling in the larynx and air passages (3rd day after 5 drops). Respiration. Short, panting breath.

Rapid, deep breathing, with great heaving of the chest. Snoring inspirations during sleep. Snoring inspirations in sleep, which are shorter than the expirations, with open mouth, and hot clammy sweat on the forehead (after 3 hours). Whistling, wheezing, and rattling in the trachea, when breathing. Respiration before taking 16, afterwards ranged 16, 17, 15, 14, 16. Respiration, before taking the drug on the second morning, 13; after taking two drops of the tincture it rose to 19, then 15, 16, 14. Respiration before taking, 14; after 5 minutes to forty minutes, 15; after forty-five to sixty minutes, 14 (after the 6th). Respiration before taking, 14, 20 minutes after, 13, where it continued for an hour (2nd experiment). Respiration before taking the drug, 12, in bed; after taking the drug, 15 then 16, within an hour; after an hour, 15; after two hours, 16; after 6 hours, 15; after 8 hours, 16; at 8 P.M., 18. Respiration 12, second morning in bed (before taking Chamomilla 3D, 1 grain), afterwards ranged 12, 15, 14, 13. Respiration 12 to 13; after 2 hours, 17; after 4 hours, 16; after 8 hours, 15 (from the 2d). Respiration in the morning 14, afterwards 17 to 18 (2nd day). Respiration in the morning, 13; at 9 A.M., 19; 11 A.M., 14; 7 P.M., 16 (3rd day). Short breath, with palpitation and small hard pulse, 108, after a short rapid walk; respiration 34 (2nd day after 5 drops). In the afternoon, while walking rapidly up a steep path, loss of breath, palpitation, and stitches in right side of chest, soon followed by expectoration of a few drops of clear red blood; this old oppression of the chest and dyspnoea has been again noticed on rapid walking (7th day after 60 drops). Dyspnoea, as from suffocative catarrh (the larynx feels constricted) in the region of the pit of the throat, a constant irritation to cough (after a quarter of an hour).


A hard node beneath the nipple, painful to touch, with at times drawing tearing pain. Scirrhous hardness of the mammary glands. Rush of blood to the chest (4th day after 5 drops). Burning in the chest, with dulness in the head, as if he did not know where he was, with anxiety. Tensive pain across the chest, when breathing. Contraction of the chest. Constriction in the upper part of the chest, which hurts on coughing (after 4 hours). Constriction of the chest on a level with the nipples. A pinching pain transversely across the upper part of the chest (in the evening), (after 5 hours). Oppression of the chest.

Oppression of the chest (3rd morning after 5 drops), second day after 60 drops, and twenty minutes after 5 drops). Oppression of the chest, with dull stitches (4th day). Oppression of the chest; great dryness of the nose and stoppage of it (5 minutes after 10 drops). Oppression of the chest, as from flatulence which has accumulated in the upper abdomen, with pressive pain, together with pain in the stomach, as in the beginning of heartburn, followed by burning in the spine. Some oppression of the chest (4th day after 5 drops). Great oppression of the chest while sitting, some pain while walking, at 11 A.M. (3rd day after 5 drops). Sensation of oppression of the chest (3rd day).

Sensation of oppression of the chest (soon after 60 drops).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.