
Sleep and Dreams.

Sleepiness. Yawning. Frequent incomplete yawning (after a quarter of an hour). Frequent very severe yawning, without sleepiness, with merry mood (after one hour). Much yawning the whole forenoon, with desire to stretch (2nd day). Inclination to sleep (45 minutes after 5 drops). Sleepiness while eating. Remarkable sleepiness (after 3 quarters till one hour and a half). Drowsiness and lassitude during the day.

Sleep sound and deep, disturbed towards morning by dreams, with an emission. Was a long time in getting wide awake (2nd morning). Difficult waking from a deep sleep, and on waking feeling more exhausted than when he lay down (2nd morning). Difficult and late waking from an unpleasant and dreamy sleep (2nd morning). Sleeplessness. Sleep seems to be troublesome and oppressive; his face looks gloomy, fretful, and sad. Always on waking he found himself lying on the right side with the hand under the head, at night. Whenever he awoke from sleep he found that he was lying upon the back, or right side, whereas formerly he always lay upon the left side, and only begun to lie upon the right side since the proving. During sleep, talking, snoring, tossing about. During sleep, he talks unintelligibly, directing that some one should remove this or that obstacle. Moaning during sleep. Groaning in sleep, with hot clammy sweat on the forehead. Weeping and wailing, during sleep. He starts at night in sleep. Starting up, crying out, tossing about, and talking in sleep (after 6 hours). Sleep uneasy, with frequent tossing about at night. Sleep very uneasy, with many dreams; waking very difficult. Sleep restless and unrefreshing, with frequent waking, tossing about in bed, and lying while asleep on the right side, waking somewhat later than usual (at 5 o’clock), with confusion of the head, dull digging in the forehead and right temple, which soon become a severe pressure, and sensation as from a pressing inward by a sharp corner (2nd morning after 5 drops). Sleep very uneasy; every time on waking he found himself lying upon the right side with the legs drawn up, or upon the right half of the back (2nd night). Extremely uneasy sleep, with constant tossing about (2nd night after 40 drops). Restless sleep. Sleep very restless, with frightful and oppressive dreams (3rd night after 5 drops). Sleep very restless, and much disturbed by unpleasant heavy dreams at night. Night extremely restless, with frequent waking, and difficult falling asleep again (2nd night). Awoke in the morning very much exhausted (2nd day). Frequent waking from sleep, every time in profuse sweat, which ceases immediately on waking, but returns on falling asleep. Could not sleep till 2 A.M. partly from painful weakness in the limbs, partly from sensation of heat and restlessness, which makes him toss about in bed. If he sits down during the day he wishes to sleep, but if he lies down he is unable to sleep, but remains awake. Loss of sleep at night, with attacks of anxiety; very vivid visions and fancies appear to him (after one and four hours). Dreams. Sleep at night full of dreams, not unpleasant. Very clear vivid dreams, as of a connected story. Sleep full of fantastic dreams. He fell asleep easily in the evening, but during the night he had uneasy dreams, in which he was very anxious and oppressed (1st night). Quarrelsome vexatious dreams. He talks in his dream, with vivid memory and reflection.


Chilliness. Frequent shivering creeping over the whole body, and extending into the limbs, with increased secretion of urine; half an hour after the beginning of this cold stage (with a small weak pulse of 80, and respiration 16) a sensation of warmth was felt in the whole body, beginning in the head, while there were the shiverings in the body, and it was still cold to the touch; this warmth soon extended over the whole body; at 12 M. (after one hour), the skin was somewhat moist, pulse 76, respiration 16 (2nd day). He shivers in the cold air (after 2 4hours). He shivers if he uncovers himself. (Chill all over, after eating, followed by heat in the cheeks). Chill in the afternoon about 4 o’clock (during which he said things which he would not have said), with nausea in the abdomen, lasting until 11 P.M., followed by throbbing sticking headache in the forehead, aggravated by lying down. Severe chill, immediately after uncovering in the bed. (Violent internal chill, without external coldness, except cold feet, with thirst, followed by excessive heat with sweat; but if she puts an arm out of bed chill, and if she covers it again in bed sweat, together with tearing in the forehead). Chilliness (immediately); none of his clothing seems to be sufficiently warm. Chilliness in the evening; at night, much sweat and thirst. Coldness over the whole body, with burning heat of the face, which comes out the eyes like fire. Coldness in the evening on lying down, a kind of deafness with it, with which sounds seem to come from a great distance; nausea, uneasiness, tossing about in bed; a kind of stupefaction of the head, with diminished sensation of the skin, so that the skin on scratching feels numb and dead. He is cold, together with thrills of shivering from the back to the abdomen (after one and four hours). On going to sleep, unpleasant cold sensation (2nd day).

Shivering on single portions of the body which are not cold, with sleepiness (after 2 hours and a half). He has a shivering in some portions, in the face (after half an hour), on the arms (after 2 hours), with and without external coldness. Shivering on the posterior portion of the body, of the arms, of the thighs, and of the back, which returns by paroxysms, without external coldness, but rather with internal dry heat and external heat, especially of the forehead and face. Chill only on the anterior portion of the body (after a quarter of an hour). Cold limbs, with burning heat of the face, burning heat in the eyes, and burning hot breath (after 5 hours). Icy coldness of the cheeks, hands, and feet, with burning heat on the forehead, neck, chest, afterwards again redness and heat on the right cheek; the hands and feet become again naturally warm, with contracted immovable pupils, followed by snoring sleep (after one and three hours). Sensation of coldness in the abdomen, especially in the region of the kidneys, extending thence over the whole back, and lasting a long time between the scapulae; with this cold sensation there appeared severe stitches in the right frontal eminence, etc. (2nd day). At times a sensation of coldness in the epigastric region (2nd day). Cold sensation in the region of the kidneys, with frequent attacks of shivering. Shivering in the back, and bruised sensation in the peroneal muscles, at 6 P.M. (9th day after 60 drops). Frequent shivering over the back (3rd day after 60 drops). Frequent sensation of shivering along the back (7th day after 60 drops). Slight shiverings, alternating with heat, creep over the back and abdomen. Cold shiverings frequently creep over the back. Frequent cold shiverings in the back, especially in the lumbar vertebrae, from the time of waking in the morning till 9 o’clock (3rd day).

Frequent creeping coldness in the back, at 11 A.M. (2nd day after 5 drops). Sensation of coldness in the dorsal vertebrae, from where frequent shivering extend over the whole body (2nd day). Sensation of inner coldness in the lumbar region, with shivering over the whole body. Sensation of internal coldness, frequently returning, starting from the lumbar vertebrae, extending over the abdomen, with shivering along the spine. Coldness of the hands, with cold sweat on the palms, and warmth in the rest of the body (after 2 hours). The hands are cold; she feels a paralytic stiffness in them, with confusion of the head; she is sensitive to the open air, as if she would take cold easily. The fingers become cold and are inclined to become asleep, while sitting (after one hour). Cold feet, on going to sleep in the evening. Very cold feet (2nd day). (Febrile paroxysm; shaking chill in the afternoon; he was unable to get warm, with flow of saliva from the mouth, bruised pain in the back and in the side, with pressive dull headache in the forehead, followed by excessive heat at night, and loss of sleep). (Febrile paroxysm; during the chill he was obliged to lie down; thirst during the chill, but not during the heat; sweat followed the heat; sticking headache in the left half of the brain, only during sweat; the next morning a bitter taste in the mouth). Heat. Increased temperature of body (16 to 20 grains). The temperature of the axilla rose immediately from 36.3 degree to 36.4 degree cent.; after 6 hours, at 1 P.M., 37.2 degree. The temperature of the axilla rose in half an hour from 36.3 degree to 36.4 degree; and then in 45 minutes fell to 36.3 degree Cent. Heat of the whole body. In the morning after drinking coffee, heat all over and sweat, with vomiting of bitter mucus, followed by bitter taste in the mouth, weakness in the head, and nausea. At night, heat and restlessness. When lying on the back trying to sleep before midnight, heat, with general sweat (after 6 hours). Frequent flushes of heat over the whole body. General heat in the forenoon from 9 to 12, followed by profuse sweat. Increased heat. Great heat, especially in the right cheek (10 minutes after 5 drops). Severe heat at night, with loss of sleep (after 24 hours). He cannot endure the bed covering, on account of sensation of external heat. External heat, with shivering.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.