
Rush of blood to the head, with pressure on the vertex (2nd day after 5 drops). Rush of blood to the head and chest (5 minutes after 10 drops). Rush of blood to the head and chest, with stitches in the right side of the chest, on every earnest thought (3rd day after 5 drops). Great rush of blood to the head, with heat in the face and oppression of the chest, together with stitches in the chest (3rd day). Great rush of blood to the head, with intense stitches in the head on every motion of it, and on every stooping, even existing during rest, at 3 P.M.; this headache was relieved when, at 7 P.M., some drops of blood flowed from the nose; soon after the headache ceased (3rd day). At noon, during the heat, violent rush of blood to the head, with pressive pains; relieved at evening while walking in the cool air ( (12th day after 60 drops). Congestion to the head. Continual congestion of the head, with pressure on the vertex, aggravated by every mental work. Severe congestion to the head, at 5 A.M. (2nd day after 5 drops). Violent congestion to the head (11th day after 60 drops). Inclined to bend the head backward (2nd day after 20 drops). Great inclination to bend the head backward.

She wags the head backward and forward. Almost complete inability to hold the head erect; he is obliged to bend it either far forward or far backward (30 minutes after 5 drops). Head heavy, with pressure and burrowing pain in the temples especially in the right, at 6 P.M. (2nd day after 5 drops). Head continues heavy and confused, especially in the occiput. Heaviness of the head. Heaviness of the head (4th day after 60 drops). Heaviness of the head, on waking in the morning (2nd day). Great heaviness of the head. Great heaviness, with drawing forward of the head (30 minutes after 5 drops). Headache. Headache noticed, even during sleep.

Headache, consisting of heaviness and bruised sensation (after 3 hours). Headache, in the morning in bed, while the eyes are still closed in a half-waking sleep; it disappears when completely awake and after rising. Headache and vertigo, after sitting a long time after exerting the mind (4th day). Headache, with confusion of the head, and very excited disposition (3rd day after 5 drops). Some headache in the whole head. Severe headache in the evening (4th day). Some headache after eating. The characteristic headache became very much increased in the evening, with sensation of great weakness in the head. The characteristic headache returns again soon after waking, especially the pressure in the vertex, extending to the forehead and temples, with a sensation as if the temples were pressed together with the thumbs; aggravated by mental effort (2nd day). Sensation of heat in the head (5 minutes after 10 drops). Sensation of great heat in the head (10 minutes after 5 drops). Sensation of fullness in the head. Sensation of fullness in the head and nose, with great rush of blood to them (5th day after 60 drops). Pain in the head, as if it would burst, on waking from sleep (after 13 hours). Sensation of compression of the brain by the dura matter; this sensation was relieved by the appearance of heat in the head and the beginning of a gentle perspiration. Sensation in the brain, as from constriction of the meninges (soon after 60 drops). Headache, with violent pressure, as from strong pressure with the finger, alternating sometimes in the temples, sometimes in the lower portion of the forehead and in the frontal eminences, with great inclination to bend the head backwards (2nd day). Headache, especially in the temples; a pressure as from firm pressure with the fingers (8th day after 60 drops). Pressing headache, especially in the vertex and temples (3rd day after 5 drops). Pressing and burrowing headache, especially in the forehead and temples (2nd day after 20 drops). Pressive and pressing headache, half an hour after rising, which was aggravated when the attention was directed to it, but which, however, soon ceased (2nd day). Pressive and stupefying headache the whole afternoon, periodically returning; this pain begins with a severe pressure upon the vertex, then extends to the forehead and temples, where it remains a long time (3rd day). Confused pressive headache, when sitting and reflecting. The characteristic pressive headache reappeared half an hour after taking the dug, and was accompanied by severe attacks of an exhausted sensation in all the limbs and joints. Pressure in the head (30 minutes after 20 drops). Pressure increasing and decreasing, especially in the right half of the forehead and in the right temple, where are also felt very frequent dull stitches, which sometimes extend to the occiput like electric sparks. Pressure and heaviness in the head, with stitches in the temples, especially in the right, during the afternoon (2nd day after 60 drops). Pressure, aching, and heaviness in the head, especially in the sagittal suture (3rd day after 60 drops). Some pressure in the head. The pressive pain in the head returns, with pressive pain in the eyeballs, and sensation in the right half of the head, especially in the right temporal region, as from a sharp angle pressing into the head (soon), (2nd experiment).

Pressive pain in the head, which he noticed soon after taking, was repeated in the course of the afternoon, when it seemed to be decidedly congestive in its character; this pain continued, as a very violent attack, in the morning and afternoon, for one hour; it seemed to be a pressure upon the vertex and whole top of the head, extending to the neighboring parts; it commenced slight, and gradually increased in severity and slowly decreased; it never entirely disappeared, but continued, now weaker, now more severe, especially in the forehead and temples, chiefly on the right side, sometimes affecting only one of these places, frequently associated with a severe pressure upon the right eyeball, in the region of the superior oblique muscle, though this pressure was only transient. Violent pressive pain in the head, especially in the forehead, on waking; aggravated by motion, or by earnest thought, even by reading as usual, with inability to fix the attention long upon any object (4th day). Fine sticking headache. Severe stitches throughout the whole head, extending obliquely from the head of the hard palate to the top of the skull (3rd hour after 40 drops). Some severe stitches in the brain. Headache like needle-stitches, as if the eyes would fall out of the head. Excessive tearing headache at midnight, which, however, on account of very deep sleep, only awakens him for a moment. Throbbing headache (after 14 hours). Great pulsation in the head (15 minutes after 5 drops). Single beatings in the head (after a quarter of an hour). Forehead.

Heaviness and dulness in the forehead (20 minutes after 5 drops). Pain in the bones of both sides of the forehead (after 3 hours). Pain in the forehead, aggravated by moving the head.

Burning in the forehead. Sensation of constriction, as with a broad band, in the forehead (3rd day). Sensation of compression in the forehead (30 minutes after 5 drops). Dull burrowing and digging in the forehead and temples (soon after 60 drops).

Sensation of pressure in the forehead and temporal region (3rd day). Pressure in the frontal protuberances, aggravated by sitting and studying, relieved by walking, even by walking in the heat (after 6 hours). Pressure and digging pains in the forehead, especially in the right side. Pressure and dull digging in the frontal eminences, now in the right, now in the left side (45 minutes after 5 drops). Slight pressure on the forehead and vertex, in the forenoon (5th day). Pressive pain in the forehead and vertex (2nd day after 60 drops). The frontal headache which appeared today lasted till towards evening; a pressive, rather severe pain, with pressure upon both eyes, and dull stitches in the right temple. Severe stitches in the right tuber frontalis, in a sport of the size of a half dollar, at times in rapid succession, at times many stitches at once; this symptom frequently returns (2nd day). Tearing headache in the forehead, with a sensation as if a lump were falling forward, while sitting, or turning over in bed. Recurrent, paroxysmal, tearing headache in the forehead. Sticking-tearing headache in the forehead, which extends into the chest. Jerking headache in the forehead, especially after eating. Temples. The left temple is swollen and painful to touch (after 6 hours). Pain in the left temple (2nd day). Slight pain in the left temple, followed by heat of the forehead, with some pressive pain in it. Wandering pains in the temples, frequently recurring, and always worse at the beginning. Sensation of great compression in the temples, as with both thumbs (45 minutes after 5 drops). Pressive pains in both temples, with sensation as if one were pressing strongly with the thumbs, during the whole forenoon. Sense of severe pressing inward with the fingers in the temples (3rd day). Stitches in the temples, with pressure and rush of blood to the head; the violent headaches and congestions of the head were in a great measure dependent upon the great heat, and were relieved immediately after the occurrence of a refreshing, cooling rain (13th day after 60 drops). Stitches in the left temple. Stitches in the left temple (35 minutes after 20 drops). Stitches in the left temple and pain in the stomach (6th day). Slight stitches in the left temple twice (3rd day). Transient stitches in the left temple. Severe stitches in the right temple (after 6 hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.