Menstruation appears at the customary time and normally, but on the third day it ceases, and reappears on the fifth day, but more like bloody water; accompanied with great weakness and violent drawing, sticking headache.

Menstruation appears at the right time; the second day it is more like bloody water; on the third some drops of dark blood pass; on the fourth a passage of discolored mucus, then nothing more; during the first days dragging pain in the genitals, severe pain in the small of the back, and violent, dragging, pressing, splitting headache on the right side, with a feeling of a faintness (510).

Menstruation appears at the right time, but is very scanty, does not appear in the usual way; at first is pale, expedited by a foot-bath; it never lasts beyond the fifth day, while it usually continues seven days; scarcely half the usual amount passes, and the discharge is more like bloody water.

At the beginning much chilliness and pain in the small of the back; violent tearing in the whole body, especially on the left side; painful distension of the abdomen (fourth and fifth days), violent pain in the kidneys, also stitches in the chest; very sickly look; violent, bursting headache only during the first days.

Respiratory Organs and Chest

Voice, and Chest in General.

Hoarseness, with pain or inflammation of the tonsils.

Oppression of the chest, appearing several times, especially at night with violent fluent coryza.

Tearing in the left pectoral muscles extending towards their insertion in the arm.

Drawing, tearing pain in the walls of the chest, sometimes relieved by stretching or by exerting the muscles.

Violent sudden, cutting, constrictive pain in front of the middle portion of the chest, extending down to the abdomen, so that she is obliged to bend double for half a minute (twenty- first day).

Single slow stitches here and there in the chest extending inward.

Sticking pain in the anterior middle region of the chest aggravated by deep breathing, together with a short dry cough (twenty-first day).

It seems raw in the chest as in catarrh, and an habitual occasional expectoration from the chest is increased (second to sixth day).

Scraping sensation in the chest (second day).

Scraping, scratching sensation of rawness and soreness in the chest.

Sides of Chest.

Pain near the left mammary gland, deep, internally, extending outward and downward through the mammary gland in about ten stitches (eighth day).

A peculiar sensation of coldness in the right side of the chest for a short time (one hundred and ninth day).

Tearing, burning pain in the lower border of the left pectoralis major extending towards the arm.

Tensive drawing pain in the left side of the chest more towards the back (thirty-eighth day).

Sticking, drawing in the left side of the chest on the lower and outer part, extending from the left hypochondrium towards the back and shooting back and forth (seventeenth day).

Pressive pain in the left side of the chest as if between the mammary gland and the wall of the chest, most severe behind the nipple, extending from within outward into the mammary glands so that the middle of the sensation is in the nipple, with a feeling as if the gland were swollen (sixty-fifth and eighty- eighth days).

A bubbling pressive pain in the region of the left pectoralis major for half a minute in the evening in bed, coming from deep in the chest, with tension in this region and somewhat impeded respiration (forty-third day).

Sticking pain in the left mammary gland (ninth day).

Sticking below the left mammary gland towards the heart.

Tearing, sticking pain extending around the right side of the chest in the forepart (forty-sixth day).

Tearing, sticking pain, extending from the right side of the chest near the shoulder-blade-up to the arm and seating itself in the muscles of the inner side of the arm for two minutes (seventeenth day).

A stitch in the right clavicle (fiftieth day).

A penetrating stitch in the right clavicle (seventy-third day).

Pulse like stitching in the right clavicle one third of a minute (fifty-first day). Single stitches in the right side of the chest from without inward (forty-fifth day). Several burning stitches as from wasps in the region of the right clavicle (eighty-eighth day). Some burning stitches in the left side of the chest near the nipple. Three deep violent burning stitches below the right clavicle crossing horizontally into the first ribs (seventy-seventh day). Long drawing stitches, leaving pain in the region of the false ribs of the left side from below. Tearing pain in the dorsal side of the left wall of the chest, somewhat below the shoulder-blade. Tearing in the right side of the chiefly in the forepart, sometimes also in the shoulder-blade between it and the spine, two days in succession with oppression of the chest. Drawing tearing pains in the sides of the chest chiefly in the left more towards the back, also in the shoulder- blades (forty-second day). Pulsating at last more pressive and tensive, tearing in the left side of the chest below the axilla extending to the ribs for two minutes. Several rather sensitive stitches in the left side of the chest externally and in the lower portion (after ten hours). Jerking, intermitting, not severe stitches in the left side of the chest, almost as if she received electric shocks (eleventh day). Sticking, jerking pain like electric shocks extends downwards from the left breast into the forepart of the left hypochondrium and then extends backwards; the whole lower part of the left side of the chest and of the abdomen is painful (eighth and twelfth days). Sometimes a bubbling sensation in the right of the chest somewhat below the middle (twenty-third day).

Heart and Pulse

Frequent palpitation (twenty-first day). Painful twinging stitches in the region of the heart extending outward and downward (twentieth day). Pulse slow and weak in several persons.

Neck and Back


Cold sensation in the left side of the neck in a place of the size of a quarter of a dollar, becoming a slight burning.

Tensive, burning sensation in the upper part of the left side of the neck with stiffness. Tensive, not very sensitive, pain in the neck with stiffness, lasting for several minutes, several times.

Tensive feeling of stiffness in one or another place on the back or side of the neck. On stooping, a drawing pain in the neck as if the muscles were tense (after half an hour). Tearing, pressive pain in the cords of the neck, worse on the left side. Burning sticking pain in the left side of the neck and posteriorly in slow jerks extending upward to the occiput (seventh and eighth days). Sudden stitches shoot rapidly from the left side of the neck to the muscles on the inner side of the upper arm, so that she is startled by them (twenty-first day). Lightning like stitches shoot from the right clavicle upward on that side of the neck in six to eight jumping-like, long stitches, as if one were pierced with a sharp needle (fourth day). Shooting, violent, cutting, tearings on the left side of the neck in the muscles near the axis, lasting several minutes, with painful stiffness of the neck, so that she is not able to move the head (third day).

Tearing in the left side of the neck for half a minute (fifty-first day). Slight tearing in the upper part of the left side of the neck. Rheumatic tearing in the left side of the neck. Tearing in the right side of the neck several times for half a minute, once also with pain on external pressure (forty-sixth day).

Superficial tensive tearing on the right side of the neck.


Dorsal Region.

Just below the left shoulder-blade rheumatic pain extending into the lumbar region. On the outer lower margin of the right- shoulder blade and in the ribs externally, she noticed at times grasping it a violent continued pain, as if the region were swollen, or injected with blood, suppurating (fifty-fifth to sixtieth days). Drawing in the shoulder blades and sides of the chest in the region of the pectoral muscles. Tearing, sticking pain in the right shoulder-blade across the back, as if the region were ulcerated (forty-second day). Digging, pulsating stitches in the region of the tip of the left shoulder-blade, extending upward and outward, below the shoulder, chiefly along its inner margin (one hundred and tenth day). Tearing in the tip of the right shoulder-blade (forty-eighth day). Pressive tearing in the left shoulder-blade extending to the shoulder, the left upper and anterior pectoral region along the expansion of the pectoral muscles, and also over the forearm and hand (for two days). Digging, sticking tearing in the tip of the left shoulder- blade. Tearing pain just below the spine of the right scapula, extending outward to a place as large as half a dollar, first noticed on touch, at ten o’clock in the evening, and continuing the next day (twenty-eighth day). Pressive-tensive tearing pain in the right shoulder-blade externally, or rather superiorly, towards the shoulder, extending upward into the flesh of the upper arm and into the left clavicle and pectoral muscles; in the latter it is irritating, as if some muscular fibers were torn; movement of the arm is painful and difficult, continuing for a whole day (twenty-fourth day). Suddenly when leaning against the arm of a chair a violent deep seated pain at the tip and along the outer border of the right shoulder-blade, also extending towards the axilla in the lower portion of the shoulder-joint, involving the whole joint, and extending down along the inner side of the arm to the elbow; the parts seemed bruised, swollen or suppurating; the shoulder-joint seems sprained. On raising the arm the sensation extends into the chest and arrests the breathing.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.