Taste as bitter as gall (fifth day).

Bitter taste in the mouth at 8 o’clock in the morning (second day).

Taste as bitter as gall for half an hour, every time after eating (eighth day).

Bitter and sour taste for three hours after taking, and the whole day.

Frequent taste of blood, especially in the morning, sometimes also in the afternoon.


Arches of the palate, uvula, tonsils, and pharynx are somewhat red (second and third days).

Dryness in the throat, and pressure in the back part of the palate and pharynx (after eleven hours).

In the upper part of the right side of the throat, just below the angle of the jaw, a digging-sticking pain extends into the ear and out again (seventh day).

Smarting pain on the throat, especially on the right side; scratching increased it, and caused a large, red, hot spot (ninety-fifth day).

Scraping in the throat (after four hours).

Scraping sensation in the throat as if it were somewhat raw, as if he would be attacked with catarrh (twelfth day).

Scraping sensation in the throat as in commencing angina, so that she is obliged to hawk and raise frequently, with out any difficulty in swallowing, for several hours (after four hours).

Scraping sensation in the throat in the morning (second day).

Scraping sensation in the throat in the morning on waking, as if the throat would become sore, which continues until the throat becomes moistened.

Scraping sensation in the throat in the evening, it extends into the pharynx, stomach, and air-passage (third day).

Scraping in throat greatly relieved by drinking water.

Scraping sensation in the throat, especially in the morning after rising, nearly every day for several weeks, sometimes with pain in one side of it.

Pain in the left tonsil caused and increased by speaking, and also by swallowing, with a sensation as if the seed of a fruit were sticking in the throat; the tonsils and the arch of the palate of this side are somewhat red and rather sensitive to pressure, as are also the neighboring parts of the throat to motion (fifth to seventh and seventeenth days).

(Completely developed inflammation of the tonsils, arch of the palate, uvula, pharynx, with bright, fiery redness, and swelling; sensation as if there were a lump in one side of the throat) painful stiffness of the neck as from a blister; great hoarseness, in the morning a discharge of much thick, yellow, gelatinous mucus; violent pains, more on empty swallowing; dryness, scraping, rawness, and burning in the throat, without thirst, extending down into the pharynx and air-passages; tongue white, sticky; saliva sticky like soapsuds; the troubles last violently only two days, but for eight days there remains a sensation as of a plug in the throat, and for several weeks rawness, dryness, and scraping in the throat; at last catarrh (eleventh and eighteenth days in two persons).

(*This condition appeared in two women just at the time when an influenza was raging here, which I did not consider associated with this angina. It may be however, that this attack was dependent in its peculiar development upon this circumstance.*).


Increased appetite (second day).

Increased appetite (after a long-continued use of the tincture of the Berberis root, by a girl suffering from weakness of the stomach, and loss of appetite).

Great appetite (first day).

Very good appetite, almost canine hunger (fourth day).

Very good appetite (after five to six hours); increased appetite in the evening (first day).

Hunger without appetite (third day).

Loss of appetite, with a bilious, bitter taste (eleventh day).

Almost complete want of hunger and appetite; food had almost no taste (seventeenth and twenty-first days).

No real hunger, appetite, or taste (first day).

Severe thirst wakes her several times at night (first night).

Increased thirst with dry mouth, especially in the afternoon, seldom in the morning, in several persons.

Eructations (soon after taking the drug).

Eructations frequently alternating with yawning (after an hour and a half).

Eructations without bad taste or smell (an hour after taking the drug, and also several times afterwards during first day).

Two hours after taking frequent bilious eructations (lasting nearly half an hour).

Frequent eructations and gripings in the abdomen, as of wind, without passing any (first day).

Hiccough for nearly a quarter of an hour (seventeenth day).

Transient nausea (after one hour).

Nausea lasting one hour (after half an hour).

Nausea and qualmishness before breakfast, disappearing afterwards (second day).

Nausea after dinner; she thought she would be obliged to vomit (first day).

Feeling of discomfort and nausea (after three hours).

Heartburn (soon after taking it).

After eating, a pressive sensation in the epigastric region as if it were distended, evenings till 9 o’clock (sixty-first day).

Pressure in the region of the stomach five hours after eating (seventh day).

A sticking pain in the region of the stomach for half an hour and at times afterwards though returning slighter (seventh day).

A violent sticking, burning, peculiar pain in the stomach, like heartburn, though much more violent, it also extends upward into the pharynx (eighth and twenty-first day).



Twice, a bubbling sensation below the tip of the false ribs, in the forepart on the right side, in quick succession; severe bubbling sensation, as if one shook a bottle of water, or as if one forced air into the flesh, on the external border of the right shoulder-blade near the axilla (ninety-seventh day).

In the hypochondriac region, near the border of the false ribs, about three inches from the linea alba, violent sticking pain for a quarter of an hour, increased by pressure, extending across into the region of the stomach; it appeared first when walking; walking slowly did not relieve it (after a quarter of an hour), (also noticed from the 5th dilution).

Pressure in the forepart of the right hypochondrium, extending inward into the border of the false ribs (forty-sixth day).

Pressure in the region of the liver, on the margin of the false ribs, about three inches from the linea alba, lasts a quarter of an hour (third day).

On the border of the false ribs of the right side, about two and a half inches from the linea alba, thirty-six to forty successive burning stitches at intervals of four to eight seconds (nineteenth day).

Sticking pressive pain in the region of the liver, increased by pressure, corresponding to the region of the gall- bladder, on a small spot; lasts three hours, though not continuous (second hour and frequently afterwards, even until forty-sixth day).

Sticking pain, not very penetrating, in the region of the gall- bladder, for several minutes (after nine hours).

Sticking pain in the region of the gall-bladder for a short time, increased by pressure (after an hour and a half).

Drawing-tearing pain below the tips of the false ribs in the left hypochondrium on inspiration; it feels as if something were torn loose at the affected spot.

Pressive pain in the left hypochondrium extends backward or downward.

Tearing-sticking pain in the region of the left hypochondrium, in front (forty-sixth and forty-eight days).


Slight gripings around the navel (after eight hours).

Intermittent pain pressing from within outward in the left side of the abdomen, about an inch from the navel, as if something living were in the spot, about the size of a half dollar, lasting from two to three minutes (twenty-second day).

Cutting-drawing pain in the left side of the navel in a spot of the size of a quarter of a dollar, extending deep inward, for a minute violent, then continuing dull for about two minutes.

Pain in the region about three inches to the side of the navel, corresponding to a place in front of the kidneys, and rather to the side, mostly sticking, sometimes dull, sometimes fine, or also burning or gnawing, usually only in one side, seldom in both sides; usually confined to a small place or a point, sometimes pressive when it is more diffused, for the most part aggravated only by deep pressure, seldom, then violent, but returning nearly everyday, frequently continuing for hours, with momentary intermissions, often continuing only a short time, often extending to the lumbar region or to the groins, the liver, the spleen, or the stomach.

Superficial tearing-sticking rain in the left side of the navel.

Twisting pain in the region of the navel, in a place as large as the palm of the hand, for a few minutes (after nine hours).

A few fine, sharp, deep stitches at the left side of the navel.

Fine stitches in the right side of the abdomen, at the side of the navel but somewhat about it, for a minute.

At times, twinging around and above the navel, in the left side of the abdomen (first day).

In General.

Fermentation in the abdomen, especially in the region of the colon, with perceptible motion of the intestines, and moving of wind (first day).

Loud rumblings (after nine hours).

Frequent rumblings in the abdomen, so that they can be heard externally (fifth day).

Great rumbling in the bowels followed by the passage of flatus (after two hours).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.