Smarting-biting pain in the urethra, frequently with a sensation of soreness, more when not urinating, sometimes transient, sometimes continuous, chiefly in the forepart, but sometimes also extending backwards into the bladder or rectum, frequently more pain on one side.

Bubbling sensation in the posterior portion of the urethra when sitting.

Crawling sensation in the posterior portion of the male urethra (for two minutes).

Itching along the urethra.

Crawling-itching pain in the urethra a few times when the bladder is not full.

Micturition and Urine.

Pressure to urinate (after three hours).

Excessive desire to urinate, especially in the morning immediately after rising.

Sometimes diminished, sometimes increased discharge of urine; when increased the urine is commonly a clear, light water, or slightly tinged, deposits only a slight sediment of mucus, when scanty it usually deposits a sediment; the former is the case in the beginning and during the aggravations, the latter during the reaction of the medicine; at times, however, intercurrent conditions arise (in all provers).

Pale, yellow urine, either with a slight transparent gelatinous sediment which does not deposit, or a turbid, flocculent, clay like, copious, mucous sediment mixed with a white, or whitish-gray, and later a reddish mealy sediment.

The clear, saturated, yellowish, thick urine has a decided appearance of the yellow of the Berberis root, seldom remaining clear, but depositing a mucous sediment during the aggravations of the proving, and usually in the beginning; generally very soon or sometimes later becoming separated, flocculent, or like mealy water, and depositing a copious mucous and mealy-like sediment, with white-grayish, white, or dirty-reddish, or red granular sediment, with yellowish-red crystals upon the bottom and sides of the glass.

Urine bright-yellow, with a profuse mucous sediment, but was not cloudy (second day).

Dark, dirty, wine-yellow urine, which commonly separates and deposits a copious sediment, as in the previous case, or only gelatinous flakes.

Greenish urine, clear, or just tinged, in the beginning somewhat turbid, depositing only some mucus, but becoming cloudy, but only seldom settles.

Inflammatory red urine, which like the last separates and deposits a thick sediment, seldom remaining unchanged and becoming merely thick.

Blood-red urine, which speedily becomes turbid and deposits a thick mucous and bright red mealy sediment, slowly becoming clear, but always retaining its blood-red color, with violent pains in the kidneys (in one prover).

During convalescence from the drug-disease the urine has for a long time Ca clear mucous sediment.

The changes in the urine vary, increasing and diminishing with the medicinal disease; even on the same day it changes in various ways, it may be even normal; pains in the loins and kidneys frequently accompany the morbid urine, though not always; usually the urine passed first in the morning after rising is cloudy.

Sexual Organs


Decided feeling of weakness in the genitals after coition.

A sense of weakness and loss of irritability of the external male genitals after urinating, and also at other times.

The penis seems somewhat shriveled and retracted.

Frequent erections (first day).

The mucous membrane of the penis seems to be dry.

Cold sensation in the prepuce and glans at times, also with somewhat numb sensation.

A pinching constrictive pain extends downwards from the mons veneris along the dorsum of the penis.

Several stitches in the glans.

Fine stitching pain in the penis (for half a minute).

Fine stitching in the penis in the forepart.

Smarting pains in the anterior portion of the left side of the penis coming from the urethra.

Smarting pain in the left side of the penis, more externally, chiefly in the forepart of the mucous membrane of the glans, and in the part behind this spot, when walking and afterwards, also after coition (one hundred and eighth, one hundred and twelfth, and one hundred and twenty-second days, etc).

Smarting-burning pain in the corona glandis.

Smarting-burning pain in the left side of the penis, especially in the corona glandis.

Smarting-burning pain in the upper part of the right side of the penis.

Smarting-burning itching pain in the prepuce.

Scrotum and Testicles.

Sexual Desires.

Sensation of coldness, light tearings in the left side of the scrotum.

Smarting, constricting pain in the left lower portion of the scrotum, lasting six to eight minutes when walking.

Sore pain in the scrotum, especially in the sides, most frequently on the left.

Itching in the scrotum, either simple, or burning, or with fine stitches, at times smarting or crawling.

Burning pain in one or the other testicle, seldom in both, as if they would swell.

Constrictive pain in the testicles and in the spermatic cord, with contraction of the scrotum, as if it would be drawn up against the abdomen; the scrotum is shriveled and cold, with pressive pain in the testicles.

Drawing-pressive pain in one or the other testicle, seldom in both at the same time, sometimes extending up the spermatic cord.

Pressive pain in both testicles, sometimes in only one, sometimes for only a short time, or for several hours.

Cutting-sticking pain, at times very sensitive, in the testicles, at times in only one, at times in both together.

Single or several stitches in one or the other testicle (fortieth, sixty-third and ninety-first days, etc).

Smarting or smarting-burning pain in the testicles, at times in only one, at times in both.

Crawling pain in the testicles, usually in only one (most of the pains in the external genitals are caused and aggravated by motion).

Soft pulpy swelling of the left spermatic cord, especially in the portion, several times when walking, with at times drawing, burning, or smarting, or tearing pains, at times also when sitting, with pain extending down into the testicles, especially the epididymis (490).

Drawing pain in the spermatic cord of the right, frequently down into the testicles, or up into the abdominal ring.

Stitching pain in the spermatic cord of one or the other side.

Several fine stitches in the spermatic cord.

Smarting pain in one or the other spermatic cord, at one time in the region of the abdominal ring, at another behind it, at another more beneath it, often extending into the testicles.

Smarting-burning pain in the spermatic cord, with several stitches, now on one, now on the other side.

Twinging pain in one or the other spermatic cord, only at the abdominal ring, or also extending down to the testicles.

Diminished sexual desire in both sexes; the ejaculation of semen during coition is usually too soon, and the desire is weak and passes soon away; in women orgasm is delayed, sometimes associated with cutting or sticking pain.

Emission at night, which is usually very seldom.


Pinching constrictive pain in the region of the mons veneris and the bladder, sometimes only on one side, sometimes when full, sometimes after emptying the bladder, immediately, or a long time afterwards.

Tearing pain in the mons veneris coming from the inguinal region.

Twinging-tearing in one or the other side of the mons veneris, sometimes also in this whole region, very frequently.

Burning, itching, or biting, also smarting sensation in the mons veneris.

Smarting-itching pain in the mons veneris.

Sensation of burning and soreness in the vagina, frequently very sensitive, especially in the anterior portion, even extending to the labia, sometimes only on one side, but frequently also in the upper part in the region of the orifice of the urethra, often continuing a long time (twenty-eighth and thirty-sixth days, etc).

In one side of the vagina, especially in the left, fine, or weak, or sharp, or dull, or violent stitches, sometimes like needless, ten to twenty in succession, twinging, or burning, twisting or long drawn out, and leaving the part painful, extending from within outward, at times ending in the urethra, often appearing so suddenly and violently that she is frightened; the vagina, during an examination, is very sensitive when touched with the finger (thirtieth, forty-first, forty-third, fifty-ninth, and sixty- first days, etc).

Smarting pain in the vagina, usually only upon one side, sometimes continuous.

Menstruation appears as usual two days too soon, but lasts only two days; with it and afterwards violent pain in the back and loins.

The second time it appears two days too soon, with pains in the back, and lasts only one day and a half.

In the fourth return menstruation appeared one day too soon, the discharge was grayish mucus, then bloody, scanty.

The fifth period omitted entirely; on the sixth some watery blood passed; then until the eighth again grayish mucus; for some days previous to it violent tearing in the limbs, with severe pain in the back; at times on only one side, with a feeling as if bruised, as if suppurating, almost like labor pains, so that at times she could not lie upon it, especially at night, sometimes also pain in one hip-bone; dragging pain in the thighs, extending into the calves, especially in the veins of the leg, which are injected with blood; also pain in the lumbar region; once in the evening in bed, violent sticking on the left side of the abdomen two fingers’ breadth from the navel, extending in long stitches into the left side of the vagina; fretful, tired of life mood; great dejection; smarting pain in the vagina, burning, violent pain and soreness in the anus; pressive tensive pain in the upper arm and shoulder, extending up into the neck.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.