Pulsating stitches in the muscles of the posterior portion of the left thigh, deep from without inward, lasting a quarter of an hour, when walking and sitting (ninety-third day).

Biting pain in the skin, in a small spot on the inner and upper side of the left thigh.

Gnawing-biting sensation on the outer anterior side of the left thigh about the middle.

Tearing pain in the thick flesh of the left thigh, about the middle of the forepart.

Tearing pain in the forepart of the thigh and downward over the knee.

Tearing pain on the inner side of the thigh.

On the outer side of the left thigh tearing pain, as if under the skin.

A tearing pain in the lower outer side of the right thigh above the knee, extending down into the outer part of the leg and calf.

Tearing or tearing-drawing pain on the outer or inner side of the thigh.

Tearing, or tearing-sticking, or drawing-tearing pain, in the muscles of the posterior portion of the thigh, chiefly about the middle. Tearing or tearing-sticking pain in the extensor muscles of the thigh, often arising after motion.

Tearing pain in the outer side of the thigh, sometimes only in one side, sometimes spread over the whole thigh, remitting and recurring, chiefly after motion.

Severe tearing pain in the left or right nates, when walking, extending deep into the ischium, for nearly a minute, also of a less severe kind.

Severe tearing in the left femur, from the trochanter down to the knee-joint, aggravated by paroxysms, for quarter of an hour, when sitting.

Tearing pain in the lower external and anterior portion of the right thigh, sometimes also of the left, when walking, at last changing to a tension.

Biting-tearing pain in the inner, upper, and anterior region of the left thigh, when walking (ninety-third day).

Sore pain in the outer anterior side of the right thigh (eighty-second day).

Sore pain in the bend of the thigh (ninety-first day).

Smarting pain in the outer side of the right thigh, soon after, in the middle of the forepart.

Pressive pinching-throbbing pain in the upper anterior portion of the right thigh, when standing and walking.

Painless bubbling in the lower portion of the right thigh, as if a stream of air as large as a finger, or a worm of the same size, forced itself through the flesh, lasting several minutes (seventieth day).

Bubbling twice in the lower and anterior portion of the right thigh, not far from the knee.

Bubbling sensation in the muscles of the right thigh in the forepart, moving here and there, as if something living were crawling therein.

Bubbling sensation in the posterior and upper portion of the left thigh, just below the nates, for one minute, slowly digging and working in a spot as large as two hands.

Bubbling sensation in the forepart of the right thigh, evenings in bed, extending along the thigh, with fine interruptions, as if a stream of water or bold forced its way through the flesh (forty-first day).


Great swelling of the veins near the knee-joints, in the lower and posterior portion of the upper part of the calves.

A sensation as if weak, bruised, and paralyzed in the knees, during and after walking, and on rising after sitting a long time, very frequently.

Biting-burning sensation on the inner side of the right knee, for several seconds returning slightly soon afterwards.

Drawing-burning pain in the right hollow of the knee.

Tension in the knee-joint, now in one side, now in the forepart, especially in the region of the patella, now posteriorly, chiefly in the tendons, as if they were too short, frequently accompanied by a sensation of heaviness or paralysis, especially noticed when moving, particularly when stretching, often caused for the first time thereby.

Violent pinching pain in the right popliteal space and calf, when sitting down in the evening, when lying in bed, lasting an hour, after a moderate walk (eighty-sixth day).

Violent cramp in the left popliteal space, when stepping or stamping, extending downward into the middle of the calf and upward into the thigh, while standing; when she does not step hard it is less, accompanied by tingling and heaviness in the affected parts, as if they were enlarged, for two days in succession (fifty-ninth and sixtieth days).

Drawing pain in the patella, extending downward into the anterior upper portion of the leg, caused by walking, and also arising of itself.

Gnawing pain on the outer side of the left knee-pan (one hundred and third day).

Pressive pain in the left hollow of the knee, extending through the joint to the patella, with a feeling as if the knee were stiff and swollen; bending, and especially extending the knee, aggravates it; the tendons seem too short (ninety-first day).

Tensive pressive pain in the right patella, and in the ligaments and tendons behind it, after walking.

At night, a sticking-pressive pain across the left knee (thirty-first day).

Tearing-pressive pain in the right patella and in the ligaments behind it, caused by motion.

Sticking, then burning pain below the margin of the left patella, extending inward into the joint, when walking, lasting more than a minute.

Sticking pain in the inner side of the right knee, extending outward into the tendons of this region.

Sticking pain through the right knee-joint, from before backward beneath the patella, when walking, so that stepping she starts up and is obliged to favor the foot, four times in succession, returning afterward twice (forty-ninth day).

In the morning, when she goes down stairs, after rising from bed, when bending the knee, a violent sticking pain just above the patella, as from a nail deep inwardly, so severe for several hours in succession that she is lame; afterwards it changes to a pressure (aching), (fifty-second day) (890).

Slow sticking pain, as if a large nail were forced inward in a small spot in the right knee, in the forepart near the lower margin of the patella, deeply penetrating, disappears during rest, caused by motion, and lasts nearly three hours, with heaviness in the calves.

Drawing-sticking pain in the left hollow of the knee, extending downward into the upper part of the leg, for a minute and a half; the same pain in the inner side of the right knee, rather superficial.

Some stitches shoot through the knee-joint.

Stitches in the knee-joint, now in one, now in another place, especially on the inner side.

Four stitches below the right knee-joint shooting into the knee obliquely from below upward beneath the patella, when walking.

Burning stitches in from above the left knee-joint, so that he is frightened.

Bubbling stitches in the region above the left knee (ninety-Forth day).

Bubbling long-drawn stitches in the tendons of the outer side of the left popliteal space, for a few minutes, when walking and standing (seventy-first day).

On the inner side of the left knee-joint near the patella, violent pain shooting backward into the knee-joint, and through the joint beneath the patella, as if it were swollen and inflamed, when bending the knee, from 4 till 11 in the morning; the pain disappears during rest in an extended position.

Several tearings in the knee-joints more or less severe.

Tearing or tearing-sticking pain in the knee-joint, most frequently in the inner side, though also in the outer anterior and posterior portion, also frequently extending into the neighboring parts.

Tearing in the tendons of the knee, especially the posterior muscles, when walking or standing.

Smarting pain in the forepart of the left knee near the patella, twice in succession.


Sticking pain in the right leg near the lower part of the tibia, when walking.

Sensitive tearing-sticking pain in the left leg, on the side between the tibia and fibula, in the extensor muscles, especially in their tendons, two inches above the joint, extending down into the external malleolus and the outer side of the back of the foot, lasting more than half an hour.

Burning-sticking pain in the middle of the left leg, on the outer side near the tibia about the middle, for about three minutes, several times returning.

Tearing pain along the whole outer side of the right leg, into the external malleolus and down over the outer side of the back of the foot, then also extending upward along the outer side of the thigh.

Tensive pressive-tearing in the outer portion of the left leg, a few inches above the external malleolus between the tibia and fibula, with intermissions, nearly half an hour.

Biting-stinging pain in the middle of the outer portion of the right leg, chiefly when walking and standing.

Corrosive pain on the outer side of the left leg.

Sensation of coldness, almost tearing, on the front of the right tibia.

Tearing-tensive pain in the middle of the tibia, sometimes accompanied by burning, or warm feeling, or numb sensation, in the tibia, as if the bone would become distended, with a bruised and heavy sensation in the leg, sometimes lasting only a short time, sometimes several hours, a few times with a bubbling sensation, also sometimes alternating with tearing or sticking, or associated with them, when walking and standing, through also arising spontaneously at times, even in the morning on waking in bed; rubbing causes at times burning in the skin of the tibia.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.