Tearing, now slight, now violent, in several fingers especially on the back, frequently with some stiffness of them, especially in the index and ring fingers, frequently changing into outward shooting stitches in the tips of the fingers, sometimes lasting only a few seconds, sometimes for several minutes.

Tearing along the metacarpal bone of the left index finger, with pulse like stitches extending inward in the bone.

Tearing in the outer side of the left thumb, as deep as the bone, increased by pressure, with some pulse like stitches from without inward, near the joint (seventy-second day).

Tearing in the ulnar side of the left thumb as deep as the bone, increased by pressure, with a few intermitting pulse like stitches from without inward near the joint.

Tearing along the side of the metacarpal bone of the right little finger, for half a minute, with a sensation of heaviness and powerlessness in the outer portion of the hand.

Burning-tearing in the volar surface of the first joint of the right thumb.

Drawing-tearing in the second joint of the right index finger and near it, on the back.

A humming-tearing in the left thumb, with a feeling as if it were distended and heavy, for a few minutes, several times in the day (sixty-fourth day).

Smarting-tearing pain in the outer surface of the left index finger, aggravated by rubbing, and changing into a burning pain.

Smarting pain on the back of the fingers.

Bubbling sensation in the ball of the right thumb (nineteenth day).

Lower Extremities

In General.

Great weakness of the lower extremities during a walk, so that he scarcely felt them, as if numb (fifth day).

Sensation of weakness, and as if bruised, in the lower extremities, sometimes with heaviness and stiffness, and a paralyzed feeling, as after a long march, or as if the parts were strained, as if the muscles were too thick, usually in the soft parts, though not seldom also in the bones, with pain, which is easily excited by motion, though not always aggravated, through nearly the whole period of the proving, sometimes worse sometimes better (790).

A feeling in the lower extremities, as if they were becoming emaciated, which really seemed to be the case.

Great heaviness, bruised sensation, and lassitude in the lower limbs, especially in the thighs, mostly in ascending stairs, with great weakness (fifty-first day).

Drawing-tensive sensation in the lower extremities over a large surface, sometimes also with slight, rather superficial tearings, and a heavy or stiff paralyzed feeling, especially when rising after sitting a long time.

Violent bruised pain in the whole of the lower extremities, so that he cannot rise from his seat without assistance from his hands; the knees feel used up and appear paralyzed; he suffers especially along the posterior surface, from the loins and sacral region downward; the calves feel as if bruised sore; pressure and motion increase the pains, especially stooping, for sixteen hours; at last the pain extends downward more into the feet (third and fourth days).

Hip and Thigh.

Burning pain in the region of the left trochanter.

Pulse like burning stitches, extending from the right trochanter downward deep inwardly, lasting half a minute.

Slight drawing pain in the region of the right trochanter.

Tearing pain in the region below the trochanter.

Tearing pain in the hip bones on one side near the spine.

Tearing form the posterior border of the hip bones downward and inward. Creeping cold sensation on the outer side of the thigh, as if quicksilver were running on or beneath the skin, sometimes accompanied by tension in the muscles, or a sticking sensation, though painless, mostly when standing, seldom when sitting, at times ending in burning.

On the posterior portion of the left thigh, about five inches from the joint in the morning after rising, in a spot of the size of a ten-cent piece, a sensation as if it were touched by a cold substance, as by a piece of cold metal, or by a cold animal, so that she grasps hold of it in fright; repeated the next day at noon (forty-third day).

Transient sensation of warmth on the outer portion of the left thigh (one hundred and fifth day).

Transient sensation of warmth on the posterior lower portion of the left thigh, extending down into the upper part of the calf (one hundred and fourth day).

Feeling of warmth on the posterior upper portion of the thigh for a short time.

Burning pain in the left nates.

Burning pain on the inner side of the lower portion of the left thigh, aggravated by even slight touch (one hundred and sixth day).

Burning pain in the inner anterior side of the upper part of the right thigh.

Tension in the muscles in the upper the upper and anterior part of the thigh, when walking, frequently changing into the pain.

Tension in the thighs and nates from the hips downward, with numbness, and at times increased warmth.

Tensive pain in one or the other bend of the thighs, as if the tendons were too short, when walking.

Drawing-tensive sensation in the posterior muscles of the thigh.

Drawing-tensive pain in the muscles of the outer side of the right thigh, outward and backward, as if a cramp would come.

Drawing-tensive pain in the tendons of the thigh, extending downward over the knee-cap, when walking, for some minutes.

A pinching sensation in the muscles of the thigh, especially the flexors, and in the calves.

On more violent motion than usual pinching in the muscles of the thighs.

Tensive contraction of the muscles of the thigh, especially on the posterior surface and in the calves, chiefly when walking.

Drawing pain in the nates.

Drawing from the small of the back on one or the other side from the nates down into the thigh.

Drawing pain in the anterior region of the pelvic bone straight outward into the muscles of the thigh.

Drawing pain in the muscles of the right thigh, two inches above the knee.

Drawing pain from the region of the trochanter downward into the thigh.

Drawing or drawing-tensive sensation or pain on the inner side of the thigh.

At night when falling to sleep, slight workings, like crawlings or drawings, on the outer side of the left thigh, extending downward over the knee, followed by a cramp like sensation in the calf, with tingling in it and the outstretched foot (forty-seventh day).

Dragging sensation in the nates and the upper posterior portion of the thigh, starting from the sacrum.

Gnawing on the outer the left thigh above the hollow of the knee (one hundred and twenty-second day).

Gnawing sensation on the outer lower region of the right thigh, especially when walking; is caused and aggravated by rubbing (one hundred and eighth day).

Biting-gnawing in the outer lower side of the left thigh above the knee (eighty-eight day).

Tensive pressive pain in the thighs, calves, and knees, as if the muscles were too short.

Sticking pain, mostly transient, in the nates.

Sticking pain, often violent, from without inward, in the middle of the posterior or anterior region of the thigh, very frequent in rest and also after motion, confined to a small spot.

Burning-sticking pain in the outer anterior portion of the right thigh below the middle, for a few minutes.

Tearing-sticking pain penetrating deep into the bone, in the outer middle region of the right thigh, several times in succession.

Pulse like sticking pain in the posterior lower portion of the right thigh, for two-thirds of a minutes, whereby he imagines that by the finger he noticed a pulsation in the affected part (sixty-fourth day).

Bubbling sticking pain in middle of the posterior portion of the left thigh.

A stitch in the inner posterior and middle portion of the thigh in the flesh from without inward, long drawn out, when walking.

A stitch through the left thigh, in the forepart somewhat above the middle, from within outward (twenty-first day).

A stitch in the left nates when standing, extending deep into the muscles.

Three violent stitches in the forepart of the left thigh, about five inches from the knee, extending into the flesh, as with a needle, or as if an animal stung one, so that, thinking this, one grasps the part in order to find the animal; quarter of an hour afterwards, two stitches near the knee (840).

In the posterior and inner side of the left thigh, six inches above the knee, four stitches from without inward, like severe stings from insects.

About thirty bubbling stitches, at intervals of one or several seconds, in the middle of the left thigh, whereby he thinks he can feel a throbbing with the fingers; mostly a touch causes continued pain.

Some stitches in the middle of the left thigh, external extending upward along it.

Some burning stitches in the outer upper side of the right thigh.

A biting stitch in the inner and lower portion of the left thigh.

A long-drawn stitch in the inner posterior side of the middle of the left thigh, when walking (seventy-fifth day).

Deep violent stitches on the inner side of the right thigh, two inches from the knee, extending obliquely downward in this place to the opposite side, chiefly when stepping upon it; when sitting at rest, rather paroxysmal, less sensitive stitches (one hundred and eighth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.