Argentum Nitricum

Tensive clawing pains in the back.

Nightly pains in the back.

Weight in the small of the back, which prevents him from sitting (1st potency, fourth day).

Violent pain in the small of the back, as if sprained, early in the morning, when sitting; the pain was so violent that he had to rise (1st potency, second day).

Pain in the small of the back, relieved when standing or walking (1st potency, fourth day).

Paralytic heaviness in the lumber region, on the left side, extending into the hip-joint of the same side (6th potency).

The lumber region feels rigid and as if put upon the stretch (6th potency).

The lumber region feels bruised (1st potency).

The small of the back feels weary (1st potency, fourth day).

Violent pain in small of back (girl of 8).

Digging-up in the small of the back, not permitting her to bend (1st potency, fourth day).

Cutting in the small of the back and back and abdomen, even when touching the parts (1st potency).

Violent pain in the small of the back, as if sprained, in the morning, scarcely permitting him to rise, and not permitting him to walk about, except crooked; recurring in the same manner for four days in succession (1st potency, third day).

Pains in the kidneys.

Frequent complaints about pain in the small of the back and in the loins (1st potency, fourth day).

Heaviness and drawing in the loins, accompanied with great debility and weariness, trembling in the lower limbs, as after a fatiguing journey (1st potency, first day).

Stiffness, heaviness, and paralytic pain, commencing at the sacrum, and going down along the pelvis and the hips (6th potency).

Heaviness and paralytic sensation in the region of the sacrum, not permitting him to sit for a long while, and obliging him, when walking, to stretch the dorsal spine as much as possible (6th potency).

He experiences such an intense pain in the sacral region that blowing and sneezing cause him to start (6th potency).

Extremely painful drawing and heaviness in the os sacrum, along the pelvis, as if the menses were going to make their appearance (1st potency, third day).

Extremities in General.

Chorea-like convulsive motion of the upper and lower extremities. (Lassitude and heaviness of all the limbs (third day).

Paralysis of thee extremities.

Sensation in all the limbs as if they would go to sleep or become rigid.

5.30 A.M., in bed, violent boring in the left outer malleolus and in the left shoulder (fourth day).

After rising, internal drawing in centre of right upper arm, then in the flesh of the right thigh, below and internally (fourth day).

10 P.M., while sitting, violent pressure in the soft part above the bend of the right knee, in the left little finger, and on the back of the left foot (first day).

Stitching in the bone of the right third finger, and on the dorsum of the foot (first day).

Upper Extremities.

Paralytic drawing pain in the whole of the upper right extremities (2d potency).

Drawing, pressing pain through the whole right arm, at times more violent on the back of the hand, or in the upper arm (after one and a half hours).

6 P.M., while walking, violent pain in the muscles of the left side of the arm, towards the lower part of the thorax, into the muscles by each inspiration, also by walking; lasts five minutes ( (first day).

4 P.M., violent boring in the right shoulder (first day).

Pressing in the left shoulder-joint ( (after seven hours).

Violent pressing in the top of the left shoulder, while resting the arm.

Tension in the right axillary glands (1st potency).

Pain in the right axilla, as if strained of torn; upon raising the shoulder, the pain extending along the arm as far as the hand, where a pricking sensation was experienced (2d potency).

Tearing internally on the right elbow (second day).

Stitching about the right olecranon, rather violent and long-lasting; unaffected by motion of the elbow-joint, but somewhat aggravated while resting the joint.

Paralytic drawing in the bones of the forearm (6th potency).

Nightly bone pain of the ulna (30th potency, second day).

He wakes in the night owing to an acute pain in the left wrist-joint, as if sprained, accompanied with heat of the whole hand, and uneasiness in the hand, obliging him to change the position of the hand all the time; in the morning, a pimple is seen not far from the joint, the tip of which is filled with pus, and in which a stinging pain is experienced, as of a splinter which had been stuck in; the tip is raised upon a red, hard base of considerable extent (1st potency, first day).

Tension and stiffness in the left wrist on bending it, with a deep seated pain; disappeared towards evening (first day).

Violent pressure in the left wrist (after one hour).

Pressing in the left wrist (always at 10.30 P.M)..

Drawing in left hand (after one hour).

Spasmodic contraction of the adductors of the fingers; she can scarcely the closely compressed finger.

Spasmodic contraction of the fingers, so that she cannot open the hand, which is kept half clenched (in a matron of sixty).

Drawing in the fingers of the right hand (first day).

Rheumatic tearing in the region where the phalanx of the thumb joins the metacarpus (6th potency).

Cramp of the ring finger, when seizing anything (30th potency, third day).

9 P.M., pain through the joints of the left index finger, increased on bending the finger, when a stiffness as from swelling is experienced in the joints, and lasts till the morning (first day).

Sticking in the tip of the left little finger (after two Hours).

Lower Extremities.

Legs drawn up to abdomen by muscular contraction.

In the night his lower limbs, especially his knees, start up; the starting awoke him (1st potency).

He vacillates when walking, feeling moreover extremely uncomfortable in the whole body, and unsteady in his limbs (30th potency, second day).

Staggering gait in the open air (30th potency, second day).

Weariness of the legs (30th potency, second day).

Paralytic heaviness and debility of the lower limbs, so that she did not know where to put them (1st potency, third day).

Lassitude and weariness of the lower limbs, accompanied with dizziness, as from intoxication (30th potency, first day).

Great debility and weariness in the lower limbs, the whole afternoon, as after a long journey on foot, accompanied with sick feeling, dread of labor, drowsiness, chilliness, and sickly appearance (1st potency, second day).

When walking, compressive sensation in the whole left leg (after six hours).

Drawing through the whole right leg, on sitting (second day).

Sticking drawing pain in the hip down to the tarsal joint (1st potency).

Paralytic weakness of the lower limbs, and emaciation of the same (2d potency, second day).

When walking, pressive pain below and in front of the left trochanter, which, on stepping, causes him to bend over; very frequent, but not at step (first day).

Periodical nervous (“cramplike”) drawing from the hip down to the knees, in paroxysms, sometimes so violent that it caused her to exclaim; the drawing descended along the anterior surface of the thigh (ischias antica), (30th potency, third day).

Drawing in the left knee (first day).

Pressure in the right knee (after one hour).

Pressing in the right knee, when sitting and walking, and on the dorsum of the left foot (immediately).

Violent pressing in the right knee, also when walking, lasting a quarter of an hour; then, stitching pain deep in the tongue, lasting nearly an hour (second day).

When walking, pressure in the knee, worse on stepping (first day).

Internal tearing in left knee; afterwards, in the right.

Paralytic, painful drawing, as if bruised, one hand’s breadth above the left patella, in the rectus cruris muscle (6th potency).

Tumult in the knees, with weariness (1st potency, first day).

Violent tearing, raging, digging-up pain under the patellae, first the left, then the right (1st potency, second day).

Drawing tearing from the knees into the legs (1st potency, second day).

Drawing tearing on the left side of and near the patella (6th potency).

Drawing, anteriorly, on the left leg.

Drawing and scraping in the lower half of the tibia, anteriorly (30th potency, fourth day).

Tearing on right tibia (after half an hour).

Rigidity in the calves, with great debility and exhaustion as from fatigue, scarcely permitting her to walk across the room (1st potency, third day).

Excessive weariness of the calves, as from fatigue (1st potency, first day).

Great debility and weariness in the calves, as after a long journey (6th potency).

When walking, on a small spot, to the outside, on the left calf, a violent pain, causing him to bend over, also on standing, the same pain lasts several minutes, and then disappears completely (first day).

For several night, cramps in the calves.

When walking, pain in the left calf, such as is usual in cramp of the calves (first day).

Violent drawing in the calves when going upstairs, so that he was scarcely able to drag himself along (2d potency).

When walking, peculiar sensation in left calf, like a stitching, or like hot fluid running over the skin (second day).

The tarsal joint bends easily of itself (30th potency, fourth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.