Argentum Nitricum

Pressure in the left ankle (second day).

Dull pressure in the right ankle, and above the right patella, when sitting (after half an hour).

Stinging in the outer ankle of the right foot (2d potency, second day).

1 P.M., when sitting, violent stitching and tearing below the left internal malleolus, forcing him to rise, and walk about rapidly, when the pain gradually disappeared (second day).

Arthritic drawing in the right foot (30th potency, fourth day).

7 A.M., when sitting, drawing in the left instep (third day).

11 P.M., drawing on the right toes.

11 P.M., drawing in the left toes, shifting about to other parts.

Violent stitching and drawing in the right toes (fourth day).

Prickling in the right sole, when sitting (after one and a half hours).


Cachexia, emaciation, affection of the liver, dropsy.

Great emaciation.

Weight of body decreased.

OEdema of legs and ascites.

Convulsions and twitchings.

Powerful excitation of the muscles and nerves, and consensual excitation of the nerves of the stomach.

Her nerves are so much affected, that she apprehends she will lose her senses, accompanied with constant chilliness (30th potency, third day).

Nightly nervousness (1st potency).

Nightly nervousness, with heat and fullness in the head (30th potency, fourth day).


Convulsive contraction of this or that portion of muscles.

Presentiment of the approaching epileptic fit.


Peculiar debility.

She feels so debilitated that she is scarcely able to walk across the room, complaining a good deal about rigidity in the calves (1st potency, third day).

In the afternoon, he felt so weak, that he had to lie down, accompanied with an increase of warmth in the whole body, and heat in the palms of the hands (2d potency).

In the morning, after rising, he feels very much debilitated. tremulous, irritated, and apprehensive (6th potency).

Tremulous weakness, accompanied with general debility, as after great physical exertions, and apathy (1st potency).

Great debility and despondency.

After breakfast, he feels extremely debilitated, nervous, tremulous, afraid to undertake anything, lest he should not succeed (6th potency).

Nervous, faintish, tremulous sensation, as if a severe disease were going to attack him (30th potency, first day).

Excessive debility, wretched appearance, and emaciation.

Debility in the afternoon.

Trembling and tremulous sensation.

Feeble, weary, and without appetite (1st potency).

Lazy and debilitated (2d potency).

He is almost exhausted, having had sixteen diarrhoeic stools in the night previous (1st potency).

Tremor of the limbs, general debility, as from a physical exertion.

Very weary and sleepy (after two and a half hours).

He is unconscious, insensible, and convulsed; pulse 70; (a druggist, after 8 grains of this salt).

Complete insensibility of the body.

Disagreeable sensation moving about in the body, now in the limbs, now in the head (6th potency).

Orgasms in the whole body, with increased temperature (30th potency, first day).

Anxiety in the praecordial region, sighing, intense feeling of disease, after dinner (30th potency, second day).

Eructations and a sensation as in catarrh of the fauces and larynx (after drinking), (1/4 grain).

Burning in the stomach, and on the chest.

Sensation as if the body, and especially the face and head, expanded; he feels as if the bones of the skull separated, with increase of temperature (30th potency, first day).

8 A.M., violent boring in the right side of the head, and left wrist (fourth day).

Drawing in the right lower jaw, and in the right knee.

Pressure on the left lower orbital border, and also several times in the right wrist (immediately).

6 A.M., in bed, tearing in the head, in the temples, and in the first phalanx of the left index finger (third day).


Peculiar discoloration of the skin (argyria) from the blue- gray, violet, or bronze-colored tinges to the real black (after large and repeated doses), (numerous authors).

Skin brown, tense, and hard.

Slight brown spots on upper part of chest, and on hands.

Brownish color of skin of lower extremities.

Repeated drawing in the left forehead, and of the left cheeks, as if a spider’s web lay there (immediately).

Tumor-like, itching elevations on the scalp, etc. (2d potency, third day).

Scurfs in the nose (30th potency, sixth day).

Pimple near septum of nose (2d potency).

Ulcers in the nose, etc.

In the left corner of the mouth, a painful, inflamed pimple, forming, on the day following, a pock-shaped pustule, which, after a few days of efflorescence, passed into a hard pimple of a few days’ duration (2d potency).

Pustule on the derma of the upper lip, arising from a painful, red, shining pimple (2d potency, second day).

Hard pimples in the vermilion border of the upper lip, paler than the lip, and sore to the touch (30th potency, third day).

Pimples on the chin and cheek, which rapidly fill with pus (6th potency).

On border of nape of neck, etc., irregularly shaped blotches, etc., (1st potency, sixth day).

Itching pimples on the back, the itching being especially felt in the evening, and obliging him to scratch (1st potency, fifth day) Itch-like eruption, especially on the back (1st potency, sixth day).

The dorsum of the right hand and that of the index finger is covered with red blotches, which become transformed to yellow blisters upon a red base (2d potency, second day).

Itching blotch-shaped pimples make their appearance upon the lower limbs in the night (30th potency, second day).

Fatal dropsy.

Itching of various parts of the body, making him itching in various parts of the skin, at night (2d potency, fifth day).

When getting warm in the night, she felt an itching smarting over the whole skin, especially the thighs and axilla (30th potency third day).

Small itching pimples, here and there, resembling itch stigmata, especially on the chest and back, towards the shoulders (1st potency, fifth day).

Itch-like eruption (especially on the back), (1st potency, fifth day).

Small itch pimples, bleeding when scratched, and becoming in the case covered with bleeding scurfs (30th potency, third day).

Pustulous ecthyma, coming on subsequently to itching, and pain in the affected portion of skin (from applying the nitrate externally).

At night, in bed, he experiences a torturing itching of the hard blotches on the lower limbs, and in the bend of the knee; he had to scratch all the time, and was then as if in flames until morning (30th potency, third day).

Stinging itching of various parts of the body, most violent around the left nipple (6th potency, second day).

Sleep and Dreams.

Yawning and chilliness (6th potency).

Much yawning and drowsiness (at 5 o’clock in the evening), (30th potency, second day).

Long and deep yawning (at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, and in the afternoon), (6th potency).

Frequent inclination to fall asleep while sitting (third day).

Sleepiness when sitting; he had to exert himself to prevent himself from falling asleep (30th potency, first day).

She inclines to fall asleep in the evening, while sitting down (1st potency, third day).

Soporous condition.

Attack of sopor in the evening (30th potency, third day).

Sopor with tossing about, in the night; no sleep (1st potency).

Sleeplessness, with tossing about in the bed (1st potency).

Sleep very restless, she tossed about in the bed, and spoke aloud (2d potency).

Nights restless; in the morning all the limbs feel bruised, and the sides pain.

Had a restless night; was awake most of the time, or slumbered merely, and had dreams (30th potency, third day).

Restless night; tossing about, heavy dreams (30th potency, first day).

Restless night; he woke almost every hour, and had an unrefreshing slumber, disturbed with dreams (30th potency, second day).

Restless night, with fantastic dreams (30th potency, first day).

Restless night, with headache and stupefaction (30th potency, third day).

Restless, stupefied sleep, with horrid dreams (2d potency).

The night’s rest is disturbed with a dull headache (2d potency).

In the morning he wakes from a slumber full of dreams, with dulness of the head (2d potency).

He wakes in the night with sore throat (2d potency).

He woke early in the morning, owing to shifting of flatulence, rumbling in the intestines, and sensation as if he would go to stool (1st potency).

Fancies and images crowd upon him when falling asleep (2d potency).

Is prevented from falling asleep by fancies and images hovering before his imagination; in the first part of the night, he is in a sort of fantastic half slumber, full of dreams (1st potency).

Restless nights, full of dreams (1st potency, second day).

In the night, many dreams, of places where he had been, and persons he had seen, all confusedly mingled as regards time and circumstances (first day), In the early part of the night, restless dreams of long, dimly lighted passages, with a succession of figures strangely dressed, who retreat when approached, but follow when he goes on (first day).

In the morning, he dreams that he is hungry; this sensation wakes him; upon waking he finds himself attacks with a violent spasm of the stomach, which is accompanied with hunger, nausea, and considerable flatulence (30th potency, third day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.