Argentum Nitricum

Pulsations in the left side of the forehead (30th potency, first day).

At 12 o’clock, violent boring in the left temple (first day).

Pressure in right temple (second day).

Tearing, extending down the right temple as far as the face (30th potency, second day).

Cutting, as with knives, in the left temple (30th potency).

At 8 A.M., tearing on the top of the head, more violent diagonally over the vertex (third day).

Tearing on the right of the vertex (immediately).

Pain in the right side of the head, consisting in heaviness, fullness, and pressure, for several evening (2d potency).

8 A.M., boring on the upper right side of the head (third day).

1 P.M., violent boring, increasing by jerks and shocks, on the upper right side of the head, when walking; 10 P.M., the same in the left temple, on sitting; 12.30 P.M., in the right temple (second day).

Digging headache, in the right side (2d potency).

Digging and tumultuous raging in the right hemisphere of the brain, until he lost his senses; if the pain abates in the forehead, it increases in the side of the head and toward the occiput, where it extend down to the nape of the neck; the pain increases during motion, when vertigo accompanies it, to such an extent that he walks to the left, instead of walking straight (30th potency, second day).

Digging, cutting motion through the left hemisphere of the brain, extending from the frontal protuberance, recurring frequently, and increasing and decreasing rapidly (30th potency).

10.30 P.M., on sitting, suddenly, on the right parietal bone, a violent drawing, as if upward; immediately after, pressing on the left side of the forehead; then deep in the right wrist.

Drawing, with pressure and heaviness in the right side of the head, abating in rest, but increasing by the least motion (2d potency).

On waking in the night, tearing on one side of the head (first day).

Dragging, beating pain in the right side of the head, accompanied with a general uncomfortable feeling (30th potency, second day).

Troublesome stinging and digging pain, alternately anteriorly and posteriorly in the left half of the brain (30th potency, third day).

Violent boring in the right side of the occiput (first day).

Narrow traction extending from the occiput into the middle of the brain (6th potency, fourth day).

Tumorlike, itching elevations on the scalp and in the nape of the neck (2d potency, third day).

On the border of the nape of the neck and the scalp, irregularly shaped blotches make their appearance, itching violently, and feeling sore when scratched; after scratching them for some time, they become inflamed and moist (1st potency, sixth day).

Creeping in the scalp, as of vermin, towards morning (30th potency, third day).

Much itching of the scalp (2d potency, second day).

Much itching and biting near the nape of the neck (2d potency, fifth day).

Intolerable nightly itching of the boundary of the neck and scalp (1st potency, fifth day), Extremely troublesome itching, creeping and crawling of the scalp, as of vermin, with sensation as if the roots of the hairs were pulled upward; she had to scratch all the time (30th potency, fourth day).


Hollow eyedness (30th potency, fifth day).

Bleareyedness (2d potency, third day).

Wild rolling of the eyes, the pupils being dilated and insensible to light.

After violent itching the evening before, dryness and blearedness of the eyes, circumscribed congestion, bundles of red vessels spread here and there, ecchymoses into the conjunctiva bulbi, Ophthalmia, abating in the cool and open air, intolerable in the warm room.

Ophthalmia, with intense pains.

Burning and dryness of the eyes in the morning when waking; he had great trouble in opening them (2d potency).

Aching pain deep in the eye, early in the morning (30th potency, second day).

Pressure in the eyes, as if too full; heat and pain in the ball of the eye when moving or touching it; mucous flocks impeding the sight, and obliging him to wipe the eyes, in the daytime; a scarlet redness, which had appeared in the morning in the inner canthus of the right eye, extended considerably in the evening, looked very much heightened, and spread as far as the cornea; the conjunctiva, bulbi, and palpebrarum looked inflamed and infiltrated; the eye was affected with a stinging itching pain, as if occasioned by a grain of sand which had become lodged in the eye; gray spots and bodies in the shape of serpents moved before vision; he saw as through mist; even the light of the candle, which was not tinged white, was enveloped in mist; the aperture between the edges of the lids became narrower, and he had to wink frequently (with general debility and increased temperature of the skin, 2d potency).

Heaviness over the eyes, which open with difficulty; increased by stooping; decreased towards evening.

Tearing, extending from the forehead into the left eye and side of the face; lachrymation of the eye, which looks red and glistening (30th potency, third day).

Violent stitches in the inner angle of the right eye (after two hours).

Itching and biting of the left eye (2d potency, second day).

Neuralgic pain in left infraorbital region (lasted, with more or less severity, all winter).

Infraorbital neuralgia (left side), at first only now and then, but it became constant during the following winter.

Boring deep in the right lower orbital ridge (after one hour).

Drawing in the center of the lower right orbital ridge.

Tearing and pressing in the centre of the right lower orbital ridge, in several attacks, while sitting; unaffected by touch or pressure; with much thin saliva in mouth, and bitter taste like soapsuds (second day).

Boring above the left eye. (after two hours and a half).

Pressure in the left eyebrow (after two hours and a half).

The canthi are red as blood; the caruncula lachrymalis is swollen; it stands out of the corner of the eye like a lump of red flesh; clusters of intensely red vessels extend from the inner canthus to the cornea; the conjunctiva is puckered and interstitially distended; increased secretion of tear and gum (2d potency, second day).

Biting of the right outer canthus (2d Potency, second day).

Itching of the canthi (30th potency, fourth day).

Nightly agglutination of the right eye; in the morning the eye was closed with crusts of dry gum, which had to be soaked before they could be removed, and the eye could be opened; when opened; when opened it looked redder than the day before; pressure and heat in the eye were more intense; the aperture between the lids was swollen, accompanied with photophobia, dimness of sight (2d potency).

Moisture of the eyes and slight agglutination, in the morning (30th potency, fifth day).

The eyes are filled with mucus; reading is difficult (2d potency).

Mucus in the eyes, drying up in the lashes and forming scurfs (30th potency, third day).

In the morning when waking, the eyes are filled with mucus; at the same time the head feels slightly confused, especially in the forehead and root of the nose (30th potency, second day).

The conjunctiva of the eyes and lids is red as blood (2d potency, second day).

Around the cornea, towards the inner canthus, the conjunctiva exhibits a red congested swelling (2d potency, second day).

At 10 P.M., violent sticking in the right eyeball (third day).

6 A.M., on rising, much stitching in the left eyeball, more in its lower part (third day).

Frequent stitches in the inner angles of both eyeballs (first day).

Opacity of the cornea; a large portion of the cornea is covered with a white, opaque, apparently dense, but not very deeply penetrating spot.

Contraction of the pupil.

She is only able to read by holding the page which she is reading at a distance from her eyes (30th potency, third day).

Vanishing of sight; he is constantly obliged to wipe off the mucus which obstructs the axis of vision (2d potency, third day).

Weakness of sight, with moist eyes, impeding writing (30th potency, fourth day), In the evening at twilight, she felt as if she broke forth into loud complaints; she had to open her eyes widely to recognize the things around her, with dilatation of pupils; she had not yet recovered her full power of vision at candlelight, although there was an improvement (30th potency, first day).

The letters become blurred before the eyes; her sight vanishes when reading or writing (30th potency, fourth day).

Transient blindness.

Fiery bodies and flashed before her eyes, in the morning in the dark (30th potency, third day).


She thought a board had been placed before the left ear (30th potency, sixth day).

Tearing behind right ear (after one hour and a half).

Frequent stitches deep in the left ear (first day).

Twinging pain in the ears (30th potency, fourth day).

Tearing and twinging in the right ear (2d potency).

Painful stoppage of the ears, with headache (30th potency, fourth day).

Whizzing, feeling of obstruction, and hard hearing in the left ear (30th potency, fifth day).

Whizzing before the ears, with dulness of the head (30th potency sixth day).

Ringing in the ears and deafness (1st potency, fourth day).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.