Argentum Nitricum

He frequently wakes in the night dreams about putrid water, fishes, and serpents, filling him with horror (6th potency).

He dreamed towards morning that an insect had burrowed so deeply in his heel that it had to be cut out (6th potency).

Lascivious dreams, in the morning, during which he would have and an emission of semen, if he had not waked up before (30th potency, second day).


For four days, every evening, at 6 o’clock, attack of fever.

Feverish sick feeling, the whole afternoon; constant weakness and exhaustion (2d potency).

Febrile condition; during the whole of the forenoon she suffered with headache and chilliness, ate little at noon, and without any appetite; complained a good deal of nausea; in the afternoon, about 4 o’clock, she was seized with violent tumult and beating in the head, with heat of the head, creeping chills, the skin being dry and hot, accompanied with nausea, and inclination to vomit, and with great desire for something salt; she felt likewise so debilitated, that she was no longer able to remain out of bed; the desire for something acrid and sour having increased, she took, at 7 o’clock in the evening, some pot-cheese, which she devoured greedily; after this the symptoms improved, but the febrile sensation continued the whole night (30th potency, sixth day).

Shuddering over the whole body, which passed into a febrile chill, with goose-flesh and coldness, the head being hot and the hands cold, with nausea, the whole forenoon, recurring at the same period on other days (30th potency, second day).

General chill, followed after a short interval, by general heat; the former lasting longer, and returning quickly on uncovering, even during the heat, the latter with perceptible pulsation of the left temporal artery; both stages without thirst.

Fever, after a meal; he feels chilly, goes to bed, feels extremely nervous and weak; the head feeling obtuse (2d potency).

Coldness all over, in the warm room, in the evening (1st potency).

Chilliness and headache, in the forenoon (30th potency).

Chilliness and nausea after rising (30th potency, seventh day).

Constant chilliness, extends up the back and across both shoulders, worse after eating, and when he comes in from the open air.

The chilliness was accompanied with a pale, almost yellowish countenance, nausea, and empty risings (30th potency, third day).


Profuse night-sweat.

A good deal of night-sweat (30th potency, fifth day).

Sweat on the chest, at night (30th potency, first day).

Morning sweat (1st potency); (30th potency, seventh day).

Slight sweat in the morning (1st potency, sixth day).

Morning sweat (from 4 until 6), after a restless sleep, which had been disturbed by many fits of cough (2d potency).

Sweat accompanied with chilliness, as soon as he got warm in bed (1st potency).

Conditions.- Aggravation.

(Morning), vertigo; aching pain deep in the eye; mucus fills the eyes; tongue dry; taste clayey; hunger excessive; belching; heat and itching on urinating; urging to urinate; internal soreness in the larynx; sweat.

(At 6 A.M.,), Sticking in the left ball; sudden stool; tearing in head and fingers.

(At 8 A.M.,) Violent boring in side of head and wrist.

(Morning, after rising), Very debilitated.

(Morning, on waking), Dulness of head; headache, and confused pressure between shoulders.

(Morning, when walking), Burning and dryness of the eye.

(Forenoon), Urination more frequent.

(Noon), Violent boring in left temple; suffocative cough.

(Afternoon), Violent boring in right side of head; stitches and digging in the frontal eminence; palpitation; great debility and weariness in the lower limbs; weakness.

(At 6 P.M)., Fever daily.

(Evening), Pain in right side of head; frontal headache; tongue dry; excessive hunger; desire for sugar; stitches in the spleen; diarrhoeic stools; less urine; cough dry, fatiguing; itching pimples.

(At 10 P.M)., Sticking in the right ball.

(Night), Small of pus;sore throat wakes him; colic and diarrhoea; much urinating; cough; cough and pressure in throat; hoarseness; pain in chest; palpitation; pain in back; acute pain in left wrist; cramps in calves; nervousness; itching of skin, of border of neck, and scalp; sweat.

(Midnight), Scanty watery diarrhoea.

(Night, on waking), Tearing in one side of head.

(Open air), Headache.

(Bending wrist), Tension and stiffness.

(After breakfast), Very debilitated.

(Chewing), Toothache.

(After coffee), Head confused.

(Cold things), Toothache.

(Cold water), Sudden pain in teeth.

(Before dinner), Tickling in throat, causes cough.

(After dinner), Emission of flatus.

(Drawing on boots), Violent pain in breast.

(After eating), Nausea.

(Excitement), Palpitation.

(Inspiration), Pain in stomach; pressure near pit of stomach.

(Lying), Visions, etc., generally aggravated; whizzing in air passages (after dinner).

(Mental exertion), Pressing pain in head.

(Moving eye), Heat and pain in ball.

(Motion), Drawing and heaviness in right side of head; palpitation.

(Sudden motion), Stitches dart through the abdomen.

(Odors), Headache.

(Sitting), Pain in small of back; weight in small of back; heavy paralytic sensation in sacrum; drawing through right leg; dull pressure in right ankle; violent sticking in left malleolus; pricking in right sole; sleepy.

(Sour things), Toothache.

(Going upstairs), Drawing in calves.

(Stooping), Heaviness in forehead and over eyes.

(Stretching arm), Mammary glands painful.

(Swallowing), Soreness in pharynx.

(Thinking of it), Irregular heart’s action.

(Tobacco smoke), Intolerable on account of cough.

(Touching the parts), Pressing pain in groins; pain in stomach.

(Twilight), Slight suddenly weak.

(Warm in bed), Sweat and chilliness (in the night); itching (room); Ophthalmia.

(Walking), Violent boring in left side of forehead; painful fullness in the liver; pressure in praecordial region; pressive pain in left trochanter; pressive pain in knees; violent pain on outside of left calf; sticking in left calf; cramp in calves; compressive sensation in left leg.

(Walking in open air), Heaviness in forehead.

(Walking erect), Pain in small of back.

(After yawning), Bursting sensation in stomach.


(Evening), Heaviness over eyes; pressure in stomach.

(Cool air), Ophthalmia.

(Motion in open air), Irregular beating of heart.

(Binding head tight), Headache.

(Eating), Pain in abdomen, as if sore.

(Emitting flatulence), General relief.

(Pressing on head).

Headache. (Rest), Drawing and heaviness in right side of head.

(Standing), Pain in small of back.

(Walking), Pain in small of back.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.