Argentum Nitricum

Clear ringing in the ears, in the morning in bed (30th potency, third day).

Clear ringing in the ears, confusing the senses; she imagines it is at a distance (30th potency, first day).

Clear ringing before the ears, passing into momentary deafness, with dull roaring (1st potency, first day).


Readily bleeding pimple near the septum of the nose (2d potency).

Scurfs in the nose excessively painful when becoming detached, and occasioning bleeding (30th potency, sixth day).

Ulcers in the nose becoming covered with yellow crusts.

Coryza; sneezing after tingling in the nose and the posterior nares (30th potency, first day).

Much sneezing (several day).

Coryza, with constant chilliness, sickly look, lachrymation, sneezing, and such a violent stupefying headache that she had to lie down (30th potency, third day).

Disagreeable stoppage of the upper part of the nose, for three days.

Discharge from the nose resembling white pus, with clots of blood.

When sneezing he discharges a purulent mucus from the nose, mixed with little spots of blood (2d potency, fifth day).

Discharge from the nose like white pus mixed lumps with lumps. ( After the three days of S.T. the pus is said to have been like brain – substance. ) 8 A.M., several drops of blood from the right nostril, without previous blowing of the nose, touch, or motion (fourth day).

Blows blood from the right nostril (30th potency, fifth day).

He blows blood and puriform mucus from the nose.

The nose is obstructed.

Unpleasant stoppage in the upper part of the nose for three days.

At night, the nose is stopped, with much itching (2d potency, fifth day).

In the room the nose is obstructed; in the open air a thin mucus flows from it (30th potency, fourth day).

Pain and swelling of the right nasal wing (3d potency, sixth day).

Sore pain in the nose when compressing the wings.

The left nasal bones are painful, as if bruised (1st potency, first day).

Rigidity and clawing in the nasal cavity (1st potency, first day).

Twitching and creeping under the skin, close to the left side of the nose (1st potency, first day).

Smarting and itching in the nose (1st potency, fifth day).

Itching in the nose (2d potency, third day).

Violent itching in the nose, obliging him to rub it constantly until it is raw (2d potency, for several days).

Dulness of the sense of smell (30th potency, several days).

At night she has a smell of pus before the nose (30th potency fourth day).


Sickly appearance (1st potency).

Sunken, pale, bluish countenance, (2d potency).

Leaden-colored countenance, with nausea (30th potency, second day).

Appearance of old age; the skin in the face is more tightly drawn over the bones, hence the muscles are more distinctly delineated (2d potency, second day).

Convulsions of the facial muscles, the mouth being almost locked.

Pressure on the left side of the forehead, and drawing in the left cheek (first day).

Dull, drawing, tearing pains from the right temple to the upper jaw and to the teeth (30th potency).

In the left cheek, a wandering pain like a crawling (after six hours).

Drawing in the skin of both cheeks (immediately).

4 P.M., burning stitching on the left zygoma, then on the right (first day).

The lips and soft parts of the mouth have a bluish appearance (1st potency).

On the margins of the lips and about the chin are purple-red spots, and the interior of the mouth is covered with a whitish- gray crust (Beont)..

The lips are dry and viscid, without thirst (6th potency).

Boring deep in both sides of the chin (third day).

Drawing above the chin, under the skin (first day).

Drawing in the lower jaw.

Pain, as if beaten to pieces, in the body of the left lower jaw (30th potency, fourth day).


Exfoliation of a molar tooth, in the right lower jaw, impeding mastication, and causing an ulcerative pain and a vacillating, sensation (30th potency, third day).

The teeth become affected and spoiled; whereas he formerly never suffered with toothache, and had perfectly sound teeth, he now suffered constantly with some pain in the teeth ever since he commenced the proving, which was felt especially when chewing, eating sour things, and when introducing cold things into his mouth; besides this there is a grumbling and digging perceived in the teeth, especially those of the lower jaw, on the left side, as if they become carious.

Raging in the carious molar tooth of the left side (30th potency).

Drawing through all the teeth of the lower jaw (second day).

9 p.m., Drawing through the lower incisors (first day).

Drawing in the molars.

In the morning, when washing his mouth, the cold water causes a sudden tearing pain in his teeth (30th potency, second day).

The teeth are very sensitive to cool water (30th potency second day).

After a time tenderness of the gums with a disposition to bleed; they were, however, neither painful nor swollen.

The gums are inflamed and stand off from the teeth in the shape of white indentations, especially painful when touched.

Loose, readily bleeding gums, which, however, were neither painful nor swollen.

White tongue (1st potency, second day).

White, slimy tongue (1st potency).

Yellowish-gray tongue (30th potency, second day).

Red, painful tip of the tongue; the papillae are erect and prominent (2d potency, second day).

Tongue dark-bluish in spots (1/2 grain).

Tongue smutty-brown (1 grain).

The tongue is swollen and painful, as if ulcerated (1st potency, fifth day).

The papillae are prominent and erect, and feel sore (1st potency).

The papillae of the left side are erect and prominent (1st potency, fifth day).

Towards the left margin of the tongue the papillae become erect and form reddish painful pimples; the tongue is painful as if burnt (1st potency, first day).

Rough tongue (2d potency, second day).

Dry tongue in the morning (2d potency, fifth day).

Dry tongue in the evening (2d potency, second day).

In the morning, when waking, the tongue feels dry as a crust; even after washing the mouth with water, the dryness abates only a little and for a little while (1st potency, fourth day).

The tongue and mouth are dry and parched (2d potency, third day).

The tongue is remarkably dry, with violent thirst.

Dry tongue, with slimy mouth (2d potency, fifth day).

Burning in the tongue; of a small spot on one or the other hand; on the inner condyle of the knee (first day).

10 P.M., burning in the tip of the tongue, with a peculiar bitter taste (not the bitterness characteristic of Argentum nit)., (second day).

Feeling of warmth at the tip of the tongue and then in the oesophagus (1/4 grain).

Troublesome tension and prickling of the palate; a few days after this a swelling with a wart-shaped excrescence showed itself, impeding deglutition (30th potency, seventh, ninth day).

Ulcerated crusts on the mucous membrane of the mouth, especially that of the left cheek (1st potency, fifth day).

Fetor from the mouth, in the morning (2d potency, third day).

Parched condition of the lips, mouth, tongue, and fauces, night and morning (2d potency).

Slight astringent sensation in the region of the lips, in the buccal cavity and in the tongue (6th potency).

Watery mucus in the mouth and in the posterior nares, day and night (1st potency).

Accumulation of watery saliva in the mouth (1st potency).

Watery mucus in the mouth and posterior nares, day and night (1st potency).

Ptyalism (30th potency, fifth day).

Astringent taste in the mouth, with accumulation of watery saliva (6th potency).

Metallic taste (from caustic).

She has a taste as of ink in the mouth.

Ink like metallic taste, with styptic astringency of the mouth (1st potency, first day).

Metallicostyptic taste in the mouth, like ink, immediately (1st potency).

In the morning, after rising, he has a clayish taste in his mouth, the tip of the tongue being white, the root yellow, with viscid lips and no thirst (6th potency, second day).

Pappy, chalk like taste in the mouth, viscid lisps, thin mucous coating on the reddish-white tongue (30th potency). Pappy, bitter taste, with viscid mouth (30th potency, fourth day).

Bitter taste (1/4 grain).

Very bitter taste, and sensation of warmth on tip of tongue, and afterward in pharynx.

Bitter, astringent, stinging, coppery taste in the mouth, with nausea and inclination to vomit, immediately after taking the drug (1st potency).

Bitter, astringent, metallic taste, as of verdigris, exciting nausea and inclination to vomit (1st potency).

Sweetish taste (1/4 grain).

Sweetish bitter taste, with hypochondriac mood (30th potency, third day).

The palate and fauces were so dry that he was merely able to mutter instead of talking (1st potency, fourth day).


Accumulation of mucus in the posterior nares, obliging him to hawk, in the forenoon (2d potency).

Frequent accumulation of a tenacious, thick mucus in the throat, obliging one to hawk, and causing slight hoarseness (1st potency, first day).

Thick, tenacious mucus in the throat obliges him to hawk all the time, the whole day (1st potency, first day).

Accumulation of mucus in the mouth and fauces; he has to hawk and spit all the time, in the morning (1st potency).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.