
Itching and chapping of the right hand (still felt on the seventh day).

Itching and chapping of the right hand; the lower lip also begins to chap (evenings, eighth day).

The fingers swell and remain very sensitive for several days (after a sting).

The stung finger was swollen little, or not at all.

The bones of the fingers are painful.

Very distinct sensation of numbness in the fingers, especially in their lips, about the roots of the nails, with a sensation as if the nails were very loose, and he could shake them off.

Cold fingers.

Cold hands.

Drawing pains extending to the ends of the fingers.

Itching in the fingers.

Tingling of the fingers of the left hand (soon).

Burning twitching, like a pricking contraction, in the right thumb, from without inwardly; also the same in other places (second day).

After many stings, the index-finger felt numb, but was neither sensitive not swollen; in several days black spots appear in the skin.

Inward burning about a hang-nail, on the outside of the right fourth finger; no redness where it pains, inside, and not aggravated by pressure; continued burning in the tip (fourth and fifth days).

Burning, like fire, in the finger-tips.

Fine burning pricking in the finger-tips.

Sensation as if the finger-nails were quite loose, and as if he could shake them off.

Lower Extremities.

Lower limbs feel paralyzed.

Dull pains, as if in the bones of the lower extremities.

Sore feeling of the flesh of the lower extremities, disappearing on walking, and returning again while sitting.

Itching and pricking in the lower limbs.

Sore pain in left hip-joint (immediately after every dose of the second dilution); later a weakness, unsteadiness, trembling in this joint.

Drawing through the thighs to the tips of the toes, with numb sensation in the latter.

An itching stitch posteriorly on the thigh.

Burning itching, especially posteriorly, on the left thigh (after four hours).

Violent pain in the left knee, outside, over, and under the knee, mostly half in front (after two and a half hours); violent, short pains in front, below (after six hours); now and then violent on outside (second day).

Fine burning stinging on the knee (first day).

Crawling, as if from an insect, on the inner side of the right knee (mornings, fourth day).

From the left knee to the foot, crawling as if going to sleep.

Darting transient pains in the external malleolus of the left ankle (for four days).

After the sting of bees, the former gouty concretions appeared again, and then disappeared.

Red and white spots on the feet.

When taking off the foot-gear, evenings, frequent swelling of the feet.

At night, on removing the boots and socks, he found that his feet were swollen full, with a sensation of heaviness and stiffness; the upper parts of the feet felt bungling and itched, and were of a bright red color; on the soles of the feet and balls of the toes painful fullness, and as if he stepped on cushions when he walked (sixth day, from many large doses).

Feet trembled.

Burning of the feet (first day).

Burning and pricking in the feet (after a sting on the neck).

Cold feet, with burning cheeks.

Sensation in the toes, and the whole foot, as if too large, swollen, and stiff.

Heaviness and stiffness of the feet.

Crawling and itching of the feet, as if she had frozen them (sixth day).

Sensation of numbness in the toes.

Burning of the toes, with erysipelatous redness and heat of a circumscribed patch on the foot, while the rest of the foot is cold (lasting half an hour).

Burning of the toes, with redness and heat in them, while the feet are cold (for half an hour).

Drawing pains, extending into the toes.

Pricking in both little toes (first day, second dilution).


Actual swelling, or “puffing up,” of the whole body, without any noticeable change of color, except in the face, (E. U. J)..

No blood, when venesection is attempted).

The blood let from a young, healthy woman, five minutes after she was stung, was colorless, and only red in the centre of the vessel.

Twitching of the muscles, (A. R. M)..

Jactitation of the muscles, (A.R.M.).



She was found to be in a spasm, generally tonic, but in a measure clonic; her knees were drawn up to her breast, and her hands and arms moved convulsively, (J. P. D)..


The whole nervous system seemed most violently affected.

Terrified starting during evening sleep.

Excessive irritability of the nerves.

The sting instantly strikes through his whole frame, like an electric shock, thrilling both ends of his fingers and toes, (A.

R. M)..

Restlessness; would constantly like to go from one place to another.

An extraordinary restlessness overcomes him in the afternoon, with as much exhaustion as if he had done very hard, manual labor. (After smelling the bee poison, when gathering a swarm).

Nervous restlessness.

Nervous restlessness, during the latter half of the night.

Nervous restlessness; she did not know what to do with herself, so that tears came to her eyes.

Bodily unrest, as if after hard work.

General lameness, especially in lower limbs (humble-bee).

Tired, as if bruised in every limb, in the back, as one feels in the morning, after exertion; especially perceptible on rising after sitting, must stretch himself even in the street (after six hours).

General feeling of lassitude (second day).

General feeling of lassitude, with trembling.

For several days, totally unfitted for labor of any kind, (E. U. J)..

Frequent loss of all strength with a trembling sensation.

Great weakness at intervals.

Attack of weakness, during which she grows dizzy (evenings, third day).

So weak directly, that he was obliged to lie down, and lost his consciousness (after a sting in the middle finger).

During continual diarrhoea, weakness increases, and headache diminishes.

Scarcely able to walk; staggering, (A. R. M)..

Truly distressing prostration and lassitude.

With all the rest of the symptoms, a constant feeling of lassitude and great prostration.

Much prostration, (A. R. M)..

Sudden prostration, with coldness, (A. R. M)..

Great prostration for several days.

Sudden prostration of the vital forces (shortly after), (E.

E. M)..

Sudden prostration of the vital forces; severe vomiting; profuse diarrhoea; cold extremities; pale face;severe griping pains in the abdomen; pulse weak, scarcely perceptible at the wrist.

(From a sting on the eyebrow) Prostration and depression (soon) Heavy and prostrate in fever.

Was obliged to be led into the house; threw himself on the bed; unable to hold himself up; Without feeling either weakness or faintness, she is yet suddenly compelled to lie down on the ground.

Sinks quite exhausted at stool.

Felt as if dying, nor could he describe the feeling in any other language, (E. U. J)..

Must lie down, he feels so unwell.

Must lie down.

Lies down, but rises again to go to the neighboring brook; after a few steps, dies.

Goes home and lies down; wants his red face bathed; wants to be raised up; asks for water; lips are cold; he dies, ten minutes after the sting of an humble-bee, in the temple.


Fainting; trembling.

Faintness (wasp).

Faintness, with nausea.

He felt very strangely in an instant; it seemed to him as if he were going to faint.

He asked for water just before death (after a sting in septum of nose).

A faint and deathly feeling came over him, (E. U. J)..

Faintness, deathlike prostration, which continued half an hour, accompanied with intense anxiety and distress at the stomach, oppression of the chest, dyspnoea, short, rapid breathing, pulse accelerated, (A. R. M)..

Fainting and twitchings, when the pains are violent. She falls down, (B).

She staggered and fell, (J. P. D)..

Fell to the ground and died in a few minutes.

My flesh was as sensitive as if cut with many lancets (next day, after many stings).

Sensitive to steel points that are directed towards her; it seems to her as if the skin in the glabella were being drawn up towards the forehead.

The whole surface of the body becomes exceedingly sensitive to the touch; every hair is painful when touched (6th dil)..

Skin extremely sensitive to contact; painful to the slightest touch; could not bear the sheet upon him, (A. R. M)..

Numbness over the whole body, at once.

A very strange feeling, which she could not define (in ten minutes), (J. P. D)..

Violent pain; for days.

Screamed aloud at great pain, that increased with intense rapidity (directly after the sting of a wasp).

Sensation in whole body, as if everything were too large.

Sensation as if crushed over the whole body, on the sides, hips, back, in short, everywhere; with restlessness all night, and loose, urgent stool, morning. (From several pellets of the 6th, taken evenings, on account of great warmth; the same symptoms are repeated in the same order, three times, after similar does).

Felt very sore from head to foot (after first day), (J. P. D).

Bruised sensation all over; sides, hips, back, in fact, he ached everywhere (after reaction), (E. E. M)..

Trembling sensation, with heat.


Desquamation of the whole surface of the skin (wasp).

Inflammatory swelling of the whole body; the right eye entirely, the left almost closed; cheek and nose level; the lower cheek hung down upon the breast; the breast was like a great loaf.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.