
Burning before and after passing.

Burning and soreness when urinating.

As if scalded when urinating.

Soreness when urinating, as if scalded.

Stitch like pain in the urethra.

When beginning to urinate, the swelling of the labia minora obstructs.

Frequent desire to urinate.

Frequent desire to urinate, attended with burning in the urethra, with uneasiness in the spermatic cord (sixth day, from large doses).

Frequent desire to urinate, with some burning before and after emission (second day).

Frequent desire to urinate, with a disagreeable sensation in the bladder; a bearing down in the region of the sphincter.

Almost incessant desire to pass urine; in passing, the urine seems to him to be unusually warm, even to burning, with sensation as if the flow were obstructed by a contraction in the bulbus; the quantity of urine is quite as usual.

After taking the 6th dilution in the evening, he was obliged to pass urine every five minutes the following day, (and others).

Repeated urination every few minutes all day (in a person never subject to such attacks; day after taking one drop of the 2WD dilution, at night.

Day and night, very frequent passage of colorless urine.

Frequent and excessively profuse discharge of natural urine.

Frequent and extraordinarily copious discharge of urine, otherwise as usual, day and night, in a dropsical, pregnant woman (after three doses of the 30th dilution).

Enormous secretion of urine (four to six pounds daily), greatest when at some outdoor exercise, with flatulence and some looseness of the bowels (bee-bread), (Whitemore).

Decidedly increased passage of urine (first and second days).

Copious passage of pale, straw-colored urine, with brick dust sediment.

The previously very scanty urine diminished to one-half, with a violent burning sensation when urinating, as if scalded.

Urine highly colored.

Urine high-colored, and more frequent emission of small quantities (third day).

Pale-yellow, with brick dust sediment.

Sexual Organs.

A pustule, sore as a boil, surrounded by a red areola, and maturated in the centre, arises in the hair of the pubes, remaining sore and painful some days (eleventh day).

Sensation of weakness in the genitals.

Uneasy sensation in the spermatic cord.

Frequent and long-lasting erections.

The testicle swelled to such a size “that it scarcely had room in the scrotum,” with tension, and the most violent itching (after a sting in the scrotum).

Desire to cohabit during the day, while sitting at home and when driving (after five, six, and eight hours).

Very much increased sexual desire, in a hysterical woman.

Hemorrhage from the uterus, occurring in a lady who was always regular and healthy; coming on one week after the cessation of the usual menstrual period, and three days after taking the medicine.

She feels as she does in the beginning of pregnancy.

Bearing-down pains in the uterus, as if menstruation were coming on, with aching and pressure in the hypogastrium.

Bearing-down pains, as in the early stages of parturition (in several cases).

Metrorrhagia at the second month, with profuse flow of blood, heaviness of the abdomen, great uneasiness, restlessness, and yawning.

Miscarriage at the second month (from drop doses of the 2WD dilution).

Miscarriage at the third month.

Abortion in the fourth month, with very copious hemorrhage, in a young, perfectly healthy, recently married woman, during a mild attack of fever, for which Apis was given.

Should be given to pregnant females with the utmost caution.

The numbness and dulness, beginning in the right abdominal region (from the ovaries) to the hip, now extends to the ribs, and down over the whole thigh; better when lying upon it.

When stretching in bed, a find cutting pain in the left side of the abdomen, in the ovarian region, across to the right; first very faint, then stronger and stronger, increased at every repeated stretching; four or five times the same, then ceasing (evenings, seventh day).

Great increase of pain and tenderness in the ovarian region, in two cases; one, of large induration, the other, in a supposed incipient stage of development.

In the region of the diseased right ovary, soreness, hardness, and burning heat.

Pain in right ovarian region during menstruation.

The right ovarian region very sensitive during the period.

Drawings in right ovarian region (twentieth day).

Drawing in the right ovarian region (twentieth day).

In region of the left ovary, pain as if strained, more when walking, evenings at 6 o’clock; after several hours, also, a bearing down on right side, and a lame feeling in the shoulder- blades; towards 11 o’clock, when walking, she is compelled to bend forward, on account of a contractive, painful sensation in the abdomen; still felt the following morning, somewhat to the left (first day).

A deep, penetrating pain begins in the clitoris, and extends down into the vagina; the labia minora are swollen, and feel dry, hard, and covered with a crust; hindered passing urine at first all day until it ceases, late in the evening, after the application of cold-water compresses.

Much flow of, mucus from the uterus and the vagina, with cessation of internal burning in the abdomen.

Pressure in abdomen, in the back, and sacrum, as if the periods were coming on; she distinctly feels, it running downward.

She feels, for several days, as if her periods were coming near the right time; but they remain away, and pregnancy has taken place (twentieth and following days).

Bearing-down pains, and sensation as if the menses would come on (in several cases).

As if the periods were coming on.

The period flows two to three days, then stops one day, and returns, and so on for ten days (in two cases).

Respiratory Apparatus.

Sensation as of a rapid swelling of the lining membrane of the air-passage, (B)..

Feeling of rawness, with inclination to hawk.

Speaking is painful; she feels as if it wearied the pharynx, in which there is drawing and pain.

He grows hoarse.

Hoarseness and difficulty of breathing.

Hoarseness and rough voice through the day and night (second day), (and others).

Hoarseness, mornings, with dryness in the throat and no thirst, and drinking is of no use; at the same time, soreness in the suprasternal fossa, and sensitiveness to pressure, likewise, in the region above both clavicles; later, violent stitches through the lungs, here and there, through the hips and sides of the chest, with aching all over, but especially in the left breast; constantly, a peculiar sensation as if cords were being pulled from the suprasternal fossa, downwards and sideways, in different directions.

Irritation to cough in the suprasternal fossa.

Severe cough, especially after lying and sleeping; the tickling that causes it, in a little spot, very distinctly deep down on the posterior wall of the windpipe (second day, before midnight); would like something to reach it with and brush over it; his head aches while coughing; he must bend it back, and hold it so that the shock cannot act with such violence; as soon as the least bit of mucus loosens, he is better.

Hoarse cough, with evening heat.

Cough prevents sleep, after lying down, and wakens him towards midnight, with the same distinct clicking down back, which irresistibly irritates to violent shocks that are felt in the head; ceases directly after the loosening of a small lump of mucus, which is swallowed (third to fourth days); cough the fourth and fifth days, only evenings, not at night.

Cough, preventing sleep.

When coughing, pain through the chest, from the clavicle.

Cough, more in warmth, and in repose, and rousing from first sleep, for several evenings.

Cough, when starting in sleep.

Violent shocks of cough, from a crawling irritation down in the windpipe, near the suprasternal fossa; and, at every shock of cough, increased headache in the left side and upper part.

After half an hour, something loosens and is swallowed, when the cough ceases directly (first day, when roused from sleep before midnight).

Expectoration of a great quantity of transparent, somewhat frothy, bloody mucus (after an emetic), (B)..

Dyspnoea; it seemed impossible to breathe; had to fan him to keep him alive, (A. R. M)..

Sensation as though he should not be able to breathe again.

Sensation as if he would not be able to breathe.

Great feeling of suffocation; it seems as if she could not long survive, for want of air.

Intense sensation of suffocation; threw the collar wide open; could bear nothing about the throat; with dusky hue to the face, and bluish lips, (C. W. B)..

Can scarcely breathe from swelling of the tongue, so that the laborious inspiration can be heard all over the house.

Difficulty of breathing, inspiration can be heard all over the house.

Difficulty of breathing, inclination to sleep, and increasing shortness of breath when walking.

Breathing very difficult, and every drop of liquid nearly chokes him.

Hurried and difficult respiration, with fever and headache (second day).

Difficult, anxious breathing, with constriction in the throat; worse when lying.

Sensation of fullness, constriction, or suffocation in the throat, with difficult, anxious breathing; worse in a horizontal position.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.