
Labored inspiration, as in croup.

Breathing oppressed in pressure of the chest.

Breathing oppressed by pressure in the back.

Short breath.

Short, quick breathing, nights.

Breathing very slow.

Closed rooms, especially if overheated, are insupportable to him.

Pain in the heart that interrupts breathing.


At every pressure, when holding the breath, pain through the chest.

Heat in the chest.

Sensation of burning heat in the chest and stomach, early in he morning (second day).

Sensation of warmth or burning in the chest (first day).

Fullness, tension, and pressure in the chest (first day).

Sensation of fullness in the chest.

When coughing, and at every pressure, pain above the clavicle, and from there down through the chest.

Sharp pains in the chest, at nights (fifth day).

Sometimes, sharp pains and stitches through the chest.

Stitches through the chest and back, at night (sixth day).

Stitches through the chest and back, at night.

Pressure in the chest.

Pressure in the chest (soon).

Pressure in the chest, after pains in the shoulders and upper arms.

Slight oppression of the chest, with frequent desire to draw deep inspiration.

Like a pressive pain in the upper part of the chest.

As if the chest, near the last ribs, were crushed, pressed, or beaten.

Sensation of heaviness.

Pain as of a bruise, and sensation of weight in the chest (for several days).

Trembling and pressure in the chest, with oppressed breathing (forenoon, second day).

Sensation of soreness, lame, bruised feeling, as if from recent injury, from being jammed, bruised, or beaten (confirmed in many provers).

Pain in the chest, stinging, first left, then right, where the cartilages of the ribs bend toward the hypochondria; at the same time, everything grew dark before her eyes, in which she felt pain (forenoon, third day).

Trembling in the chest.

Stitches in the side.

Sticking through the sides of the chest and through the lungs.

Pain in the chest, only on the left side, near the last ribs, in or below the region of the heart (second week). Slight pain in the left side of the chest, under the short ribs.

Sense of constriction or lacing from the pit of the throat downwards and sideways.

Dull, aching pains in the left side of the chest, near the middle of the sternum, several times during the day, with sensation of fullness in the chest and short breath (first day).

Suprasternal fossa sensitive to touch, as if sore.

Sticking under the left arm, near the fourth or fifth rib, when breathing and when not (fourth week).

Tearing drawing from below on the left side, arising next to the sternum; drawing back and forth in the chest upward, and finally in the lower jaw; at the same time, pain in the back, and sensation as if the menses were coming on (at the monthly period, twenty-first day)(610).

Sensation as if cords were drawn along through the chest.

Stitches in the left side of the chest.

Coldness in the middle of the sternum.

Suddenly, a pain in a little spot to the left, on the lower part of the sternum (fourteenth day).

Heart and Pulse.

Slow beating of the heart; scarcely perceptible radial pulse (wasp).

Violent palpitation, sensible to himself and audible to those in the room, (A. R. M)..

Rapid, feeble beats of the heart, (A. R. M)..

Action of the heart interrupted.

Pulse accelerated (first day).

Pulse increased 20 strokes, full and strong (second proving).

Pulse 95, full and strong.

Pulse 88, with sensation of heat, evenings.

Pulse increased from 65 to 77 (first day).

Pulse decreased very soon.

Pulse hardly perceptible (wasp).

Pulse feeble, scarcely discernible at the wrist, (E. E. M)..

No pulse at the wrist, (A. R. M)..

Pulseless at wrist for twenty minutes, (A. R. M)..

Pain in the heart.

Pain near the heart that almost arrested the breathing, continuing, at intervals, for some days.

Sudden attack of acute pain just below the heart, soon extending diagonally towards the right chest, (B)..

Several stitchlike pains just below the heart.

Neck and Back.

Nettlerash in the back of the neck.

Slight sensation of stiffness in the nape of neck and small of back.

Swelling in the back of the neck in gouty patients.

Swelling on the back of the neck, so that his head is pressed upon the chest.

Back of neck stiff.

Tension in the right side of the neck, beneath and back of the ear (soon; 6th dil)., (and others).

Rheumatic stitches in the muscles of the right side of the neck; worse when moving the head in that direction; came on when rising in the morning; is very painful; less noticed when moving the head in any other direction (second day).

Rheumatic stitches in the right side of the back of the neck.

Violent piercing burning pain in a small spot down on the left of the back of the neck, also on the occiput and left arm (after two hours).

Pains extending from the shoulder up to the back of the neck.

Sharp, tensive pain from the neck up back of the left ear, extending forward over the left side of the head (first day).

Tensive pain in the left shoulder, extending up into the back of the neck (second day).

Pain in the back, over the shoulder-blades; worse on the right side (first and second days).

Lame feeling in the scapulae.

Dull pressure under the scapula, with sore feeling on moving the parts.

Pressure under the shoulder-blades, painful when moving.

Peculiar weakness in the back.

Peculiar excessive weakness along the whole back, on both sides of the spine, as if she could not lie upon it for weakness.

Burning and heat, like “prickly heat,” on the back, (B)..

Sudden flush of heat over the back, as though sweat would break out, with a pain at the left ilio-sacral junction.

Chills running over the back.


Stitches in the back and chest.

Stitches through the back.

Back as if bruised.

Back feels bruised near the last ribs, on a place a hand’s breadth in extent, as if the muscles internally were sore, especially on the left side (the whole third day).

Pressure behind on the last ribs, on both sides of the spine, which somewhat hinders breathing, about as in anxiety (twenty-first day).

Prickling on the back.

Sensation of stiffness in the sacrum.

Pain in the ilio-sacral junction.

Urging in the sacrum, as if to the period.

Extremities in General.

Trembling of the hands and feet.

He first swelled about the joints, where bunches were forming that looked somewhat inflamed and itched very much.

Blood settled under the toe and finger-nails, (A. R. M)..

Cold limbs, with chilliness.

His extremities grew cold, (E. E. M)..

A cutting instrument seemed to penetrate all his limbs at the same time, like an electric discharge (wasp).

Upper Extremities.

Red and white spots on the arms.

Burning and heat, like “prickly heat,” on the arms and hands, (B)..

Swelling of the whole arm, so that he could not take off his coat without an effort, in the evening, and was only able to put it on next morning with the greatest difficulty.

The arm remained very sensitive for some days (after a sting in the hand).

Unpleasant sensation in the inner side of both arms, reaching from near the elbow to the axilla; also, similar sensation in the anterior and inner part of each thigh, reaching from near the knee to the inguinal region, which ceased in the course of half an hour, (S. D)..

Drawing pains in the arm, that begin in the shoulders and extend to the end of the fingers.

Itching, and appearance of blotches, in arms and hands, like nettle rash, on scratching, (B)..

Drawing pain through the arm, beginning in the shoulders.

Hand and arm swollen and painful for several days.

Crawling, as if going to sleep, in both arms, especially in the left.

Itching stitching in the back of the arm.

Left arm affected (after fifteen minutes).

Burning stinging on the left arm.

The upper part of the arm is painful.

Aching in the right shoulder and upper portion of the arm (soon).

Dull pains, apparently in the bones of the arms and fingers.

Aching in right shoulder and upper arm, and pressure on the chest (first day).

Great increase and intensity of the odor from the axillary glands (fourth day).

Stinging pains in the left elbow, sudden, but not lasting (third day).

Oedema of the hands.

The hand becomes purple, (B)..

Nettlerash on the back of the hand.

Hands tremble.

Hands as if dead, during chill.

Hot hands.

Burning, as of fire, in small circumscribed spots on the hands (lasting some minutes, second day; first dilution).

Hot hands, during chilliness.

Burning and stinging in the hands, especially the palms, that became very red; half an hour after a sting in the neck.

Cold water relieves.

Prickling in the hands, palms, and back of the hands.

The back of the hand swollen to the finger-tips (after a sting upon it).

Sore and red spots in the palms.

Itching in the palms, mostly left, in little burning spots.

Itching and burning on the back of the hands, and on the knuckles, also on the first joints of the fingers, especially of the right hand; the skin begins to chap finally, here and there, as if from cold, to which she had not been exposed (evenings, 9 o’clock, fifth day).

The right hand swells as if puffed up, and is slightly bluish-red; pressure of the fingers makes white spots, that disappear slowly and leave no indentation, without heat and without pain, except some tension; with nettle rash (sixth dilution).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.