
Sensitiveness to touch; on the vertex and forehead.

Tensive, drawing pain over the left side of the head.

Headache, with fullness and heaviness in the occiput.

Violent, dull, heavy pain in the right parietal protuberance, as if the surface of the bone were being pressed in; not relieved by pressure (soon).

Dull ache in the occiput.

Aching in the occiput, increased by shaking the head.

Pressure in the occiput, very soon.

Tension from the back of the neck.

Violent drawing from the back of the neck, extending behind the left ear; spreading over the left half of the head.

Falling out of the hair, all through the proving.

Itching on the head.

Itching of the scalp (afternoon of third day).


Swelled about the eyes.

Swelling that entirely closes the eyes.

Redness of the eyes.

Eyes red and itching.

Redness of the eyes, with headache.

Tremulous twitching in the left eye, for several days, more at night.

Pain round about the eyes.

Pain in the eyes.

Eyes burn.

Burning in the left eye.

Burning stinging in the right eye, beginning with a dull heaviness, and causing flow of water (repeated twice).

Burning stinging and sensation of swelling around the left eye and in the superciliary ridge.

Smarting and sensation of burning in the eyes, with bright redness of the conjunctiva; very sensitive to light.

Boring and piercing in the eyes, forenoons; lachrymation, all day (third day).

Piercing itching around the eyes, in the brows lids, and in the eyes themselves, more in the left, especially in the inner canthi, with a desire to rub the eyes while pressing them hard; with this, soreness and smarting on the margin of the lids, in the canthi, and in the eye itself; quivering of the eyeball, and a feeling in the eyes all day as if there were mucus in them, especially in the left.

Piercing itching in the eyes, lids, and around the eyes; more in the internal canthi. Stinging itching in the eye, eyelids, and around the eyes, on the left side, and more at the internal canthus.

Piercing itching in the left eye, in the lids, and around the eye, mostly in one corner, and in the throat at the same time (first day), Piercing in the eyes; was obliged to remove her spectacles while reading and writing (nearsighted woman), (evenings, seventh day).

Prickling under the eyes.

Sore pain in the orbits of the eyes, as well as in the bones, after every sting of a bee.

Eyes painful, when sewing, evenings.

Sensation of swelling around the eye.

Sensation of fullness in the eyes.

Dull, heavy feeling; inclination to close the eyes; desire to rub them forcibly, and making pressure with the fingers, when closed for some time.

Inclination to close the eyes.

Violent shooting pains over the right eye that extend down to the eyeball (6th dil)..

Desire to rub the eyes hard.

Desire to rub and press the eyes.

Itching around the eye.

Eyelids much swollen, red, and oedematous.

The upper lids so swelled that they hang like little sacs over the face.

Twitching of the right eyelid.

Burning in the margin of the lids; causes lachrymation.

Sensation of heaviness in the eyelids.

Smarting on the margin of the lids and in the canthi.

Violent stinging in the right lower lid, in the morning.

Itching and prickling of the lids of the right eye (first day).

Itching of the right eyelid, at intervals, all day (repeated in several provings).

Itching of the right eyelid in paroxysms, during the second day.

Itching and irritation of the left eyelids for several days.

Itching in the inner angle of the left eye.

Aching pressure in the orbit of the left eye, mostly the lower part, continuing for several hours.

Worse itching in the inner canthus of the left eye.

Agglutination of the eyes.

Itching of the eyelids and some agglutination (first day).

Slight agglutination of the eyes at night; had to pick them open in the morning.

Agglutination of the eyelids, with soreness of the margins and canthi.

Sore elevations of the skin, like the stings of insects, at the external corner of the eyebrow, very tender to the touch.

If stung over the eyebrow, he had worse results.

Pain over the eyes.

Pain in the superciliary ridges.

Burning piercing in the region of the left eyebrow.

Dull, heavy, tensive pain over the eyes, with pain through the orbits, lasting but a short time (this pain occurred in three provings).

Transient biting itching in the right, and sometimes in the left eyebrow.


With burning.

Lachrymation, morning of third day.

Lachrymation and pain in the eyes (in the second week).

Lachrymation, with piercing in the eyes.

Lachrymation of the left eye, and some burning in it, and a sensation of a small foreign body there, during which the eyes are weaker; painful, evenings, when sewing, and sensitive to light (lasting into the fourth week).

Lachrymation of the left eye, with pain in the forehead, left side (evening of eight day).

Lachrymation of the left eye.

After frequent lachrymation of the left eye, it seems to her, very often, as if there were a small foreign body in the external canthus of the left eye (tenth and following days).

Tears stand in the eyes on account of nervous restlessness.

Tears flow involuntarily from his eyes, very soon; also, stinging in the tip of the nose.

Eyes water and are painful when she looks at anything light (fifth day).

The right eye filled with tears that are shed from time to time (after three hours).

Biting piercing sensation in the right eye, causing copious lachrymation.

Flow of mucus and lachrymation of the right eye, at night, in bed.

Violent pain in the left lachrymal duct and around the opening.

Sensation as if there were a mass of mucus in the left eye, continuing all day (fourth day).

Sensation all day as if there were mucus in the eyes; worse in left.

Pain through the eyeballs, dull, heavy, and dragging.

Piercing in the eyeballs (second day).

Pressing pain in the lower part of the eyeball.

Quivering twitching of the left eyeball.

Pains around the left eyeball (first day); later around both.

Aching pressure in the left eyeball, mostly in the lower part, for several hours; repeated twice.

The eyes are weak, with disinclination to exert them; they are painful and easily fatigued when used; only regain their strength and vigor the tenth or twelfth day (this was experienced by one who had never had weakness of sight before or since).

Weakness of sight, with sensation of fullness in the eyes.

Weak eyes; for several days the light is painful.

Sensitiveness to light.

Must take off her spectacles (a short-sighted woman).

Blindness, with vertigo, (A. R. M)..

Growing dark before the eyes.

It grows dark before his eyes when stooping (afternoons, fourth day).

Sensation of whirling around in the sight, with difficult vision at the same time, lasting for only a moment.


Ears purple, (A. R. M)..

A small, rough, reddish tetter in the centre of the lobe of the left ear, extending somewhat back; remained in the antrum after an eruption caused by preparing Rhus; was entirely removed after Graphites; after five months, appeared again, a week after taking the Apis, and remained a week;was only removed after Graphites.

In the inner cartilage of the left ear, a little pimple, painful when pressed (tenth day, and longer).

Tension behind and under the ears; behind the left ear, extending up from the back of the neck; behind the right ear; behind the left ear.

Pains in the inner right ear (second day).

Similar pain behind the left ear as over the eyes; violent drawing from the back of the neck, extending behind the left ear.

Burning in the upper part of the left ear.

Stitches under the left ear.

Frightened starting from sleep at noise.


Nose swollen.

Nose much swollen, red and oedematous, (Bell).

Nose swollen; red stripes under the eyes, extending across the cheeks.

Entire stoppage of the nose, from swelling of its mucous lining, (Bell).

Nose affected, as if it would swell.

Violent sneezing, immediately.

Frequent sneezing, for many days (eleventh day), (in two provings).

Sudden coryza, afternoons, 4 o’clock, with dryness of the nose; then burning of the lips, and sensation as if they would chap (fifth day).

A kind of coryza (after four hours); worse evening, second day, with dull sensation in the nose; now and then some dropping; dry on the morning of third day; moisture only when blowing the nose; more affected outwardly, and feels as if it would swell.

When blowing it some blood comes from the nose (mornings, second and third days), and afterwards, sometimes even in the fourth week. (Blood flowed from the nose, after death).

Dryness of the nose in catarrh.

Tip of the nose cold, with chilliness in the evening.

Itching of the nose.

Itching on the left nostril, is painful, with redness (fourth day).


Paleness of the face.

Paleness of the face; trembling of the hands and feet.

Very pale and seemed ill, but without any swelling (badly stung child).

Paleness of the face, with faintness.

Pallor of the child.

Countenance assumed a pallid, deathlike look, frightening those around with the thought that he was about to die, (E. U. J)..

His face grew pale, (E. E. M)..

Red face; wants it bathed.

Her face became red, then purple, (J. P. D)..

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.