

Difficult respiration and oppression, with pressive pain in the chest, especially in evening.- Constrictive sensation around the chest, with pain in the chest, as if cut to pieces.- Dull stitches in right side of chest.- Stitches in a spot of left side of chest, with feeling as if corroded and bruised.- Tightness in evening, with pressure in middle of sternum, small, rapid pulse.- Spasmodic dyspnoea.- Shortness of breath, caused by flatulence after a meal.- Sensation of emptiness in the chest.- Chest loaded with mucus.- Pressure at chest.- Tensive pain in sternum.- Left intercostal neuralgia worse by motion, fatigue, at times with palpitation.- Sticking beneath left breast.- Tearings in chest.- Shootings in chest, especially in region of heart.- Burning sensation in chest.- Pain beneath costal arches.


Palpitation of heart, with or without anguish.- Irregular movements of heart.- Shocks in heart and intermittent palpitation, with suffocation.- Tension and stitches in the precordial region, worse by violent expiration.- Stitches at apex.- Sudden, spasmodic, bursting sensation about heart.- Feels as if a cap were over heart, spine affected.- Violent pulsations in blood-vessels during heat.- Rapid pulse.

Neck and Back

Lancinating tearings, stiffness, and tension in nape.- Tearing in right side of neck.- Nape of neck feels weary from writing or any exertion.- Spinal irritation with prostration, numbness of lower limbs.- Pains in loins, especially when walking and seated.- Sensation of paralytic weakness in back and loins.- Rheumatic pains in back.- Itching tetters on back.- Tension and shootings in and between shoulder-blades.- Burning in scapulae. Pressive tension beneath the right scapula.- Burning pressure upon spine above small of back.- Burning along whole spine, worse when sitting.- Pains at last dorsal vertebra.- Violent, long- lasting ache about last lumbar vertebrae.- Stiffness and pain in upper dorsal muscles.- Pushing, aching, at times pinching pains in coccyx, lancinating in sacrum, pressive tension and weakness in lumbar and sacral regions.


Tearing in limbs, worse when over-heated or when taking exercise.- Drawing tearing in hollow bones, with pain so violent that the limbs can give no support.- Stiffness of joints, with sharp, lancinating pains above joints, always transverse, not lengthwise of the limb.- Coldness of extremities.- Drawing, tearing pains in all limbs.- Violent itching in all joints.- Spasmodic pain and cramp in the limbs.- Visible quivering and jerking in different parts of the muscles.- Tingling in the limbs.

Upper Limbs

Rheumatic drawing and lancinating tearing in shoulders, arms, elbows, joints of hands and fingers.- Painful sensation of paralysis in arms.- Furunculi in arms.- Burning in left forearm at night.- Paleness and paralysis of hands.- Weakness and trembling of the hands when writing.- Spasmodic tension in right hand.- Lameness and deadness of hands, they look bluish. Herpetic, rough, and itching spots on hands.- Dry skin, with rhagades on hands.- Dry herpes on the hands and fingers, they are rough and itch.- Chilblains itch and swell.- Cracks between the fingers.- Numbness of fingers when rising in morning.

Lower Limbs

Rheumatic drawings and tearings in legs, knees, ankles and joints of the feet.- Varices in thighs and legs.- Legs edematous.- Itching of thighs and hollow of knees.- Tensive pain in knees.- Nocturnal pains in knees.- Sensation as if the blood did not circulate in the legs.- Drawing and tensive stiffness in calves when walking.- Tingling in calves.- Burning pain in tibia.- Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of tendo Achillis.-Intolerable boring pain in heel after drinking wine.- Stiffness of joint of the foot after being seated for some time.- Wrenching pain in joints of feet and toes.- Burning sensation in feet.- Inflammatory swelling of feet.- Weakness and trembling of feet.- Paralysis of feet: from spinal or chronic nervous disease, softening of brain or cerebral haemorrhage, from suppressed foot- sweat.- Feet sweaty and sore about toes, fetid suppressed foot- sweat with much nervous excitement.- Coldness of the feet at night.- Nervous, fidgety movement of the feet, after retiring and during sleep.- Tearing in margin of right foot.- Painful chilblains on feet.- Itching, heat, redness, and swelling of toes as if they were frozen.- Pulsative lancinations in toes.- Sprained pain in bends of toe-joints.- Ulcerative, boring pains in heels, worse when walking than when sitting.- Profuse sweat on the feet.


(Affections in general appearing in the left inguinal ring, left side of back, upper jaw, and troubles of the teeth in lower jaw, loins, posterior surface of thigh, tendo Achillis, big toe, joints of toes.- Patient can’t keep still, must be in motion all the time.- Chilblains of the hand, much swollen, very painful.- In fevers or nervous complaints one keeps the feet in continual motion.- Variable mood, clay-like sediment in the urine, biting, pungent pain, lancinating pains, exanthema of long standing, especially with a biting sensation.- worse In the evening, sometimes lasting all night, after swallowing food.- (Better) while eating.- ***H. N. G.)- Pain as from excoriation.- Varices.- Pain, which sometimes seems to be between the skin and the flesh.- Formication on the skin.- The symptoms are aggravated to an extraordinary degree by *Chamomile, *Nux vomica, and wine, substances which also excite them, particularly the nocturnal uneasiness and constipation.- The majority of the symptoms manifest themselves after dinner and towards evening.- Sensation of soreness in internal and external parts.- General insensibility of the body.- Sensation of coldness in bones.- Violent pulsation throughout body. Violent trembling (twitching) of whole body, especially after mental emotion.- Twitching of children.- Chorea.- Heaviness, lassitude, and excessive weakness, worse when walking or on waking in morning.- Aversion to movement.


Itching in bends of joints.- Itching, with violent lancinations, especially in evening in bed, disappearing immediately on being touched.- Tingling between the skin and the flesh.- Chronic eruptions.- Eczema of back of right hand with terrible irritation, little oozing and fissuration, worse in cold weather and excited by rubbing (***R. T. C.).- Tetters and herpetic ulcers.- Ganglia, chilblains, and liability of the external parts to become frozen.- Rhagades.- Small furunculi.- Varicose veins.


Sleep by day, and continued disposition to sleep, especially in morning or after a meal, with inclination to yawn.- Unconquerable drowsiness.- Retarded sleep.- Disturbed sleep, with frequent waking.- Unrefreshing sleep (with unpleasant dreams).- Fantastic, frightful, agitated, or disgusting and terrific dreams, with talking and cries during sleep.- Excessive coldness of the feet of night.- Shocks in body during sleep and frequent starts.


Febrile shuddering along back.- Constant shivering, with increased internal heat.- Chill begins generally after eating, and continues till late in evening and during the night.- Chilliness in open air and when touching a cold object.- Chilliness on approach of stormy weather.- Febrile shuddering, with flushes of heat, violent trembling of limbs, short and hot breath, and pulsation throughout the body.- Pulse small and rapid in the evening, slower in morning and during the day.- Pulse at times intermitting.- Violent pulsations in the veins during the heat.- Internal heat, with sensation of coldness in abdomen and on feet.- Tendency to perspire in the day.- Night-sweat.- Profuse perspiration during whole night, with inclination to uncover oneself.- Badly-smelling perspirations.- (“Brass-founders ague,” which is supposed to be due to inhalation of Zinc fumes, beings with malaise and feeling of constriction across the chest, nausea occasionally, the symptoms occurring in after part of day are followed in evening at bed-time by shivering, sometimes by an indistinct hot stage, but always be profuse sweating, the worse the sweating, the less violent the attack, attacks always irregular.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica