Zincum Metallicum patient suffering from cerebral and nervous exhaustion; defective vitality; brain or nerve power wanting; too weak to develop exanthemata or menstrual function, to expectorate, to urinate; to comprehend, to memorize.
Incessant and violent fidgety feeling in feet or lower extremities; must move them constantly.
Always feels better every way as soon as the menses begin to flow; it relieves all her sufferings; but they return again soon after the flow ceases.
In the cerebral affections: in impending paralysis of brain; where the vis medicatrix naturae is too weak to develop exanthemata ( Cuprum, Sulphur, Tuberculinum ); symptoms of effusion into ventricles.
Zincum Metallicum Child repeats everything said to it.
Zincum Metallicum Child cries out during sleep; whole body jerks during sleep; wakes frightened, starts, rolls the head from side to side; face alternately pale and red.
Convulsions: during dentition, with pale face, no heat, except perhaps in occiput, no increase in temperature (rev. of Belladonna ); rolling the eyes; gnashing the teeth.
Automatic motion of hands and head, or one hand and head ( Apocynum, Bryonia, Helleborus ).
Chorea: from suppressed eruption; from fright.
Zincum Metallicum Hunger: ravenous, about 11 or 12 a. m. ( Sulph. ); great greediness when eating; cannot eat fast enough (incipient brain disease in children).
Excessive nervous moving of feet, in bed for hours after retiring, even when asleep.
Feet sweaty and more about toes; fetid, suppressed foot-sweat; very nervous.
Chilblains, painful, < from rubbing.
Spinal affections; burning whole length of spine; backache much < from sitting > by walking about ([Cobalt.], Pulsatilla, Rhus ).
Spinal irritation; great prostration of strength.
Cannot bear back touched ([China s.], Tarantula, Theridion ).
Can only void urine while sitting bent backwards.
Twitching and jerking of single muscles ( Agaricus, Ignatia ).
Weakness and trembling of extremities; of hands while writing; during menses.
During sweat, cannot tolerate any covering.
Zincum Metallicum Relations. – Compare: Helleborus, Tuberculinum, in incipient brain diseases from suppressed eruptions.
Aggravation. – Of many symptoms from drinking wine, even a small quantity ( Alumina, Conium ).
Amelioration. – Symptoms: of chest, by expectoration; of bladder, by urinating; of back, by emissions (< by [Cobalt.]); general, by menstrual flow.
Is followed well by, Ignatia, but not by Nux, which disagrees.
Inimical – Chamomilla, and Nux; should not be used before or after.