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Zincum metallicum Fever Symptoms

Allen gives the therapeutic indications of the remedy Zincum Metallicum in different kinds of fevers like: Continued, Bilious, Intermittent, Malarial, Remittent, Pernicious, Typhoid, Typhus, Septic fever, etc…


Characteristic – Persons suffering from cerebral and nervous exhaustion, defective vitality, brain or nerve power wanting, too weak to develop exanthemata or menstrual function, to expectorate, to urinate, to comprehend, to memorize.

Incessant and violent fidgety feeling in feet or lower extremities, must move them constantly.

Always feels better every way as soon as the menses begin to flow, it relieves all her sufferings, but they return again soon after the flow ceases.

In cerebral affections: in impending paralysis of brain, where the vis medicatrix naturae is too weak to develop exanthemata (Cuprum, Sulphur, Tuberculinum), symptoms of effusion into ventricles.

Child repeats everything said to it.

Child cries out during sleep, whole body jerks during sleep, wakes frightened, stares, rolls the head from side to side, face alternately pale and red.

Convulsions: during dentition, with pale face, no heat, except perhaps in occiput, no increase in temperature (rev. of, Belladonna), rolling the eyes, gnashing the teeth.

Automatic motion of hands and head, or one hand and head (Apocynum, Bryonia, Helleborus).

Chorea: from suppressed eruptions, from fright.

Hunger: Ravenous, about 11 or 12 A.M. (Sulphur), great greediness when eating, cannot eat fast enough (Tuberculinum- incipient brain disease in children).

Excessive nervous moving of feet in bed for hours after retiring, even when asleep.

Feet sweaty and sore about toes, fetid, suppressed foot- sweat, very nervous.

Chilblains, painful, aggravation from rubbing.

Spinal affections: burning whole length of spine, backache, much aggravation from sitting amelioration by walking about (Cobalt., Pulsatilla, Rhus).

Spinal irritation, great prostration of strength.

Cannot bear back touched (Chinas., Tarant., Theridion).

Can only void urine while sitting bent backwards.

Twitching and jerking of single muscles (Agaricus, Ignatia).

Weakness and trembling of extremities, of hands while writing, during menses.

Aggravation: Of many symptoms from drinking wine, even a small quantity (Alumina, Conium).

Amelioration: Symptoms: of chest, by expectorating, of bladder, by urinating, of back, by emissions (aggravation by Cobalt., general, by menstrual flow.

Type: Continued, typhoid, typhus.

Time: 4 – 8 P.M. (Arsenicum, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla), forenoon.

Chill: With cold nose, hands and feet. Begins, after eating dinner, in open air, on approach of a storm, runs down the back, alternate with heat, external with internal heat, from touching anything cold, followed by nausea and much sour saliva.

Shaking chill with pale sunken face, weak, rapid and irregular pulse, often with nausea and vomiting, at last pulse became large, full, with heat, red face, followed by restless sleep, exhaustion and copious sweats.

Chilliness: and coldness of whole body, followed by fever with chilly creeping through the back, with nausea, with constant yawning, over abdomen.

Shivering, with shuddering, nausea, intense headache, followed by cold sweats, down the back, with trembling of the limbs.

Heat: With thirst, in flushes, with desire to be fanned. Violent throbbing through the whole body, with short hot breath.

Heat, internal, with cold sensation in abdomen, of face, with cool body, with redness of face and burning in eyes, heat in back with coldness in nape of neck, of soles and single parts.

Typhoid, delirium, attempts to get out of bed, complete unconsciousness, sliding down in bed, grasping at flocks, subsultus, decubitus, involuntary stool and urine.

Sweat: Profuse all night, wants to uncover, easy, during day, from least exertion, offensive, sour smelling, sour, with fine, stitching itching, over body, on head, hands and feet, while walking in open air. Night sweat, with heat, cannot tolerate any covering.

Profuse, offensive foot sweat, walks feet sore.

Pulse: Small and frequent evenings, slow mornings, tense, irregular, small and hard, feeble, easily compressed, wiry, irregular, slow, 40 and intermitting.

H. C. Allen
Dr. Henry C. Allen, M. D. - Born in Middlesex county, Ont., Oct. 2, 1836. He was Professor of Materia Medica and the Institutes of Medicine and Dean of the faculty of Hahnemann Medical College. He served as editor and publisher of the Medical Advance. He also authored Keynotes of Leading Remedies, Materia Medica of the Nosodes, Therapeutics of Fevers and Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever.