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Hahnemann’s proving symptoms of homeopathy remedy Aconitum Napellus from Materia Medica Pura, which Samuel Hahnemann wrote between 1811 to 1821…


(The freshly expressed juice of the plant at the time of the commencement of flowering mixed with equal parts of spirits of wine.)

Although the following symptoms do not express the whole significance of this most valuable plant, still they reveal to the thoughtful homoeopathic physician a prospect of relieving morbid conditions in which traditional medicine has hitherto employed its most dangerous methods, e. g. copious blood-letting and all its complex would-be antiphlogistic treatments, often ineffectually, and almost always with disastrous consequences. I allude to the so-called pure inflammatory fevers in which the smallest dose of aconite enables us to dispense with all the traditional antipathic treatments, and relieves rapidly and without evil effects. In measles, in purpura miliaris, and in the acute pleuritic fevers, &c., its curative power is marvellous, when, the patient being kept rather cool, it is given alone, all other medicinal substances, even vegetable acids, being avoided, in the dose of a thousandth part (That is, a small globule the size of a poppy-seed moistened with it, of which more than a thousand are moistened by one drop of spirits of wine, and which are so small that 300 of them weigh only one grain.) of a drop of the decillionth development of power. It is seldom that a second similar dose is required thirty-six or forty-eight hours after the first.

But in order to remove from out conscientious treatment all that routine practice which is only too apt to regulate its treatment in accordance with delusive names of diseases, it is indispensable that, in all morbid conditions in which aconite is given, the chief symptoms of the malady, therefore also of the acute disease, should be found accurately reproduced among the symptoms of aconite.

The effect is then astonishing.

It is precisely in the great acute inflammatory fevers in which allopathy chiefly plumes itself as alone able to save life by means of bold, frequent venesections, and imagines that here it is superior in curative efficacy to all homoeopathic treatment-it is precisely here that it is most mistaken. It is precisely here that the infinite superiority of homoeopathy is manifest, that it needs not to shed a single drop of blood, that precious vital fluid (which the allopath recklessly draws off in streams, to the often irremediable disadvantage of the patient), in order to transform this dangerous fever into health in as many hours as the allopathic vitality-diminishing treatment often requires months for the perfect restoration of those who are not carried off during the process by death, or, at all events, in the chronic after-affections artificially caused by the means employed.

In these acute cases of disease sometimes a homoeopathic intermediate remedy is required for the morbid symptoms remaining after twelve or sixteen hours’ action of the first dose of aconite; but it is very rarely that a second dose of aconite is needed after this intermediate remedy.

By means of aconite carefully administered in this way in a disease of the above mentioned character all danger is removed even in four hours, and the excited circulation resumes its tranquil vital course from hour to hour.

Although aconite, on account of the short duration of its action (which in such small doses does not exceed forty-eight hours), might seem to be useful only in acute diseases, yet it is an indispensable accessory remedy in even the most obstinate chronic affections, when the system requires a diminution of the so-called tension of the bloodvessels (the strictum of the ancients). On this subject, however, I cannot enter more fully in this place. Its utility in such cases is shown by the symptoms it produces in the healthy subject, which are partially recorded in the following pages.

Aconite is also the first and main remedy, in the minute dose indicated above, in inflammation of the wind-pipe (croup, membranous laryngitis), in various kinds of inflammation of the throat and fauces, as also in the local acute inflammations of all other parts, particularly where in addition to thirst and quick pulse, there are present anxious impatience, an unappeasable mental agitation, and agonizing tossing about.

It produces all the morbid states similar to those seen in persons who have had a fright combined with vexation, and is also the surest and quickest remedy for them.

In the selection of aconite as a homoeopathic remedy particular attention should be paid to the symptoms of the disposition, so that they should be very similar.

Hence it is indispensable after fright or vexation in women during the catamenia, which without this excellent soothing remedy are only too easily, often instantaneously, suppressed by such emotional disturbances. For this purpose a single momentary olfaction at a phial containing a globule the size of a mustard-seed, moistened with the decillionth potency of aconite (which may be kept for this use for years in a wellcorked phial without losing its curative power) is quite sufficient.

Most of the apparently opposite aconite symptoms recorded below are merely alternating states, and it may be curative by means of both; but it is most so in respect of those which have a tonic character.

Vegetable acids and wine antidote its effects, and so do other medicines which correspond palliatively or homoeopathically to some of it’s troublesome symptoms (produced by too large a dose or unhomoeopathic selection).

[The names of Hahnemann’s disciples. who assisted him in this proving are: AHNER, GROSS, FRIEDRICH HAHNEMANN, HORNBURG, RUCKERT senior, STAPF, WAHLE

The authorities of traditional medicine quoted by him far some of the records effects of aconite are:

ABANO, PET. DE, De Venenis, cap. 30, 1496.

BACON, VINC., Philosoph. Transactions, xxxviii.

DURR, Hufel Journ., ix, 4.

GMELIN. EBERH., Nov. Acta Nat. Cur., vi.

GREDING, Vermischte Schriften.

HELMONT, J. B. VAN, Demens Idea, § 12. (Orteus Medicinae 1652.)

MATTHIOLUS, Comment in Diosc, io. iv, cap. 73.

MORAEUS, Konigl. Vetensk. Acad. Handl., 1739.

RICHARD, CLAUD., in P. Schenck’s Obs. Medorrhinum, lib. vii, obs. 136.

RODDER, in Alberti’s Jurisprud. Medorrhinum, tom. vi.

STOERCK, ANT, VON, Libellus de Stramonium, Hyoscyamus et Aconite

In the Frag, de Vir. the symptoms of aconite are 213, in the first edition of the R.A.M.L., they are 314, in the second 429, and in the third 541.]


Vertigo; feeling of swaying to and fro in the brain.

Vertigo, especially when stooping : she staggered to and fro, especially towards the right side (aft. 36 h.). Stf. Gss., Archiv. f. d. Homoopath. Heilkunst, iv. i. (In the original this is erroneously printed “V. iii.” The symptoms taken from the Archiv were observed by Drs. Gross and Stapf on themselves and others. Hahnemann refers to the Journal in which they were first published after each symptom taken therefrom, but as Drs. Gross and Stapf were essentially fellow-workers with Hahnemann, and assisted him to prove many of his medicines, we have considered it best to give the abbreviations of their names after the symptoms for which they are responsible, as well to avoid confusion as to do honour to these able pioneers of homoeopathy.)

She could hardly get into bed for vertigo, in which all seemed to turn round in a circle with her (aft. 37 h.). [Stf. Gss.]

She has a whirling in the head, so that she dare not move it, with a feeling as if the eyes would close. [Stf. Gss.]

5. As if intoxicated; all goes round with her, she staggers when walking, as if she would fall, with nausea, not on sitting, worst on rising from a seat, less when walking (aft. 1h.). [Stf. Gss.]

Vertigo very much increased on shaking the head, when it became quite black before her eyes. [Stf. Gss.]

Vertigo and dizziness.

Giddy weight of the head, especially in the forehead and on stooping, with nausea, and qualmish feeling in the scrobiculus cordis (aft. 2 h.). [Stf. Gss.]

Vertigo [MATTHIOLI, (Narrative of two cases in which aconite was administered to criminals (male adults) to test the efficacy of the bezoar-stone as an antidote.) Comment. in Diosc., lib. iv, cap. 73-VINC. BACON, (poisoning of an adult.) in Philosoph. Transact., xxxviii, p. 287.]

10. Vertigo, tightness of chest and dry cough, with pain in hip. [GREDING, (An account of the treatment of nine patients, variously afflicted, with increasing doses of the extract.-The patient in whom these symptoms occurred had suffered from them before taking the medicine.) Vermischte Schriften. p.90-113.]

Giddy obscuration of sight, with unaltered pulse. [ CLAUD. RICHARD, in P. Schenck, (As Matthiolus (one case), free notes.) lib. vii, obs. 136.]

Vertigo and headache, unaffected by active exercise (aft. 1/4 h.). [Fr. H-ft.]

Vertigo and headache in sinciput and occiput, both worst when stooping (aft. 10 m.). [Fr. H-n.]

Distraction of the attention when reading and writing by a frequent cessation of the thoughts. [Rkt.]

15. Preoccupation of the mind; he is unable to complete his description of the thoughts that he had conceived and half written down, without first making an effort to recall them (3rd day). [We.]

Stupid feeling of the head; as if he had a board before the forehead (aft. 1/4 h.). [Stf. Gss.]

The head in front is as if nailed up, in the warm room. [Stf. Gss.]

Unsteadiness of the ideas; if she wants to pursue one train of thought a second chases this away, a third again displaces this, and so on and on, until she becomes quite confused. [Stf. Gss.]

Want of memory; he feels as if what he had just done were a dream, and he can scarcely recall what it was. [Stf. Gss ]

20. Weakness of memory (aft. 5 and 9 h.).

Lively memory.

Weakened power of thinking. [We.]

He can think of nothing, consider nothing, knows nothing, and can form no idea of anything in his head, as he usually could-but he feels as if all these mental operations took place in the pit of the stomach-after two hours he has two attacks of vertigo, and then his usual thinking faculty returns into his head. [J. B. v. HELMONT ,( Effect of putting a piece of the root on his tongue. Of the state described in this symptom and E. 502 he writes :-“I had already often had ecstasies, but I never found myself quite like this. I have, further, repeated the experiment in. vain; I have felt nothing similar again.”) in Demens Idea, § 12.]

In the morning vacancy and emptiness of the head, as after severe intoxication. [Rkt.]

25. Confusion of the head, as after intoxication, with aching in the temples.

Stupid bruised pair. in the head, with bruised feeling in all the limbs (aft. 14 h ).

Feeling of fulness and heaviness in the forehead, as if an outpressing weight lay there, and as if all would be forced out at the forehead (aft. 1/4h.). [Stf. Gss.]

Stupifying drawing in-pressing in the left temple. [Stf. Gss.]

Feeling as if some one drew him up by the hair. [Stf. Gss. ]

30. Semilateral drawing in the head. [Stf. Gss.]

Aching pain in the temporal region, afterwards also in jerks in the occiput, lastly confusion of the head and contractive pain. [Rkt.]

Contractive pain in the forehead. [Ar.]

Tension all over the forehead. [Hbg.]

On stooping her forehead feels very full, as if all would come out (aft. 25 h.). [Stf. Gss.]

35. Headache, as if the eyes would fall out of the head (aft. 1/2 h.).

Headache, as if the brain pressed out.

Headache, as if here and there a part of the brain were lifted up, which is increased by slight movement, even by drinking and speaking (aft. 1/2 h.).

Speaking increases the headache.

Shooting, throbbing headache, as if an ulcer were inside, which sometimes prevents speaking.

40. Sometimes a fine shooting, sometimes throbbing, sometimes aching headache in the forehead when walking, relieved by sitting.

A fine throbbing here and there in the head.

Headache; a throbbing in the left side of the forehead, whilst strong beats occur in the right side by fits (aft. 3 h.).

In the left side of the head, pain as if the head were compressed. [Ar.]

Headache, as if the skull were externally constricted with a ligature and drawn tightly together. [HELMONT, 1. c.]

45. Very painful, sharp, pressing headache above the forehead. [We.]

Out-pressing pain in the forehead. [We.]

Tearing pain in the left temple. [Ar.]

In the left temple shooting pain by jerks; stitches pass through the temple into the head. [Stf. Gss.]

Shooting, beating headache in the temples. [ Stf. Gss.]

50. Shooting by jerks in the head, especially in the forehead. [Stf. Gss.]

Tearing pain in the left temple, with roaring noise in the ears.[Stf. Gss.]

Feeling of contraction of the brain under the forehead (aft. 20 h.). [Stf. Gss.]

Squeezing, tensive headache close behind the orbits.

A pinching and squeezing in the forehead, as if it were in the bones; she feels ill, as though about to go mad (aft. 12, 24 h.).

55. A squeezing in the forehead, above the root of the nose, as if she would lose her reason (as if wrong in the head); aggravated by walking in the open air (aft. 4 h.).

A feeling of crepitation (like bending gold tinsel to and fro) in the temples, nose, and forehead.

Shooting and somewhat aching headache above the orbits towards the superior maxilla, which causes nausea, or as usually occurs during the vomiting caused by an emetic (aft. 2 h.).

Aching, shooting, sick headache above the orbits and down to the upper jaw.

Feeling as if something were drawn out of the head, whereby her upper eyelids are drawn upwards (aft.1/2 h.). [Stf. Gss.]

60. Twitching, tearing pain in the occiput. [Ar.]

Jerking, shooting, drawing, tearing pain in the upper part of the right side of the head. [Ar.]

A shoot in the occipital bone. [Hbg.]

Creeping on the left side of the head, as from a brush. [Hbg.]

Feeling as if a ball rose from the umbilical region and spread a cool air in the vertex and occiput. [MATTHIOLI 1. c.]

65. Burning headache as if the brain were moved by boiling water. [MATTHIOLI, 1. c.]

Heaviness of the head. [V. BACON, 1. c.]

Pain in the occiput and neck. [RICHARD, 1, c.]

Headache, roaring in the ears, coryza and colic, especially in the morning, as if a chill had been taken after profuse perspiration.( This was the effect of an actual chill, not “as from a chill ) [GREDING, 1. C.]

Towards evening she got very hot in the whole head, after which there occurred tenderness of the whole head, especially of the forehead, lasting all the evening (aft. 11 h.). [Stf. Gss.]

70. (Puffy face and forehead).

Bluish face, black lips, [MATTHIOLI, 1. c.]

Distortion of the facial muscles. [MATTHIOLI, 1. c.]

Very widely dilated pupils. [We.]

Obscuration of the sight. [BACON, 1. c.]

75. Repeated blindness, with undiminished power of speech. (See S. 539.) [MATTHIOLI, 1. c.]

Distortion of the eyes. [MATTHIOLI,-BACON, 1. c.]

Distortion of the eyes and grinding of the teeth (about midnight). (In a demented and epileptic patient, subject to spasms.) [GREDING, l. c.]

On opening the eyelids pain in the interior of the eye (as if it would be pressed out),. which pain spread over the region of the eye-brow into the interior of the brain (aft. 21 h.). [Stf. Gss.]

Dilated pupils (immediately).

80. His eyes are staring (immediately).

Desire for light, longing to look into the bright light (aft. 3 h.).

Black spots hovering before the sight.

Misty before the eyes; she does not see distinctly, with giddy feeling. [Stf. Gss.]

Photophobia (aft. 6 and 12 h.).( Probably an alternating symptom with 81, so that both are primary effects.)

87. Acute vision.

Dryness of the upper eyelids, which causes a sort of aching in the r eyes (aft. 5 h.).

Heaviness of the eyelids; they seemed to him too heavy on raising them. [Stf. Gss.]

(The eyes feel cold in the open air.)

Very painful inflammation of the eyes (chemosis).

90. Sensation in the eyes as if they were greatly swollen (aft. 5 h.). [ Stf. Gss.]

The eyes are closed with a jerk, as in irresistible sleepiness. [Stf. Gss.]

Protruding eyes. [MATTHIOLI, 1, c.]

Aching of the eyes, most observable when looking down and when moving the eyes to and fro, at ‘the same time with heat in them.[Rkt. ]

Aching and burning in the left eye and over the eye-brows. [Hbg.]

95. Hard, red swelling of the right upper eyelid, with tensive sensation, especially in the morning. [Fr.H-n.]

Ophthalmia, with discharge, which is so painful and horrible that he loner for death. [RICHARD, 1. c.]

Constant, dull, humming before the ears, followed by fainting. [BACON, 1. c.]

Pain in the zygomatic process, as from an internal ulcer there.

Ringing in the ears (aft. 10 m.), [Stf. Gss.]

100. He feels as if something lay before the left ear. [Ar.]

Tickling sensation in the right ear, as if a small worm crept in. [Ar.]

Tearing in the left ear. [Hbg.]

Pain behind the left ear, like a pressure with the thumb. [Hbg.]

Sensation as if the cheeks were swollen to double their size.[BACON, 1 c.)

105. Pain in the maxillary joint behind tile zygomatic process, when chewing.

During the perspiration a burning pain shot several times into.the left ear and upper maxilla.

Perspiration on the cheek on which she lies in bed.

Creeping pain on the cheeks.

Sensation of stupifying compression of the root of the nose. [ Stf. Gss. ]

110. Epistaxis.

Perspiration on the upper lip, under the nose.

Itching pimples on the upper lip (aft. 24 h.).

Shooting jerks in the lower jaw.

Shooting pain in various teeth (aft. 36 h.). [We.]

115. Aching toothache in the left upper jaw. [We.]

Very penetrating pain in jaws as if they would fall off. [MATTHIOLI, l.c]

In the tongue and jaws a creeping and burning, so that the teeth seem loose. [BACON, 1, c.]

Smarting sensation in the tongue, chiefly towards its tip. [Stf. Gss.]

Penetrating fine stitches in the tip of the tongue.

120. In the tongue a burning of long continuance. [ANT, v. STOERCK, (This and the following symptom were experienced by Stoerck himself after placing s small quantity of the root on his tongue. The rest of his symptoms were observed on patients to whom he gave the drug.) Libellus de Stramonium, Hyos. et Acon. pp. 71, 74, 80, 91, 96, 110.]

Momentary, flying stitches in the tongue, with flow of saliva.[ STOERCK, 1. c.]

Coolness and dryness of the mouth, without thirst. [Hbg.]

Dry feeding first of the lips, then of the interior of the mouth, with heat rising up from the chest towards the head (without redness of the cheeks). (This parenthesis refers to a person who, when in good health, had generally great redness of the cheeks, which was, therefore, homoeopathically removed, as aconite almost always produces heat of the cheeks.)

Transient paralysis of the tongue.

125. Dryness of the interior of the mouth (immediately).

On the middle of the tongue, sensation of dryness and roughness, without thirst (aft. 1 h.).

Feeling of dryness in the fore part of the mouth.

Feeling of soreness of the orifices of the salivary glands, as if they were excoriated.

In the throat a scraping with difficult deglutition. [Stf. Gss.]

130. Drawing from the side of the throat to behind the ear. [Stf. Gss.]

On the left side of the throat, internally, on a small spot, shooting choking, when not, but a especially when, swallowing and speaking. After 1/4 of an hour it passed to the right side, whilst the painful sensation in the left side disappeared, it remained there 1/4 of an hour, and went off entirely. [Stf. Gss.]

Prickling sensation at the back of the tongue as from pepper, with flow of saliva.

Creeping in the fauces.

Fine shooting sensation at the back of the throat, as from the prickly hairs of the dog-hip (aft. 1h.).

135. Burning and fine shooting pain in the back of the throat (fauces).

Contractive feeling in the back of the throat, as from something astringent.

Pepper-like taste in the mouth. (Immediate local effect.) [MATTHIOLI, 1. c.]

Along with deficient appetite, bitter taste in the mouth, with pains in the chest and under the short ribs. [GREDING, 1. c.]

Bitter taste.

140. Nasty, fishy taste, as from stagnant putrid water.

She felt as if the whole mouth filled with air of the taste of rotten eggs. [Stf. Gss.]

Sourish taste in the mouth, with loss of appetite. [Stf. Gss.]

What formerly had a good and strong taste is now tasteless to him. [Stf. Gss. ]

Sweetish water rose up, like water-brash; at the same time roaring in the ears. [Stf. Gas.]

145. Belching up of sweetish water, with nausea. [Stf. Gss.]

Scraping from the scrobiculus cordis, up into the throat, with nausea and qualmishness in the scrobiculus cordis. as if water would come into her mouth. [Stf. Gss.]

Empty eructation. [Stf. Gss.]

Ineffectual effort to eructate; he wishes to eructate but cannot.

Thirst for beer;but when she has drunk it, it oppresses her stomach.

150. (She will not eat anything.)

Nausea, vomiting, thirst, general heat and profuse sweat with diuresis. [GREDING, 1. c.]

She vomits lumbrici. [GREDING, 1. c.]

Vomiting of green bile (aft. 1 h.). [MATTHIOLI, 1. c.]

Vomiting of mucus mixed with blood for three of four successive days. [GREDING, 1. c.]

155. Vomiting of blood. [GREDING, 1. c.]

Qualmish, sick in the scrobiculus cordis, worse when sitting, going off almost when walking (immediately after taking it). [Stf. Gss..]

Disgust and sinking, qualmish feeling (aft. 1/4 h.).

Long-continued disgust and-anorexia.

Inclination to vomit on walking in the open air.

160. Inclination to vomit at first in the scrobiculus cordis, then beneath the sternum, lastly in the throat, without flow of saliva.

Inclination to vomit, just as if he had eaten something disgustingly sweet or greasy (aft. 1 h.).

Profuse sweat after vomiting bloody mucus. [GREDING, 1. c.]

Vomiting, followed by violent thirst. [MORAEUS, (Poisoning of two adults.) in Konigl. Vetensk. dead. Handl., 1739, p. 41]

Vomiting, artificially excited, only temporarily restored the parent from his state of syncope. [BACON, 1. c.]

165. Vomiting with anxiety. [RICHARD, 1, c.]

Inclination to vomit with severe diarrhoea. [GREDING, 1. c.]

Hiccup. (See note to S.77). [GREDING, 1. C.]

In the morning, hiccup.(See note to S.77) [GREDING, 1. c.]

In the morning, long.continued hiccup.(See note to S.77) [GREDING, 1. c.]

170. (Hiccup after eating and drinking:)

Aching pain in the scrobiculus cordis, which increased to tightness of the chest (aft. 2.5 h.).

In the scrobiculus cordis pressure as from a atone lying there, which soon afterwards extended to the hawk, with a squeezing together sensation, as if she had injured herself by a strain; as if stiff. [Stf. Gss.]

Cardialgia. [RODDER, (All the symptoms observed by RODDER were caused by applying the juice to a wound.) in Alberti’s Jurisprud. Medorrhinum, tom, vi, p. 724.]

Aching pain in the scrobiculus cordis when sitting, walking, and standing. [Ar.]

175. Pain in the scrobiculus cordis, as if it were swollen internally, with loss of appetite and attacks of dyspnoea.

Pressive pain in the stomach, like a weight (aft. 1.5 h. ).

Pressive pain like a weight in the hypochondria (aft. 1.5 h.).

Tensive pressive pain, as from fulness or a weight pressing in the stomach and hypochondria (aft. 1.5 h.).

Contractive sensation in the stomach as from an astringent.

180. Sensation of violent constriction in the hypochondria.

Aching pain in the stomach. [Hbg.]

Along with repeated vomiting and frequent stools he always complains that he feels as if a cold stone lay in the stomach, [RICHARD, 1. C.]

Drawing-in of the navel, especially in the morning when fasting.

A burning in the umbilical region.

185. Burning sensation in the umbilical region, which ran rapidly over her, and extended the scrobiculus cordis, with a sensation of anxious beating and shooting there; after some time a rigor ran all over the body, with cessation of the hot feeling and of the painful sensation in the umbilical region (aft. 1.5 h.). [Stf. Gss.]

Pinching pain in the umbilical region. [Sft. Gss.]

Compression of the navel; immediately afterwards intermiting aching in the navel, like jerks. [Stf. Gss.]

Griping and clawing in the umbilical region. [Stf. Gss.]

Above the navel to the left a painless sensation, as of something cold (a cold finger) forcing itself from within outwards. [Stf. Gss.]

190. Aching in the region of the liver, whereby the respiration is impeded, immediately thereafter (pinching?) bellyache in the supraumbilical region.


From both sides towards the navel, drawing pains in the abdomen, which are also produced by bending the abdomen together.

The epigastrium and hypochondria are occupied by a tense, painful swelling. [RICHARD, 1. c.]

Swollen, distended abdomen, like ascites. [RICHARD,-MATTHIOLI, 1. c.]

195. Violent jerks (blows) in the hepatic region that take away the breath. [Hbg.]

Some hours earlier than usual a hard stool, for which he must strain much.

Rolling and rumbling in the abdomen, with feeling of rawness. [Stf. Gss.]

Rolling and rumbling in the abdomen all night.

A.sort of fermenting rumbling in the abdomen.

200. In the morning, in bed, he cries out and does not know how to compose himself for intolerable (cutting) pain in the belly, and he tosses about in bed (aft. 16 h.).

Colicky, stretching, tensive, and aching pain in the belly, as from flatulence.

On laughing loud a sharp stitch in the right side below the ribs. [Stf. Gss.]

On inspiring dull stitches in the left side below the ribs. [Stf. Gss.]

Drawing from the left side of the hypochondrium towards the back; the side of the abdomen is painful when pressed upon. [Stf. Gss.]

205. Flatulent colic in the hypogastrium as if he had taken a flatus-producing purgative.

Very hot flatus (aft. 9 h.).

With a feeling as if only flatus were passing, unexpected discharge of thin faeces (aft. 4 h.).

Hard stool, attended with pressing.[ Hbg ]

Purging. [STOERCK, 1. C.]

210. Sometimes before, sometimes after the diarrhoea, nausea and perspiration. [GREDING, 1.c.]

Soft, small stool, accompanied with tenesmus, from three to five per diem.

White stool.

White stool and red urine.

Watery diarrhoea.

215. The hypogastrium is painfully sensitive to touch.

Weakness of the bowels such as is apt to arise from abuse of purgatives.

Pain in the rectum (aft. 1 h.).

Shooting and aching in the anus.

Transient paralysis of the anus, involuntary evacuation.

220. Fluent hemorrhoids.

During the diarrhoea copious flow of urine and moderate perspiration. [GREDING, 1. C.]

Pressure on the bladder, with retention of urine. (This patient’s bladder was previously unhealthy See note to 5. 77.) [GREDING, 1. c.]

Suppression of urine, with needle-pricks in the renal region. [RICHARD, 1. c.]

Diuresis. [GREDING, 1. c.]

225. Diuresis, with profuse perspiration and frequent watery diarrhoea, ` with bellyache. [GREDING, 1. c.]

Diuresis and along with it constant perspiration. [GREDING, 1. C.]

Copious diuresis. [STOERCK, 1. c.]

Diuresis, with distortion of the eyes and spasmodic contraction of the feet. (See note to S.77) [GREDING, 1. c.]

On passing urine a slight sensation (of splashing) in the vesical region. [Stf. Gss.]

230. Painful urging to urinate; she must make water very frequently, because the bladder fills rapidly with a quantity of urine as c lear as water. [Stf. Gss.]

Urging to urinate on touching the abdomen.

Urine passed with difficulty (dysuria) (aft. 12, 18 h.).

Anxious urging to urinate (aft. 4 h.).

Urging to urinate; the urine passed in unusually small quantity, not without difficulty, as if it would not come away properly but, without pain; at the same time slight pinching in the umbilical region (from smelling the tincture). [Stf. Gss.]

235. Copious discharge of urine, which, on standing, deposits blood.

Transient paralysis of the neck of the bladder, involuntary discharge of urine.

Burning in the neck of the bladder when not urinating.

Pain of the bladder when walking (aft. 4 h.).

Tenesmus of the neck of the bladder (aft. 4 h.).

240. Brown urine passed with burning, afterwards depositing brick coloured sediment.

On waking, pains in the loins like labour-pains.

Itching on the prepuce, relieved by rubbing, but soon returning (aft. 3 d.). [We.]

Shooting and pinching pain in the glans penis when urinating.

Simple pain in the testicles, like that which remains after being squeezed (aft. 2 h.).

245. Slight, not disagreeable creeping in the genitals. [Stf. Gss.]

He has amorous fits. [Stf. Gss.]

(Very much increased sexual desire, rapid alternating with relaxation.). [Stf. Gss.]

Diminished sexual desire.


250. The menses that had ceased the day before taking the drug, break out again copiously immediately (aft. 1/4 h.). [Stf. Gss.]

Copious, viscid, yellowish leucorrhoea.( In a woman treated for “a considerable swelling in the left iliac region.” This discharge coincided with the diminution and disappearance of the swelling.) [STOERCK, 1. c.]

Fury on the occurrence of the menses.( In a maniac. ) [GREDING, 1. c.]

Anxiety with fear of suffocation. [RODDER, l. c.]

Tightness of the chest. [RICHARD, 1. c.]

255. Frequent violent sneezing, with pain in the abdomen.[Stf. Gss. ]

Cannot sneeze thoroughly on account of pain in the left costal region. [Stf. Gss.]

Extreme sensitiveness of the olfactory nerves; disagreeable smells have a great effect on her.

Attacks of catarrh and coryza (between 8 and 12 h.).

Morning hoarseness (aft. 8 h.).

260. Attack of coryza. [GREDING, 1. c.]

Tussiculation from a tickle at the upper part of the larynx (immediately).

Short cough.

(Cough during the heat of the body.)

Cough after drinking.

265. Severe cough, immediately, from a little tobacco-smoke (in a person accustomed to tobacco-smoking).

He (a habitual smoker) cannot smoke, without constantly clearing his throat and coughing, either because the epiglottis allows the smoke to penetrate into the wind-pipe or because the larynx has become too sensitive (aft. 6 h.).

After midnight, every half hour, a short cough (kechekeh) from a tickle in the larynx; the more he tries to suppress it, the more frequent and the worse it was.


Dry cough.( The patient had had this cough previously. )[ GREDING, 1. C.]

270. Short respiration in sleep, after midnight.

Interrupted respiration through nose, especially during sleep.

Foetid breath.

Noisy, loud respiration, with open mouth.

Tightness of the chest, with strong, loud respiration.

275. Morbid condition (attacks of paralysis?) of the epiglottis; food and drink are apt to get into the wind-pipe when swallowing, so that they threaten suffocation and excite coughing; he is apt to swallow the wrong way.

He is apt to choke on swallowing the saliva. [Stf. Gss.]

Anxiety in the thoracic cavity, and oppression on the right half of the chest, then in the whole chest. [Stf. Gss.]

Squeezing together of the chest on the right side near the sternum; a kind of tightness of the chest. [Stf. Gss.]

He feels as if the chest were contracted. [Stf. Gss.]

280. Compression of the chest in the region of the heart. [Stf. Gss.]

Anxiety that impedes respiration, with warm sweat on the forehead.

Aching pain in the chest, which is somewhat relieved by bending the upper part of the body backwards, but returns immediately on resuming the erect position (aft. 12 h.). [ We.]

Contractive pain in the chest, as if the ribs on both sides were drawn towards one another. [Ar.]

He feels a weight in the chest; it is as if the whole chest were compressed from all sides. [We.]

285. Painful stitches in the right side of the chest, in the region, of the lowest rib, which extended towards the sacrum (aft. 10 h.). [We.]

Shooting, aching pain on the tight side of the sternum. [We.]

Pinching, digging pain in the right side of the chest, between the third and fourth ribs, unaltered by anything, until it disappears of itself. [Ar.]

In the left side of the chest near the axilla, oppressive, obtuse stitches. [ Stf. Gss.]

Stitches in the chest (on breathing). [Stf. Gss.]

290. At every breath, shooting from the lowest rib on the right side extending to the apex of the scapula, through the middle of the chest, with complaining disposition.

Shooting in the right side, with complaining lachrymose disposition.

Single, large stitches in the side through to the back (aft. 24 h.).

Pain in the chest, like a shooting, interrupting the breathing.

With anxiety and peevishness, a shooting in the side of the chest, followed by throbbing in the side of the chest, then aching headache.

295. A burning, fine shooting pain in the chest.

Sensation as if the wind-pipe under the sternum had gone asleep and were numb (aft. 8 h.).

By touching very much increased pain, as from a bruise in the lowest rib, about which the patient makes much ado and complains.

On the middle of the sternum, pain as if bruised (also increased by external touch).

Slow blows in the cardiac region directed towards the outside of the chest. [Stf. Gss.]

300. Squeezing pain in the chest.

Aching, squeezing pain in the chest, under the sternum.

Shooting, boring, digging pain in the left side of the chest between the fourth and sixth ribs, for ten minutes. [Ar.]

Aching, tightening pain in the side of the chest.

A creeping pain in the chest.

A crawling in the chest as from beetles.

(Increase of milk in the breasts.)

Lumbar pain. [GREDING, 1. c.]

Aching pain in the sacrum on the left side [Hbg.]

Burning, corrosive pains near the dorsal vertebrae in the right; side. [We.]

310. Violent, shooting, digging pain all down the left side of the spine to the sacrum, which was so much increased by inspiration that tears came repeatedly into the eyes, for four hours. [Ar.]

On moving painful stiffness of the sacral and hip-joints; he is as; if paralyzed in the sacrum (aft. 2 h.).

Pain as if bruised in the articulation of the lowest lumbar vertebra with the sacrum; the sacrum feels hacked off.

Tensive, aching pain in the lumbar vertebrae, or as if from a bruise at the same time pain in abdomen as from flatulent colic.

Pain as if bruised from the sacrum through the back up to the nape (aft. 4 h.).

315. Crawling pain in the spine as from beetles.

A cutting round from the spine to the abdomen, over the left hip in a circle.

On the left side near the sacrum a painful boring.

A digging, boring pain from the right scapula forwards to the chest that was increased by inspiring, but not by expiring, but never ceased for twelve minutes.

In the nape a pain as if the flesh were detached, with a feeling as if the nape had no firmness, and as if the head would fall forwards in consequence; on moving the head shooting in the nape. [Stf. Gss.]

320. Rheumatic pain in the nape only observed on moving the neck (between the 5th and 9th h.).

Fine shooting externally on the neck.

Single shoots in the nape on both sides. [Rkt.]

Aching pain in the left cervical vertebra. [We.]

A pain in the neck pressing inwards towards the trachea, like pressure with the point of the finger into the neck. [Ar ]

325. Pain in the left shoulder-joint. [Hbg.]

Some flying stitches in the left shoulder. [Stf. Gss.]

The shoulder hurts her, and tends to sink down. [Stf. Gss.]

A swelling in the muscles of the shoulder, with violent pains as if bruised when touched (aft. 4 h.).

Tearing pain from the shoulder down into the arm as far as the; wrist, and even the fingers, almost only on every movement; during the pain the hand is blue (aft. 1, 14 h.).

330. After sleeping, a pain on moving in the shoulder (and hip) joint as from being crushed, of as if the bed had been too hard.

Single stitches in the middle of the right upper arm on its anterior aspect, when at rest, unaffected by motion and by pressing on it. [Ar.]

Sudden drawing, shooting pain in the posterior part of the right upper arm. [Ar.]

Trembling of the arms and hands (immediately). [Hbg.]

Pain in the arm and fingers.(Local effect. See S. 387.) [RODDER, 1, c.]

335. A numbness and paralysis in the left arm (and leg), so that he can scarcely move the hand .(With stupor.) [MATTHIOLI, 1. c.]

His arms are as if bruised and sink powerlessly down. [Stf. Gss.]

Chilliness and insensibility of the arms.

Pain on the forearm, as from a severe blow. [Stf. Gss.]

Drawing, shooting pain in the bone of the forearm, excitable by movement.

340. Feeling of heaviness in the arms, from the elbow to the fingers; she would like to let them sink down; with feeling of being asleep in the fingers when she grasps anything. [Stf. Gss.]

In the elbow-joints drawing pain. [Stf. Gss.]

Paralytic sensation in the right forearm and hand (when writing), which went off on stronger movement, but soon returned when writing and when at rest, but slighter. [Ar.]

Cramp-like pain in the whole left forearm, not relieved by anything. [Ar.]

Drawing, tearing pain in the external side of the right forearm. [Ar. ]

345. Undulating, tearing pain in the upper end of the left forearm. [Ar.]

Twitching, drawing pain in the lower end of the inner surface of the left forearm over the wrist to the palm. [Ar.]

Drawing, paralytic pain in the right wrist-joint. [We.]

Morbid contractive pain in the left palm, so that he can hardly extend the fingers. [Ar.]

Tearing pain in the wrist.

350. One hand becomes icy cold and insensible, as if numb (aft. 2 h.).

Cool sweat on the palms.

Cramp-pain in the right hand. [We.]

Swelling of the hands, with frequent cough(This is the cough mentioned in note to B. 226). with good appetite.[GREDING, 1. C.]

On bending the hand up and down a trembling movement in the wrist-joint. [Rkt.]

355. Cramp-like pain with fine stitches in the right hand, going off by moving it. [Ar.]

Some pulsating pricks in the tight palm, as with a sharp needle. [Ar.]

Cutting, aching pain in the side of the right index towards the middle finger, when moving and when at rest. [Ar.]

Painful drawing in the left thumb. [We.]

Twitching pains in the tight thumb. [Ar.]

360. When she bends the fingers down to the wrist, immediately violent stitches in the elbow-joints down to the wrist, on the external aspect of the arm. [Stf. Gss.]

Paralytic pain in the thumbs. [Stf. Gss.]

Painful movement of the right thumb-joint, as if sprained.

Creeping pain in the fingers.

Creeping in the fingers, also when writing. [Hbg.]

365. Tensive pressure in the thighs as from a tightly-drawn bandage, with great exhaustion, when walking. [Rkt.]

After sleeping, a pain, on moving, in the hip (and shoulder) joint as from being crushed, or as if the bed had been too hard.

In the head of the femur of the left leg drawing pain, when standing or sitting, still more when walking.[Stf. Gss.]

Fine needle-pricks in the muscles of the thigh. [Stf. Gss.]

After sitting, an almost paralytic weakness in the thighs and legs.

370. Powerlessness in the head of the femur, or inability to walk, on account of an indescribable, intolerable pain, almost as if the head of the femur were crushed, which sometimes declines, sometimes increases, and occurs after lying and sleep (aft. 5 h.).

Tottering walk, owing to powerlessness and pain in the head of the femur.

A numbness, like paralysis. in the left leg (and arm). [MATTHIOLI, 1. c.]

Tearing pain upwards on the outer ankle of the left foot (aft. 14 h.). [Ar.]

Want of firmness and unsteadiness in the knees; the knees totter on standing and walking.

375. Want of firmness of the knees, especially of one of them; it gives way when walking (immediately and aft. 1 h.).

Heaviness of the feet (immediately).

Pains in the ankle-joints, with despairing thoughts and reflections on death.

The legs in their lower parts and the feet ate as if numb and gone asleep. [Stf. Gss.]

Deep, slow stitch over the right knee. [Stf. Gss.]

380. Painful drawing in the leg from the knee to the heel and back again. (Stf. Gss.)

Twitching tearing on the internal side of the knees. [Stf. Gss.]

Paralytic drawing in the right leg and the tendo Achillis to the heel. [Stf. Gss.]

Coldness of the feet up to the ankles, with perspiration of the toes and soles.

Sensation on the ankles as if they were constricted by a bandage, in the morning.

385. Horrible pain in the ankles, relieved by external compression (aft. 7 h.).

Coldness of the feet, especially of the toes. [Rkt.]

Swelling of the past (to which. the juice has been applied) and acute inflammation, followed by excessive suppuration.[ RODDER, 1. c.]

Sensation of tingling and burning goes gradually through the whole body, especially through the arms and legs. [BACON, 1., c.]

Itching all over the body, especially on the genitals.( In cases of neuralgic pain in the extremities. As these cutaneous symptoms appeared the pains subsided. ) [STOERCK, 1. c. ]

390. Fine needle-pricks here and there on the body. [Stf. Gss.]

Single, long-continued stitches here and there, mingled with sore feeling, at length ending in pure sore pain.

Formication, itching, and desquamation of the skin, especially on the affected parts.

Flea-bite-like spots on the hands, face, &c.

Reddish pustules filled with acrid fluid.( In cases of neuralgic pain in the extremities. As these cutaneous symptoms appeared the pains subsided.)[ STOERCK, 1. c.]

395. Broad, red, itching pimples all over the body.( In cases of neuralgic pain in the extremities. As these cutaneous symptoms appeared the pains subsided. ) [STOERCK, 1. c.]

The whole body is painful to the touch; the child will not allow itself to be taken hold of; it whines.

Feeling as if she was just recovering from a serious disease, and had risen from a sick-bed (aft. 6, 12 h.).

Paralytic sensation and bruisedness in the arms and legs, with violent trembling all over the body, especially of the extremities, owing to which he can hardly walk or step; at the same time excessively pale face, dilated pupils, faintness, palpitation of the heart, cold sweat on the back and bursting headache in the temples-soon followed by burning heat in the face, with a feeling of tension and redness of face, sleepiness (after dinner)(aft. 46 h.) (secondary effect?). [Stf. Gss.]

The paralysis on the left side soon disappeared, and quickly went into the right side. (See S. 335 and note.) [MATTHIOLI, 1. c.]

400. After the cessation of the madness, pain in the stomach, head, jaws, chest, and now in one now in another joint. [RICHARD, 1, c.]

Shaking of the limbs. (See note to S. 77.) [GREDING. 1. c.]

In the evening sudden cry, grinding of the teeth, then through long hiccup stiff immobility like a statue (catalepsy) .(See note to S. 77.) [GREDING. 1. c.]

Gradually all parts of the body become black, the whole trunk swells, the eyes protrude from the head, the tongue hangs out of the mouth. [PET. DE ABANO,( General statement of effects of poisoning by A.) de Venenis Cap. 30.]

All the joints are painful (aft. 7 h.). (See S. 400) [RICHARD, 1. c.]

405. Great weakness of the joints, especially of the knee- and anklejoints, with twitching in the tendons, so that he can scarcely walk.[BACON, 1. C.]

Painfulness all over the body, with increased weakness. (Ending in death) [GREDING,1. c.]

Weakness and laxity of the ligaments of all the joints. (aft. 46 h.).

Painless cracking of all the joints, particularly of the knees.

Weariness in the limbs, especially in the feet, with constant sleepiness and crossness.

410. In the morning, on waking, such great weariness, that he did not like to get out of bed, which, however, went off after getting up.

He complains of weariness of the whole body, great weakness an pain in the heart (aft. 3 h.). [MATTHIOLI,1, c.]

Sinking of the strength. [BACON, 1. c.]

Progressive sinking of the strength. (EBERH. GMELIN, (Effect of 4,. when given to patients for a long time.) Nov. Acta Nat. Cur., vi, p. 394.]

Fainting. [PET. DH ABANO, 1. C.-RODDER, 1. c.]

415. Pulse intermitting and irregular, two or three beats followed rapidly in succession, and then came a pause of no long duration [BACON, 1. c.]


In the open air the head is free and all the symptoms ameliorate[Stf. Gss.]

Disinclined for movement, she prefers to sit. [Stf, Gss.]

Urgent desire to lie down. [BACON, 1. c.]

420. She must lie down (between the 3rd and 5th h.).

Irresistible inclination to lie down (from 2 to 5 h.).

Sleepiness and laziness; even when walking uncommon sleepiness.[Hbg.]

(Interrupted yawning; she cannot yawn perfectly.)

Yawns, often without being sleepy. [Stf. Gss.]

425. Yawning and stretching. [Stf. Gss.]

Sleepiness, sleep (aft. 2 h.).

In the afternoon great sleepiness, the eyes close, but he easily wakes at a slight noise, but always fails asleep again. [Stf. Gss.]

After eating unusual sleepiness. [Stf. Gss.]

Light sleep (from 1 to 5 h.).

430. Sleeplessness (in the 4th h.).

Sleep full of dreams; confused, vivid dreams.. [Stf. Gss.]

He cannot lie on the right side, nor on the back; he turns about in bed with pains, from one side to the other.

In the morning he lies in sleep on his back, the left hand opener laid under his occiput.

He sleeps sitting with head bent forward.

435. Slow respiration in sleep.

(Inspiration with double jerk, like the butting of a goat, in sleep.)

Long dreams, with anxiety in the chest, that impeded breathing so that he woke up lit consequence (nightmare).

Dreams during which he talked much.

She has vexatious dreams.

440. He starts in affright, makes many movements, and speaks in hi sleep.

She starts up in sleep and says some one is seizing hold of her.

He is delirious while awake, jumps out of bed, and thinks he is driving sheep (aft. 14 h.).

In the evening after lying down, and by day when sitting he has waking dreams, and has delusions as though he were far away from home.

Towards morning he has a very vivid dream, which gives him a correct explanation of a circumstance that was an inexplicable riddle to him when awake (aft. 20 h.).

445. He dreams half the night about a singly subject, and is also occupied with it alone several hours after waking, so that nothing beside this subject possesses his mind (like the fixed idea of an insane person), which is very annoying to him and bothers him.

Restless night. [GREDING, 1. c.]

At night anxious dreams, and frequent waking in a fright. [Rkt.]

Inability to keep awake. [MORAEUS, l, c.]

Quiet sleep for 4 or 5 hours.( Symptom of convalescence.) [Bacon, 1. c.]

450. Desire for cold water. [MATTHIOLI, 1. c.]

Feverish pulse, frequently intermitting. [RICHARD, 1. c.]

Sensation as if all the blood-vessels grew cold. [MATTHIOLI, 1. c.]

Sensation as if the circulation in all the blood-vessels was impeded.[BACON, l. c.]

He lies quiet, but is cold and shivers, and wishes to be coveted with much bed-clothes. (BACON, 1 c.]

455. In the morning on waking dizzy in the head.

In the morning on waking, he feels as if he had fetid breath.

In the evening on lying down, shivering.

Rigor and frequent yawning, in the morning after rising [Stf. Gss.]

Anxious chilliness (aft. 3 h.).

460. Chill on the slightest movement (aft. 10 h.).

Chilliness in the abdomen. [Stf. Gss.]

A coldness runs continually up her.arms find legs; in her face also she has a chill. [Stf. Gss.]

A shiver runs through her from below up into the chest. [Stf. Gss. ]

She is chilly and shivers. [ Stf. Gss. ]

465. Rigor over back and arms. [Stf. Gss. ]

Attack of faintness with chilliness.

At first coldness, rigor and paleness of the finger-tips, then in the fingers, afterwards sensation of cramp in the soles and calves, finally chill in the forehead (aft. 1/4h.)

Coldness all over the body.

Fever : Chill of the whole body, with hot forehead, hot ear-lobes, and internal dry heat.

470. Fever : coldness with stiffness of the whole body, redness and heat of one cheek, coldness and paleness of the other, with open, staring eyes, and contracted pupils, which only dilate slightly and slowly in the dark.

Towards evening, chill and coldness of hands and feet, then sickness in the middle of the sternum, which continues even when taking food that tastes well, though there is neither appetite nor dislike for it; after eating the sickness goes off, followed by heat of face, accompanied by sad despairing thoughts.

Frequent attacks (about every other hour), for a quarter of an hour at time, of the most extreme weakness and insensibility, so that he can move neither hands nor feet, nor sit up in bed, nor yet feel his former pain, nor see, hear, or speak aloud; the legs at the same time are extended (aft. a few h.).

Alternate attacks (aft. 3, 4, 6 h.) : either along with redness of the cheeks, silly gaiety with sensation of heat all over the body, and headache on moving the eyes upwards and sideways; Or, along with redness of cheeks and heat of head, shuddering all over the body, with proper taste in mouth.

475. Or, along with redness of cheeks, shivering, with weeping, accompanied by aching headache;

Or, along with redness of cheeks, an obstinate, contrary disposition, burning in the umbilical region, and aching pain in head.

Extreme redness of cheeks, with a peevish, complaining, lachrymose disposition (aft 3 h.).

Towards evening burning heat in head and face, with redness of cheeks and outpressing headache; at the same time rigor all over the body with thirst (aft. 14 h.). [Stf. Gss.]

Towards evening, dry heat in face with anxiety.

480. Hot on the head, with forehead hot to the touch, and rigor of the rest of the body, on the slightest movement.

Feeling of heat, first in the hands, then in the whole body, even in the chest, without perceptible external heat (aft. 4 h.).

Several times heat ran over his back. [Stf. Gss.]

(Heat with throwing off the clothes.)

General heat with thirst.

485. During the heat moderate thirst for beer.

(She drinks little in the heat and yet has dry lips.)

(In the heat the cough is troublesome )

(Great heat from 10 p.m. until after midnight, with short breath; she wished to cough but could not, speaking also was difficult for her; at the same time extreme restlessness and crying out from pains in the hands, feet, abdomen, and sacrum; she stamped her feet and would not allow any one to touch her.)

Perspiration with febrile rigor (aft. 3 h.).

490. Slight perspiration all over the body.

Sour-smelling perspiration all over the body.

Perspiration of weakness.

Slight warmth with moderate perspiration.( Reaction from S. 454.) [BACON, 1. c.]

Along with profuse perspiration frequent micturition. [GREDING,1. c.]

495. Along with profuse perspiration, diarrhoea and increased flow of urine. [GRADING, 1.c.]

Great internal heat with thirst. [RODDER, 1. c.]

Transpiration and sweat all over the body. [STOERCK, 1. c.]

(Towards noon) perspiration. [GREDING, 1. c.]

Profuse perspiration without exhaustion. [GRADING, 1. c.]

500. Along with bold speech and sparkling eyes, cold sweat stands on the forehead, and the pulse is almost imperceptible. [MATTHIOLI, 1. c.]

Nocturnal furious delirium; he cannot be kept in bed.; in the morning very profuse sweat. [DURR, ( Effects of a mixture of A. and antimonial wine. ) in Hufel. Journ., ix, 4, p. 108. ]

He does everything in a hurry, and runs about the house. [HELMONT, 1. c.]

Transient insanity.( Not found in Moraeus, narrative.) [MORAEUS, 1. c.]

Morose, inclined for nothing, depressed spirits, even when walking.[Hbg.]

505. Morose, as though she had no life in her (aft. 2 h.). [Stf. Gss.]

Becomes gay and inclined to sing and dance (aft. 1/2 h.). [Stf.Gss]

More gay and excited than usual (the first h.).

Alternate attacks of opposite states of humour.( The two following symptoms, and S. 536, are given as instances of this.) [MATTHIOLI, 1. c.]

Sometimes he is quite rational, sometimes he talks nonsense. [MATTHIOLI, 1. c.]

510. Sometimes he despairs of his recovery, sometimes he is full of hope. [MATTHIOLI, 1. c.]

After vomiting, immediate revival of hope.( Mental effect of vomiting after the antidote had been given.)

[RICHARD, 1. c.]

Trembling and tendency to palpitation of the heart.

Palpitation of the heart and anxiety, and increased heat of the body, especially in the face. [Stf. Gss.]

Palpitation of the heart with great anxiety ; oppression of the breathing and great weariness in all the limbs; it rises from thence into the head, and she is as if stupified from flying redness in the face. [Stf. Gss. ]

515. Anxiety and peevishness, with fine shooting in the side of the chest; then beating in the scrobiculus cordis and then aching pain in the head.

Inconsolable anxiety and piteous howling, with complaints and reproaches about (often trifling) evils (aft. 5 h.).

Piteous, anxious complaints, with cowardly fears, despair, loud whining weeping, bitter complaints and reproaches.

Fear lest he should fall.

Anthropophobia (aft. 3 h.).

520. He is in a reverie, and sits buried in thought.

Lucid vision : he says, now my beloved (70 miles away) must have sung the difficult passage (The passage from Beethoven : “Ah’ perfido!” she, although previously dangerously ill, had this day sung at, a concert, particularly well, only five hours before her betrothal, who was particularly susceptible to mesmerism.) that I was just singing.

Solicitude, grief.

The slightest noise is intolerable to him (aft. 1/2 h.).

Music is intolerable to her; it goes through every limb; she becomes quite melancholy (aft. 24 h.).

525. Excessive tendency to be startled (aft. 1/4 h.).

He takes every joke in bad part (aft. 3 h.).

She is extremely disposed to be cross (aft.1/2 h.).

She becomes quarrelsome.

She makes reproaches.

530. Quarrelsomeness, alternating from hour to hour with silly insanity he chatters childish nonsense, and is extravagantly merry.

Angry disposition.



Composed, staid, although not cheerful humour (secondary and curative action) (aft. 8 h.).

535. Lively power of imagination.

Sometimes he appears to weep, sometimes he trills. [MATTHIOLI, 1. c.]

Insane tricks: [RICHARD, 1. c.]

Dread of impending death. [RICHARD, 1. c.]

Mortal anxiety recurring from time to time. [MATTHIOLI, 1. c.]

540. Lamentable fears of impending death (from 2 to 12 h.).

Fear of some misfortune happening to him.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.