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Hahnemann’s proving symptoms of homeopathy remedy Ambra Grisea from Materia Medica Pura, which Samuel Hahnemann wrote between 1811 to 1821…

(From vol. vi. 2nd edit., 1827.)

(Ambergris, sometimes Ambra ambrasiaca, L )

This substance, often adulterated on account of its high price, we can hope to get genuine only in the first-class drug stores. The true ambergris, developed in the intestines of the sperm whale, as was proved by SCHWEDJAUR, and probably a fatty excretion from its gall-bladder, is obtained of the best quality from the sea, especially after stormy weather, off the coasts of Madagascar and Sumarta. It consists of small, rough, opaque masses, which are lighter than water, of spongy consistence, and can easily be broken up into rough, uneven pieces, externally of a brownish-grey colour, intenally permeated by yellowish, reddish, and blackish fibres intermingled with whitish, very odorous points, somewhat greasy to the touch, and of faint but very refreshing fragrance.

By the warmth of the fingers it becomes soft as wax, by the heat of boiling water its melts into oil, at the same time exhales a strong, very agreeable fragrance and on heated metal burns quite away. On applying a light to it it quickly takes fire, and burns with a bright flame.

Alcohol dissolves it very spatingly, but sulphuric ether dissolves it almost completely, and on adding alcohol a white wax-like substance is thrown down. Its feeble odour is much increased by this solution, as also by triturating it with other substances.

A grain of such genuine ambergris is triturated for an hour with 100 grains of milk-sugar in a porcelain mortar (every 10 minutes divided between 6 minutes of trituration and 4 minutes of scraping). Of this powder a grain is again triturated with another 100 grains of milk-sugar for an equal length of time, and in the same manner; and lastly, of this powder so obtained one grain is again triturated with a similar quantity of milk-sugar, in the same manner, and also for an hour. This furnishes a potentized millionth attenuation of ambergris, a small portion of a grain of which is not only sufficient for a dose for most homoeopathic purposes, but is often found to be quite so powerful; in which case its effects may be moderated by several small doses of camphor, but in many cases, according to the symptoms developed, by nux vomica, and in rarer cases by pulsatilla.

The duration of the action of such a dose is, in chronic cases, at least three weeks.

(The symptoms indicated by the letters Gff. Were observed by the State- councillor Freiherr von GERDOREF.).

[ None of the symptoms are derived from old school sources. Ambra first appears among Hahnemann’s medicine in the 2nd edition.]


Great vertigo.

Extraordinary, even dangerous vertigo.

Vertigo while walking in the open air, in the forenoon and afternoon.

On account of vertigo and weak feeling in the stomach she must lie down (afternoon, aft. 72 h.).

5. He is always as if in a dream.

He cannot think of anything properly; he is as if stupid (the first 24 h.).

Bad memory; the thinking power is very feeble; he must read everything therr or four times over, snd even then cannot take it in.

Great weakness in the head, with vertigo.

Weakness in the head, and a kind of chill in it.

10. Every morning headache, like emptiness, as if he had been drinking overnight.

Confusion in the occiput. [Gff.]Tension in the head, making him stupid.

Squeezing headache from both temples. [Gff.]

Squeezing confusion of the head. [Gff.]

15. Aching confusion in the head immediately after eating, especially when moving.

Pressure in the forehead ( with anxiety lest he should go mad) (aft. 48 h.).

Aching pain in the forehead. [Gff.]

Aching pain in occiput and nape. [Gff.]

Every other day down-pressing pain in the forehead and top of the head, with heat in head and burning in the eyes, with pale face from the morning onwards, only by worse in the afternoon.

20.Rush of the blood to the head for two days.

(Painless feeling of pressure on the top of the head and heaviness of the head, in the evening (aft. 36 h.)

Aching in the head combined with shooting.

Aching pain on a small spot at the occiput.

Aching pain on the left frontal protuberance.

25. Aching drawing from the nape upwards and through the head to the front, whilst pressure remains on the occiput. [Gff.]

Tearing pressure in the whole occiput, also to the crown and in the forehead. [Gff.]

Transient tearing through the head. [Gff.]

A drawing hither and thither, or tearing in the head.

On the left side of the occiput, towards the nape and behind the ear, tearing.

30. Tearing in the left temple up to the top of the head, on the right frontal protuberance and behind the left ear.

Tearing headache in the forehead extending to the upper part of the face. [Gff.]

Very painful tearing above on the crown and as if in the whole upper half of the brain, with pale face and coldness of the left hand. [Gff.]

(Twitching in the head.).

Above the left temple, a stitch in the head (aft. 3 h.) [Gff.]

35.In the evening, several very sharp stitches upwards towards the occiput.

On exertion, a shooting and cutting headache; he feels it at every step; better when lying.

External headache; also in the nape and neck, pain as from a sprain, with tenderness to touch, the whole day (aft. 12 d.).

Headache as if catarrh would come on, sometimes more, sometimes less, and persistent. [Gff.]

40.On the right side of the head, a part where the hair is painful as if sore when touched. [Gff.]

A painful spot on the occiput.

Roaring about the temples.

The hair of the head falls out. (aft. 24 h.).

Aching, tearing headache, especially over and on the head. [Gff.]

45. Pressure on the left eyebrow. [Gff.]

Pressure on the eyes, as if they lay deep (with tearing headache above from the forehead downwards, or from the ear through the occiput)(aft. 3 h.). [Gff.]

Short, violent pressure just above the nose, in the forehead, in frequent fits, which changes into tearing, and leaves behind it confusion in the occiput. [Gff.]

A painful pimple on the forehead. [Gff.]

A red papule on the middle of the forehead, close to the hair, touching it causes a sore pain, not suppurating. [Gff.]

50.In the eye, pressure and smarting, as if dust had got in it. [Gff.]

Smarting in the eyes and lachrymation.

Pressure on the eyes, which are opened with difficulty, and pain in them as if they had been too tightly shut, especially in the morning. [Gff.]

Distented blood vessels in the white of the eye. [Gff.]

Tearing or short rends in and around the right eye. [Gff.]

55. Burning pain in the right eye (aft. 10 h.).

Burning in the eyelids.

Itching on the eyelid, as if would inflame to a stye.

Around the eyes, intolerable itching tickling.

Dim vision, as if through a fog (aft. some h.).

60.Very dark before the eyes (aft. 3 d.).

Spasmodic trembling in the facial muscles.

In the evening, in bed, spasmodic twitchings in the face.

Flying heat in the face.

Jaundiced face.

65. Eruption of pimples on the face, without sensation.

Gnawing formicating itching in the face.

Tearing in the upper part of the face, especially near the right ala nasi. [Gff.]

Red spot on the cheek, without sensation.

Eruption of pimples and itching on the whiskers.

70. Tension in the cheek, as from swelling.

(Painful swelling of the cheek on the upper jaw, with throbbing in the gums) (aft. a few h.).

Tearing in the morning, and often at other times, in the right ear.

Creping in the ears (aft. 48 h.).

Itching and tickling in the ears.

75. Roaring and whistling in the ear, in the afternoon (aft. 4 d.).

(Crepitation and creaking in the left ear, as when a watch is wound up.).

Deafness of one ear.

Hearing diminished from day to day, for five days (aft. 6 d.).

Violent tearing pain in the lobe of the ear and behind it. [Gff.]

80. Spasm of the right ala nasi towards the malar bone.

(Great dryness of the interior of the nose, although the air passes well through it.).

Dry blood collects in the nose (aft. 16 h.).

Epistaxis, especially in the morning.

Hot lips.

85. Spasm in the lower lip and sensation as if were pressed against the gumsand torn away again.

(Pain in the corners of the mouth, like soreness.)

Shooti, aching pain in the jaws.

In the jaws, pain as if they were screwed together or asunder.

Drawing pain, now in one, now in another tooth, which was aggravated by warmth, was relieved for a moment by cold, was not aggravated by chewing, and went off after eating; at the same time the gums were swollen on the inside.

90. Greatly swollen and painful gums.

Pain in a hollow tooth, in the evening.

Pain in a hollow tooth, especially in the open air, as if the nerve were touched.

After dinner, pain in a hollow tooth, more shooting than tearing for half an hour (aft. 5 h.).

Squeezing, drawing in the right upper molars. [Gff.]

95.In the evening in bed aching, digging pain, as if under the left lower molars. [Gff.]

Drawing toothache, at one time in the right, at another in the left teeth, by day and during several nights. [Gff.]

Drawing in an incisor tooth, as if draught of air penetrated it and caused a stitch. [Gff.]

Bleeding from the teeth.

Uncommonly profuse bleeding out of the right lower teeth. [Gff.]

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.