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100.Pain in a submaxillary gland, which was as if swollen (aft. 3 d.).

Foeter of the mouth.

In the morning, in waking tongue, mouth, and lips, as if numb and quite dry. [Gff.]

In the morning, on awaking, great dryness of the mouth, with complete absense of thirst, for several days. [Gff.]

Smarting and soreness in the interior of the mouth; on account of the pain she could not eat anything hard.

105.Vesicles in the mouth, which pain as if burnt.

The tongue is covered with a greyish-yellow coating. [Gff.]

Under the tongue lumps, like small growths, which pain like excoriation.

Contractive sensation in the salivary glands, when eating, especially during the first mouthfuls.

Rheumatic pain at the back of the tongue and in the fauces, when not swallowing. [Gff.]

110. Tearing pain on the palate extending into the left ear.

Scraping sensation on the palate.

Scraping in the throat. [Gff.]

Scraping in the throat, as in catarrh, for some days.

In the morning, dryness in the throat.

115. Feeling in her throat as if something were sticking in it.

Tearing in the interior of the throat and above, quite at the back of the fauces. [Gff.]

Smarting at the back of the fauces when not swallowing. [Gff.]

Aching, smarting paint at the back of the throat from time to time. [Gff.]

Pain in the throat like something obstructing deglutition (aft. 8 d.). [Gff.]

120.(Sore throat, not when swallowing food, but during empty swallowing and on pressing on it externally, with tension in the cervical glands, as if they were swollen) (aft. 4 d.).

(Sore throat after a draught of air; shooting from the throat into the right ear and pain especially when moving the tongue.)

Secretion of mucus in the throat, with roughness and scraping. [Gff.]

Hawking of mucus, in the morning. [Gff.]

When hawking up mucus from the throat, almost unavoidable retching and vomiting.

125. The (accustomed) tobacco smoking greatly irritates and excites him, although it tastes good it tastes good; hiccup.

Frequently in the afternoon, rather tasteless eructation.

Ferquent, empty eructation (aft. 3.1/2 h.). [Gff.]

After a meal, violent eructation.

Frequent sour eructation (aft. 48, 72 h.).

130. Audible eructation, of a bitter taste.

When walking in the open air heart-burn, with baulked eructation. [Gff.]

Every evening, sensation as from disordered stomach and scrapy belching up as high as the larynx, like heart-burn.

(In the morning, on awaking, bitter taste in the mouth.)

After drinking milk, acidity in the mouth.

135.(After breakfast, nausea) (aft. 72 h.).

(In the stomach clawing nausea) (aft. 24 h.)

Qualmishness about the stomach.

Burning in the stomach. (aft. 3 h.) [Gff.]

Burning in the gastric region and higher up. [Gff.]

140. Aching and burning under the scrobiculus cordis, which goes off by eruction. [Gff.]

After eating, anxiety.

After eating, pressure in the pit of throat, as if food still stuck there, and would not go down.

During dinner tearing in the left side of the palate, at the back of the throat. [Gff.]

After a meal, transient tearing first about the left, then about the right eye. [Gff.]

145.Immediately after eating aching confusion of the head, especially when moving.

On account of weak feeling in the stomach and vertigo she must lie down, in the afternoon (aft.72 h.).

Tension and pressure in the gastric region.

Spasm in the stomach.

Shooting and aching in the gastric region.

150.Pressure under the scrobiculous cordis and in the hypogasterium, from time to time, also at night. [Gff.]

Pressure in epigastrium, with cold hands or feet. [Gff.]

Pressure in the abdomen, passing into squeezing. [Gff.]

Aching in the umbilical region, with heart-burn, that goes off by eructation. [Gff.]

Pressure in the side of the abdomen over the right hip. [Gff.]

155.Violent spasms in the abdomen.

Continual pressure in the epigastrium, allayed by walking in the open air, returning when sitting. [Gff.]

An aching in the hypgastrium for several hours, equally severe when walking and when sitting.(aft. 6 d.).

Aching pain in a small spot on the right side of the abdomen in the hepatic region, but not felt when touched. [Gff.]

Aching pain in the hepatic region. [Gff.]

160. Tension and distension in the abdomen, after everything he eats, even after evry mouthful of fluid.

Tension abdomen.(aft. some h.).

Distented abdomen (aft. 5 d.).

Early in the morning great compression in the abdomen.

The abdomen feels compressed.

165.Weight in the abddomen, as if sprained and pressed from the spinal column.

After pressure in the abdomen discharge of inodorous flatus. [Gff.]

Squeezing pain in the right hypogastrium. [Gff.]

First pinching bell-ache, followed by some cutting in the epigastrium, which goes off by eructation. [Gff.]

Discomfort from displacement of flatus, causing pain, especially in the left side of the abdomen.

170.Immediately after midnight he wakes up with great distension of the abdomen, especially of the hypogastrium, from flatulence, which cannot pass, and excites colic, or at least severe pressing downwards; this accumulation of flatulence goes off during subsequent sleep, without discharge of flatus, and the abdomen becomes quiet.

Fermentation and rumbling, heard but not felt, in the bowels. [Gff.]

Pinching in the hypogastrium, with violent fermentation and gurgling, especially in the epigastrium, when lying in bed, in the morning, diminished by rising, and renewed on again lying down, especially when lying on the back. [Gff.]

Violent cutting in the abdomen, in the evening.

After midnight, cutting in the abdomen in bed, even during the general perspiration of the body.

175.Cutting in the abdomen, with a soft stool, in the morning, for two successive mornings (aft. 5 d.).

Severe cutting in the abdomen, with three diarrhoeic stools, on three successive days (aft.5 d.).

(Burning in the abdomen.).

Cold feeling in the abdomen.

Coldness of one side of the abdomen for two days (aft. 48 h.).

180. Twitching in the abdominal muscles, in the evening.

Shooting over the hips, for two days (aft. 5 d.).

A sharp pressure, or obtuse stitch, over the right hip. [Gff.]

On drawing in the abdomen violent needle-pricks in the hypogastrium, also excited by external perssure. [Gff.]

Shooting belly-ache about the navel, on moving the abdomen, especially on drawing it in. [Gff.]

185. A frequent call to stool, but no motion occurs, and this makes her very anxious, and then the propinquity of other people is intolerable to her.

After ineffectual call to stool, a pinching pain ni the hypogastrium, especially in the right side (after some days0. [Gff.]

Tenesmus in the rectum.

Stool too scanty (aft. 24 h.). [Gff.]

Constipation (aft. 4 d.). [Gff.]

190.(Drawing in the rectum.)

Itching at the anus.

Itching at the anus.(aft. some h.). [Gff.]

Tickling in the rectum.

Itching and smarting in the anus, which goes off by rubbing. [Gff.]

195. Shooting in the anus.

Four stools of ordinary character within a fewhours (aft. a few h.).

Copious, soft, bright brown stool (aft. 8 d.). [Gff.]

(Seems to effect improvement in the hitherto sluggish, in the secondary action) (aft. 10, 15d.).

Along with not hard stool, great discharge of blood (aft. 7 d.).

200. After stool, aching deep in the hypogastrium. [Gff.]

(After each stool a weakness about the scrobilicus cordis).

After passage of stool there remains in the abdomen a wanting to go (he feels as if he had not finished) for more than a minute.

Pain in the rectum and at the same time in the bladder (aft. 5 d.).

Sensation as if some drops escaped from the urethra.

205.Urine lemon coloured, almost in odorous, with a small cloud. [Gff.]

Urine brown.

Urine like whey.

Scanty urine, with reddish cloud, with absence of thirst. [Gff.]

Urine dark brown and somewhat turbid, even during its passage. (aft. 20 h.).

210.Urine turbid, even when first passed, yellowish-brown, and deposing a brown sediment, whilst the clear urine above it was yellow.

Urine with reddish cloud. [Gff.]

Urine after standing a short time, of penetrating odour.

Bloody urine.(aft. 7 d.).

Diminished secretion of urine (the first 3 days).

215. Scanty urine, which after some hours has a reddish sediment. [Gff.]

Much micturition at night.

In the morning, after rising, for two hours, urging to urinate, to that he often cannot retain the urine.

He urinates three time as much as he drinks, especially in the morning; thereafter by a dull pain in the renal region.

Copious, bright coloured, unclouded urine (aft. 4 d.).

220.Burning in the orifice of the urethra and in the anus.

Burning at the mouth of the urethra (aft. 6 d.).

(Twitching in the urethra) (aft.12 d.).

(Twitching in the testicles) (aft. 14 d.).

Tearing in the glans penis.

225.Ulcerative pain in the glans penis.

An itching pimple above the male genitals.

Burning internally in the region of the seminal vesicles.

Burning, smarting, tickling and itching on the vulva and in the urethra when urinating.

Burning in the female genital organs, with discharge of some drops of blood, especially after walking and after a hard stool.

230. Severe itching on the pudendum ( more rarely at the anus); she must rub the parts.

Sore pain and itching on the pudendum, also when not urinating.

Samuel Hahnemann
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was the founder of Homoeopathy. He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases.

Hahnemann's three major publications chart the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine, we see the fundamentals laid out. Materia Medica Pura records the exact symptoms of the remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he showed us how natural diseases become chronic in nature when suppressed by improper treatment.