

*Antidoted by: Hepar, Ignatia, Camph. (Lobel., Teste). *Antidote to: Barayta carbonica *Incompatible: Wine, Chamomilla, Nux. *Followed well by: Sepia, Sul. (best H. N. G.), Pulsatilla, Ignatia *Follows well: Ap., Belladonna *Complementary: In hydrocephalus, Calcarea p. *Compare: Erratic temperature in fevers, Pulsatilla Colics, Pul., Lycopodium Abdominal symptoms, Plb., Podophyllum Tremors, Argentum nitricum Spinal pain, Cob., Sepia Asthma accompanying great constriction of chest, Cad. s., K. chl., Cact. Boring fingers in nose, Cin., Verbascum, Ar. t. Scarlatina, Belladonna (Zn. follows well when rash fails to come out and child screams whenever moved). Hydrocephalus, Calcarea ph. Pain in back worse sitting than walking, Sepia, Cob., Argentum nitricum (Argentum nitricum has pain when rising). Goneness 11 a.m., Sul., Natrum carb., Pho., Ind. Paralysis and brain softening, Pho., Ph. Spermatorrhoea, testes drawn up, Conium (Conium lacks the excessive irritability of Zn., and Zn. has temporary better from the emissions). Fag, nervous exhaustion, Pic. ac. Neuralgia, nervous exhaustion, Mg. c. Spinal irritation, Actea right (Zn. has worse sitting and worse from wine). Sinking sensation, inability to throw out eruption, Helleborus Crying out in sleep, wakes terrified, puts hands to genitals, Stramonium Suppressed or undeveloped eruption, Bryonia Fidgety feet, Trn. Boring in left ovary ceasing with flow, Lachesis Fear of ghosts, Aco., Arsenicum, Bro., Carb. v., Cocc., Lycopodium, Pho., Pul., Ranunculus bulbosus, Sepia, Sul. Pain in right chest, Phel. Pain in throat better when not swallowing, Ignatia Too weak to develop exanthemata, Cuprum, Sul., Bac. Convulsions with *pale face, no heat except in occiput, no rise of temperature (Belladonna opp.). Automatic movements of hands and head or one hand and head, Apocynum, Bryonia, Helleborus Cannot bear back touched, Chi. s., Trn., Theridion Twitching or jerking of single muscles, Agaricus, Ignatia Incipient brain disease from suppressed eruptions, Bac., Helleborus Unconquerable sleepiness, Nux moschata, Opium Diarrhoea with stupor, Opium worse From sea-bathing, Arsenicum Too speedy ejaculation in coitus, Titan. Burning in spine, Pho. Lycopodium Headache at root of nose, Ignatia Affections of palate, Mang.


Grief. Anger. Fright. Night-watching. Operations. Frost- bite. Suppressions: eruptions, otorrhoea, menses, lochia, milk.



Hypochondriacal humor.- Thoughts of death, as if the end were approaching.- Fear of robbers or of frightful spectres.- Stares as if frightened on waking, rolls head from side to side.- Fretful, peevish humor, morose, with dislike to conversation, especially in evening.- Child cross towards evening, brain affected.- The patient is powerfully affected by conversation or by noise.- Irascibility and impatience.- Tendency to fits of passion, and great uneasiness when left alone.- Aversion to labor (and to walk). Fickleness (very variable mood), with sadness towards noon and joy (hilarity) in evening, and *vice versa.- Weakness of memory.- Forgetfulness (forgets what has been accomplished during the day).- Weak memory with stinging pains in head.- Unconquerable drowsiness after prolonged night-watching.- Absence of ideas.- Difficult conception.- Incoherent ideas.- Thoughtlessness and dulness of intellect. – Repeats all questions before answering them.


Continued confusion and cloudiness in head.- Vertigo deeply seated in brain, principally in occiput (cerebellum), causing patient to fall sidelong (to l.).- Vertigo: as if he would have apoplexy, as if head moving up and down, as if he would fall to right when on a height, with flushing heat, on staying up late, as after smoking too strong tobacco.- Vertigo, as if the seat were undulating when sitting up in bed in morning.- Vertigo and delirious feeling: kept continually talking in his sleep (agg. from 3x trit.- ***R. T. C.). Stupefying vertigo, with clouded sight (everything gets black before the eyes, worse in morning in warm room and after eating, better in open air), and general weakness.- Frequent attacks of vertigo, preceded by sharp pressure at root of nose, and a sensation of drawing together of eyes, as if by a cord, followed immediately by excessive nausea, faintness, and trembling of hands.- Pain as from a tearing in whole brain.- Headache at night, or in evening after lying down.- Headache after drinking (even small quantities of) wine.- Fit of headache, with nausea and vomiting.- Sharp pressure on a small spot in forehead, evening.- Pressure at root of nose as if it would be pressed into head.- Pressive cephalalgia, principally in morning and in forehead, with confusion, or else in temples and occiput.- Pain in sinciput, with dulness, extending into the eyes.- Compressive boring, or expansive pressure in head.- Drawing in occiput and forehead.- Shootings and tearing in the head, especially in the sides, temples, forehead, and occiput, worse after dinner.- Hemicrania, worse after dinner, tearing and stinging.- Frequent screwing together pain in both sides of head in evening.- Chlorotic headaches, especially in patients saturated with iron.- Cerebral and nervous exhaustion, brain-fag, anaemia.- Pain as from excoriation in head.- Pulsative pains in head.- Buzzing in head.- The headaches are better in open air and worse in a room.- Itching and sensation of excoriation in the scalp, or pain as from ulceration.- Sensitiveness of vertex, as from soreness of ulceration, without regard to touch, worse in evening in bed and after eating, better in open air.- Forehead cool, base of brain hot.- Sensation as it hair were standing on end.- The hair falls off from the vertex causing complete baldness, with sensation of soreness of the scalp.- Hydrocephalus.


Pain in the eyes in evening after lying down or drinking wine.- Pressure on eyes or sensation as if pressed or sunk into head. – Pressive and lancinating tearing in eyes.- Photophobia, dread of sunlight with watery eyes.- Sensitive to light, brain affected.- Burning and biting in eyes, especially in right, as from dust, photophobia and lachrymation, worse evenings. Itching, smarting, and feeling of excoriation of eyes, eyelids, and internal canthi, worse evening and night, also during menses. (Pterygium.) Burning and inflammation of eyes and lids. Redness and inflammation of internal canthi, with suppuration. Dryness of eyes. Agglutination of lids at night, with pressing, sore feeling. Intense burning in eyes after operations. Falling down and paralysis of upper eyelids.- Pupils contracted.- Luminous flakes before eyes when looking into the air (at the sky).- On looking up felt giddy and saw showers of gold descending (cured with hysterical retention of urine. B. Simmons).- When looking up, a dark, diagonal line before left eye, directed upwards and to the right, about six feet in length.- Diplopia, left eye most affected, strabismus developed.- Amaurosis: during severe headache, passing away with headache.


Earache, with tearing lancinations and external swelling, especially in children.- Frequent, acute stitches in right ear, near tympanum.- Earache of children, especially boys.- Increased ear-wax, left ear, thinner than usual.- Tickling in left ear not better by rubbing.- Itching in right ear, better by boring into it.- Flow of fetid pus from ear.- Noises: humming, whizzing, ringing, crash as from breaking glass on falling asleep.


Pain as from excoriation in interior of nose.-Troublesome pressure at the root of nose, as if it were squeezed.- Cutting, crawling in evening, then sneezing.- Swelling of nose, internally and externally, sometimes semilateral, with anosmia.- Obstruction of nose.- Fluent coryza, with hoarseness and burning sensation in chest.- Redness of nose, remaining after freezing, tip of nose easily frosted.


Pale and earthy countenance.- Pale, alternating with redness.- Face: cadaverous, pinched, unnatural, earthy, as after long illness, cachectic, bluish-white, waxy, white or yellow, pewter- like.- Gloomy and wandering look, vacant, apathetic.- Tearing, pressing, stitches, and pain as of a fracture in the bones of the face.- Sudden pressing stitch from right zygoma to upper margin of orbit, deep in bone, followed by great sensitiveness on the spot, evening.- Neuralgia of fifth pair of nerves, worse from touch and in evening.- Spasmodic twitching of musculi risores, with constant inclination to laugh.- Cracks in lips and commissures, with internal ulceration.- Lips: swollen, dry.- Upper lip: violent muscular twitches in left side, sore, ulcerating in middle, jerking tearing in right side, fine stitches.- Lower lip: tensive, painful smarting: burning smarting on inner surface.- Sticking pain in jaw-joint, beneath and in front of left ear, on moving jaw back and biting strongly, and on pressing finger on joint.- Thick, viscid, tasteless mucus on lips. Itching eruption and redness on chin.


Toothache during mastication.- Tearing, lancinating, or drawing toothache, especially in molars.- Pain in teeth, as from excoriation.- Frequent toothache, a drawing pain in roots of incisors.- Painful jerking in a tooth.- Looseness of teeth.- Teeth: feel sore, feel elongated.- Grits teeth.- Copious bleeding of teeth and gums (on slightest touch).- Gums white and swollen, with pain as from excoriation.- Ulcers in gums.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica