

Small yellow ulcers in mouth, on internal surface of cheeks. Tingling (crawling) of internal surface of cheeks, and copious secretion of saliva, having a metallic taste.- Sticking, biting on palate, close to and in the roots of incisors.- Vesicles on tongue.- Tongue: dry, doesn’t want to talk, coated at root and edges (brain diseases), swollen left side, hindering talking, covered with vesicles, white or yellowish white, white as from cheese, without taste, covered with white mucus, blistered, painful on eating.- Inflammation of palate.- Pain in palate and velum palati, especially on yawning.- Herpes in mouth from sea- bathing.


Drawing tearings in bottom of gullet, more frequently when not swallowing than during deglutition (or worse between acts of swallowing than on empty swallowing).- Sensation of contraction and cramp in oesophagus, near pit of throat.- Dryness and roughness in palate and throat, with rawness, smarting, and scraping.- Pain as from excoriation in throat. Copious accumulation of mucus in the throat, which frequently enters the mouth through the posterior nares.- Bluish herpes in throat after suppressed gonorrhoea.- Pain in throat as from an internal swelling.


Taste of blood in mouth.- Salt taste in mouth.- Taste: sweetish, metallic, like spoiled cheese, as after raw peas.- Violent thirst: from forenoon till evening, with heat in palms, in afternoon, in afternoon during menses, with hasty drinking, for beer in evening.- Diminution of appetite, loss of appetite.- Insatiable voracity. Hunger: ravenous, especially 11 a.m. or 12 noon, with weakness of legs and trembling, greediness and hasty swallowing.- Loss of appetite, with a perfectly clean tongue.- Dislike to meal (veal), sweet things, fish, cooked and hot food, to wine and brandy.- Pressure at stomach, with nausea, after eating bread.- Hypochondriacal humor, with aching under false ribs, choking, clawing in abdomen, and fullness, pressure, or burning in the stomach after a meal.- worse From sugar (heartburn), wine, milk (loud eructations).


Rising, with pressive pain in chest. Sour risings after a meal, especially after drinking milk.- Pyrosis after taking things sweetened with sugar.- Hiccough, especially after breakfast.- Nausea, with retching and vomiting of bitter mucus, renewed by slightest movement.- Nausea and headache from least drop of wine.- Vomiting: as soon as first spoonful of liquid reaches stomach, of pregnancy, easy, of watery bile, followed by great relief, acrid, causing burning on face and rawness in throat, almost continuous.- Vomiting of blood.- Stomachache.- Unpleasant sensation in cardia and along oesophagus.- Squeezing and pressure in scrobiculus.- Tearing and shootings in scrobiculus, from both sides towards each other.-Burning in stomach.- Burning sensation in epigastrium (extending to oesophagus).- Sudden oppression of stomach, had to unfasten dress.- Spasm in stomach and constriction of oesophagus, worse during inspiration.


Spasmodic pains in the hypochondria, alternating with oppression of chest (dyspnoea) after eating.- Sticking in right hypochondrium.- Enlarged liver.- Violent pressure in hypochondria and sides of abdomen, worse by movement and walking.- Squeezing, pressure, and shootings in the hepatic region.- Shootings in region of spleen.- Pressure, shootings, and pain as from excoriation in lumbar region.- Sticking in diaphragm.- Pains in abdomen in evening after lying down.- Violent pressure and tension in abdomen (and sides), with distension.- Pain after a light meal, with tympanites.- Pressure under short ribs, after eating, with depression of spirits.- Pain as from an internal induration in a spot beneath navel.- Sensation of pressure on internal surface of trunk, of a nervous character, without flatulency.- Spasmodic pain in umbilical region.- Squeezing in

abdomen.- Gripings and pinchings in abdomen, with diarrhoea.- Griping after breakfast or cutting after dinner.- Tearings and shootings in abdomen.- Severe stabbing pains in abdomen.- Accumulation of much flatulence, with grumbling (loud rumbling, gurgling rolling) and borborygmi in abdomen, especially after a meal.- Flatulent colic, especially in evening.- Frequent expulsion of hot and putrid flatus.- Inguinal hernia.- Pressive aching in pubic region.- (Erotomania, patient always pressing on pubes.)- Cutting upward in left iliac region, in paroxysms, in a pregnant woman. Swelling of inguinal glands, buboes (left).

Stool & Anus

Constipation.- Hard, dry (crumbling), insufficient faeces, often evacuated with violent straining.- Constipation of the newborn.- Loose, soft evacuations of consistence of pap, or liquid, and often accompanied by a discharge of bright red (or pale) blood.- Diarrhoea with stupor.- Nervous diarrhoea from depression of nerve centers.- Involuntary evacuation.- Pain in abdomen during and after evacuation.- Tearings, shootings, burning, feeling as of excoriation, and violent itching in anus.- Burning in anus during stool.- Feeling in rectum as if flatus pressing against coccyx, by which it is retained.- Crawling tingling in anus, as from worms.

Urinary Organs

Pressing, stinging, and soreness in the kidneys.- Pressure in region of left kidney.- Stones (gravel) of kidneys and bladder.- Retention of urine when beginning to urinate.- Sitting with legs crossed, bending forward, and cannot pass water, or but very little, and feels as if his bladder would burst.- Can only pass urine (which she must do every hour) while sitting bent backwards.- Hysterical retention of urine (with vision of a golden shower on looking up. B. Simmons).- Excessive desire to urinate, also at night.- Violent pressure of urine on the bladder.- Painful emission of urine.- Involuntary emission of urine, especially when walking, coughing, or sneezing.- Frequent emission of a clear yellow urine, which afterwards deposits a white, flocky sediment.- The urine becomes turbid, like clay- water, after standing.- Sanguineous urine.- Burning sensation during and after emission of urine.- Acute drawing in forepart of urethra and in penis.- Incisive pains in orifice of urethra.- Discharge of blood from urethra after painful micturition.

Male Sexual Organs

Testes retracted, swollen, painful.- Drawing in testes and along spermatic cord (one or the other testicle is drawn up).- Pain as from excoriation in scrotum.- Contraction of scrotum and shuddering in that part.- Orchitis, from suppressed otorrhoea.- Strong sexual desire, with difficult or too speedy emission.- Permanent erections at night.- Emissions at night, without lascivious dreams.- Easily excited, the emission during an embrace is difficult or almost impossible.- Flow of prostatic fluid (without any cause).- Great falling off of hair of genital organs.- Hands constantly on the genitals.- The child grasps the genitals when coughing.

Female Sexual Organs

Sensation of bearing down towards the genital organs.- Complaints coming on while the menses are absent, but feels perfectly well during the flow: suffers much pain, particularly in ovaries, will lie so as to press on the affected side, and dangling the limb will swing it about, patient can’t keep still.- Menses flow more at night.- Nymphomania of lying-in women, with great sensitiveness of the genitals.- Hands constantly on the genitals.- Irresistible sexual desire at night, desire for onanism.- Menses too early.- Discharge of large clots during the menses.- Menstruation too late.- Catamenia premature, suppressed.- Suppressed menstruation with painfulness of the breasts and genitals.- Catamenia retarded.- Spasmodic colic on appearance of catamenia.- During the catamenia: distension of the abdomen, cuttings, and pressure towards abdomen and loins, with great heaviness and lassitude in legs, cough. Leucorrhoea of thick mucus (bloody mucus, excoriating after menses), sometimes preceded by pains in abdomen.- Leucorrhoea with much itching, pain in left ovary, only better by menstrual flow. Pruritus vulvae, causes masturbation.- Itching of vulva during menses.- Varicose veins of external genitals, with fidgety feet. Profuse falling off of hair of genitals.- Varices during pregnancy, stagnation of blood in left leg.- Tendency to miscarry.- Puerperal convulsions with suppression of (chronic) eruption.- Suppressed lochia, nymphomania.- Pain as from excoriation in nipples.- Suppressed secretion of milk.

Respiratory Organs

Roughness and dryness in throat and chest, especially in morning and after dinner.- Hoarseness, with burning in trachea as if chest filled with mucus.- Frequent tickling in region of larynx.- Discharge of black blood when hawking.- Cough, with oppression.- Violent cough.- Cough, with stitches in the head.- Dry cough also at night, with violent stitches in chest and feeling as if it would burst.- Cough, with expectoration of viscid mucus, followed by a sensation of coldness and excoriation in chest as if it were raw.- Cough, with expectoration of blood, burning sensation, and pain as from excoriation of chest. Debilitating, spasmodic cough from tickling in larynx, extending to middle of chest, with expectoration of yellow, purulent, blood-streaked, tenacious mucus, tasting disagreeably, sweetish-putrid, metallic, or of pure blood in morning or during day.- The cough is worse after eating, during rest, sitting, standing, from milk, sweets, spirituous liquors, during menstruation.- Child grasps genitals when coughing.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica