Phosphoricum Acidum


Affections of any kind in inner navel, lower part of chest, buttocks, thighs, external side. Squeezing or contracting pain, lassitude of the body, feeling very weak. Drawings and jerking tearings in limbs. Cramp-like, pressive pains. Painfulness in general in bones or periosteum. Sensation as if the periosteum were scraped with a knife, after contusions. Aching, burning, tearing pains at night. Swelling (and sponginess) of the bones or periosteum, burning sphacelus. Caries with smarting pains. Neurosis of stump after amputation. Ulcers with stinking pus, painless. Burning through lower half of body from small of back and pit of stomach downwards, while extremities are cold to touch. Weakness from loss of fluids without any other pain than burning. Swellings of glands. Contusive pain in limbs and joints, as from paralysis, or like growing pains, especially morning and evening. Numbness and weakness of limbs. Heaviness in limbs and joints, with great indolence. Great fatigue after walking. Great general weakness, physical or nervous, with strong tendency to perspire, during day (especially in morning), or with burning sensation in body. Very pale face, nausea in throat. Emaciation, with sickly complexion, and eyes surrounded by a livid circle. Sensation as if body and limbs were bruised, as from growing, especially in morning. Formication in different parts. Agreeable feeling of buoyancy and lightness. Violent ebullition of blood, with great agitation. The pains are worse during repose, and better by movement, and those which manifest themselves at night are better by pressure. Symptoms worse from mental affections, after suppression of cutaneous eruptions, i.e., any bad result that ensues from such suppression, from loss of fluids, particularly seminal, sunlight, masturbation, after perspiration, sexual excesses, talking, especially when it causes a weakness in the chest, while urinating.


Insensibility of skin. Crawling tingling under skin. Formication of skin. Red and burning spots on limbs. Eruption like scarlatina. Erysipelatous inflammations. Eruption of small pimples, and of miliary pimples collected in clusters and red. Eruption of pimples with burning pain, or pain as from excoriation. Scabious vesicles. Humid and dry tetters, squamous, variola. Corns with shootings and burning pain. Chilblains. Wens. Warts: large, indented. Condylomata. Furunculi. Flat, indolent ulcers, with secretion of a dirty-looking pus, and having a serrated bottom. Itching ulcers.


Great tendency to go to sleep during day, early in evening, and in morning, with difficulty in walking. Coma. Retarded sleep and sleeplessness at night, caused by agitation and dry heat. Arithmetical figures appear before eyes on falling asleep. Profound sleep, can scarcely be roused in morning. Jerking and involuntary movements of hands, moaning, talking, and singing, or an aspect during sleep at one time of laughing, at another of weeping, with eyes half-opened and convulsed. Anxious dreams of death, with fear on waking. Lascivious dreams, with emissions. Awakened by: canine hunger, dry heat, sensation of falling, sad thoughts. Patient though quite weak is rested by a very short sleep.


Pulse irregular, sometimes intermitting one or two beats, generally small, weak, or frequent, at times full and strong. Violent ebullitions with great restlessness. Swollen veins. Shuddering and shivering, sometimes with shaking, or with coldness in hands and fingers, generally in evening, and without thirst (followed by heat without thirst, or by excessive heat, depriving one almost of consciousness). Sensation of coldness on one side of the face. Sensation of coldness, with shiverings and coldness in abdomen. Internal dry heat without being hot to touch, and without any complaint at any time of the day. General heat with loss of consciousness and somnolence. Heat in head with cold feet. Febrile heat in evening, without thirst, with anguish, and great activity of the circulation. Shivering alternately with heat. Malignant (typhus) fever with great weakness (quiet delirium with dulness of head), apathy, stupidity, aversion to conversation, diarrhoea, & c. Tertian ague with profuse perspiration, anxiety of look, thirst and vomiting. Night-sweat. Sweat in morning. Perspiration mostly on back part of head and in neck, with sleepiness during the day. Profuse perspirations during night and in morning, with anxiety. Great inclination to perspire during day and night, clammy perspirations.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica