Phosphoricum Acidum


Pain as from excoriation in throat, with smarting, scraping, and shooting, especially during passage of food. Contractive pain in pit of throat. Hawking up of tough mucous phlegm.


Loss of appetite. Putrid, acid, herbaceous taste. Prolonged after-taste of food, and especially of bread. Repugnance to bread, which seems bitter. Aversion to coffee. Violent thirst for cold milk or for beer, as well as in general for cool and juicy things, bread appears too dry. Insatiable thirst, excited by a sensation of dryness in whole body. Acids excite bitter risings and other inconveniences. Ate heartily, much oppressed after with flatulence. After a meal pressure, or a sensation of wavering in stomach, with confusion of head, uneasiness, fulness, and disposition to sleep, or dejection, as if about to faint.


Sour, incomplete, or burning risings. Constant nausea in throat. Nausea which compels lying down. Nausea at sight of food. Vomiting of food. Sour vomiting. Pressive pain in stomach, as from a weight, when fasting, and after any food whatever (with sleepiness), as also on touching pit of stomach. Sensation of coldness or of burning in stomach. Feeling in stomach as if everything had stuck fast and was dry.


Spasmodic aching, with (pressure and) anguish in hypochondria, and especially in liver. Sensation as if lever were too heavy. Shootings in regions of liver and spleen. General tympanites with enlarged spleen. In navel periodical aching, squeezing. Contractions in abdomen on both sides of umbilical region. Spasmodic pains in abdomen, especially in umbilical region. Shootings and cuttings in abdomen. Sensitiveness in lower caecal region. Burning sensation in hypogastrium. Meteoristic distension of and frequent grumbling and borborygmi in abdomen, as if from water in it, especially when it is touched, and when the body is bent backwards and forwards. Production and expulsion of much flatus, especially after eating acid things. Swelling of inguinal glands.

Stool and Anus

Hard faeces in small portions, difficult to evacuate. Frequent evacuations. Diarrhoea, particularly painless, which may be very fetid. Diarrhoea lasting a long time, apparently without any weakening effect. Stools: loose, slimy, whitish-grey, undigested, greenish white. Yellowish and very offensive. Escape of stool when child is moved or turned. Involuntary stools of the consistence of pap (bright yellow), with sensation as if flatus were expelled. Choleraic diarrhoea as if rectum remained open. (Chronic diarrhoea, thin and greenish, almost involuntary with gastric irritability. A.E.Small.). In evening great discharge of garlic smelling flatus, great yawning. Protrusion of haemorrhoidal tumours from rectum during stool. Intolerable pain in haemorrhoids when sitting. After stool tenesmus, sickening pain about navel. Tearing, smarting, and itching in anus and rectum. Itching prick on outer circumference of anus.

Urinary Organs

Urgent want to urinate, with scanty emission of urine, paleness of face, heat, and thirst. Frequent and profuse emission of aqueous urine, which immediately deposits a thick and white cloud. Urine like milk, with sanguineous and gelatinous coagulum. Fetid urine. Flow of urine with spasmodic pains in loins. Urgent and irresistible desire to urinate. Urine like that which passes in diabetes mellitus. Anguish and uneasiness before urinating. Nocturnal enuresis. Children pass a great deal of water in bed at night, persons get up in the night to urinate and pass a great deal. Burning pain in urethra during and after emission of urine, cutting before. Creeping in urethra when not urinating. Spasmodic (painful) constriction of bladder (without urging). Incisive pains in urethra when making water.

Male Sexual Organs

Lancinating pains in glans. Fine pricking at point of penis. Burning cutting in glans with an out-pressing pain in both groins. A feeling of heaviness in glans, especially when urinating. Tingling and oozing vesicles round fraenum. Sycotic excrescences with heat and burning. Crop of warts on prepuce. A crop of pedunculated warts come round corona glandis after taking *Phos-ac. In summer drinks (agg. ***R.T.C.). Condylomata. Eruption on penis and scrotum. Inflammatory swelling of scrotum. Pain in testes when touched. Gnawing pain in testes. Swelling of testes (left). while spermatic cord is enlarged, hard, and tightened. Absence of sexual desire. Frequent erections (in morning in bed, in morning when standing), without desire for coition. Weakness of sexual organs, with onanism, and little sexual desire. Exhaustion after coition. Frequent and very debilitating pollutions, especially where the patient is much affected by the flow. Onanism, especially when patient is much distressed by the culpability of the act. Discharge of semen when straining during an evacuation.

Female Sexual Organs

Oophoritis, metritis, or prolapsus from debilitating or emotional influences, amenorrhoea. Very irritable uterus. Uterine ulcer, with copious, putrid, bloody discharge, itching or corroding pain, or no pain. Hepatic pains during menses. Menses too early and too long, too copious, too late, dark clotted, preceded by leucorrhoea, and for one or two days by griping and rumbling in abdomen. Yellowish, itching leucorrhoea after menses. Distension of uterus as by gas. Itching pricking like flea-bites between mammae, obliging her to rise at night. Dysuria during pregnancy, cutting pains. Vomiting at sight of food during pregnancy. Puerperal convulsions, albuminuria, haemorrhage. Scanty milk with debility and great apathy. Deterioration of health during nursing. Constant vomiting of milk in a suckling, waxy face: blue rings round eyes, child does not cry, mother has little milk. Sharp pressure on left breast, and nipple.

Respiratory Organs

Voice nasal. Great hoarseness and roughness in throat. Pain in pit of throat, which contracts throat. Cough excited by a tickling and a scraping in larynx, or above epigastrium, which is dry in evening, and with a yellowish-white expectoration in

morning. The cough is worse morning and evening, during rest if one sits or lies long in the same position, after sleeping, from cold air, from loss of fluids. (cough after food of any kind.) Cough with (nausea) vomiting of food and headache, involuntary emission of urine. During cough expectoration (of dark blood, or of tough white mucus, tasting acid), having an herbaceous smell and taste. Cough with purulent (very offensive) expectoration and pains in chest. Salty expectoration in morning.


Shortness of breath and inability to speak long, from weakness of chest. Capillary bronchitis, worse evenings, with fever, pain under sternum, then violent sneezing, thirst and coryza, profuse, purulent secretion. Spasmodic and contractive oppression of chest, as if tightened. Weakness in chest after speaking. Pressure at chest often spasmodic or incisive. Pressive pain in middle of chest, worse when expiring, felt as if sternum would be pressed out, worse by pressure with hand, stooping, coughing, &c. Pressure behind sternum rendering inspiration difficult. Lancinations in sides of chest. Burning and pressure in chest.

Heart and Pulse

Stitches through heart. Palpitation: in young persons growing too fast, after onanism. Pulse irregular, with irregular beating of heart, pulse intermitting. Swollen veins.

Neck and Back

Tension and cramp-like drawing in muscles of neck, especially on moving head. Miliaria on neck. Boils under axillae, on nates. Boring pain between scapulae. Spondylitis of cervical vertebrae. Eruption, painful to touch, on back, shoulder-blades, neck, and chest. Burning pain in a spot above small of back. Itching stitch in coccyx, fine stitches in coccyx and sternum. Crawling (formication) tingling in back and loins.


Bruised feeling in hips, thighs, arms, nape, like growing pains, at same time repeated single tearing stitches in all these parts at once, the stitches occur on commencing to walk, especially to go up stairs, bruised pain continues all the time. Bruised pain in all joints in morning, and in arms and legs. Burning, gnawing, tearing pains in bones of extremities. Weakness of extremities after loss of fluids.

Upper Limbs

Boring, digging, drawing pain in left shoulder-joint, intermittent, worse lying on left side, better moving arms. Cramp-like pressure in arms, hands, and fingers. Drawing and jerking tearings in arms and fingers. Eruption of pimples on arms. Drawing, incisive pains in joints of elbows, hands, and fingers. Sharp, shooting, boring pains under left. forearm near elbow, worse at rest. Numbness in course of right radial nerve. Weakness and trembling of arms. Trembling of hands (when writing). Ganglion on back of hand. Skin of hands and fingers dry, shrivelled, parched. Fingers dead, sometimes on one side only, and within well-defined limits. Lancinations (stitches) in fingers and joints of fingers.

Lower Limbs

Swelling and furunculi on buttocks. Contusive pains in hips and thighs, especially when walking or rising from a seat. On left hip joint and left thigh, a neuralgic or rheumatic pain, from gluteal muscles or hip joint, running down leg to knee, and often to calf or ankle, gets a little better after walking, but is still very bad. Cramp in coxofemoral joint, with tearing throughout the limb, insupportable when seated, and during repose. Aching, cramp-like pains in thighs, legs, feet, and toes. Tearing throughout leg, with heaviness in joints. Weakness of legs, so that a false step (or tripping) occasions falling. Burning tearing in tibia at night. Pimples on knees and legs, which become confluent, and are transformed into easily bleeding ulcers. Itching ulcers on legs. Burning sensation in feet and soles, with excoriation between toes. Swelling of feet. Feet swollen and sore on putting on walking shoes. In evening spasmodic drawing in feet, worse right sole and ball of great toe, preventing sleep till midnight. Sweating of feet. Corns on feet. Blisters on balls of toes. Chilblains on toes. Swelling of joint of great toe, with burning, throbbing, and incisive, dull pains on being touched.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica